
Defines functions aux_lme_rSPDE.matern.loglike aux2_lme_rSPDE.matern.loglike aux_lme_CBrSPDE.matern.loglike aux2_lme_CBrSPDE.matern.loglike construct.spde.matern.loglike rSPDE.construct.matern.loglike precision.CBrSPDEobj precision predict.CBrSPDEobj spde.matern.loglike aux_CBrSPDE.matern.loglike CBrSPDE.matern.loglike rSPDE.matern.loglike rSPDE.loglike predict.rSPDEobj simulate.CBrSPDEobj update.rSPDEobj update.CBrSPDEobj simulate.rSPDEobj

Documented in construct.spde.matern.loglike precision precision.CBrSPDEobj predict.CBrSPDEobj predict.rSPDEobj rSPDE.construct.matern.loglike rSPDE.loglike rSPDE.matern.loglike simulate.CBrSPDEobj simulate.rSPDEobj spde.matern.loglike update.CBrSPDEobj update.rSPDEobj

## fractional.computations.R
##   Copyright (C) 2018, 2019, David Bolin
##   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##   (at your option) any later version.
##   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##   GNU General Public License for more details.
##   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title Simulation of a fractional SPDE using a rational SPDE approximation
#' @description The function samples a Gaussian random field based on a
#' pre-computed rational SPDE approximation.
#' @param object The rational SPDE approximation, computed
#' using [fractional.operators()],
#' [matern.operators()], or [spde.matern.operators()].
#' @param nsim The number of simulations.
#' @param seed an object specifying if and how the random number generator should be initialized (‘seeded’).
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return A matrix with the `n` samples as columns.
#' @seealso [simulate.CBrSPDEobj()]
#' @export
#' @method simulate rSPDEobj
#' @examples
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' range <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation
#' op <- matern.operators(
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma,
#'   nu = nu, loc_mesh = x, d = 1,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' # Sample the model and plot the result
#' Y <- simulate(op)
#' plot(x, Y, type = "l", ylab = "u(x)", xlab = "x")
simulate.rSPDEobj <- function(object,
                              nsim = 1,
                              seed = NULL,
                              ...) {
  if (!inherits(object, "rSPDEobj")) {
    stop("input object is not of class rSPDEobj")
  m <- dim(object$Q)[1]
  z <- rnorm(nsim * m)
  dim(z) <- c(m, nsim)
  x <- Qsqrt.solve(object, z)
  x <- Pr.mult(object, x)


