
suppressMessages(library(rENA, quietly = T, verbose = F))
context("Test making sets");

codenames <- c("Data", "Technical.Constraints", "Performance.Parameters",
  "Client.and.Consultant.Requests", "Design.Reasoning", "Collaboration");

test_that("Simple data.frame to accumulate and make set", {
  accum <- ena.accumulate.data.file(
    RS.data, units.by = c("UserName", "Condition"),
    conversations.by = c("ActivityNumber", "GroupName"),
    codes = codenames
  set <- ena.make.set(accum)

    label = "Used 6 codes",
    object = length(set$rotation$codes),
    expected = 6
    label = "48 units with all dimensions",
    object = dim(as.matrix(set$points)),
    expected = c(48,choose(length(codenames),2))
    label = "Has all 48 units",
    object = length(set$model$unit.labels),
    expected = 48

test_that("Disable sphere norm", {
  accum <- ena.accumulate.data.file(
    RS.data, units.by = c("UserName", "Condition"),
    conversations.by = c("ActivityNumber", "GroupName"),
    codes = codenames
  set <- ena.make.set(accum, norm.by = fun_skip_sphere_norm)
  set_normed <- ena.make.set(accum, norm.by = fun_sphere_norm)

  proj <- as.vector(as.matrix(set$model$points.for.projection)[1,])
  proj_normed <- as.vector(as.matrix(set_normed$model$points.for.projection)[1,])
  testthat::expect_false(all(proj == proj_normed))

test_that("Test custom rotation.set", {
  df.file <- RS.data

  conversations.by <- c("Condition", "ActivityNumber", "GroupName")
  df_accum_grps <- rENA:::ena.accumulate.data.file(
    df.file, units.by = c("GroupName", "Condition"),
    conversations.by = conversations.by, codes = codenames);
  df_accum_usrs <- rENA:::ena.accumulate.data.file(
    df.file, units.by = c("UserName", "Condition"),
    conversations.by = conversations.by, codes = codenames);

  df_set_grps <- ena.make.set(df_accum_grps)
  df_set_usrs <- ena.make.set(df_accum_usrs)
  df_set_grps_usrs <- ena.make.set(
    df_accum_grps, rotation.set = df_set_usrs$rotation)

    df_set_grps_usrs$rotation.matrix == df_set_usrs$rotation.matrix
    df_set_grps_usrs$rotation.matrix == df_set_grps$rotation.matrix
  expect_equal(df_set_usrs$rotation$nodes, df_set_grps_usrs$rotation$nodes)
  expect_equal(df_set_grps$line.weights, df_set_grps_usrs$line.weights)
  expect_equal(df_set_usrs$rotation$center.vec, df_set_grps_usrs$rotation$center.vec)

    df_set_bogus <- ena.make.set(df_accum_grps, rotation.set = list()),
    regexp = "rotation.set is not an instance"

test_that("Test rotate by mean", {
  codenames <- c("Data", "Technical.Constraints", "Performance.Parameters",
    "Client.and.Consultant.Requests", "Design.Reasoning", "Collaboration");

  df.file <- RS.data

  conversations.by <- c("Condition", "ActivityNumber", "GroupName")
  df_accum_usrs <- rENA:::ena.accumulate.data.file(
    df.file, units.by = c("UserName", "Condition"),
    conversations.by = conversations.by, codes = codenames);

  set.svd <- ena.make.set(df_accum_usrs)
  set.mr <- ena.make.set(df_accum_usrs,
    rotation.by = ena.rotate.by.mean,
    rotation.params = list(
      df_accum_usrs$meta.data$Condition == "FirstGame",
      df_accum_usrs$meta.data$Condition == "SecondGame"

  expect_equal(ncol(set.svd$rotation.matrix), ncol(set.mr$rotation.matrix))

    colnames(as.matrix(set.mr$rotation.matrix)), colnames(as.matrix(set.mr$points))
  expect_equal("MR1", colnames(set.mr$rotation.matrix)[2])
  expect_equal("SVD1", colnames(set.svd$rotation.matrix)[2])

test_that("Test rotation with table for weights", {
  codenames <- c("Data", "Technical.Constraints", "Performance.Parameters",
    "Client.and.Consultant.Requests", "Design.Reasoning", "Collaboration");

