
Defines functions ._collectIndex ._length_java_array ._jarray_simplify getComponentType isJavaArraySignature ._must_be_java_array isJavaArray

# :tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=false:folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
# {{{ utilities to deal with arrays
#' Indicates if a object refers to a java array
#' @param o object 
#' @return TRUE if the object is a java array, FALSE if not
#'         (including when the object is not even a java reference)
isJavaArray <- function( o ){
	if( ( is( o, "jobjRef" ) || is( o, "jarrayRef") || is( o, "jrectRef") ) && !is.jnull(o) ){
		.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Z", "isArray", .jcast(o) )
	} else FALSE
._must_be_java_array <- function( o, message = "object is not a java array" ){
	if( !isJavaArray(o ) ){
		stop( message )
isJavaArraySignature <- function( sig ){
	identical( substr( sig, 1, 1 ), '[' )

#' get the component type of a java array
getComponentType <- function( o, check = TRUE ){
	if( check ) ._must_be_java_array( o )
	.jcall( .jcall( o, "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getClass" ), "Ljava/lang/Class;", "getComponentType" )

._jarray_simplify <- function( x ){
	._must_be_java_array( x )
	clname <- .jclass(x, true = TRUE )
	Array <- "java/lang/reflect/Array"
	obj <- switch( clname, 
		# deal with array of primitive first
		"[I"                  = .Call(RgetIntArrayCont   , x@jobj), 
		"[J"                  = .Call(RgetLongArrayCont  , x@jobj), 
		"[Z"                  = .Call(RgetBoolArrayCont  , x@jobj) , 
		"[B"                  = .Call(RgetByteArrayCont  , x@jobj) ,
		"[D"                  = .Call(RgetDoubleArrayCont, x@jobj) ,
		"[S"                  = .Call(RgetShortArrayCont , x@jobj) , 
		"[C"                  = .Call(RgetCharArrayCont  , x@jobj) ,
		"[F"                  = .Call(RgetFloatArrayCont , x@jobj) , 
		"[Ljava.lang.String;" = .Call(RgetStringArrayCont, x@jobj),
		# otherwise, just get the object
		x )
# }}}

# {{{ length
#' get the length of the array
._length_java_array <- function(x){
	if( isJavaArray( x ) ){
		.jcall( "java/lang/reflect/Array", "I", "getLength", .jcast( x, check = FALSE, convert.array = FALSE) ) 
	} else{
		stop( "the supplied object is not a java array" ) 

setMethod( "length", "jarrayRef", ._length_java_array )
setMethod( "length", "jrectRef", ._length_java_array )

setGeneric( "str" )
setMethod("str", "jarrayRef", function(object, ...){
	txt <- sprintf( "Formal class 'jarrayRef' [package \"rJava\"] with 2 slots
  ..@ jobj  :<externalptr>
  ..@ jclass: chr \"%s\"
  ..@ jsig  : chr \"%s\"
", object@jclass, object@jsig )
    cat( txt )
} )
setMethod("str", "jrectRef", function(object, ...){
	dim <- object@dimension
	dim.txt <- if( length( dim ) == 1L ){
		sprintf( "int %d", dim )
	} else {
		sprintf( "int[1:%d] %s", length(dim), paste( if( length(dim) > 6 ) c( dim[1:6], "...") else dim, collapse = " ") )
	txt <- sprintf( "Formal class 'jrectRef' [package \"rJava\"] with 2 slots
  ..@ jobj     :<externalptr>
  ..@ jclass   : chr \"%s\"
  ..@ jsig     : chr \"%s\"
  ..@ dimension: %s
", object@jclass, object@jsig, dim.txt )
    cat( txt )
} )
# }}}

# {{{ single bracket indexing : [

# indexing of .jarrayRef
# is is not quite clear what the proper result should be, because technically
# [ should always return a jarrayRef, but it's not the most useful thing to do.
# the code below (ab)uses drop to try to deal with that, but it's not optimal ... 