#' @name update.CBrSPDEobj
#' @title Update parameters of CBrSPDEobj objects
#' @description Function to change the parameters of a CBrSPDEobj object
#' @param object The covariance-based rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [matern.operators()]
#' @param user_kappa If non-null, update the parameter kappa of the SPDE. Will be used if parameterization is 'spde'.
#' @param user_tau If non-null, update the parameter tau of the SPDE. Will be used if parameterization is 'spde'.
#' @param user_sigma If non-null, update the standard deviation of
#' the covariance function. Will be used if parameterization is 'matern'.
#' @param user_range If non-null, update the range parameter
#' of the covariance function. Will be used if parameterization is 'matern'.
#' @param user_theta For non-stationary models. If non-null, update the vector of parameters.
#' @param user_nu If non-null, update the shape parameter of the
#' covariance function. Will be used if parameterization is 'matern'.
#' @param user_alpha If non-null, update the fractional SPDE order parameter. Will be used if parameterization is 'spde'.
#' @param user_m If non-null, update the order of the rational
#' approximation, which needs to be a positive integer.
#' @param mesh An optional inla mesh. Replaces `d`, `C` and `G`.
#' @param graph An optional `metric_graph` object. Replaces `d`, `C` and `G`. 
#' @param range_mesh The range of the mesh. Will be used to provide starting values for the parameters. Will be used if `mesh` and `graph` are `NULL`, and if one of the parameters (kappa or tau for spde parameterization, or sigma or range for matern parameterization) are not provided.
#' @param loc_mesh The mesh locations used to construct the matrices C and G. This option should be provided if one wants to use the `rspde_lme()` function and will not provide neither graph nor mesh. Only works for 1d data. Does not work for metric graphs. For metric graphs you should supply the graph using the `graph` argument. 
#' @param parameterization If non-null, update the parameterization. Only works for stationary models.
#' @param compute_higher_order Logical. Should the higher order
#' finite element matrices be computed?
#' @param return_block_list Logical. For `type = "covariance"`,
#' should the block parts of the precision matrix be returned
#' separately as a list?
#' @param type_rational_approximation Which type of rational
#' approximation should be used? The current types are "chebfun",
#' "brasil" or "chebfunLB".
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return It returns an object of class "CBrSPDEobj. This object contains the
#' same quantities listed in the output of [matern.operators()].
#' @method update CBrSPDEobj
#' @seealso [simulate.CBrSPDEobj()], [matern.operators()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Compute the covariance-based rational approximation of a
#' # Gaussian process with a Matern covariance function on R
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' range <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation of covariance function at 0.5
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, d = 1, m = 2,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' op_cov
#' # Update the range parameter of the model:
#' op_cov <- update(op_cov, user_kappa = 20)
#' op_cov
update.CBrSPDEobj <- function(object, user_nu = NULL, user_alpha = NULL,
                              user_kappa = NULL,
                              user_tau = NULL,
                              user_sigma = NULL,
                              user_range = NULL,
                              user_theta = NULL,
                              user_m = NULL,
                              mesh = NULL,
                              loc_mesh = NULL,
                              graph = NULL,
                              range_mesh = NULL,
                              compute_higher_order = object$higher_order,
                              parameterization = NULL,
                              type_rational_approximation =
                              return_block_list = object$return_block_list,
                              ...) {
  new_object <- object
  d <- object$d

        fem_mesh_matrices <- object$fem_mesh_matrices

        if (is.null(user_nu) && !(object$higher_order) && compute_higher_order) {
          user_nu <- object$nu

        new_object[["fem_mesh_matrices"]] <- fem_mesh_matrices

          parameterization <- new_object$parameterization
        } else{
            parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]
            if (!parameterization %in% c("matern", "spde")) {
                stop("parameterization should be either 'matern' or 'spde'!")

        if(parameterization == "spde"){
          if (!is.null(user_kappa)) {
            new_object$kappa <- rspde_check_user_input(user_kappa, "kappa", 0)
            new_object$range <- NULL
            new_object$sigma <- NULL

          if (!is.null(user_tau)) {
            new_object$tau <- rspde_check_user_input(user_tau, "tau", 0)
            new_object$sigma <- NULL

            alpha <- rspde_check_user_input(user_alpha, "alpha", d/2)
            user_nu <- alpha - d/2
            new_object$nu <- user_nu
            new_object$alpha <- alpha

        } else if(parameterization == "matern"){
          if (!is.null(user_range)) {
            new_object$range <- rspde_check_user_input(user_range, "range", 0)
            new_object$kappa <- NULL
            new_object$tau <- NULL

          if (!is.null(user_sigma)) {
            new_object$sigma <- rspde_check_user_input(user_sigma, "sigma", 0)
            new_object$tau <- NULL
            new_object$nu <- rspde_check_user_input(user_nu, "nu")
          alpha <- new_object$nu + d / 2
          new_object$alpha <- alpha
        # else if(parameterization == "graph"){
        #   if (!is.null(user_kappa)) {
        #     new_object$kappa <- rspde_check_user_input(user_kappa, "kappa")
        #     new_object$range <- NULL
        #     new_object$tau <- NULL
        #   }

        #   if (!is.null(user_sigma)) {
        #     new_object$sigma <- rspde_check_user_input(user_sigma, "sigma")
        #     new_object$tau <- NULL
        #   }
        # }

