
Defines functions writeFIA getFIA readFIA dropTheseCols

Documented in getFIA readFIA writeFIA

## Sometimes these read as dates, and that breaks readFIA when mutliple states are read
## Maybe also think about dropping uncommon columns from TREE. Could save a lot of memory
dropTheseCols <- function() {



# Read in FIA database files (.csv) from local directory
#' @export
readFIA <- function(dir,
                    common = TRUE,
                    tables = NULL,
                    states = NULL,
                    inMemory = TRUE,
                    nCores = 1,

  ## methods for reading the full database into memory
  # Add a slash to end of directory name if missing
  if (str_sub(dir,-1) != '/') dir <- paste(dir, '/', sep = "")
  # Grab all the file names in directory
  files <- list.files(dir)

  if (inMemory){

    inTables <- list()

    # Some warnings
    if(!dir.exists(dir)) {
      stop(paste('Directory', dir, 'does not exist.'))
    if(length(files[str_sub(files,-4, -1) == '.csv']) < 1){
      stop(paste('Directory', dir, 'contains no .csv files.'))

    ## Some warnings up front
    ## Do not try to merge ENTIRE with other states
    if (length(states) > 1 & any(str_detect(str_to_upper(states), 'ENTIRE'))){
      stop('Cannot merge ENITRE with other state tables. ENTIRE includes all state tables combined. Do you only need data for a particular region?')

    # Only csvs
    files <- files[str_sub(files,-4,-1) == '.csv']

    ## All states present in the directory, adding reference if present
    allStates <- unique(str_to_upper(str_sub(files, 1, 2)))
    allStates <- allStates[allStates %in% intData$stateNames$STATEAB]
    if (any(str_to_upper(str_sub(files, 1, 3)) == 'REF')) allStates <- c(allStates, 'REF')

    ## If states are given, then subset files now,
    ## otherwise, bring them all in
    if (!is.null(states)){

      ### I'm not very smart and like specify the name twice sometimes,
      ### --> making the function smarter than me
      states <- str_to_upper(unique(states))

      ## Make sure the states exist to begin with
      if (any(states %in% allStates == FALSE)){
        missStates <- states[states %in% allStates == FALSE]
        stop(paste('Data unavailable for: ', paste(as.character(missStates),collapse = ', '), '. States not found in specified directory.'))

      state.files <- files[str_to_upper(str_sub(files, 1, 2)) %in% states]
      if ('REF' %in% states) {
        ref.files <- files[str_to_upper(str_sub(files, 1,3)) == 'REF']
        files <- c(state.files, ref.files)
      } else {
        files <- c(state.files)

    } else {
      ## Checking if state files and merged state files are mixed in the directory.
      states <- unique(str_to_upper(str_sub(files, 1, 3)))
      ## Dropping lichen spp summary and project reference tables
      trueStates <- states[str_sub(states, 3,3) == '_']
      if ("REF" %in% states) {
        trueStates <- c(trueStates, 'REF')

      ## If length is zero, then all merged states - great
      ## If length states is the same as true States, then all state files - great
      ## Otherwise, they're probably mixed. Throw a warning and read only the states
      if (length(trueStates) > 0 & length(trueStates) < length(states)) {
        warning('Found data from merged states and individual states in same directory. Reading only individual states files.')
        state.files <- files[str_to_upper(str_sub(files, 3, 3)) == '_']
        ref.files <- files[str_to_upper(str_sub(files, 1,3)) == 'REF']
        files <- c(state.files, ref.files)

    ## Common file names to consider
    ## All reference tables should be common

    if ('REF' %in% allStates) {
      cFiles <- c(cFiles,
                  "SPECIES_GROUP", "SPECIES", "STATE_ELEV", "UNIT")

    ## Drop state/ref abbreviations and .csv
    abbs <- c(paste0('start_here_', intData$stateNames$STATEAB, '_'), 'start_here_REF_')
    file.sub <- paste0('start_here_', str_remove(files, '.csv'))
    ## only allow subset at the start at the beginning of string
    for ( i in abbs ) file.sub <- str_remove(file.sub, i)

    # Only read in the specified tables
    if (!is.null(tables)){
      files <- files[file.sub %in% tables]

    # Otherwise if common=TRUE, grab all common
    } else if (common) {
      files <- files[file.sub %in% cFiles]

    # Otherwise only known FIA tables
    } else {
      files <- files[file.sub %in% intData$fiaTableNames]

    ## Now read them in
    inTables <- list()
    for (n in 1:length(files)){
      ## If MODIFIED_DATE is not present, will warn
        # Read in and append each file to a list
        file <- fread(paste(dir, files[n], sep = ""), showProgress = FALSE,
                      integer64 = 'double', logical01 = FALSE, nThread = nCores,
                      drop = dropTheseCols(), ...)