  df.file <- RS.data

  conversations.by <- c("Condition", "ActivityNumber", "GroupName")
  df_accum_usrs <- rENA:::ena.accumulate.data.file(
    df.file, units.by = c("UserName", "Condition"),
    conversations.by = conversations.by, codes = codenames);

  testthat::expect_error(set.mr <- ena.make.set(df_accum_usrs,
    rotation.by = ena.rotate.by.mean,
    rotation.params = list()

  rotate.grps <- list(
    df_accum_usrs$meta.data$Condition == "FirstGame",
    df_accum_usrs$meta.data$Condition == "SecondGame"
  set.svd <- ena.make.set(df_accum_usrs)
  set.svd$line.weights <- remove_meta_data(set.svd$line.weights)

      matrix(0, nrow = ncol(set.svd$line.weights), ncol = 2)
    regexp = "converting data to matrix"

  # test_that("Simple data.frame to accumulate and make set", {
  #   codenames <- c("Data", "Technical.Constraints", "Performance.Parameters",
  #     "Client.and.Consultant.Requests", "Design.Reasoning", "Collaboration");
  #   data(RS.data)
  #   df.file <- RS.data
  #   accum <- ena.accumulate.data.file(
  #     RS.data, units.by = c("UserName", "Condition"),
  #     conversations.by = c("ActivityNumber", "GroupName"),
  #     codes = codenames
  #   );
  #   set <- ena.make.set(accum)
  # })

test_that("Test bad position method", {
  codenames <- c("Data", "Technical.Constraints", "Performance.Parameters",
    "Client.and.Consultant.Requests", "Design.Reasoning", "Collaboration");

  df.file <- RS.data

  conversations.by <- c("Condition", "ActivityNumber", "GroupName")
  acc <- rENA:::ena.accumulate.data.file(
    df.file, units.by = c("UserName", "Condition"),
    conversations.by = conversations.by, codes = codenames);

  bad_positions <- function(enaset, groups) {
    return(list(bad = 1))
    ena.make.set(acc, node.position.method = bad_positions),
    regexp = "position method didn't return back the expected objects"

  custom_rotation <- structure(list(), class = "ena.rotation.set")
    ena.make.set(acc, rotation.by = NULL, rotation.set = custom_rotation),
    regexp = "does not have a center vector"

  custom_rotation$center.vec <- runif(choose(length(codenames), 2))
    ena.make.set(acc, rotation.by = NULL, rotation.set = custom_rotation),
    regexp = "no rotation matrix"

  custom_rotation$rotation.matrix <- matrix(1,
    ncol = ncol(acc$rotation$adjacency.key),
    nrow = ncol(acc$rotation$adjacency.key)
    ena.make.set(acc, rotation.by = NULL, rotation.set = custom_rotation),
    regexp = "Unable to determine the node positions"

    ena.make.set(acc, rotation.by = NULL, rotation.set = NULL),
    regexp = "Unable to find or create a rotation set"

  # test_that("Test writeup output", {
  #   accum <- rENA:::ena.accumulate.data.file(
  #     RS.data, units.by = c("UserName", "Condition"),
  #     conversations.by = c("ActivityNumber", "GroupName"),
  #     codes = codenames
  #   );
  #   set <- ena.make.set(accum)
  #   writeup <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(ena.writeup(set, theory = T, methods = T, type = "file", output_dir = tempdir())))
  #   writeup_lines <- readLines(writeup)
  #   methods_para_2_start <- grep(x = writeup_lines, pattern = "We defined the units of analysis")
  #   methods_para_2_end <- methods_para_2_start + grep(x = writeup_lines[methods_para_2_start:length(writeup_lines)], pattern = "^$")[1] - 2
  #   methods_para <- paste(writeup_lines[methods_para_2_start:methods_para_2_end], collapse = " ")
  #   testthat::expect_equal(
  #     expected = "We defined the units of analysis as all lines of data associated with a single value of UserName subsetted by Condition. For example, one unit consisted of all the lines associated with Condition FirstGame.",
  #     object = methods_para
  #   )
  #   writeup_lines <- suppressMessages(ena.writeup(set, theory = T, methods = T, type = "stream", output_dir = tempdir()))
  #   testthat::expect_true(
  #     grepl(x = writeup_lines, pattern = "ENA Theory")
  #   )
  # })

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rENA documentation built on March 26, 2022, 1:10 a.m.