
Defines functions qrnn.reshape qrnn.predict qrnn.nlm qrnn.initialize qrnn.fit qrnn.eval qrnn.cost

Documented in qrnn.cost qrnn.fit qrnn.initialize qrnn.predict

qrnn.cost <-
function(weights, x, y, n.hidden, w, tau, lower, monotone, additive, eps,
         Th, Th.prime, penalty, unpenalized)
    penalty2 <- ifelse(identical(Th, linear), penalty, 0)
    w1w2 <- qrnn.reshape(x, y, weights, n.hidden)
    W1 <- w1w2$W1; rW1 <- nrow(W1); cW1 <- ncol(W1)
    W2 <- w1w2$W2; rW2 <- nrow(W2); cW2 <- ncol(W2)
    if (!is.null(monotone)) {
        W1[monotone,] <- exp(W1[monotone,])
        W2[1:(rW2-1), ] <- exp(W2[1:(rW2-1),])
        W1 <- W1*additive
    # Forward pass
    x <- cbind(x, 1)
    h1 <- x %*% W1
    y1 <- Th(h1)
    aug.y1 <- cbind(y1, 1)
    h2 <- aug.y1 %*% W2
    y2 <- hramp(h2, lower, eps)
    E <- y-y2
    # Backward pass
    delta2 <- hramp.prime(h2, lower, eps)*tilted.approx.prime(E, tau, eps)
    gradient.W2 <- -(t(aug.y1) %*% sweep(delta2, 1, w, '*'))
    if (!is.null(monotone)){
        gradient.W2[1:(rW2-1),] <- gradient.W2[1:(rW2-1),]*W2[1:(rW2-1),]
    gradient.W2.penalty <- 2*penalty2*rbind(W2[1:(rW2-1),,drop=FALSE], 0)/
    E1 <- delta2 %*% t(W2[1:(rW2-1),,drop=FALSE])
    delta1 <- Th.prime(h1)*E1
    gradient.W1 = -(t(x) %*% sweep(delta1, 1, w, '*'))
    if (!is.null(monotone)){
        gradient.W1[monotone,] <- gradient.W1[monotone,]*W1[monotone,]
    W1p <- W1; W1p[c(unpenalized, rW1),] <- 0
    gradient.W1.penalty <- 2*penalty*W1p/sum(W1p != 0)
    # Error & gradient
    cost <- sum(w*tilted.approx(E, tau, eps)) +
        penalty*sum(W1p^2)/sum(W1p != 0) +
    gradient <- c(gradient.W1 + gradient.W1.penalty,
                  gradient.W2 + gradient.W2.penalty)
    attr(cost, "gradient") <- gradient
qrnn.eval <-
function(x, W1, W2, lower, monotone, additive, eps, Th)
    if (!is.null(monotone)) {
        W1[monotone, ] <- exp(W1[monotone, ])
        W2[1:(nrow(W2) - 1), ] <- exp(W2[1:(nrow(W2) - 1),])
        W1 <- W1*additive
    x <- cbind(x, 1)
    h1 <- x %*% W1
    y1 <- Th(h1)
    aug.y1 <- cbind(y1, 1)
    y2 <- aug.y1 %*% W2
    y2 <- hramp(y2, lower, eps)
qrnn.fit <-
function(x, y, n.hidden, w=NULL, tau=0.5, n.ensemble=1, iter.max=5000,
         n.trials=5, bag=FALSE, lower=-Inf, init.range=c(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5),
         monotone=NULL, additive=FALSE, eps.seq=2^seq(-8, -32, by=-4),
         Th=sigmoid, Th.prime=sigmoid.prime, penalty=0, unpenalized=NULL,
         n.errors.max=10, trace=TRUE, scale.y=TRUE, ...)