      # We don't want data.table formats
      #file <- as.data.frame(file)
      fileName <- str_sub(files[n], 1, -5)

      # Skip over files that are empty
      if(nrow(file) > 0){
        inTables[[fileName]] <- file

    # Give them some names
    #names(inTables) <- files
    #inTables <- lapply(inTables, as.data.frame)

    outTables <- list()
    if (any(str_sub(names(inTables), 3, 3) == '_')){ ## STATE NAMING CONVENTION
      # Remove the state prefix
      names(inTables) <- str_sub(names(inTables), 4, -1)
    uniqueNames <- unique(names(inTables))
    ## Works regardless of whether or not there are duplicate names (multiple states)
    for (i in 1:length(uniqueNames)){
      outTables[[uniqueNames[i]]] <- rbindlist(inTables[names(inTables) == uniqueNames[i]], fill = TRUE)

    out <- lapply(outTables, as.data.frame)
    class(out) <- 'FIA.Database'

    ## Add REF to the reference tables, will have _ prefix
    names(out)[str_sub(names(out), 1, 1) == '_'] <- paste0('REF', names(out)[str_sub(names(out), 1, 1) == '_'])

    ### Methods for keeping data remote until they are needed
    ### Chunking up data into states
    ## inMemory = FALSE
  } else {

    ## Can't use remote methods w/ full database
    if (any(str_detect(str_to_upper(states), 'ENTIRE'))) {
      stop('Remote methods undefind for ENTIRE. Please use `inMemory=TRUE`. Resulting FIA.Database will be quite large (~50GB).')

    ## IF states isn't given, default to all
    ## states in the directory
    if (is.null(states)){
      states <- unique(str_to_upper(str_sub(files, 1, 3)))
      states <- states[str_sub(states, 3,3) == '_']
      states <- str_sub(states, 1, 2)
      ## Only states where abbreviations make sense
      states <- states[states %in% intData$stateNames$STATEAB]
      ## Don't fail if states have been merged
      if (length(states) < 1) states <- 1

    ## Saving the call to readFIA, for eval later
    out <- list(dir = dir,
                common = common,
                tables = tables,
                states = states,
                ... = ...)

    class(out) <- 'Remote.FIA.Database'

  ## If WY updates the END_INVYR for 2018 & 2019 (i.e., not set it as 2020)
  ## then we can drop this. Until then, we have to strong arm END_INVYR
  if (inMemory) {
    out <- handleWY(out)



## Access FIA Database files from the FIA Datamart
#' @export
getFIA <- function(states,
                   dir = NULL,
                   common = TRUE,
                   tables = NULL,
                   load = TRUE,
                   nCores = 1){

  if (!is.null(dir)){
    # Add a slash to end of directory name if missing
    if (str_sub(dir,-1) != '/'){
      dir <- paste(dir, '/', sep = "")
    # Check to see directory exists, if not, make it
    if(!dir.exists(dir)) {
      message(paste('Creating directory:', dir))

    message(paste0('Saving to ', dir, '. NOTE: modifying FIA tables in Excel may corrupt csv files.'))

  if (is.null(dir) & load == FALSE){
    stop('Must specify a directory ("dir") to save data when "load = FALSE".')