# ._jctype <- function(x) if (is.jnull(x)) NA else if(is(x, "jarrayRef")) x@jsig else paste("L", x@jclass, ";", sep='')

# #' index a java array
# #' 
# #' @param x a reference to a java array
# #' @param i indexer (only 1D indexing supported so far)
# #' @param drop if the result if of length 1, just return the java object instead of an array of length one
# #' @param simplify further simplify the result
# ._java_array_single_indexer <- function( x, i, j, drop, simplify = FALSE, silent = FALSE, ... ){
# 	# arrays only
# 	if( !silent ){
# 		if( ! missing( j ) ){
# 			warning( "only one dimensional indexing is currently supported in i, ignoring j argument" )
# 		}
# 		dots <- list( ... )
# 		if( length(dots) ){
# 			unnamed.dots <- dots[ names(dots) == "" ]
# 			if( length( unnamed.dots ) ){
# 				warning( "only one dimensional indexing is currently supported in [, ignoring ... arguments" ) 
# 			}
# 		}
# 	}
# 	# the component type of the array - maybe used to make 
# 	# arrays with the same component type, but of length 0
# 	component.type <- getComponentType( x, check = FALSE )
# 	# 'eval' the array
# 	ja <- .jevalArray( x )
# 	# native type - use R subsetting and maybe remap to java 
# 	if (!is.list(ja)) { 
# 		# perform the subset
# 		o <- ja[i]
# 		# return native type if simplify
# 		if( simplify ){
# 			return(o) 
# 		}
# 		if( length(o) == 0L) {
# 				# return an array of the same component type as the original array
# 				# but of length 0
# 				return( .jcall( "java/lang/reflect/Array", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "newInstance", component.type, 0L  ) )
# 		} else {
# 			# drop makes no sense here
# 			return( .jarray( o ) )
# 		}
# 	}
# 	# the result an array of java objects
# 	sl <- ja[i]
# 	if( length( sl ) == 0L ){
# 		# TODO: make simplify influencial here
# 		#       for example if x is int[] then we want to get integer(0)
# 		return( .jcall( "java/lang/reflect/Array", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "newInstance", component.type, 0L  ) )
# 	} else{
# 		# just return the array
# 		return( .jarray( sl ) )
# 	}
# }

# ## this is all weird - we need to distinguish between x[i] and x[i,] yet S4 fails to do so ...
setMethod( "[", signature( x = "jarrayRef" ), 
	function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE){
		# the code above is not good enough
	} )
# }}}

# {{{ double bracket indexing : [[
._collectIndex <- function( i, j, ...){
	dots <- list( ... )
	unnamed.dots <- if( length( dots ) ){
		dots[ names(dots) == "" ]
	firstInteger <- function(.) as.integer(.)[1]
	firstIntegerOfEach <- function(.) sapply( ., firstInteger )
	index <- c( 
		if( !missing(i) ) firstInteger(i), 
		if( !missing(j) ) firstInteger(j), 
		if( !is.null(unnamed.dots) && length(unnamed.dots) ) firstIntegerOfEach( unnamed.dots )

# R version of RJavaArrayTools#getDimensionLength
# it only works on the signature so should be used with caution
getDimensionLength <- function( x, true.class = TRUE ){
	nchar( sub( "[^[]+", "", .jclass(x, true = true.class) ) )

# R version of RJavaArrayTools#getObjectTypeName
getObjectTypeName <- function( x, true.class=TRUE){
	sub( "^[[]*(.*);?$", "\\1", .jclass(x, true = true.class) )