    if (!is.matrix(x)) stop("\"x\" must be a matrix")
    if (!is.matrix(y)) stop("\"y\" must be a matrix")
    if (any(is.na(c(x, y)))) stop("missing values in \"x\" or \"y\"")
    if (any(apply(x, 2, sd) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5)) stop("zero variance column(s) in \"x\"")
    if (ncol(y) != 1) stop("\"y\" must be univariate")
    if (any((tau > 1) | (tau < 0))) stop("invalid \"tau\"")
    if (!identical(Th, linear) && missing(n.hidden)) stop("must specify \"n.hidden\"")
    if (identical(Th, linear)) n.hidden <- 1
    is.whole <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) 
        abs(x - round(x)) < tol
    if (additive && !is.whole(n.hidden/ncol(x))) stop("\"n.hidden\" must be an integer multiple of \"ncol(x)\" when \"additive=TRUE\"")
    if(is.null(w)) w <- rep(1/nrow(y), nrow(y))
    if (any(w < 0)) stop("invalid \"w\"")
    x <- scale(x)
    x.center <- attr(x, "scaled:center")
    x.scale <- attr(x, "scaled:scale")
        y <- scale(y)
    } else{
        attr(y, "scaled:center") <- 0
        attr(y, "scaled:scale") <- 1
    y.center <- attr(y, "scaled:center")
    y.scale <- attr(y, "scaled:scale")
    lower.scaled <- (lower-y.center)/y.scale
        additive <- gam.mask(x, n.hidden)
    weights <- vector("list", n.ensemble)
        if(length(unique(tau)) <= 100){
            cat("tau =", unique(tau), "\n", sep=" ")
        } else{
            cat("tau = [", range(tau), "]; n.tau =", length(tau), "\n", sep=" ") 
    for (i in seq(n.ensemble)){
        if(trace) cat(i, "/", n.ensemble, "\n", sep="")
        w.tmp <- NA
        class(w.tmp) <- "try-error"
        n.errors <- 0
        while (inherits(w.tmp, "try-error")) {
            w.tmp <- try(qrnn.nlm(x, y, n.hidden, w, tau, iter.max,
                                  n.trials, bag, lower.scaled,
                                  init.range, monotone, additive, eps.seq,
                                  Th, Th.prime, penalty, unpenalized,
                                  trace, ...),
                        silent = TRUE)
            n.errors <- n.errors + 1
            if (n.errors > n.errors.max) stop("nlm optimization failed")
        weights[[i]] <- w.tmp
    if(trace) cat("\n")
    parms <- list(weights=weights, lower=lower, eps.seq=eps.seq,
                  tau=tau, Th=Th, x.center=x.center,
                  x.scale=x.scale, y.center=y.center, y.scale=y.scale,
                  monotone=monotone, additive=additive)
qrnn.initialize <-
function(x, y, n.hidden, init.range=c(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5))
            r11 <- init.range[1]
            r12 <- init.range[2]
            r21 <- init.range[3]
            r22 <- init.range[4]
        } else{
            r11 <- r21 <- init.range[1]
            r12 <- r22 <- init.range[2]
        W1 <- matrix(runif((ncol(x)+1)*n.hidden, r11, r12), ncol(x)+1, n.hidden)
        W2 <- matrix(runif((n.hidden+1)*ncol(y), r21, r22), n.hidden+1, ncol(y))
        weights <- c(W1, W2)
    } else{
        weights <- unlist(init.range)
qrnn.nlm <-
function(x, y, n.hidden, w, tau, iter.max, n.trials, bag, lower, init.range,
         monotone, additive, eps.seq, Th, Th.prime, penalty, unpenalized,
         trace, ...)
    cases <- seq(nrow(x))
    if (bag) cases <- sample(nrow(x), replace=TRUE)
    x <- x[cases,,drop=FALSE]
    y <- y[cases,,drop=FALSE]
    w <- w[cases]
    if(length(tau) > 1) tau <- tau[cases]
    if(length(lower) > 1) lower <- lower[cases]
    eps.seq <- sort(eps.seq, decreasing=TRUE)
    cost.best <- Inf
    for(i in seq(n.trials)){
        weights <- qrnn.initialize(x, y, n.hidden, init.range)
        if(any(lower != -Inf)){
            for(eps in eps.seq){
                fit <- suppressWarnings(nlm(qrnn.cost, weights,
                           iterlim=iter.max, x=x, y=y, n.hidden=n.hidden,
                           w=w, tau=tau, lower=-Inf, monotone=monotone,
                           additive=additive, eps=eps, Th=Th,
                           Th.prime=Th.prime, penalty=penalty,
                           check.analyticals=FALSE, ...))
                weights <- fit$estimate
        for(eps in eps.seq){
            fit <- suppressWarnings(nlm(qrnn.cost, weights, iterlim=iter.max,
                       x=x, y=y, n.hidden=n.hidden, w=w, tau=tau, lower=lower,
                       monotone=monotone, additive=additive, eps=eps, Th=Th,
                       Th.prime=Th.prime, penalty=penalty,
                       check.analyticals=FALSE, ...))
            weights <- fit$estimate
        cost <- fit$minimum
        if(trace) cat(i, cost, "\n")
        if(cost < cost.best){
            cost.best <- cost
            weights.best <- fit$estimate
    if(trace) cat("*", cost.best, "\n")
    weights.best <- qrnn.reshape(x, y, weights.best, n.hidden)
        weights.best$W1 <- weights.best$W1*additive
qrnn.predict <-
function(x, parms)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) stop("\"x\" must be a matrix")
    weights <- parms$weights
    lower <- parms$lower
    monotone <- parms$monotone
    additive <- parms$additive
    eps <- min(parms$eps.seq)
    Th <- parms$Th
    x.center <- parms$x.center
    x.scale <- parms$x.scale
    y.center <- parms$y.center
    y.scale <- parms$y.scale
    lower <- (lower-y.center)/y.scale
    x <- sweep(x, 2, x.center, "-")
    x <- sweep(x, 2, x.scale, "/")
    y.bag <- matrix(0, ncol=length(weights), nrow=nrow(x))
    for (i in seq_along(weights)){
        y.bag[,i] <- qrnn.eval(x, weights[[i]]$W1, weights[[i]]$W2,
                               lower, monotone, additive, eps, Th)
        y.bag[,i] <- y.bag[,i]*y.scale + y.center
qrnn.reshape <-
function(x, y, weights, n.hidden)
    N11 <- ncol(x)+1
    N12 <- n.hidden
    N1 <- N11*N12
    W1 <- weights[1:N1]
    W1 <- matrix(W1, N11, N12)
    N21 <- n.hidden+1
    N22 <- ncol(y)
    N2 <- N1 + N21*N22
    W2 <- weights[(N1+1):N2]
    W2 <- matrix(W2, N21, N22)
    list(W1=W1, W2=W2)

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qrnn documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:27 a.m.