  ## If dir is not specified, hold in a temporary directory
  #if (is.null(dir)){tempDir <- tempdir()}
  tempDir <- tempdir()
  ## Some warnings up front
  ## Do not try to merge ENTIRE with other states
  if (length(states) > 1 & any(str_detect(str_to_upper(states), 'ENTIRE'))){
    stop('Cannot merge ENITRE with other state tables. ENTIRE includes all state tables combined. Do you only need data for a particular region?')
  ## Check to make sure states exist
  allStates <- c('AL', 'AK', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'FL', 'GA', 'HI', 'ID',
                 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS',
                 'MO', 'MT', 'NE', 'NV', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NC', 'ND', 'OH', 'OK',
                 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WV',
                 'WI', 'WY', 'AS', 'FM', 'GU', 'MP', 'PW', 'PR', 'VI', 'ENTIRE', 'REF')
  if (any(str_to_upper(states) %in% allStates == FALSE)){
    missStates <- states[str_to_upper(states) %in% allStates == FALSE]
    stop(paste('Data unavailable for: ', paste(as.character(missStates),collapse = ', '), '. Did you use state/terrority abbreviations? e.g. use states = "AL" (correct) instead of states = "ALABAMA".'))

  ## Check to make sure tables exist
  if (any(str_to_upper(tables) %in% allTables == FALSE)){
    missTables <- tables[str_to_upper(tables) %in% allTables == FALSE]
    stop(paste('Tables: ', paste(as.character(missTables),collapse = ', '), ' unavailble. Check the FIA Datamart at https://apps.fs.usda.gov/fia/datamart/CSV/datamart_csv.html for a list of available tables for each state. Alternatively, specify common = TRUE to download the most commonly used tables.

Did you accidentally include the state abbreviation in front of the table name? e.g. tables = "AL_PLOT" (wrong) instead of tables = "PLOT" (correct).'))

  ### I'm not very smart and like specify the name twice sometimes,
  ### --> making the function smarter than me
  states <- unique(states)

  ## If individual tables are specified, then just grab those .csvs, otherwise download the .zip file, extract and read with fread. Should be quite a bit quicker.
  if (!is.null(tables)){
    ## Make a list of tables names to read in
    ## Append table names with state abbs and then add url link
    tables <- str_to_upper(tables)

    # Make sure state Abbs are in right format
    states <- str_to_upper(states)
    if ('ENTIRE' %in% states == FALSE) {
      states <- paste0(states, '_')
    } else {
      states <- ''

    tblNames <- sapply(states, FUN = function(x, y){paste0(x,y,'.zip')}, y = tables)
    tblNames <- c(tblNames)
    urls <- paste0('https://apps.fs.usda.gov/fia/datamart/CSV/', tblNames)

    inTables = list()
    for (n in 1:length(urls)){

      newName <- paste0(str_sub(tblNames[n], 1, -5), '.csv')

      ## Download the zip to a temporary file
      temp <- tempfile()
      download.file(urls[n], temp)

      # Write the data out the directory they've chosen
        unzip(temp, exdir = tempDir)
        file <- fread(paste0(tempDir, '/', newName), showProgress = FALSE, logical01 = FALSE, integer64 = 'double', nThread = nCores)
        ## Unlinking the directory is bad news, so just delete the file from tempdir
        file.remove(paste0(tempDir, '/', newName))
      } else {
        #download.file(urls[n], paste0(dir, tblNames[n]))
        unzip(temp, exdir = str_sub(dir, 1, -2))
        if (load) file <- fread(paste0(dir, newName), showProgress = FALSE, logical01 = FALSE, integer64 = 'double', nThread = nCores)


      if (load){
        # We don't want data.table formats
        file <- as.data.frame(file)
        inTables[[str_sub(urls[n], 43, -5)]] <- file


    if (load){
      # Check for corresponding tables (multiple states)
      # If they exist, loop through and merge corresponding tables
      ## Check if the directory has the entire US naming convention or state naming convention
      tableNames <- names(inTables)
      outTables <- list()
      if (any(str_sub(tableNames, 3, 3) == '_')){ ## STATE NAMING CONVENTION
        if (anyDuplicated(str_sub(tableNames, 4)) != 0){
          for (i in 1:length(unique(str_sub(tableNames, 4)))){
            subList <- inTables[str_sub(tableNames, 4) == unique(str_sub(tableNames,4))[i]]
            name <- unique(str_sub(tableNames, 4))[i]
            # Give a ton of warnings about factors and characters, don't do that
            outTables[[name]] <- suppressWarnings(do.call(rbind, subList))
        } else {
          outTables <- inTables
          names(outTables) <- unique(str_sub(tableNames, 4))
        if (anyDuplicated(tableNames) != 0){
          for (i in 1:length(unique(tableNames))){
            subList <- inTables[tableNames == unique(tableNames)[i]]
            name <- unique(str_sub(tableNames, 1))[i]
            # Give a ton of warnings about factors and characters, don't do that
            outTables[[name]] <- suppressWarnings(do.call(rbind, subList))
        } else {
          outTables <- inTables
          names(outTables) <- unique(str_sub(tableNames, 1))
      #outTables <- lapply(outTables, as.data.frame)
      class(outTables) <- 'FIA.Database'

  } else {
    ## Download to a temporary file location, then extract to the permanent if wanted. Read extracted tables into R w/ readFIA.

