
Defines functions divide.et.impera iqr.newton cov.fun.iqr start.iqr iciqr.ee ctiqr.ee ciqr.ee iqr.ee iobjfun.ic iobjfun.ct iobjfun ctiqr.internal check.in.iqr iqr

Documented in check.in.iqr ciqr.ee cov.fun.iqr ctiqr.ee ctiqr.internal divide.et.impera iciqr.ee iobjfun iobjfun.ct iobjfun.ic iqr iqr.ee iqr.newton start.iqr

# iqr functions #############################################################################################

#' @export
iqr <- function(formula, formula.p = ~ slp(p,3), weights, data, s, tol = 1e-6, maxit, remove.qc = FALSE){
	cl <- match.call()
	mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
	m <- match(c("formula", "weights", "data"), names(mf), 0L)
	mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
	mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
	mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
	mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
	ctiqr.internal(mf = mf,cl = cl, formula.p = formula.p, tol = tol, maxit = maxit, s = s, remove.qc)


check.in.iqr <- function(mf, formula.p, s){

	if(!(any(all.vars(formula.p) == "p"))){stop("the quantile function must depend on p")}
	if(!missing(s) && all(s == 0)){stop("'s' cannot be all zero")}
	explore.s <- function(s, dim){
		if(dim == 2){s <- t(s)}
		out <- 1
		if((r <- nrow(s)) > 1){
			for(j in 2:r){
				done <- FALSE; rj <- s[j,]
				for(h in 1:(j - 1)){
					if(all(rj == s[h,])){out[j] <- out[h]; done <- TRUE}
				if(!done){out[j] <- max(out) + 1}

	# weights

	if(any((weights <- model.weights(mf)) < 0)){stop("negative 'weights'")}
	if(is.null(weights)){weights <- rep.int(1, nrow(mf)); alarm <- FALSE}
	alarm <- (weights == 0)
	  sel <- which(!alarm)
	  mf <- mf[sel,]
	  weights <- weights[sel]
	  weights <- weights/mean(weights)
	if(any(alarm)){warning("observations with null weight will be dropped", call. = FALSE)}
	if((n <- nrow(mf)) == 0){stop("zero non-NA cases", call. = FALSE)}
	# y,z,d

	zyd <- model.response(mf)
	type <- attributes(zyd)$type
	zyd <- cbind(zyd)
	convert.Surv <- getFromNamespace("convert.Surv", ns = "pch")

	if(is.null(type)){y <- zyd[,1]; z <- rep.int(-Inf,n); d <- rep.int(1,n); type <- fittype <- "iqr"}
	else if(type == "right"){
	  y <- zyd[,1]; z <- rep.int(-Inf,n); d <- zyd[,2]
	  type <- (if(any(d == 0)) "ciqr" else "iqr")
	  fittype <- "ciqr"
	else if(type == "counting"){
	  z <- zyd[,1]; y <- zyd[,2]; d <- zyd[,3]; type <- fittype <- "ctiqr"
	  if(all(z < min(y))){type <- (if(any(d == 0)) "ciqr" else "iqr")}
	else if(type == "interval"){ # I let y = (L,R), z = -Inf, "d" is not used in practice
	  y <- convert.Surv(zyd); z <- rep.int(-Inf,n); d <- zyd[,3]; type <- fittype <- "iciqr"
	else{stop("only 'right', 'counting', and 'interval2' data are supported")}
	if(!(any(d %in% c(1,3)))){stop("all observation are censored")}
	attr(type, "fittype") <- fittype

	# x and b(p)

	X <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), mf); q <- ncol(X)
	termlabelsX <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "term.labels")
	assignX <- attr(X, "assign")
	coefnamesX <- colnames(X)
	# p1 is used to evaluate the splinefuns. A non-evenly spaced grid, with more values on the tails.
	# p2 is for external use (p.bisec). A grid with p reachable by bisection on the p scale.
	# p3 is for internal use (p.bisec.internal). A grid with p reachable by bisection on the index scale.
	p1 <- pbeta(seq.int(qbeta(1e-6,2,2), qbeta(1 - 1e-6,2,2), length.out = 1000),2,2)
	p2 <- (1:1023)/1024
	p3 <- pbeta(seq.int(qbeta(1/(1000*n),2.5,2.5), qbeta(1 - 1/(1000*n),2.5,2.5), length.out = 1023),2.5,2.5)

	if((use.slp <- is.slp(formula.p))){
		k <- attr(use.slp, "k")
		intercept <- attr(use.slp, "intercept") 	# slp(0) = 0?
		intB <- attr(use.slp, "intB")			        # b(p) includes 1?
		assignB <- (1 - intB):k
		termlabelsB <- paste("slp", 1:k, sep = "")
		coefnamesB <- (if(intB) c("(Intercept)", termlabelsB) else termlabelsB)
		k <- k + intB
	  B <- model.matrix(formula.p, data = data.frame(p = c(p1,p2,p3)))
	  B1 <- B[1:1000,, drop = FALSE]
	  B2 <- B[1001:2023,, drop = FALSE]
	  B3 <- B[2024:3046,, drop = FALSE]

		k <- ncol(B)
		assignB <- attr(B, "assign")
		termlabelsB <- attr(terms(formula.p), "term.labels")
		coefnamesB <- colnames(B)
	if(missing(s)){s <- matrix(1,q,k)}
		if(any(dim(s) != c(q,k))){stop("wrong size of 's'")}
		if(any(s != 0 & s != 1)){stop("'s' can only contain 0 and 1")}