        ## get parameters
          alpha <- new_object$alpha
          m_alpha <- floor(alpha)
          m_order <- m_alpha + 1

          if (compute_higher_order) {
            if (m_order + 1 > length(object$fem_mesh_matrices)) {
              old_m_order <- length(object$fem_mesh_matrices) - 1
              GCi <- object$GCi
              for (i in (old_m_order + 1):m_order) {
                fem_mesh_matrices[[paste0("g", i)]] <- GCi %*%
                fem_mesh_matrices[[paste0("g", i - 1)]]

        if (!is.null(user_m)) {
          new_object$m <- as.integer(rspde_check_user_input(user_m, "m", 0))

          mesh <- new_object[["mesh"]]
          range_mesh <- new_object[["range_mesh"]]
          loc_mesh <- new_object[["loc_mesh"]]
          graph <- new_object$graph

        if(parameterization == "spde"){
            new_object <- matern.operators(
              kappa = new_object$kappa,
              tau = new_object$tau,
              alpha = new_object$alpha,
              G = new_object$G,
              C = new_object$C,
              d = new_object$d,
              m = new_object$m,
              mesh = mesh,
              loc_mesh = loc_mesh,
              range_mesh = range_mesh,
              graph = graph,
              parameterization = parameterization,
              type = "covariance",
              return_block_list = return_block_list,
              type_rational_approximation = type_rational_approximation,
              fem_mesh_matrices = new_object$fem_mesh_matrices,
              compute_logdet = new_object$compute_logdet
        } else{
            new_object <- matern.operators(
              sigma = new_object$sigma,
              range = new_object$range,
              nu = new_object$nu,
              G = new_object$G,
              C = new_object$C,
              d = new_object$d,
              m = new_object$m,
              mesh = mesh,
              loc_mesh = loc_mesh,
              range_mesh = range_mesh,
              graph = graph,
              parameterization = parameterization,
              type = "covariance",
              return_block_list = return_block_list,
              type_rational_approximation = type_rational_approximation,
              fem_mesh_matrices = new_object$fem_mesh_matrices,
              compute_logdet = new_object$compute_logdet

  } else{
  ## get parameters

          if (!is.null(user_tau)) {
            new_object$tau <- rspde_check_user_input(user_tau, "tau", 0)

          if (!is.null(user_kappa)) {
            new_object$kappa <- rspde_check_user_input(user_kappa, "kappa" , 0)

          if (!is.null(user_theta)) {
              stop("user_theta must be numeric!")
            new_object$theta <- user_theta

        if (!is.null(user_m)) {
          new_object$m <- as.integer(rspde_check_user_input(user_m, "m", 0))

          mesh <- new_object[["mesh"]]
          range_mesh <- new_object[["range_mesh"]]
          loc_mesh <- new_object[["loc_mesh"]]
          graph <- new_object$graph

          parameterization <- new_object$parameterization
        } else{
            parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]
            if (!parameterization %in% c("matern", "spde")) {
                stop("parameterization should be either 'matern', 'spde' or 'graph'!")

       if(parameterization == "spde"){
            alpha <- rspde_check_user_input(user_alpha, "alpha", d/2)
            user_nu <- alpha - d/2
            new_object$nu <- user_nu
            new_object$alpha <- alpha

        } else if(parameterization == "matern"){
            new_object$nu <- rspde_check_user_input(user_nu, "nu")
          alpha <- new_object$nu + d / 2
          new_object$alpha <- alpha
        if(parameterization == "spde"){
          new_object <- spde.matern.operators(
            kappa = new_object$kappa,
            tau = new_object$tau,
            theta = new_object$theta,
            alpha = new_object$alpha,
            B.tau = new_object$B.tau,
            B.kappa = new_object$B.kappa,
            G = new_object$G,
            C = new_object$C,
            d = new_object$d,
            m = new_object$m,
            mesh = mesh,
            loc_mesh = loc_mesh,
            range_mesh = range_mesh,
            graph = graph,            
            parameterization = parameterization,
            type = "covariance",
            type_rational_approximation = new_object$type_rational_approximation
        } else{
          new_object <- spde.matern.operators(
            kappa = new_object$kappa,
            tau = new_object$tau,
            theta = new_object$theta,
            nu = new_object$nu,
            G = new_object$G,
            C = new_object$C,
            d = new_object$d,
            m = new_object$m,
            mesh = mesh,
            loc_mesh = loc_mesh,
            range_mesh = range_mesh,
            graph = graph,            
            parameterization = parameterization,
            B.sigma = new_object$B.sigma,
            B.range = new_object$B.range,
            type = "covariance",
            type_rational_approximation = new_object$type_rational_approximation