._java_array_double_indexer <- function( x, i, j, ..., evalArray = FALSE, evalString = FALSE ){
	# initial checks
	._must_be_java_array( x )
	index <- ._collectIndex( i, j, ... )
	if( !length(index) || is.null(index) ){
		# return the full object
	} else{
		# shift one left (java style indexing starts from 0 )
		index <- index - 1L
		depth <- getDimensionLength( x )
		typename <- getObjectTypeName( x )
		if( length( index) == depth ){
			# we need to dispatch primitive 
			if( isPrimitiveTypeName( typename ) ){ 
				res <- switch( typename, 
					# deal with array of primitive first
					"I"                  =  .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "I", "getInt"    , .jcast(x), index ) , 
					"J"                  =  .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "J", "getLong"   , .jcast(x), index ) , 
					"Z"                  =  .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Z", "getBoolean", .jcast(x), index ) , 
					"B"                  =  .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "B", "getByte"   , .jcast(x), index ) ,
					"D"                  =  .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "D", "getDouble" , .jcast(x), index ) ,
					"S"                  =  .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "S", "getShort"  , .jcast(x), index ) , 
					"C"                  =  .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "C", "getChar"   , .jcast(x), index ) ,
					"F"                  =  .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "F", "getFloat"  , .jcast(x), index ), 
					stop( "wrong primitive" ) # should never happen 
				return( res )
		# otherwise use the Object version
		.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "get",  .jcast(x), index, 
			evalArray = evalArray, evalString = evalString ) 


# this is the only case that makes sense: i is an integer or a numeric of length one
# we cannot use logical indexing or indexing by name because there is no such thing in java
setMethod( "[[", signature( x = "jarrayRef" ), 
	function(x, i, j, ...){
		._java_array_double_indexer( x, i, j, ... )
	} )

._java_array_double_replacer <- function( x, i, j, ..., value ){
	# initial checks
	._must_be_java_array( x )
	index <- ._collectIndex( i, j, ... )
	if( !length(index) || is.null(index) ){
		# allow for x[[]] <- value
		newArray( value , simplify = FALSE )
	} else{
		jvalue <- ._java_valid_object( value )
		if( ._isPrimitiveReference( value ) ){
			# then use a primitive version
			.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "V", "set",  .jcast(x),
				index - 1L, value )  
		} else{
			# use the Object version
			.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "V", "set",  .jcast(x),
				index - 1L, .jcast( jvalue ) )
			if( isJavaArray( jvalue ) ){
				# rectangularity might have changed
				# we have no choice but to reset the array
				x <- newArray( jobj = x@jobj, signature = x@jsig )

setReplaceMethod( "[[", signature( x = "jarrayRef" ), 
function(x, i, j, ..., value ){
	._java_array_double_replacer( x, i, j, ..., value = value)
} )
# }}}

# {{{ head and tail
setGeneric( "head" )
setMethod("head", signature( x = "jarrayRef" ), function(x, n = 6L, ... ){
	if( !isJavaArray( x ) ){
		stop( "not a java array" )
	# FIXME : this only makes sense for 1d arays
	n_objs <- length(x)
	if( abs( n ) >= n_objs ){
		return( x )
	len <- if( n > 0L ) n else n_objs + n
	x[seq_len(n), ... ]
} )

setGeneric( "tail" )
setMethod("tail", signature( x = "jarrayRef" ), function(x, n = 6L, ... ){
	if( !isJavaArray( x ) ){
		stop( "not a java array" )
	# FIXME : this only makes sense for 1d arays
	n_objs <- length(x)
	if( abs( n ) >= n_objs ) return(x)
	if( n < 0L){ 
		n <- n_objs + n
	return( x[ seq.int( n_objs-n+1, n_objs ) , ... ] )
} )
# }}}