	# x singularities (set s = 0 where singularities occur)
	# x is dropped as in a linear model, irrespective of s.

	vx <- qr(X); selx <- vx$pivot[1:vx$rank]
	if(vx$rank < q){s[-selx,] <- 0}

	# b(p) singularities. Dropped row by row, based on s

	if(!use.slp && qr(B3)$rank < k){
		u <- explore.s(s,1)
		for(j in unique(u)){
			sel <- which(s[which(u == j)[1],] == 1)
			if(length(sel) > 1){
				vbj <- qr(B3[,sel, drop = FALSE])
				if((rj <- vbj$rank) < length(sel)){
					s[u == j, sel[-vbj$pivot[1:rj]]] <- 0
	# location-scale statistics for x, b(p), and y. The selection is.finite(y) is necessary with interval censoring

	ry <- range(y[is.finite(y)]); my <- ry[1]; My <- ry[2]
	sX <- apply(X,2,sd); mX <- colMeans(X)
	intX <- (length((constX <- which(sX == 0 & mX != 0))) > 0)
	varsX <- which(sX > 0); zeroX <- which(sX == 0 & mX == 0)
	sX[constX] <- X[1,constX]; mX[constX] <- 0; sX[zeroX] <- 1
	if(length(constX) > 1){zeroX <- c(zeroX, constX[-1]); constX <- constX[1]}

		sB <- apply(B3,2,sd); mB <- colMeans(B3)
		intB <- (length((constB <- which(sB == 0 & mB != 0))) > 0); varsB <- which(sB > 0)
		if(length(varsB) == 0){stop("the quantile function must depend on p")}
		if(length(constB) > 1){stop("remove multiple constant functions from 'formula.p'")}
		if(any(sB == 0 & mB == 0)){stop("remove zero functions from 'formula.p'")}
		sB[constB] <- B3[1,constB]; mB[constB] <- 0
		sB <- rep.int(1, k); mB <- rep.int(0, k)
		if(intB){constB <- 1; varsB <- 2:k}
		else{constB <- integer(0); varsB <- 1:k}

	if(all(s[, varsB] == 0)){stop("the quantile function must depend on p (wrong specification of 's')")}
	if(!(theta00 <- ((intX & intB) && s[constX, constB] == 1)))
		{my <- 0; My <- sd(y[is.finite(y)])*5; mX <- rep.int(0,q)}
	else{for(j in varsX){if(any(s[j,] > s[constX,])){mX[j] <- 0}}}
	if(!intB | (intB && any(s[,constB] == 0))){mB <- rep.int(0,k)}

	# Create bfun (only used by post-estimation functions)

		bfun <- list()
		if(intB){bfun[[constB]] <- function(p, deriv = 0){rep.int(1 - deriv, length(p))}}
		for(j in varsB){bfun[[j]] <- make.bfun(p1,B1[,j])}
		names(bfun) <- coefnamesB
		attr(bfun, "k") <- k
		bfun <- slp.basis(k - intB, intercept)
		if(!intB){bfun$a[1,1] <- bfun$A[1,1] <- bfun$AA[1,1] <- 0}
		attr(bfun, "intB") <- intB
		B2 <- apply_bfun(bfun,p2, "bfun")

	attr(bfun, "bp") <- B2
	attr(bfun, "p") <- p2

	# first scaling of x, b(p), y

	U <- list(X = X, y = y, z = z)
	X <- scale(X, center = mX, scale = sX)
	y <- (y - my)/(My - my)*10
	z <- z0 <- (z - my)/(My - my)*10
	z[z < min(y)] <- -Inf
	if(!use.slp){B3 <- scale(B3, center = mB, scale = sB)}

	# principal component rotations that I can apply to x and b(p); second scaling

	rotX <- (diag(1,q))
	MX <- rep.int(0,q); SX <- rep.int(1,q)
	if(length(varsX) > 0){
		uX <- explore.s(s,1)
		X_in <- rowSums(s)	
		for(j in unique(uX)){
			sel <- which(uX == j)
			if(intX){sel <- sel[sel != constX]}
			if(length(sel) > 1 && X_in[sel[1]] != 0){
				PC <- prcomp(X[,sel], center = FALSE, scale. = FALSE)
				X[,sel] <- PC$x
				rotX[sel,sel] <- PC$rotation
		MX <- colMeans(X); MX[mX == 0] <- 0
		SX <- apply(X,2,sd); SX[constX] <- 1; SX[zeroX] <- 1
		X <- scale(X, center = MX, scale = SX)

	rotB <- (diag(1,k))
	MB <- rep.int(0,k); SB <- rep.int(1,k)
		uB <- explore.s(s,2)
		B_in <- colSums(s)	
		for(j in unique(uB)){
			sel <- which(uB == j)
			if(intB){sel <- sel[sel != constB]}
			if(length(sel) > 1 && B_in[sel[1]] != 0){
				PC <- prcomp(B3[,sel], center = FALSE, scale. = FALSE)
				B3[,sel] <- PC$x
				rotB[sel,sel] <- PC$rotation
		MB <- colMeans(B3); MB[mB == 0] <- 0
		SB <- apply(B3,2,sd); SB[constB] <- 1
		B3 <- scale(B3, center = MB, scale = SB)

	# Create a pre-evaluated basis (only used internally)

	p <- p3
	  bp <- B3
	  dp <- p[-1] - p[-1023]
	  b1p <- num.fun(dp,bp, "der")
	  Bp <- num.fun(dp,bp, "int")
	  BBp <- num.fun(dp,Bp, "int")
	  BB1 <- BBp[1023,]
	  k <- attr(bfun, "k")
	  pp <- matrix(, 1023, k + 1)
	  pp[,1] <- 1; pp[,2] <- p
	  if(k > 1){for(j in 2:k){pp[,j + 1] <- pp[,j]*p}}
	  bp <- tcrossprod(pp, t(bfun$a))
	  b1p <- cbind(0, tcrossprod(pp[,1:k, drop = FALSE], t(bfun$a1[-1,-1, drop = FALSE])))
	  pp <- cbind(pp, pp[,k + 1]*p, pp[,k + 1]*p^2)
	  Bp <- tcrossprod(pp[,2:(k + 2)], t(bfun$A))
	  BBp <- tcrossprod(pp[,3:(k + 3)], t(bfun$AA))
	  BB1 <- colSums(bfun$AA)
	    bp <- bp[,-1, drop = FALSE]
	    b1p <- b1p[,-1, drop = FALSE]
	    Bp <- Bp[,-1, drop = FALSE]
	    BBp <- BBp[,-1, drop = FALSE]
	    BB1 <- BB1[-1]
	BB1 <- matrix(rep(BB1, each = n), n)
	bpij <- NULL; for(i in 1:ncol(bp)){bpij <- cbind(bpij, bp*bp[,i])}

	internal.bfun <- list(p = p, bp = bp, b1p = b1p, Bp = Bp, BBp = BBp, BB1 = BB1, bpij = bpij)
        attr(internal.bfun, "pfun") <- approxfun(c(p[1], 0.5*(p[-1023] + p[-1])),p, method = "constant", rule = 2)