#' @name update.rSPDEobj
#' @title Update parameters of rSPDEobj objects
#' @description Function to change the parameters of a rSPDEobj object
#' @param object The operator-based rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [matern.operators()] with `type="operator"`
#' @param user_kappa If non-null, update the range parameter
#' of the covariance function.
#' @param user_tau If non-null, update the parameter tau.
#' @param user_sigma If non-null, update the standard deviation of
#' the covariance function.
#' @param user_range If non-null, update the range parameter
#' of the covariance function.
#' @param user_theta If non-null, update the parameter theta, that connects
#' tau and kappa to the model matrices.
#' @param user_nu If non-null, update the shape parameter
#' of the covariance function.
#' @param user_alpha If non-null, update the fractional order.
#' @param user_m If non-null, update the order of the rational
#' approximation, which needs to be a positive integer.
#' @param mesh An optional inla mesh. Replaces `d`, `C` and `G`.
#' @param graph An optional `metric_graph` object. Replaces `d`, `C` and `G`. 
#' @param range_mesh The range of the mesh. Will be used to provide starting values for the parameters. Will be used if `mesh` and `graph` are `NULL`, and if one of the parameters (kappa or tau for spde parameterization, or sigma or range for matern parameterization) are not provided.
#' @param loc_mesh The mesh locations used to construct the matrices C and G. This option should be provided if one wants to use the `rspde_lme()` function and will not provide neither graph nor mesh. Only works for 1d data. Does not work for metric graphs. For metric graphs you should supply the graph using the `graph` argument. 
#' @param parameterization If non-null, update the parameterization. Only works for stationary models.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return It returns an object of class "rSPDEobj. This object contains the
#' same quantities listed in the output of [matern.operators()].
#' @method update rSPDEobj
#' @seealso [simulate.rSPDEobj()], [matern.operators()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Compute the operator-based rational approximation of a
#' # Gaussian process with a Matern covariance function on R
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' range <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation of covariance function at 0.5
#' op <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, d = 1, m = 2, type = "operator",
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' op
#' # Update the range parameter of the model:
#' op <- update(op, user_kappa = 20)
#' op
update.rSPDEobj <- function(object, user_nu = NULL,
                            user_alpha = NULL,
                            user_kappa = NULL,
                            user_sigma = NULL,
                            user_range = NULL,
                            user_tau = NULL,                            
                            user_theta = NULL,
                            user_m = NULL,
                            mesh = NULL,
                            loc_mesh = NULL,
                            graph = NULL,
                            range_mesh = NULL,
                            parameterization = NULL, ...) {
  new_object <- object

  ## get parameters

  d <- object$d

  if (!is.null(user_m)) {
    new_object$m <- as.integer(rspde_check_user_input(user_m, "m", 1))

  if (!is.null(user_theta)) {
      new_object$theta <- rspde_check_user_input(user_theta, "theta")

          parameterization <- new_object$parameterization
        } else{
            parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]
            if (!parameterization %in% c("matern", "spde", "graph")) {
                stop("parameterization should be either 'matern', 'spde' or 'graph'!")

       if(parameterization == "spde"){
          if (!is.null(user_kappa)) {
            new_object$kappa <- rspde_check_user_input(user_kappa, "kappa", 0)
            new_object$range <- NULL
            new_object$sigma <- NULL

          if (!is.null(user_tau)) {
            new_object$tau <- rspde_check_user_input(user_tau, "tau", 0)
            new_object$sigma <- NULL

            alpha <- rspde_check_user_input(user_alpha, "alpha", d/2)
            user_nu <- alpha - d/2
            new_object$nu <- user_nu
            new_object$alpha <- alpha