# {{{ newArray - dispatch to jarrayRef or jrectRef
#' creates a new jarrayRef or jrectRef depending on the rectangularity
#' of the array
#' @param o a jobjRef object
#' @param simplify if TRUE and the result is a rectangular array 
#' of primitives, simplify it to an R object
newArray <- function( o, simplify = TRUE, jobj, signature ){
	if( !missing(jobj) ){
		o <- new("jobjRef", jobj = jobj, jclass = signature)
	if( !isJavaArray( o ) ){
		stop( "o does not refer to a java array" )
	if( inherits( o, "jrectRef" ) ){
		# no need to go further
	clazz <- tojni( .jclass( o, true = TRUE ) )
	wrapper <- .jnew("ArrayWrapper", .jcast(o) )
	isRect <- .jcall( wrapper, "Z", "isRectangular" )
	if( isRect ){
		dims <- .jcall( wrapper, "[I", "getDimensions" )
		if( !simplify ){
			# no need to go further down, return a reference 
			return( new( "jrectRef", jobj = o@jobj, jsig = clazz, jclass = clazz, 
				dimension = dims ) )
		isprim <- .jcall( wrapper, "Z", "isPrimitive" )
		typename <- .jcall( wrapper, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getObjectTypeName" )
		isstrings <- identical( typename, "java.lang.String" )
		if( !isprim && !isstrings ){
			# cannot simplify, return a reference
			return( new( "jrectRef", jobj = o@jobj, jsig = clazz, jclass = clazz, 
				dimension = dims ) )
		if( isprim || isstrings ){
			# array of java primitives, we can translate this to R array
			out <- structure( switch( typename , 
				"I"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[I"                 , "flat_int" ), 
				"Z"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[Z"                 , "flat_boolean" ),
				"B"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[B"                 , "flat_byte" ),
				"J"                = .jlong( .jcall( wrapper, "[J"                 , "flat_long" ) ),
				"S"                = .jshort( .jcall( wrapper, "[T"                 , "flat_short" ) ), # [T is remapped to [S in .jcall 
				"D"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[D"                 , "flat_double" ),
				"C"                = .jchar( .jcall( wrapper, "[C"                 , "flat_char" ) ),
				"F"                = .jfloat( .jcall( wrapper, "[F"                 , "flat_float" ) ), 
				"java.lang.String" = .jcall( wrapper, "[Ljava/lang/String;", "flat_String" ), 
				stop( sprintf("cannot simplify type : ", typename) ) # this should not happen
				), dim = dims )
			return( out )
	} else {
		# not a rectangular array -> jarrayRef
		new( "jarrayRef", jobj = o@jobj, jsig = clazz, jclass = clazz ) 
# }}}