	# output. U = the original variables. V = the scaled/rotated variables.
	# stats.B, stats.X, stats.y = lists with the values use to scale/rotate

	stats.B <- list(m = mB, s = sB, M = MB, S = SB, rot = rotB, const = constB, vars = varsB,
		intercept = intB, term.labels = termlabelsB, assign = assignB, coef.names = coefnamesB)
	stats.X <- list(m = mX, s = sX, M = MX, S = SX, rot = rotX, const = constX, vars = varsX,
		intercept = intX, term.labels = termlabelsX, assign = assignX, coef.names = coefnamesX)
	stats.y <- list(m = my, M = My)

	V <- list(X = X, Xw = X*weights, y = y, z = z, d = d, weights = weights)
	if(type == "ctiqr"){V$z0 <- z0}
	list(mf = mf, U = U, V = V, stats.B = stats.B, stats.X = stats.X, stats.y = stats.y, 
		internal.bfun = internal.bfun, bfun = bfun, s = s, type = type)


ctiqr.internal <- function(mf,cl, formula.p, tol = 1e-6, maxit, s, remove.qc){

	A <- check.in.iqr(mf, formula.p, s)
	V <- A$V; U <- A$U; s <- A$s; type <- A$type
	mf <- A$mf; n <- nrow(mf)
	S <- list(B = A$stats.B, X = A$stats.X, y = A$stats.y)
	attributes(A$bfun) <- c(attributes(A$bfun), S$B)
	bfun <- A$internal.bfun
	if(is.logical(remove.qc)){qc.rm <- remove.qc; qcc <- qc.control()}
	else{qc.rm <- TRUE; qcc <- remove.qc}

	if(missing(maxit)){maxit <- 10 + 10*sum(s)}
	else{maxit <- max(1, maxit)}
	q <- length(S$X$vars)
	if(type != "iqr" | q > 0){
	  Ty <- trans(V$z, V$y, V$d, V$weights, type = type)
	  yy <- Ty$f(V$y)
	  zz <- (if(type == "ctiqr") Ty$f(V$z) else V$z)
	else{yy <- zz <- NULL}
	theta0 <- start.iqr(V$y, V$z, V$d, V$X, V$weights, bfun, 
	   df = max(3, min(10, round(n/100/(q + 1)))), yy, zz, s = s, type)
	Fit <- NULL
	fit.ok <- FALSE
	safeit <- 10
	try.count <- 0
	eeTol <- 1
	eps0 <- 0.05

	  try.count <- try.count + 1

		fit <- iqr.newton(theta0, V$y, V$z, V$d, V$X, V$Xw, 
			bfun, s, type, tol, maxit, safeit, eps0)
		if(max(abs(fit$ee)) > eeTol & try.count > 2)
		  {fit <- divide.et.impera(fit, V, bfun, s, type, tol, maxit, safeit, eps0)}

		if(fit.ok <- (fit$rank == ncol(fit$jacobian) & max(abs(fit$ee)) < eeTol)){
			covar <- try(cov.fun.iqr(fit$coefficients, V$y, V$z, V$d, V$X, V$Xw,
				V$weights, bfun, fit$p.star.y, fit$p.star.z, type, s = s), silent = TRUE)

			fit.ok <- (!inherits(covar, "try-error"))
		covar.ok <- (if(fit.ok){!inherits(try(chol(covar$Q0), silent = TRUE), "try-error")} else FALSE)
		if(fit.ok & covar.ok){break}
		else if(fit.ok){Fit <- fit; Cov <- covar}
		if(try.count > 10 && !is.null(Fit)){break}
		if(try.count == 20){break}
		eeTol <- eeTol * 2 # I must be liberal. With discrete data, the objective function is nonsmooth.
		safeit <- safeit + 2
		eps0 <- eps0/2

	if(!fit.ok && is.null(Fit)){stop("Unable to fit the model: 
		this can be due to severe misspecification, severe censoring and truncation,
		or overfitting (especially with discrete data)")}
	if(!covar.ok){warning("the estimated covariance matrix is deemed to be singular")}
	if(!fit.ok){fit <- Fit; covar <- Cov}
	if(!fit$converged){warning("the algorithm did not converge")}
	nit <- fit$n.it # I save it here, because if I remove quantile crossing, fit$n.it will change.

  # Quantile crossing

	  bfun$p.short <- bfun$p; bfun$bp.short <- bfun$bp; bfun$b1p.short <- bfun$b1p
	  pen0 <- qc.penalty(fit$coefficients, V$X, bfun, 1, H = FALSE)
	  if(pen0$pen == 0){warning("No detectable crossing, remove.qc is ignored"); qc.rm <- FALSE}
	  if(type == "iqr"){loss0 <- iobjfun(fit$coefficients, V$y,V$X, V$weights, bfun, fit$p.star.y)}
	  else if(type != "iciqr"){loss0 <- iobjfun.ct(fit$coefficients, V$z,V$y,V$d,V$X,V$weights, bfun, fit$py, fit$pz, type)}
    else{loss0 <- iobjfun.ic(fit, V, bfun)}
    loss0 <- abs(loss0) # totally unnecessary, but you never know...