        } else if(parameterization == "matern"){
          if (!is.null(user_range)) {
            new_object$range <- rspde_check_user_input(user_range, "range", 0)
            new_object$kappa <- NULL
            new_object$tau <- NULL

          if (!is.null(user_sigma)) {
            new_object$sigma <- rspde_check_user_input(user_sigma, "sigma", 0)
            new_object$tau <- NULL
            new_object$nu <- rspde_check_user_input(user_nu, "nu")
          alpha <- new_object$nu + d / 2
          new_object$alpha <- alpha

        if (!is.null(user_m)) {
          new_object$m <- as.integer(rspde_check_user_input(user_m, "m", 0))

          mesh <- new_object[["mesh"]]
          range_mesh <- new_object[["range_mesh"]]
          loc_mesh <- new_object[["loc_mesh"]]
          graph <- new_object$graph

        if(parameterization == "spde"){
            new_object <- matern.operators(
              kappa = new_object$kappa,
              tau = new_object$tau,
              alpha = new_object$alpha,
              G = new_object$G,
              C = new_object$C,
              d = new_object$d,
              m = new_object$m,
              mesh = mesh,
              loc_mesh = loc_mesh,
              range_mesh = range_mesh,
              graph = graph,
              parameterization = parameterization,    
              type = "operator"
        } else{
            new_object <- matern.operators(
              sigma = new_object$sigma,
              range = new_object$range,
              nu = new_object$nu,
              G = new_object$G,
              C = new_object$C,
              d = new_object$d,
              m = new_object$m,
              mesh = mesh,
              loc_mesh = loc_mesh,
              range_mesh = range_mesh,
              graph = graph,
              parameterization = parameterization,    
              type = "operator"

 } else{
          if (!is.null(user_tau)) {
            new_object$tau <- rspde_check_user_input(user_tau, "tau", 0)

          if (!is.null(user_kappa)) {
            new_object$kappa <- rspde_check_user_input(user_kappa, "kappa" , 0)

          if (!is.null(user_theta)) {
              stop("user_theta must be numeric!")
            new_object$theta <- user_theta

          if (!is.null(user_m)) {
            new_object$m <- as.integer(rspde_check_user_input(user_m, "m", 0))

          mesh <- new_object[["mesh"]]
          range_mesh <- new_object[["range_mesh"]]
          loc_mesh <- new_object[["loc_mesh"]]
          graph <- new_object$graph

          parameterization <- new_object$parameterization
        } else{
            parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]
            if (!parameterization %in% c("matern", "spde", "graph")) {
                stop("parameterization should be either 'matern', 'spde' or 'graph'!")

       if(parameterization == "spde"){
            alpha <- rspde_check_user_input(user_alpha, "alpha", d/2)
            user_nu <- alpha - d/2
            new_object$nu <- user_nu
            new_object$alpha <- alpha

        } else if(parameterization == "matern"){
            new_object$nu <- rspde_check_user_input(user_nu, "nu")
          alpha <- new_object$nu + d / 2
          new_object$alpha <- alpha


    if(parameterization == "spde"){
          new_object <- spde.matern.operators(
            kappa = new_object$kappa,
            tau = new_object$tau,
            theta = new_object$theta,
            alpha = new_object$alpha,
            B.tau = new_object$B.tau,
            B.kappa = new_object$B.kappa,
            G = new_object$G,
            C = new_object$C,
            d = new_object$d,
            m = new_object$m,
            mesh = mesh,
            loc_mesh = loc_mesh,
            range_mesh = range_mesh,
            parameterization = parameterization,
            graph = graph,            
            type = "operator"
    } else{
        new_object <- spde.matern.operators(
            kappa = new_object$kappa,
            tau = new_object$tau,
            theta = new_object$theta,
            nu = new_object$nu,
            B.range = new_object$B.range,
            B.sigma = new_object$B.sigma,
            G = new_object$G,
            C = new_object$C,
            d = new_object$d,
            m = new_object$m,
            mesh = mesh,
            loc_mesh = loc_mesh,
            range_mesh = range_mesh,
            parameterization = parameterization,
            graph = graph,            
            type = "operator"


