
Defines functions print.qwraps2_pkg_check pkg_check

Documented in pkg_check

#' Package Checks
#' Check if a package is available on the local machine and optionally verify a
#' version.
#' When writing a script that will be shared it is very likely that the multiple
#' authors/users will need to have a certain set of packages available to load.
#' The \code{pkg_check} function will verify that the packages are available to
#' load, this includes an optional version test, and attach the package to the
#' search list if requested.
#' Testing for package versions will is done as \code{packageVersion(x) >=
#' version}.  If you need a specific version of a package you should explicitly
#' use \code{packageVersion(x) == version} in your script.  In general,
#' \code{pkg_check} is a handy tool in interactive sessions.  For a package you
#' should have package version documentation in the DESCRIPTION file.
#' For a script a base R solution of
#' \code{stopifnot(packageVersion("pkg") >= "x.y.z")}
#' @param pkgs a character vector of package names to check for
#' @param versions an optional character vector, of the same length of
#' \code{pkgs} for the minimum version of the packages.
#' @param stop if \code{TRUE} then an error is thrown if any of the checks fail.
#' If \code{FALSE} (default) a logical is returned.
#' @examples
#' # verify that the packages qwraps2, and ggplot2 are available (this should be
#' # TRUE if you have qwraps2 installed since ggplot2 is imported by qwraps2)
#' pkg_check(c("qwraps2", "ggplot2"))
#' # show that the return is FALSE if a package is not available
#' pkg_check(c("qwraps2", "ggplot2", "NOT a PCKG"))
#' # verify the version for just ggplot2
#' pkg_check(c("qwraps2", "ggplot2"), c(NA, "2.2.0"))
#' # verify the version for qwraps2 (this is expected to fail as we are looking for
#' # version 42.3.14 which is far too advanced for the actual package development.
#' pkg_check(c("qwraps2", "ggplot2"), c("42.3.14", "2.2.0"))
#' \dontrun{
#'   # You can have the function throw an error is any of the checks fail
#'   pkg_check(c("qwraps2", "ggplot2"),
#'             c("42.3.14", "2.2.0"),
#'             stop = TRUE)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#'   # If you have missing packages that can be installed from CRAN you may find
#'   # the following helpful.  If this code, with the needed edits, were placed at
#'   # the top of a script, then if a package is missing then the current version
#'   # from a target repository will be installed.  Use this set up with
#'   # discretion, others may not want the automatic install of packages.
#'   pkgs <- pkg_check("<packages to install>")
#'   if (!pkgs) {
#'     install.packages(attr(pkgs, "checks")[!attr(pkgs, "checks")$available][["package"]])
#'   }
#' }
#' @export
pkg_check <- function(pkgs, versions, stop = FALSE) {
  if (missing(versions)) {
    versions <- rep(NA, length(pkgs))
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(pkgs) == length(versions))

  checks <-
    Map(function(p, v) {
          pkgv <- try(utils::packageVersion(p), silent = TRUE)

          if (inherits(pkgv, "try-error")) {
            out <- list(package = p, version = v, available = FALSE, installed_version = NA)
          } else {
            if (is.na(v)) {
              out <- list(package = p, version = v, available = TRUE, installed_version = as.character(pkgv))
            } else {
              out <- list(package = p, version = v, available = pkgv >= v, installed_version = as.character(pkgv))
           p = pkgs, v = versions)
  checks <- lapply(checks, as.data.frame)
  checks <- do.call(rbind, checks)

  out <- all(checks$available)
  attr(out, "checks") <- checks
  attr(out, "class")  <- "qwraps2_pkg_check"

  if (!out && stop) {
    stop("At least one package is not available.", call. = FALSE)


#' @export
print.qwraps2_pkg_check <- function(x, ...) {
  if (x) {
  } else {
    attr(x, 'class') <- NULL

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qwraps2 documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 1:06 a.m.