    if(lambda.in <- (!is.null(qcc$lambda))){lambda <- qcc$lambda; qcc$maxTry <- 1}
	  else{lambda <- 1/abs(pen0$pen)*0.25*loss0} # Initial total penalization = 0.25*loss
	  # I add information to "fit". The goal is: if fixqc fails, at least I can select
	  # the initial fit as my "best" fit. Also, to use fixqc, I need b''(p).
	  fit$covar <- covar
	  fit$covar.ok <- covar.ok
	  fit$pen <- pen0 # before qr.cm, fit$pen was 0 (as lambda was 0)
	  dp <- bfun$p[-1] - bfun$p[-1023]
	  bfun$b2p <- num.fun(dp,bfun$b1p, "der")

	    r <- c(50, 100, 250, 500, 1023)
	    bycross <- c(2,1,1,1,1)
	    tol <- min(tol, 1e-6) # "tol" should not affect the ability to remove crossing.
	  else{r = 1023; bycross <- 1; tol <- 1e-10}
	  count <- 0
	  lambda0 <- lambda
	  for(i in 1:length(r)){

	    eps0 <- (if(i == 1) 0.1 else fit$eps*32)
	    pcross <- which(pen0$pcross) # quantiles at which crossing occurs
	    fit <- fixqc(fit, V, bfun, s, type, tol, maxit = maxit, safeit = safeit, eps0 = eps0,
	      lambda = lambda, r = r[i], maxTry = qcc$maxTry, trace = qcc$trace, 
	      count = count, pcross = pcross[seq.int(1,length(pcross), bycross[i])])
	    # remark: I restart from the last used eps0. Large eps ---> very wrong parameters ---> 
	    # a lot of obs with crossing ---> qc.penalty becomes much much slower!
	    if(!fit$warn & fit$done){ # If you believe you did it, let's check if you really did it.
	      pen0 <- qc.penalty(fit$coefficients, V$X, bfun, 1, H = FALSE)
	      if(pen0$pen == 0){if(qcc$trace){cat("###################", "\n"); cat("Success.", "\n")}; break}
	      else{fit$done <- FALSE}

	    count <- fit$count
	    if(count == qcc$maxTry){
	        if(!lambda.in){warning("Quantile crossing could not be removed entirely, please increase 'maxTry'")}
	        else{warning("Quantile crossing could not be removed entirely at the provided value of lambda")}
	    if(i == length(r) && !fit$done){
	      if(!lambda.in){warning("Quantile crossing could not be removed entirely")}
	      else{warning("Quantile crossing could not be removed entirely at the provided value of lambda")}

	    lambda0 <- fit$lambda # I restart from the last lambda, increasing it a bit (see below)
	    lambda <- lambda*1.5
	    tol <- tol/2 # failure may be caused by too large tol
	  if(!fit$covar.ok){warning("After remove.qc: the estimated covariance matrix is deemed to be singular")}
	  if(!fit$converged){warning("After remove.qc: the algorithm did not converge")}
    covar <- fit$covar

	# minimized loss function

	if(type == "iqr"){obj <- iobjfun(fit$coef, V$y,V$X,V$weights, bfun, fit$p.star.y)}
	else if(type != "iciqr"){obj <- iobjfun.ct(fit$coef, V$z,V$y,V$d,V$X,V$weights, bfun, fit$py, fit$pz, type)}
  else{obj <- iobjfun.ic(fit, V, bfun)}

	obj <- obj*(S$y$M - S$y$m)/10
	attr(obj, "df") <- sum(s)
	if(type != "iqr"){attr(obj, "message") <- "Not the function being minimized"}
	fit$obj.function <- obj

	# fitted CDFs (for internal use, precision ~ 0.001)

	CDFs <- data.frame(CDF.y = fit$py, 
	CDF.z = (if(type %in% c("ctiqr", "iciqr")) fit$pz else NA))
	attr(CDFs, "km") <- km(CDFs$CDF.z, CDFs$CDF.y, V$d, V$weights, type)

	# output
	attr(mf, "assign") <- S$X$assign
	attr(mf, "stats") <- S
	attr(mf, "CDFs") <- CDFs
	attr(mf, "all.vars") <- V
	attr(mf, "all.vars.unscaled") <- U
	attr(mf, "Q0") <- covar$Q0
	attr(mf, "internal.bfun") <- bfun
	attr(mf, "bfun") <- A$bfun
	attr(mf, "theta") <- fit$coefficients
	attr(mf, "type") <- type

	out <- check.out(fit$coefficients, S, covar = covar$Q)
	fit <- list(coefficients = out$theta, call = cl, 
		converged = fit$converged, n.it = nit,
		obj.function = fit$obj.function,
		covar = out$covar, mf = mf, s = s)

	jnames <- c(sapply(attr(A$bfun, "coef.names"), 
		function(x,y){paste(x,y, sep = ":")}, y = S$X$coef.names))
	dimnames(fit$covar) <- list(jnames, jnames)
	dimnames(fit$coefficients) <- dimnames(fit$s) <- list(S$X$coef.names, S$B$coef.names)

	# CDF and PDF, precision ~ 1e-6. I avoid CDF < 2e-6 and CDF > 1 - 2e-6, because
	# these two are the extreme of the grid used internally. What happens beyond these
	# two values is not under control, and for example there could be crossing.

	if(type != "iciqr"){
	  fit$CDF <- pmin(1 - 2e-6, pmax(2e-6, p.bisec(fit$coef,U$y,U$X,A$bfun)))
	  b1 <- apply_bfun(A$bfun, fit$CDF, "b1fun")
	  fit$PDF <- 1/c(rowSums((U$X%*%fit$coef)*b1))
	  attributes(fit$CDF) <- attributes(fit$PDF) <- list(names = rownames(mf))
	  CDFL <- pmin(1 - 2e-6, pmax(2e-6, p.bisec(fit$coef,U$y[,1],U$X,A$bfun)))
	  CDFR <- pmin(1 - 2e-6, pmax(2e-6, p.bisec(fit$coef,U$y[,2],U$X,A$bfun)))
	  b1L <- apply_bfun(A$bfun, CDFL, "b1fun")
	  PDFL <- 1/c(rowSums((U$X%*%fit$coef)*b1L))
	  b1R <- apply_bfun(A$bfun, CDFR, "b1fun")
	  PDFR <- 1/c(rowSums((U$X%*%fit$coef)*b1R))
	  fit$CDF <- data.frame(left = CDFL, right = CDFR)
	  fit$PDF <- data.frame(left = PDFL, right = PDFR)
	  rownames(fit$CDF) <- rownames(fit$PDF) <- rownames(mf)
	# N. of events

	if(type == "iqr"){n.events <- n}
	else if(type %in% c("ctiqr", "ciqr")){n.events <- sum(model.response(mf)[,2 + (type == "ctiqr")])}
	else if(type == "iciqr"){n.events <- table(factor(model.response(mf)[,3], levels = 0:3))}
	attr(fit$mf, "n.events") <- n.events
	if(any(fit$PDF < 0)){warning("Quantile crossing detected (PDF < 0)")}