#' @name simulate.CBrSPDEobj
#' @title Simulation of a fractional SPDE using the
#' covariance-based rational SPDE approximation
#' @description The function samples a Gaussian random field based using the
#' covariance-based rational SPDE approximation.
#' @param object The covariance-based rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [matern.operators()]
#' @param nsim The number of simulations.
#' @param seed An object specifying if and how the random number generator should be initialized (‘seeded’).
#' @param user_kappa If non-null, update the range parameter
#' of the covariance function.
#' @param user_tau If non-null, update the parameter tau.
#' @param user_sigma If non-null, update the standard deviation of
#' the covariance function.
#' @param user_range If non-null, update the range parameter
#' of the covariance function.
#' @param user_theta For non-stationary models. If non-null, update the vector of parameters.
#' @param user_nu If non-null, update the shape parameter of the
#' covariance function.
#' @param user_m If non-null, update the order of the rational
#' approximation, which needs to be a positive integer.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return A matrix with the `n` samples as columns.
#' @method simulate CBrSPDEobj
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' range <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation of covariance function at 0.5
#' tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
#' (4 * pi)^(1 / 2) * gamma(nu + 1 / 2)))
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, d = 1, m = 2,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' # Sample the model and plot the result
#' Y <- simulate(op_cov)
#' plot(x, Y, type = "l", ylab = "u(x)", xlab = "x")
simulate.CBrSPDEobj <- function(object, nsim = 1,
                                seed = NULL,
                                user_nu = NULL,
                                user_kappa = NULL,
                                user_sigma = NULL,
                                user_range = NULL,
                                user_tau = NULL,
                                user_theta = NULL,
                                user_m = NULL,
                                ...) {
  d <- object$d
  nu_temp <- ifelse(is.null(user_nu), object$nu, user_nu)
  alpha <- nu_temp + d / 2

  ## simulation
  if ((alpha %% 1 == 0) && object$stationary) { # simulation in integer case
    object <- update.CBrSPDEobj(
      object = object,
      user_nu = user_nu,
      user_kappa = user_kappa,
      user_sigma = user_sigma,
      user_tau = user_tau,
      user_range = user_range,
      user_m = user_m,
      parameterization = object$parameterization,
      compute_higher_order = TRUE

    kappa <- object$kappa
    nu <- object$nu
    tau <- object$tau
    m <- object$m

    alpha <- nu + d / 2

    fem_mesh_matrices <- object$fem_mesh_matrices

    L <- fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] + fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]] / kappa^2
    sizeL <- dim(L)[1]

    # Q <- rspde.matern.precision.integer(
    #   kappa = kappa, nu = nu, tau = tau,
    #   dim = d,
    #   fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh_matrices
    # )

    Q <- object$Q

    Z <- rnorm(sizeL * nsim)
    dim(Z) <- c(sizeL, nsim)

    # LQ <- Matrix::Cholesky(forceSymmetric(Q), LDL = FALSE)
    # X <- solve(LQ, Z, system = "Lt")
    # X <- solve(LQ, X, system = "Pt")
      LQ <- chol(forceSymmetric(Q))
      X <- solve(LQ, Z)

  } else {
    object <- update.CBrSPDEobj(
      object = object,
      user_nu = user_nu,
      user_kappa = user_kappa,
      user_sigma = user_sigma,
      user_m = user_m,
      user_range = user_range,
      user_tau = user_tau,
      user_theta = user_theta,
      parameterization = object$parameterization,

    m <- object$m
    Q <- object$Q

    Z <- rnorm(dim(Q)[1] * nsim)
    dim(Z) <- c(dim(Q)[1], nsim)

    # LQ <- Matrix::Cholesky(forceSymmetric(Q), LDL = FALSE)
    # X <- solve(LQ, Z, system = "Lt")
    # X <- solve(LQ, X, system = "Pt")
      LQ <- chol(forceSymmetric(Q))
      X <- solve(LQ, Z)
    if(alpha %% 1 == 0){
      A <- Diagonal(dim(Q)[1])
      Abar <- A
    } else{
      A <- Diagonal(dim(Q)[1] / (m + 1))
      Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, m + 1), A)
    X <- Abar %*% X