# {{{ [ indexing of rectangular arrays
setMethod( "[", signature( x = "jrectRef" ), 
	function(x, i, j, ..., simplify = FALSE, drop = TRUE ){
		# first we extract th data as a flat (one dimensional) R array
		# called 'flat'
		dim <- x@dimension
		wrapper <- .jnew( "ArrayWrapper", .jcast(x) )
		typename <- .jcall( wrapper, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getObjectTypeName" )
		isprim   <- .jcall( wrapper, "Z", "isPrimitive" )
		flat <- switch( typename, 
			"I"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[I"                  , "flat_int"     , evalArray = TRUE ), 
			"Z"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[Z"                  , "flat_boolean" , evalArray = TRUE ),
			"B"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[B"                  , "flat_byte"    , evalArray = TRUE ),
			"J"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[J"                  , "flat_long"    , evalArray = TRUE ),
			"S"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[T"                  , "flat_short"   , evalArray = TRUE ), # [T is remapped to [S in .jcall 
			"D"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[D"                  , "flat_double"  , evalArray = TRUE ),
			"C"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[C"                  , "flat_char"    , evalArray = TRUE ) ,
			"F"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[F"                  , "flat_float"   , evalArray = TRUE ), 
			"java.lang.String" = .jcall( wrapper, "[Ljava/lang/String;" , "flat_String"  , evalArray = TRUE ), 
			                     .jcall( wrapper, "[Ljava/lang/Object;" , "flat_Object"  , evalArray = TRUE ) )
        # then we give to flat the correct dimensions
		if( length(dim) != 1L ){
			 dim( flat ) <- dim
		# now we construct the call to '[' on flat.
		# this call uses all the regular R indexing 
		call <- match.call(  call = sys.call(sys.parent()) )
		n.args <- nargs( )
		e <- as.list( call )[ -(1:2) ]
		names.e <- names(e)
		if( any( have.name <- (names.e != "") ) ){
			# we need to extract drop and simplify
			nam <- names.e[ have.name ]
			if( !all( nam %in% c("simplify", "drop", "i", "j" ) ) ){
				stop( "only 'drop' and 'simplify' are allowed as named arguments, they need to be written exactly" ) 
		if( missing(i) && missing(j) && all( names.e != "" ) ){
			# special case with no indexing at all
			actual.call <- sprintf( "flat[  , drop = %s ]", as.character(drop) )
		} else if( !missing(i) && missing(j) && all( names.e != "" ) ){
			# special case where there is only one index
			actual.call <- sprintf( "flat[ %s , drop = %s ]", deparse(i), as.character(drop) ) 
		} else{
			# we need to be careful about the missing's
			# we cannot just do things like list(...) because with missings
			# it just does not work
			actual.call <- "flat["
			itoken <- if( missing(i ) ) " " else deparse(i)
			jtoken <- if( missing(j ) ) " " else deparse(j)
			actual.call <- sprintf( "flat[ %s , %s", itoken, jtoken )
			iii <- 1L
			for( a in e ){
				if( missing(a) ){
					actual.call <- sprintf( "%s , ", actual.call )
				} else if( have.name[iii] ) {
					# we put both at the end
				} else {
					# not missing, not named
					actual.call <- sprintf( "%s, %s", actual.call, deparse(a) )
				iii <- iii + 1L 
			actual.call <- sprintf( "%s, drop = %s ]", actual.call, as.character(drop) )
		# now we eval the call 
		subs <- eval( parse( text = actual.call ) )
		# now if we need and can simplify it, we return the subsetted array as is
		# otherwise, we rewrap it to java
		if( simplify && (typename == "java.lang.String" || isprim ) ) subs else .jarray( subs, dispatch = TRUE )

	} )
# }}}

# {{{ dim.jrectRef 
setMethod( "dim", signature( x = "jrectRef" ), function(x) x@dimension )
setReplaceMethod( "dim", signature( x = "jrectRef" ), function(x, value){
	expected_prod <- prod( x@dimension )
	if( is.null( value ) ){
		value <- expected_prod
	} else{
		received_prod <- prod(value)
		if( received_prod != expected_prod ){
			stop( sprintf("dims [product %d] do not match the length of object [%d]", received_prod, expected_prod ) ) 
	dim <- x@dimension
	wrapper <- .jnew( "ArrayWrapper", .jcast(x) )
	typename <- .jcall( wrapper, "Ljava/lang/String;", "getObjectTypeName" )
	flat <- structure( 
			switch( typename, 
			"I"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[I"                  , "flat_int"     , evalArray = TRUE ), 
			"Z"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[Z"                  , "flat_boolean" , evalArray = TRUE ),
			"B"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[B"                  , "flat_byte"    , evalArray = TRUE ),
			"J"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[J"                  , "flat_long"    , evalArray = TRUE ),
			"S"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[T"                  , "flat_short"   , evalArray = TRUE ), # [T is remapped to [S in .jcall 
			"D"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[D"                  , "flat_double"  , evalArray = TRUE ),
			"C"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[C"                  , "flat_char"    , evalArray = TRUE ) ,
			"F"                = .jcall( wrapper, "[F"                  , "flat_float"   , evalArray = TRUE ), 
			"java.lang.String" = .jcall( wrapper, "[Ljava/lang/String;" , "flat_String"  , evalArray = TRUE ), 
			                     .jcall( wrapper, "[Ljava/lang/Object;" , "flat_Object"  , evalArray = TRUE ) ) , 
		dim = value )
	.jarray(flat, dispatch = TRUE)
} )
# }}}