	# finish

	class(fit) <- "iqr"


iobjfun <- function(theta, y,X,weights, bfun, p.star){
	s <- NULL
	B <- bfun$Bp[p.star,, drop = FALSE]
	py <- bfun$p[p.star]
	for(j in 1:ncol(B)){s <- cbind(s, bfun$BB1[1,j] - B[,j])}
	sum(y*weights*(py - 0.5)) + sum(((X*weights)%*%theta)*s)

iobjfun.ct <- function(theta, z,y,d,X,weights, bfun, py, pz, type){
  trunc <- (type == "ctiqr")
  n <- nrow(X)
  # I use a shorter grid
  r <- 250
  psel <- round(seq.int(1,1023, length.out = r))
  p <- bfun$p[psel]
  bp <- bfun$bp[psel,, drop = FALSE]
  dp <- p[-1] - p[-r]; dp <- c(dp[1], dp)
  beta <- tcrossprod(theta, bp)
  eta <- tcrossprod(X, t(beta))
  deltay <- y - eta
  omegay <- (deltay <= 0)
  Sy <- 1 - matrix(pmin(py, 1-1e-6), n, r)
  deltaz <- (if(trunc) z - eta else -Inf)
  omegaz <- (if(trunc) deltaz <= 0 else 1)
  Sz <- 1 - (if(trunc) matrix(pmin(pz, 1-1e-6), n, r) else 0)

  p <- t(matrix(t(p),r,n))
  dp <- t(matrix(t(dp),r,n))
  pbar <- 1 - p
  omega.hat <- omegay*(1 - (1 - d)*pbar/Sy) - omegaz*(1 - pbar/Sz) # this is actually (omega.hat - p)
  loss <- -weights*(omega.hat*deltay)
  loss <- .rowSums(loss*dp, n,r)

iobjfun.ic <- function(fit, V, bfun){
  LC <- (V$y[,1] == -Inf)
  RC <- (V$y[,2] == Inf)
  IC <- !(LC | RC)
  obj.ic.L <- iobjfun(fit$coef, V$y[IC,1],V$X[IC,, drop = FALSE],V$weights[IC], bfun, fit$p.star.z[IC])
  obj.ic.R <- iobjfun(fit$coef, V$y[IC,2],V$X[IC,, drop = FALSE],V$weights[IC], bfun, fit$p.star.y[IC])

  obj.RC <- obj.LC <- 0
    obj.RC <- iobjfun.ct(fit$coef, NA,V$y[RC,1], rep(0, sum(RC)),V$X[RC,, drop = FALSE],V$weights[RC], bfun, fit$pz[RC], NA, type = "ciqr")
  if(any(LC)){ # -y is RC with QF -x*theta*b(1 - p)
    bfun$bp <- bfun$bp[nrow(bfun$bp):1,, drop = FALSE] # b(1 - p)
    obj.LC <- iobjfun.ct(-fit$coef, NA,-V$y[LC,2], rep(0, sum(LC)),V$X[LC,, drop = FALSE],V$weights[LC], bfun, 1 - fit$py[LC], NA, type = "ciqr")
  (obj.ic.L + obj.ic.R)/2 + obj.RC + obj.LC


iqr.ee <- function(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, 
	p.star.y, p.star.z, J = TRUE, G, i = FALSE, lambda = 0){

	k <- ncol(theta)
	n <- length(y)
	BB1 <- bfun$BB1
		B <- bfun$Bp[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]
		S1 <- BB1 - B
		pen <- qc.penalty(theta, X, bfun, lambda, H = FALSE)

		if(!i){g <- c(crossprod(Xw,S1)) - lambda*pen$gradient}
		else{g <- NULL; for(h in 1:k){g <- cbind(g,X*S1[,h])}}
	else{B <- G$B; g <- G$g; pen <- G$pen}

		b1 <- bfun$b1p[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]
		bij <- bfun$bpij[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]

		A1 <- 1/c(.rowSums(tcrossprod(X, t(theta))*b1, n,k))
		A1 <- pmax0(A1)
		A1[attr(p.star.y, "out")] <- 0
		Xw <- Xw*A1

		J <- NULL
		count <- 0
		for(i1 in 1:k){
			h.temp <- NULL
			for(i2 in 1:k){
				count <- count + 1
				h.temp <- cbind(h.temp, crossprod(Xw, X*bij[,count]))
			J <- rbind(J, h.temp)
    pen <- qc.penalty(theta, X, bfun, lambda, pen = pen, H = TRUE)
		J <- J - lambda*pen$hessian
	list(g = g, J = J, B = B, pen = pen)


ciqr.ee <- function(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, 
	p.star.y, p.star.z, J = TRUE, G, i = FALSE, lambda = 0){

	k <- ncol(theta)
	n <- length(y)
	BB1 <- bfun$BB1

		B <- bfun$Bp[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]
		BB <- bfun$BBp[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]
		py <- bfun$p[p.star.y]

		a <- (1 - d)/(1 - py); a[attr(p.star.y, "out.r")] <- 0
		S1 <- a*(BB - BB1)
		a <- d; a[attr(p.star.y, "out.r")] <- 1
		S1 <- BB1 - a*B + S1
		pen <- qc.penalty(theta, X, bfun, lambda, H = FALSE)

		if(!i){g <- c(crossprod(Xw,S1)) - lambda*pen$gradient}
		else{g <- NULL; for(h in 1:k){g <- cbind(g,X*S1[,h])}}
	else{B <- G$B; BB <- G$BB; g <- G$g; py <- G$py; pen <- G$pen}

		b <- bfun$bp[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]
		b1 <- bfun$b1p[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]