#' Prediction of a fractional SPDE using a rational SPDE approximation
#' The function is used for computing kriging predictions based on data
#' \eqn{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i},
#' where \eqn{\epsilon}{\epsilon} is mean-zero Gaussian measurement noise
#' and \eqn{u(s)}{u(s)} is defined by
#' a fractional SPDE \eqn{L^\beta u(s) = W}{L^\beta u(s) = W}, where
#' \eqn{W}{W} is Gaussian white noise.
#' @param object The rational SPDE approximation, computed using
#' [fractional.operators()],
#' [matern.operators()], or [spde.matern.operators()].
#' @param A A matrix linking the measurement locations to the basis of the
#' FEM approximation of the latent model.
#' @param Aprd A matrix linking the prediction locations to the basis of the
#' FEM approximation of the latent model.
#' @param Y A vector with the observed data, can also be a matrix where the
#' columns are observations
#' of independent replicates of \eqn{u}.
#' @param sigma.e The standard deviation of the Gaussian measurement noise.
#' Put to zero if the model
#' does not have measurement noise.
#' @param compute.variances Set to also TRUE to compute the kriging variances.
#' @param posterior_samples If `TRUE`, posterior samples will be returned.
#' @param n_samples Number of samples to be returned. Will only be used if `sampling` is `TRUE`.
#' @param only_latent Should the posterior samples be only given to the latent model?
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A list with elements
#' \item{mean }{The kriging predictor (the posterior mean of u|Y).}
#' \item{variance }{The posterior variances (if computed).}
#' \item{samples }{A matrix containing the samples if `sampling` is `TRUE`.} 
#' @export
#' @method predict rSPDEobj
#' @examples
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' sigma.e <- 0.3
#' range <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation
#' op <- matern.operators(
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma,
#'   nu = nu, loc_mesh = x, d = 1,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' # Sample the model
#' u <- simulate(op)
#' # Create some data
#' obs.loc <- runif(n = 10, min = 0, max = 1)
#' A <- rSPDE.A1d(x, obs.loc)
#' Y <- as.vector(A %*% u + sigma.e * rnorm(10))
#' # compute kriging predictions at the FEM grid
#' A.krig <- rSPDE.A1d(x, x)
#' u.krig <- predict(op,
#'   A = A, Aprd = A.krig, Y = Y, sigma.e = sigma.e,
#'   compute.variances = TRUE
#' )
#' plot(obs.loc, Y,
#'   ylab = "u(x)", xlab = "x", main = "Data and prediction",
#'   ylim = c(
#'     min(u.krig$mean - 2 * sqrt(u.krig$variance)),
#'     max(u.krig$mean + 2 * sqrt(u.krig$variance))
#'   )
#' )
#' lines(x, u.krig$mean)
#' lines(x, u.krig$mean + 2 * sqrt(u.krig$variance), col = 2)
#' lines(x, u.krig$mean - 2 * sqrt(u.krig$variance), col = 2)
predict.rSPDEobj <- function(object,
                             compute.variances = FALSE,
                             posterior_samples = FALSE,
                             n_samples = 100,
                             only_latent = FALSE,
                             ...) {
  Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  if (dim(Y)[1] != dim(A)[1]) {
    stop("the dimensions of A does not match the number of observations")

  out <- list()
  if (length(sigma.e) == 1) {
    if (sigma.e < 0) {
      stop("sigma.e must be non-negative")
    } else if (sigma.e > 0) {
      A <- A %*% object$Pr
      AA <- Aprd %*% object$Pr
      Qhat <- object$Q + (t(A) %*% A) / sigma.e^2
      out$mean <- as.matrix(AA %*% solve(Qhat, t(A) %*% Y / sigma.e^2))
      if (compute.variances) {
        out$variance <- diag(AA %*% solve(Qhat, t(AA)))
    } else { # no nugget
      Ahat <- A %*% object$Pr
      QiAt <- solve(object$Q, t(Ahat))
      AQiA <- Ahat %*% QiAt
      xhat <- solve(object$Q, t(Ahat) %*% solve(AQiA, Y))
      out$mean <- as.vector(Aprd %*% xhat)
      if (compute.variances) {
        AA <- Aprd %*% object$Pr
        M <- object$Q - QiAt %*% solve(AQiA, t(QiAt))
        out$variance <- diag(AA %*% M %*% t(AA))
  } else if (dim(Y)[1] == length(sigma.e)) {
    Q.e <- Diagonal(length(sigma.e), 1 / sigma.e^2)
    A <- A %*% object$Pr
    AA <- Aprd %*% object$Pr
    Qhat <- object$Q + t(A) %*% Q.e %*% A
    out$mean <- as.matrix(AA %*% solve(Qhat, t(A) %*% Q.e %*% Y))
    if (compute.variances) {
      out$variance <- diag(AA %*% solve(Qhat, t(AA)))