    # Make sure state Abbs are in right format
    states <- str_to_upper(states)

    ## If you want all of the reference tables zipped together
    if ('REF' %in% states) {
      states[states == 'REF'] <- 'FIADB_REFERENCE'

    ## Download each state and extract to directory
    for (i in 1:length(states)){
      # Temporary directory to download to
      temp <- paste0(tempDir, '/', states[i],'.zip') #tempfile()
      ## Make the URL
      url <- paste0('https://apps.fs.usda.gov/fia/datamart/CSV/', states[i],'.zip')
      #newName <- paste0(str_sub(url, 1, -4), 'csv')
      ## Download as temporary file
      download.file(url, temp)
      ## Extract
      if (is.null(dir)){
        unzip(temp, exdir = tempDir)
      } else {
        unzip(temp, exdir = str_sub(dir, 1, -2))

    if (load){

      ## If you want all of the reference tables read in, change it back
      if ('FIADB_REFERENCE' %in% states) {
        states[states == 'FIADB_REFERENCE'] <- 'REF'

      ## Read in the files w/ readFIA
      if (is.null(dir)){
        outTables <- readFIA(tempDir, nCores = nCores, common = common, states = states)
        #unlink(tempDir, recursive = TRUE)
      } else {
        outTables <- readFIA(dir, nCores = nCores, common = common, states = states)


  if (is.null(dir)){
    tmp <- list.files(tempDir, full.names = TRUE, pattern = '.csv')

  if (load) return(outTables)

## Write out the raw FIA files
#' @export
writeFIA <- function(db,
                     byState = FALSE,
                     nCores = 1,
  if (class(db) == 'Remote.FIA.Database'){
    stop('Cannot write remote database.')

  # if (byState & !c('SURVEY' %in% names(db))){
  #   stop('Need survey table for state abbreviations.')
  # }

  if (!is.null(dir)){
    # Add a slash to end of directory name if missing
    if (str_sub(dir,-1) != '/'){
      dir <- paste(dir, '/', sep = "")
    # Check to see directory exists, if not, make it
    if(!dir.exists(dir)) {
      message(paste('Creating directory:', dir))
    message(paste0('Saving to ', dir, '. NOTE: modifying FIA tables in Excel may corrupt csv files.'))

  ## Method to chunk up the database into states before writing it out
  if (byState){

    db$PLOT <- db$PLOT %>%
      select(-c(any_of('STATEAB'))) %>%
      left_join(intData$stateNames, by = 'STATECD')

    ## Unique state abbreviations
    states <- unique(db$PLOT$STATEAB)

    ## Chunk up plot
    pltList <- split(db$PLOT, as.factor(db$PLOT$STATEAB))

    ## Loop over states, do the writing
    for (s in 1:length(states)){
      db_clip <- db
      ## Overwriting plot with shortened table
      db_clip$PLOT <- pltList[[s]]
      ## Subsetting the remaining database based
      ## on plot table
      db_clip <- clipFIA(db_clip, mostRecent = FALSE)

      ## Write it all out
      tableNames <- names(db_clip)[names(db_clip) != 'mostRecent']
      tableNames <- paste(unique(db_clip$PLOT$STATEAB), tableNames, sep = '_')
      for (i in 1:length(tableNames)){
        if (is.data.frame(db_clip[[i]])){
          fwrite(x = db_clip[[i]], file = paste0(dir, tableNames[i], '.csv'), showProgress = FALSE, nThread = nCores)

    ## Merge states together on writing
  } else {
    tableNames <- names(db)

    for (i in 1:length(tableNames)){
      if (is.data.frame(db[[i]])){
        fwrite(x = db[[i]], file = paste0(dir, tableNames[i], '.csv'), showProgress = FALSE, nThread = nCores)


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rFIA documentation built on Dec. 16, 2021, 1:07 a.m.