		A1 <- 1/c(.rowSums(tcrossprod(X, t(theta))*b1, n,k))
		A1 <- pmax0(A1)
		A1[attr(p.star.y, "out")] <- 0
		a <- 1 - py
		a[attr(p.star.y, "out.r")] <- 1 
		# the value 1 is arbitrary, only to avoid NAs (will be canceled by the zeroes in A1)
		A2 <- d*b + (1 - d)/(a^2)*(BB1 - B*a - BB)
		Xw <- Xw*A1

		J <- NULL
		for(i1 in 1:k){
			h.temp <- NULL
			for(i2 in 1:k){h.temp <- cbind(h.temp, crossprod(Xw, X*(b[,i2]*A2[,i1])))}
			J <- rbind(J, h.temp)
		pen <- qc.penalty(theta, X, bfun, lambda, pen = pen, H = TRUE)
		J <- J - lambda*pen$hessian
	list(g = g, J = J, B = B, BB = BB, py = py, pen = pen)


ctiqr.ee <- function(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, 
	p.star.y, p.star.z, J = TRUE, G, i = FALSE, lambda = 0){

	k <- ncol(theta)
	n <- length(y)
	BB1 <- bfun$BB1
		B.y <- bfun$Bp[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]	
		BB.y <- bfun$BBp[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]
		B.z <- bfun$Bp[p.star.z,, drop = FALSE]
		BB.z <- bfun$BBp[p.star.z,, drop = FALSE]
		py <- bfun$p[p.star.y]
		pz <- bfun$p[p.star.z]
		out.y <- attr(p.star.y, "out.r")
		out.z <- attr(p.star.z, "out.r")
		a <- d

		S1.y <- (1 - d)/(1 - py)*(BB.y - BB1)
		S1.z <- 1/(1 - pz)*(BB.z - BB1)
		S1.y[out.y,] <- 0; a[out.y] <- 1
		S1.y[out.z,] <- S1.z[out.z,] <- a[out.z] <- 0

		S1 <- -a*B.y + S1.y - S1.z
		pen <- qc.penalty(theta, X, bfun, lambda, H = FALSE)
		if(!i){g <- c(crossprod(Xw,S1)) - lambda*pen$gradient}
		else{g <- NULL; for(h in 1:k){g <- cbind(g,X*S1[,h])}}
	else{B.y <- G$B.y; BB.y <- G$BB.y; B.z <- G$B.z; BB.z <- G$BB.z; g <- G$g; py <- G$py; pz <- G$pz; pen <- G$pen}

		b.y <- bfun$bp[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]
		b1.y <- bfun$b1p[p.star.y,, drop = FALSE]
		b.z <- bfun$bp[p.star.z,, drop = FALSE]
		b1.z <- bfun$b1p[p.star.z,, drop = FALSE]

		Xtheta <- tcrossprod(X, t(theta))

		A1.y <- 1/c(.rowSums(Xtheta*b1.y, n,k))
		A1.z <- 1/c(.rowSums(Xtheta*b1.z, n,k))
		A1.y <- pmax0(A1.y)
		A1.z <- pmax0(A1.z)
		A1.y[attr(p.star.y, "out")] <- 0
		A1.z[attr(p.star.z, "out")] <- 0

		ay <- 1 - py; az <- 1 - pz
		ay[attr(p.star.y, "out.r")] <- az[attr(p.star.z, "out.r")] <- 1 
		# the value 1 is arbitrary, only to avoid NAs (will be canceled by the zeroes in A1.y and A1.z)

		A2.y <- d*b.y - (1 - d)/(ay^2)*(B.y*ay + BB.y - BB1)
		A2.z <- 1/(az^2)*(B.z*az + BB.z - BB1)
		H.y <- A2.y*A1.y 
		H.z <- A2.z*A1.z

		J <- NULL
		for(i1 in 1:k){
			h.temp <- NULL
			for(i2 in 1:k){h.temp <- cbind(h.temp, crossprod(Xw, X*(b.y[,i2]*H.y[,i1] + b.z[,i2]*H.z[,i1])))}
			J <- rbind(J, h.temp)
		pen <- qc.penalty(theta, X, bfun, lambda, pen = pen, H = TRUE)
		J <- J - lambda*pen$hessian
	list(g = g, J = J, B.y = B.y, BB.y = BB.y, B.z = B.z, BB.z = BB.z, py = py, pz = pz, pen = pen)


# Interval-censored data.
# For simplicity, during Newton-Raphson, z = L, y = R, p.star.L = p.star.z, and p.star.R = p.star.y.
iciqr.ee <- function(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, 
                    p.star.y, p.star.z, J = TRUE, G, i = FALSE, lambda = 0){
  k <- ncol(theta)
  n <- nrow(X)
  BB1 <- bfun$BB1
  p.star.L <- p.star.z; p.star.R <- p.star.y # Just for notation
  # Exact observations, or observations with very short interval
  p.star.L[attr(p.star.L, "out.r")] <- 1022
  alarm <- which(p.star.L == p.star.R)
  p.star.R[alarm] <- p.star.R[alarm] + 1
    BBL <- bfun$BBp[p.star.L,, drop = FALSE]
    BBR <- bfun$BBp[p.star.R,, drop = FALSE]
    pL <- bfun$p[p.star.L]
    pR <- bfun$p[p.star.R]