PRIMITIVE_TYPES <- c( "I",  "Z",  "B",  "J",  "S",  "D",  "C",  "F" )
isPrimitiveTypeName <- function( type, include.strings = TRUE ){
	type %in% PRIMITIVE_TYPES || ( include.strings && identical( type, "java.lang.String" ) )
PRIMITIVE_TYPES_RX <- sprintf( "^[[]+[%s]$" , paste( PRIMITIVE_TYPES, collapse = "" ) )
isPrimitiveArraySignature <- function( x, ... ){
	regexpr( PRIMITIVE_TYPES_RX, x, ... ) > 0
isArraySignature <- function( x ){
	substr( x, 1, 1 ) == "["

# {{{ unique.jarrayRef
setGeneric( "unique" )
._unique_jrectRef <- function( x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
	dim <- x@dimension
	if( length( dim ) > 1L ){
		stop( "'unique' only implemented for 1d array so far" )
	typename <- .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Ljava/lang/String;", 
		"getObjectTypeName", .jcast(x) )
	if( isPrimitiveTypeName( typename, include.strings = TRUE ) ){
		.jarray( unique( .jevalArray( x ) ), dispatch = TRUE )
	} else{
		.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "[Ljava/lang/Object;", "unique",
			.jcast( x, "[Ljava/lang/Object;" ), evalArray = TRUE, simplify = TRUE )

setMethod( "unique", "jarrayRef", function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
} )
setMethod( "unique", "jrectRef", ._unique_jrectRef )
# }}}

# {{{ duplicated
setGeneric( "duplicated" )
._duplicated_jrectRef <- function( x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
	dim <- x@dimension
	if( length( dim ) > 1L ){
		stop( "'duplicated' only implemented for 1d array so far" )
	typename <- .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Ljava/lang/String;", 
		"getObjectTypeName", .jcast(x) )
	if( isPrimitiveTypeName( typename, include.strings = TRUE ) ){
		duplicated( .jevalArray( x ) )
	} else{
		.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "[Z", "duplicated",
			.jcast( x, "[Ljava/lang/Object;" ), evalArray = TRUE )
setMethod( "duplicated", "jrectRef", ._duplicated_jrectRef )
setMethod( "duplicated", "jarrayRef", function( x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
# }}}

# {{{ anyDuplicated
.base.has.anyDuplicated <- exists("anyDuplicated", asNamespace("base"))
if (!.base.has.anyDuplicated) {
	anyDuplicated <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...) UseMethod("anyDuplicated")
setGeneric( "anyDuplicated" )
._anyduplicated_jrectRef <- function( x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
	dim <- x@dimension
	if( length( dim ) > 1L ){
		stop( "'anyDuplicated' only implemented for 1d array so far" )
	typename <- .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Ljava/lang/String;", 
		"getObjectTypeName", .jcast(x) )
	if( isPrimitiveTypeName( typename, include.strings = TRUE ) ){
		anyDuplicated( .jevalArray( x ) )
	} else{
		.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "I", "anyDuplicated",
			.jcast( x, "[Ljava/lang/Object;" ), evalArray = TRUE ) + 1L
setMethod( "anyDuplicated", "jrectRef", ._anyduplicated_jrectRef )
setMethod( "anyDuplicated", "jarrayRef", function( x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
# }}}

# {{{ flat
#' utility to flatten an array
flat <- function(x, simplify = FALSE){
	stop( "undefined" ) 
setGeneric( "flat")
._flat_jrectRef <- function( x, simplify = FALSE ){
	dim <- dim(x)
	if( length(dim) == 1L ) {
		if( !simplify) x else x[ simplify = TRUE ]
	} else {
		x[ seq_len(prod(dim)), drop = TRUE, simplify = simplify ]
setMethod( "flat", "jrectRef", ._flat_jrectRef )
setMethod( "flat", "jarrayRef", function(x, simplify=FALSE){
} )
# }}}

