
Defines functions mountains

Documented in mountains

#' Make shaded polygons with a mountain-like appearance
#' Designed to replicate like the cool-looking Figure 7 in Butterworth et al.
#' (2003).
#' @param zmat A matrix where the rows represent the heights of each mountain
#' range
#' @param xvec Optional input for the x variable
#' @param yvec Optional input for the y variable
#' @param zscale Controls the height of the mountains relative to the y-axis
#' and max(zmat)
#' @param rev Reverse the order of the display of yvec values.
#' @param nshades Number of levels of shading
#' @param axes Add axes to the plot?
#' @param xaxs X-axis as internal or regular (see ?par for details)
#' @param yaxs Y-axis as internal or regular (see ?par for details)
#' @param xlab Optional label for x-axis
#' @param ylab Optional label for y-axis
#' @param las Xxis label style (see ?par for details). Default = 1 = horizontal
#' axis labels.
#' @param addbox Puts a box around the whole plot
#' @param ...  Extra inputs passed to the plot command
#' @author Ian Taylor
#' @export
#' @references Butterworth D.S., Ianelli J.N., Hilborn R. (2003) A statistical
#' model for stock assessment of southern bluefin tuna with temporal changes in
#' selectivity. South African Journal of Marine Science 25:331-362.
mountains <- function(zmat, xvec = NULL, yvec = NULL, zscale = 3, rev = TRUE,
                      nshades = 100, axes = TRUE, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                      xlab = "", ylab = "", las = 1, addbox = FALSE, ...) {

  # a function by Ian Taylor designed to look like the cool-looking Figure 7 in
  # Butterworth D.S., Ianelli J.N., Hilborn R. (2003) A statistical model for
  # stock assessment of southern bluefin tuna with temporal changes in selectivity.
  # South African Journal of Marine Science 25:331-362.

  errors <- FALSE
  for (icol in 1:ncol(zmat)) {
    if (!is.numeric(zmat[, icol])) {
      errors <- TRUE
      print(paste("error: column", icol, "of zmat is not numeric"))
  if (errors) {

  if (rev) yvec <- -yvec

  # fill in vectors if not provided
  nrowz <- nrow(zmat)
  ncolz <- ncol(zmat)
  if (is.null(yvec)) yvec <- 1:nrowz
  if (is.null(xvec)) xvec <- 1:ncolz

  # define some limits
  xmin <- min(xvec)
  xmax <- max(xvec)
  zmax <- zscale * max(zmat)

  ny <- length(yvec)
  if (ny != nrowz) {
    stop("length(yvec)=", length(yvec), " and nrow(zmat)=", nrow(zmat), " should be equal")
  if (length(xvec) != ncolz) {
    stop("length(xvec) must equal ncol(zmat)")

  zseq <- seq(0, zmax, length = nshades)
  xvec2 <- c(xmin, xvec, xmax) # adding extra points for bottom corners of polygon

  # plot(0, type='n', xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(0, 1.1*(ymax+ny)), xaxs='i', yaxs='i', ...)
    type = "n", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(min(yvec), (max(yvec) + 1.1 * zmax)),
    xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
    axes = FALSE, ...

  if (rev) order <- 1:ny else order <- ny:1
  for (iy in order) {
    zvec <- as.numeric(zmat[iy, ])
    zvec2 <- c(0, zscale * zvec, 0) # row from z matrix
    if (any(zvec2 > 0)) {

      # calculate set of all intersections between polygon and the horizontal lines
      x3list <- list()
      for (iz in 1:nshades) {
        z <- zseq[iz]
        x3 <- numeric()
        for (ix in 2:length(xvec2)) {
          z1 <- zvec2[ix - 1]
          z2 <- zvec2[ix]
          x1 <- xvec2[ix - 1]
          x2 <- xvec2[ix]
          if (z >= min(z1, z2) & z < max(z1, z2)) {
            x3 <- c(x3, (z - z1) * (x2 - x1) / (z2 - z1) + x1)
        x3list[[iz]] <- x3
      # draw little polygons between each pair of horizontal lines
      for (iz in 2:length(x3list)) {
        z2 <- zseq[iz]
        z1 <- zseq[iz - 1]

        x3hi <- x3list[[iz]] # x-values of intersections along upper line
        x3lo <- x3list[[iz - 1]] # x-values of intersections along lower line

        npoly <- length(x3lo) / 2

        for (ipoly in 1:npoly) {
          xlo <- x3lo[ipoly * 2 + -1:0] # lower line intersections for individual polygon
          xhi <- x3hi[x3hi >= xlo[1] & x3hi <= xlo[2]] # upper line intersections
          extra <- (zvec2 >= z1 & zvec2 <= z2 & xvec2 >= xlo[1] & xvec2 <= xlo[2]) # identifying extra points to add
          xhi2 <- c(xhi, xvec2[extra]) # adding extra points to vector of upper x-values
          zhi <- c(rep(z2, length(xhi)), zvec2[extra]) # add corresponding z-values
          zhi2 <- zhi[order(xhi2)] # put the z-values in order based on order of x-values
          xhi2 <- sort(xhi2) # now order the x-values

          # make polygon
            x = c(xlo[2:1], xhi2),
            y = yvec[iy] + c(z1, z1, zhi2),
            col = grey(1 - .9 * z1 / zmax), border = grey(1 - .9 * z1 / zmax)
      # black polygon around the outside
      polygon(xvec2, yvec[iy] + zvec2)
  # add axes
  if (axes) {
    axis(1, at = xvec)
    axis(2, at = yvec, labels = abs(yvec), las = las)
    axis(4, at = yvec, labels = FALSE) # extra ticks on right hand side
  if (addbox) box() # add box if desired

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