    deltaBB <- BBR - BBL 
    deltap <- pR - pL
    S1 <- BB1 - deltaBB/deltap
    pen <- qc.penalty(theta, X, bfun, lambda, H = FALSE)
    if(!i){g <- c(crossprod(Xw,S1)) - lambda*pen$gradient}
    else{g <- NULL; for(h in 1:k){g <- cbind(g,X*S1[,h])}}
  else{deltaBB <- G$deltaBB; pL <- G$pL; pR <- G$pR; deltap <- G$deltap; g <- G$g; pen <- G$pen}
    BL <- bfun$Bp[p.star.L,, drop = FALSE]
    BR <- bfun$Bp[p.star.R,, drop = FALSE]
    bL <- bfun$bp[p.star.L,, drop = FALSE]
    bR <- bfun$bp[p.star.R,, drop = FALSE]
    b1L <- bfun$b1p[p.star.L,, drop = FALSE]
    b1R <- bfun$b1p[p.star.R,, drop = FALSE]
    fL <- 1/c(.rowSums(tcrossprod(X, t(theta))*b1L, n,k))
    fL <- pmax0(fL); fL[attr(p.star.L, "out")] <- 0
    fR <- 1/c(.rowSums(tcrossprod(X, t(theta))*b1R, n,k))
    fR <- pmax0(fR); fR[attr(p.star.R, "out")] <- 0    
    gammaL <- bL*fL; gammaR <- bR*fR
    deltaL <- deltaBB - BL*deltap; deltaR <- deltaBB - BR*deltap
    Xw <- Xw/deltap^2
    J <- NULL
    for(i1 in 1:k){
      h.temp <- NULL
      for(i2 in 1:k){h.temp <- cbind(h.temp, crossprod(Xw, X*(gammaR[,i2]*deltaR[,i1] - gammaL[,i2]*deltaL[,i1])))}
      J <- rbind(J, h.temp)
    J <- -J
    pen <- qc.penalty(theta, X, bfun, lambda, pen = pen, H = TRUE)
    J <- J - lambda*pen$hessian
  list(g = g, J = J, deltaBB = deltaBB, deltap = deltap, pL = pL, pR = pR, pen = pen)


# I leave (with hashtag) the commands for using pch.fit.ic. 
 # However, my current judgement is that pch.fit.ct applied to the middlepoint is good enough - and much faster. 
# I leave a default type ("ctiqr", but could be whatever), to avoid problems with qrcmNP which does not
  # specify the "type" argument.
start.iqr <- function(y,z,d, x, weights, bfun, df, yy, zz, s, type = "ctiqr"){

	if(is.null(yy)){p.star <- (rank(y, ties.method = "first") - 0.5)/length(y)}
    #	fitfun <- (if(type == "iciqr") "pch.fit.ic" else "pch.fit.ct")
    #	pch.fit <- getFromNamespace(fitfun, ns = "pch")
    pch.fit <- getFromNamespace("pch.fit.ct", ns = "pch")
    if(type == "iciqr"){d <- (yy[,2] < Inf); yy <- middlepoint(yy)}
	  predF.pch <- getFromNamespace("predF.pch", ns = "pch")
	  m0 <- suppressWarnings(pch.fit(z = zz, y = yy, d = d, 
		  x = cbind(1,x), w = weights, breaks = df))
	  # p.star <- 1 - predF.pch(m0, y = middlepoint(yy))[,3]
	  p.star <- 1 - predF.pch(m0, y = yy)[,3]

	pfun <- attr(bfun, "pfun")
	p.star <- pfun(p.star)  
	b.star <- bfun$bp[match(p.star, bfun$p),]
	X <- model.matrix(~ -1 + x:b.star)
	X <- X[, c(s) == 1, drop = FALSE]
	y <- middlepoint(y)
	start.ok <- FALSE; restol <- 4
		m <- lm.wfit(X, y, weights)
		res <- m$residuals
		start.ok <- all(w <- (abs(res)/sd(res) < restol))

		if(start.ok | sum(w) < 0.5*length(y)){break}
		X <- X[w,, drop = FALSE]
		y <- y[w]
		weights <- weights[w]
		restol <- restol + 1
	out <- rep.int(0, length(s))
	out[c(s) == 1] <- m$coef
	out <- matrix(out, ncol(x))
	out[is.na(out)] <- 0


# Note: if s has some zeroes, the covariance matrix Q will contain some zero-columns and rows,
# while the gradient and jacobian will just omit the parameters that are not estimated

cov.fun.iqr <- function(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, weights, bfun, 
		p.star.y, p.star.z, type, s){

	if(type == "iqr"){ee <- iqr.ee}
	else if(type == "ciqr"){ee <- ciqr.ee}
	else if(type == "ctiqr"){ee <- ctiqr.ee}
  else{ee <- iciqr.ee}
	s <- c(s == 1)
	G.i <- ee(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, p.star.y, p.star.z, J = TRUE, i = TRUE)
	s.i <- G.i$g[,s, drop = FALSE]
	G <- G.i$J[s,s, drop = FALSE]
	# to avoid singularities/nondifferentiability (added in v 3.0)
	s.i <- t(t(s.i) - colMeans(s.i))
	G <- G + diag(0.01, ncol(G))

	Omega <- chol2inv(chol(t(s.i*weights)%*%s.i + diag(0.01, ncol(s.i)))) # extra diag added in v 3.0
	Q0 <- t(G)%*%Omega%*%G + diag(0.01, ncol(G)) # extra diag added in v 3.0
	Q <- chol2inv(chol(Q0))

	# I reduce correlation between estimates.
	# If it is too high, something may go wrong: I bound it at 0.999.

	if((cc <- ncol(Q)) > 1){
	  for(j1 in 1:(cc - 1)){
	    for(j2 in (j1 + 1):cc){
	      s12 <- sign(Q[j1,j2])
	      Q[j1,j2] <- Q[j2,j1] <- s12*pmin(abs(Q[j1,j2]), 0.999*sqrt(Q[j1,j1]*Q[j2,j2])) 