# {{{ sort
setGeneric( "sort" )
._sort_jrectRef <- function( x, decreasing = FALSE, ...){
	x <- flat( x ) 
	dim <- x@dimension
	typename <- .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Ljava/lang/String;", 
		"getObjectTypeName", .jcast(x) )
	if( isPrimitiveTypeName( typename, include.strings = TRUE ) ){
		.jarray( sort( .jevalArray( x ), decreasing = decreasing ), dispatch = TRUE )
	} else{
		.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "[Ljava/lang/Object;", "sort",
			.jcast( x, "[Ljava/lang/Object;" ), decreasing, evalArray = TRUE, simplify = TRUE )

setMethod( "sort", "jrectRef", ._sort_jrectRef )
setMethod( "sort", "jarrayRef", function(x, decreasing=FALSE, ...){
# }}}

# {{{ rev
setGeneric( "rev" )
setMethod( "rev", "jrectRef", function(x){
	x <- flat( x ) 
	dim <- x@dimension
	typename <- .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Ljava/lang/String;", 
		"getObjectTypeName", .jcast(x) )
	if( isPrimitiveTypeName( typename, include.strings = TRUE ) ){
		.jarray( rev( .jevalArray( x ) ), dispatch = TRUE )
	} else{
		.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "[Ljava/lang/Object;", "rev",
			.jcast( x, "[Ljava/lang/Object;" ), evalArray = TRUE, simplify = TRUE )

} )
setMethod( "rev", "jarrayRef", function(x){
# }}}

# {{{ as.list
# S4 dispatch does not work
as.list.jarrayRef <- function(x, ... ){
	.jevalArray( x )
as.list.jrectRef <- function( x, ...){
	.jevalArray( x )
as.list.jobjRef <- function( x, ... ){
	if( ! .jinstanceof( x, "java.lang.Iterable" ) ){
 		stop( "only objects that implements java.lang.Iterable can be converted to lists" )
 	.jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "[Ljava/lang/Object;", 
 		"getIterableContent", .jcast(x, "java/lang/Iterable") , evalArray = TRUE, ... )
# }}}

# {{{ min, max, range
setMethod("min", "jrectRef", function(x, ...,na.rm=TRUE){ 
	dim <- x@dimension
	typename <- .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Ljava/lang/String;", 
		"getObjectTypeName", .jcast(x) )
	if( isPrimitiveTypeName( typename, include.strings = TRUE ) ){
		min( x[simplify=TRUE], na.rm = na.rm )
	} else{
		summarizer <- .jnew( "RectangularArraySummary", .jcast(x), dim )
		.jcall( summarizer, "Ljava/lang/Object;", "min", na.rm )
} )
setMethod("min", "jarrayRef", function(x, ...,na.rm=TRUE){ 
setMethod("max", "jrectRef", function(x, ..., na.rm=TRUE){ 
	dim <- x@dimension
	typename <- .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Ljava/lang/String;", 
		"getObjectTypeName", .jcast(x) )
	if( isPrimitiveTypeName( typename, include.strings = TRUE ) ){
		max( x[simplify=TRUE], na.rm = na.rm )
	} else{
		summarizer <- .jnew( "RectangularArraySummary", .jcast(x), dim )
		.jcall( summarizer, "Ljava/lang/Object;", "max", na.rm )
} )
setMethod("max", "jarrayRef", function(x, ..., na.rm=TRUE){
} )
setMethod("range", "jrectRef", function(x, ..., na.rm=TRUE){ 
	dim <- x@dimension
	typename <- .jcall( "RJavaArrayTools", "Ljava/lang/String;", 
		"getObjectTypeName", .jcast(x) )
	if( isPrimitiveTypeName( typename, include.strings = TRUE ) ){
		range( x[simplify=TRUE], na.rm = na.rm )
	} else{
		summarizer <- .jnew( "RectangularArraySummary", .jcast(x), dim )
		.jcall( summarizer, "[Ljava/lang/Object;", "range", na.rm, evalArray = TRUE, simplify = TRUE )
} )
setMethod("range", "jarrayRef", function(x, ..., na.rm=TRUE){ 
# }}}

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rJava documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:26 a.m.