
Defines functions sanitize winInter timeMaster lead0 cat0 prog unequalCbind cohens_d

Documented in cohens_d timeMaster

#' Cohen's d
#' A simple function to calculate Cohen's d effect size
#' @param x,y two numeric vectors containing the scores of the two samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generates two samples with means distance of 1 sd
#' x = rnorm(1000, mean = 10, sd = 1.5)
#' y = rnorm(1000, mean = 11.5, sd = 1.5)
#' # cohen's d should approximate to 1
#' cohens_d(x,y)
cohens_d <- function(x, y) {
  if(!is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(y)) stop ("'x' and 'y' must be numeric vectors")
  lx <- length(x)- 1
  ly <- length(y)- 1
  md  <- abs(mean(x) - mean(y))        ## mean difference (numerator)
  csd <- lx * stats::var(x) + ly * stats::var(y)
  csd <- csd/(lx + ly)
  csd <- sqrt(csd)                     ## common sd computation
  cd  <- md/csd                        ## cohen's d

## binds unequal columns to a same data.frame padding NAs to the end of the shorter
## (if keep=T, else drops the unmatched rows from the longer)
unequalCbind = function(..., keep=TRUE) {
  dots <- list(...)
  #dots = list(my.orig,my.ccf)
  dots = dots[!sapply(dots,is.null)]
  dots = Map(function(x,i){
    if(is.null(dim(x))) {
      k = data.frame(x)
    } else {
      k = x
    },dots, seq_along(dots))

    dotsNames = unlist(sapply(dots,colnames))
      maxlen = max(sapply(dots, nrow))
      fdots = lapply(dots, function(x){
        #x= dots[[2]]
          pad = maxlen - nrow(x)
          y = data.frame(matrix(rep(NA,ncol(x)*pad),ncol = ncol(x)))
          colnames(y) = colnames(x)
          rownames(y) = paste0("NA",1:pad)
        } else x
    } else {
      minlen = min(sapply(dots, nrow))
      fdots = lapply(dots, function(x){
    res = data.frame(do.call("cbind",fdots))
    colnames(res) = dotsNames
  } else return(dots[[1]])

prog = function(i,n,step=50){
  progStep = c(1,round((n/step)*2:(step-1)),n)
  progStep[progStep==0] = 1
  s = sum(i == progStep)
  if(s) {
    if(i==1) cat0(rep('.',50),"|100%\r\n")
  if(i==n) cat0("|Done ;)\r\n")


cat0 = function(...) {cat(..., sep="")}

lead0 = function(x, width = 2){
  formatC(x,width = width, format = "d", flag = "0")

## timeMaster allows to:
## transform time from different formats to different formats.
## add amounts of time to baseTime expressed in different formats.
## This is verified. And useful. For reasons. :-D

#' Transform time values between different formats
#' This function allows to
#' @param baseTime,add either integer of seconds or a time string in the format h:m:s, m:s, or s, with or without leading zeroes
#' @param out a character string indicating the format of the output. One of "auto" (the default which tries to keep the format of \code{'baseTime'}), "hour", "min", or "sec": can be abbreviated.
#' @param baseSep a character string or a regular expression identifying separators in \code{baseTime}
#' @examples
#' ## Adding seconds to minutes
#' timeMaster(30, add="10:00", out = "min")
#' ## Adding strings to integer seconds and returning a numeric value
#' timeMaster(30, add="10:00")
#' ## Automatic detection of format
#' timeMaster("01:30:55",add="10:00",out = "auto")
#' @export
timeMaster = function(baseTime, add=0, out=c("auto", "hour", "min","sec"), baseSep = "[\\.,:,\\,',-,\"]"){
  #baseTime and add can either be  integers of seconds or a time string in the format h:m:s, m:s, or s, with or without leading zeroes
  #output forces the sum to be reported either as string h:m:s or m:s or as a integer of seconds. auto keeps the 'baseTime' format.
  out = match.arg(out)
  if(is.numeric(baseTime) && sum(baseTime%%1)>0 ) {
    warning("The . was considered as a ':' in the format mm:ss. timeMaster does not support fractional times yet")
    sapply(baseTime,timeMaster,add,out,baseSep,USE.NAMES = F)
  } else {
    #da qui baseTime è contenente un tempo singolo, non un vettore
      #è negativo?
        negative = T
        baseTime = substring(baseTime,2)
      } else negative = F
      baseTime = strsplit(baseTime, split=baseSep)
      if      (length(baseTime[[1]])==1) auto = "sec"
      else if (length(baseTime[[1]])==2) auto = "min"
      else if (length(baseTime[[1]])==3) auto = "hour"
      else stop ("baseTime format not recognized. It should either be \"min:sec\" or \"hour:min:sec\" or an integer of seconds")
      sapply(unlist(baseTime), function(k){if(k=='') stop("baseTime contains an empty cell. Please check your separators")})
      #transform to seconds
      baseTime = unlist(lapply(baseTime, function(x){
        else if(length(x)==2)
          as.numeric(x[1])*60 + as.numeric(x[2])
        else if(length(x==3))
          as.numeric(x[1])*3600 + as.numeric(x[2])*60 + as.numeric(x[3])
        else stop("Time format must either be \"min:sec\" or \"hour:min:sec\"")
      } ))
      if(negative) baseTime = -baseTime
    } else {
      auto = "sec"
    if(is.character(add)) add = timeMaster(add,0,"sec")
    x = baseTime + add #that's the final amount in seconds

    if(out=="auto") out=auto
    if(out == "sec") {
    } else if(out %in% c("min", "hour")){
      if (x<0) { x = abs(x); negative = T} else negative =F
      mins = floor(x/60)
      secs = (x-mins*60)
      hours = trunc(mins/60)
      mins_h = mins - hours*60
      if(out == "min")
        return(paste0(ifelse(negative,"-",""), lead0(mins),":", lead0(secs)))
      else if (out =="hour"){
        return(paste0(ifelse(negative,"-",""),lead0(hours),":",lead0(mins_h),":", lead0(secs)))
    } else stop("timeMaster failed in a weird way!")

#Interpolate windowed data to original samplerate.
#useful to overlay computed indexes on original timeseries
winInter = function(windowsList, winSec, incSec, sampRate){
  #cat("Interpolating",incSec*sampRate,"sample between each HRV datapoint (linear) \r\n")
  win= winSec*sampRate
    res = data.frame(apply(daba,2,function (series){
      stats::approx(x    = seq(1,(length(series)*inc), by=inc)+ceiling(win/2)-1, #windowed datapoints must be at the center of the window
             y    = series, #the exact calculated values
             xout = seq(1,(length(series)-1)*inc + win,by=1) #all samples covered by the windows
    colnames(res) = colnames(daba)

#quick and dirty text sanitizing to create safe column names
sanitize = function(string){
  iconv(gsub("\\W","",string), #gsub deletes every non alphanumeric character
        "latin1", "ASCII", sub="")} #iconv deletes every remaining non ascii character

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rMEA documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:41 p.m.