	# Finish
	U <- matrix(0, length(s), length(s))
	U[s,s] <- Q
	list(Q = U, Q0 = Q0, jacobian = G, ee = colSums(s.i*weights), Omega = Omega, s.i = s.i)


iqr.newton <- function(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, s, type, tol, maxit, safeit, eps0, lambda = 0){

  if(type == "iqr"){ee <- iqr.ee}
  else if(type == "ciqr"){ee <- ciqr.ee}
  else if(type == "ctiqr"){ee <- ctiqr.ee}
  else{ee <- iciqr.ee; z <- y[,1]; y <- y[,2]}
  q <- nrow(theta)
  k <- ncol(theta)
  s <- c(s == 1)

  p.star.y <- p.bisec.internal(theta, y,X, bfun$bp)
  if(type %in% c("ctiqr", "iciqr")){p.star.z <- p.bisec.internal(theta, z,X, bfun$bp)}

  G <- ee(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, p.star.y, p.star.z, J = FALSE, lambda = lambda)
  pen <- G$pen
  g <- G$g[s]
  conv <- FALSE
  eps <- eps0

  # Preliminary safe iterations, only g is used

  for(i in 1:safeit){

    if(conv | max(abs(g)) < tol){break}
    u <- rep.int(0, q*k)
    u[s] <- g
    delta <- matrix(u, q,k)	
    delta[is.na(delta)] <- 0
    cond <- FALSE

      new.theta <- theta - delta*eps
      if(max(abs(delta*eps)) < tol){conv <- TRUE; break}
      p.star.y <- p.bisec.internal(new.theta, y,X, bfun$bp)
      if(type %in% c("ctiqr", "iciqr")){p.star.z <- p.bisec.internal(new.theta, z,X, bfun$bp)}
      G1 <- ee(new.theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, p.star.y, p.star.z, J = FALSE, lambda = lambda)
      g1 <- G1$g[s]
      cond <- (sum(g1^2) < sum(g^2))
      eps <- eps*0.5

    g <- g1
    G <- G1
    theta <- new.theta
    eps <- min(eps*2,0.1)

  # Newton-Raphson

  alg <- "nr"
  conv <- FALSE
  eps <- eps*10
  h <- ee(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, p.star.y, p.star.z, J = TRUE, G = G, lambda = lambda)$J[s,s, drop = FALSE]
  h <- h + diag(0.0001, nrow(h)) # added in version 3.0

  for(i in 1:maxit){

    if(conv | max(abs(g)) < tol){break}
    if(type == "iqr"){
      H1 <- try(chol(h), silent = TRUE)
      err <- inherits(H1, "try-error")
      H1 <- qr(h)
      r <- H1$rank
      err <- (r != ncol(h))
      if(alg == "gs"){alg <- "nr"; eps <- 1}
      delta <- (if(type == "iqr") chol2inv(H1)%*%g else qr.solve(H1)%*%g)
      if(alg == "nr"){alg <- "gs"; eps <- 1}
      delta <- g

    u <- rep.int(0, q*k)
    u[s] <- delta
    delta <- matrix(u, q,k)	
    delta[is.na(delta)] <- 0
    cond <- FALSE
      new.theta <- theta - delta*eps
      if(max(abs(delta*eps)) < tol){conv <- TRUE; break}
      p.star.y <- p.bisec.internal(new.theta, y,X, bfun$bp)
      if(type %in% c("ctiqr", "iciqr")){p.star.z <- p.bisec.internal(new.theta, z,X, bfun$bp)}
      G1 <- ee(new.theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, p.star.y, p.star.z, J = FALSE, lambda = lambda)
      g1 <- G1$g[s]
      cond <- (sum(g1^2) < sum(g^2))
      eps <- eps*0.5

    g <- g1
    G <- G1
    theta <- new.theta
    h <- ee(theta, y,z,d,X,Xw, bfun, p.star.y, p.star.z, J = TRUE, G = G, lambda = lambda)$J[s,s, drop = FALSE]
    if(i > 1){eps <- min(eps*10,1)}
    else{eps <- min(eps*10,0.1)}
  p.star.y <- p.bisec.internal(theta, y,X, bfun$bp)
  py <- bfun$p[p.star.y]
  if(type %in% c("ctiqr", "iciqr")){
    p.star.z <- p.bisec.internal(theta, z,X, bfun$bp)
    pz <- bfun$p[p.star.z]
    pz <- pmin(pz, py - 1e-8)
    pz[p.star.z == 1] <- 0
  else{p.star.z <- pz <- NULL}

  list(coefficients = matrix(theta, q, k),
       converged = (i < maxit), n.it = i, eps = eps,
       p.star.y = p.star.y, p.star.z = p.star.z, py = py, pz = pz,
       ee = g, jacobian = h, pen = G$pen,
       rank = (alg == "nr")*sum(s))

# Fix the max ee. If fail, try the second largest, and so on.
divide.et.impera <- function(fit, V, bfun, s, type, tol, maxit, safeit, eps0, lambda = 0){
  if(sum(s) == 1){fit$failes <- FALSE; return(fit)}
  theta0 <- theta <- fit$coef
  ee <- s; ee[s == 1] <- abs(fit$ee)
  failed <- TRUE

    i <- maxind(ee)

    sbis <- s*(ee > 0); sbis[-i[1],] <- 0
    fit <- iqr.newton(theta, V$y, V$z, V$d, V$X, V$Xw, 
      bfun, sbis, type, tol = tol, maxit = 2*sum(sbis), safeit = 5, eps0 = eps0, lambda = lambda)
    theta <- fit$coef

    sbis <- s*(ee > 0); sbis[,-i[2]] <- 0
    fit <- iqr.newton(theta, V$y, V$z, V$d, V$X, V$Xw, 
      bfun, sbis, type, tol = tol, maxit = 2*sum(sbis), safeit = 5, eps0 = eps0, lambda = lambda)
    theta <- fit$coef
    failed <- (all(theta == theta0))
    ee[i[1],i[2]] <- 0 # If I failed, I just give up this coefficient
    if(all(ee == 0)){break}

  if(failed){fit$failed <- TRUE; return(fit)}
  fit <- iqr.newton(theta, V$y, V$z, V$d, V$X, V$Xw, 
    bfun, s, type, tol, maxit, safeit, eps0, lambda)
  fit$failed <- FALSE

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