
#' ENAset R6class
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @field enaset - The \code{\link{ENAset}} object from which the ENAplot was constructed
#' @field plot - The plotly object used for data visualization
#' @field axes - TBD
#' @field point - TBD
#' @field palette - TBD
#' @field plotted - TBD
ENAplot = R6::R6Class("ENAplot",

  public = list(

    ## Public Functions ----
      #' Create ENApolot
      #' @param enaset TBD
      #' @param title TBD
      #' @param dimension.labels TBD
      #' @param font.size TBD
      #' @param font.color TBD
      #' @param font.family TBD
      #' @param scale.to TBD
      #' @param showticklabels TBD
      #' @param autosize TBD
      #' @param automargin TBD
      #' @param axispadding TBD
      #' @param ... TBD
      #' @return ENAplot
      initialize = function(
        enaset = NULL,

        title = "ENA Plot",

        dimension.labels = c("",""),

        font.size = 14,
        font.color = "#000000",
        font.family = "Arial",
        scale.to = "network",
      ) {

        if (is(enaset, "ENAset")) {
          warning(paste0("Usage of ENAset objects will be deprecated ",
            "and potentially removed altogether in future versions."))

          enaset <- ena.set(enaset);

        code.cols = !colnames(enaset$line.weights) %in% colnames(enaset$meta.data)

        args = list(...);
        if(!is.null(args$multiplier)) {
          private$multiplier = args$multiplier
        if(!is.null(args$point.size)) {
          self$point$size = args$point.size
        if(!is.null(args$showticklabels)) {
          self$showticklabels = args$showticklabels
        if(!is.null(args$axispadding)) {
          self$axispadding = args$axispadding
        if(!is.null(args$autosize)) {
          self$autosize = args$autosize
        if(!is.null(args$automargin)) {
          self$automargin = args$automargin
        self$enaset <- enaset;

        private$title <- title;
        private$dimension.labels <- dimension.labels;
        private$font.size <- font.size;
        private$font.color <- font.color;
        private$font.family <- font.family;
        private$font = list (
          size = private$font.size,
          color = private$font.color,
          family = private$font.family
        self$plot <- plotly::plot_ly(
          mode = "markers",
          type ="scatter"

        self$plot <- plotly::config(p = self$plot, displayModeBar = args$displayModeBar);

        if (is.list(scale.to)) {
          max.axis = max(abs(as.matrix(enaset$points)))*self$axispadding
          if(is.null(scale.to$x)) {
            axis.range.x = c(-max.axis, max.axis)
          else {
            axis.range.x = scale.to$x
          if(is.null(scale.to$y)) {
            axis.range.y = c(-max.axis, max.axis)
          else {
            axis.range.y = scale.to$y
        else {
          if(is.character(scale.to) && scale.to == "points") {
            max.axis = max(abs(as.matrix(enaset$points)))*self$axispadding
          else if (is.numeric(scale.to)) {
            max.axis = tail(scale.to, 1)
          else {
            max.axis = max(abs(as.matrix(enaset$rotation$nodes)))*self$axispadding;
          axis.range.x = axis.range.y = c(-max.axis, max.axis)

        graph.axis <- list(
          titlefont = private$font,
          showgrid = F,
          zeroline = T,
          showticklabels = self$showticklabels,
          showgrid = T
          # range=c(-max.axis,max.axis)
        if(!is.null(args$ticks)) {
          graph.axis$showticklabels = T;
          graph.axis$ticks = args$ticks$location;
          graph.axis$tickcolor = args$ticks$color;
          graph.axis$tickangle = args$ticks$angle;
        self$axes$x = graph.axis
        self$axes$x$title = dimension.labels[1];
        self$axes$x$range = axis.range.x
        self$axes$y = graph.axis
        self$axes$y$title = dimension.labels[2];
        self$axes$y$range = axis.range.y

        self$plot = plotly::layout(
          title =  title,
          xaxis = self$axes$x,
          yaxis = self$axes$y,
          autosize = self$autosize,
          font = list (
            size = 12,
            color = private$font.color,
            family = private$font.family

      #' Print ENA plot
      #' @return
      print = function() {

      #' Get property from object
      #' @param x character key to retrieve from object
      #' @return value from object at x
      get = function(x) {

    ## Public Properties ----
      enaset = NULL,
      plot = NULL,
      axes = list(
        x = NULL, y = NULL
      point = list(
        size = 5
      showticklabels = F,
      autosize = F,
      automargin = T,
      axispadding = 1.2,
      palette = c("#386CB0", "#F0027F", "#7FC97F", "#BEAED4",
                  "#FDC086","#FFFF99", "#BF5B17"),
      plotted = list(
        points = list(), networks = list(),
        trajectories = list(), means = list()

  private = list(
    ## Private Properties
      title = "ENA Plot",

      dimension.labels = c("X","Y"),

      font = list(),
      font.size = 14,
      font.color = "#000000",
      font.family = "Arial",
      #plot.color = I("black"),

      multiplier = 5
    ## END: Private Properties

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rENA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:37 a.m.