    if(sigma.e > 0){
      post_cov <- AA %*% solve(Qhat, t(AA))
    } else{
      AA <- Aprd %*% object$Pr
      M <- object$Q - QiAt %*% solve(AQiA, t(QiAt))
      post_cov <- AA %*% M %*% t(AA)
    Y_tmp <- as.matrix(Y)
    mean_tmp <- as.matrix(out$mean)
    out$samples <- lapply(1:ncol(Y_tmp), function(i){
        Z <- rnorm(dim(post_cov)[1] * n_samples)
        dim(Z) <- c(dim(post_cov)[1], n_samples)
        LQ <- chol(forceSymmetric(post_cov))
        X <- LQ %*% Z
        X <- X + mean_tmp[,i]
          X <- X + matrix(rnorm(n_samples * dim(Aprd)[1], sd = sigma.e), nrow = dim(Aprd)[1])


#' Object-based log-likelihood function for latent Gaussian
#' fractional SPDE model
#' This function evaluates the log-likelihood function for a
#' fractional SPDE model
#' \eqn{L^\beta u(s) = W}{L^\beta u(s) = W} that is observed under
#' Gaussian measurement noise:
#' \eqn{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}{Y_i = x(s_i) + \epsilon_i},
#' where \eqn{\epsilon_i}{\epsilon_i}
#' are iid mean-zero Gaussian variables and \eqn{x(s) =
#' \mu(s) + u(s)}{x(s) = \mu(s) + u(s)}, where
#' \eqn{\mu(s)}{\mu(s)} is the expectation vector of the latent field.
#' @param obj The rational SPDE approximation, computed using
#' [fractional.operators()],
#' [matern.operators()], or [spde.matern.operators()].
#' @param Y The observations, either a vector or a matrix where
#' the columns correspond to independent replicates of observations.
#' @param A An observation matrix that links the measurement location
#' to the finite element basis.
#' @param sigma.e The standard deviation of the measurement noise.
#' @param mu Expectation vector of the latent field (default = 0).
#' @return The log-likelihood value.
#' @export
#' @note This example below shows how the function can be used to evaluate
#' the likelihood of a latent Matern model.
#' @seealso [spde.matern.loglike()]
#' @examples
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' sigma.e <- 0.3
#' range <- 0.2
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation
#' op <- matern.operators(
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, nu = nu,
#'   loc_mesh = x, d = 1,
#'   type = "operator", parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' # Sample the model
#' u <- simulate(op)
#' # Create some data
#' obs.loc <- runif(n = 10, min = 0, max = 1)
#' A <- rSPDE.A1d(x, obs.loc)
#' Y <- as.vector(A %*% u + sigma.e * rnorm(10))
#' # compute log-likelihood of the data
#' lik1 <- rSPDE.loglike(op, Y, A, sigma.e)
#' cat(lik1)
rSPDE.loglike <- function(obj,
                          mu = 0) {
  Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  if (length(dim(Y)) == 2) {
    n.rep <- dim(Y)[2]
    n <- dim(Y)[1]
  } else {
    n.rep <- 1
    if (length(dim(Y)) == 1) {
      n <- dim(Y)[1]
    } else {
      n <- length(Y)
  if (length(sigma.e) == 1) {
    Q.e <- Diagonal(n) / sigma.e^2
    nugget <- rep(sigma.e^2, n)
  } else {
    if (length(sigma.e) != n) {
      stop("the length of sigma.e does not match the number of observations")
    Q.e <- Diagonal(length(sigma.e), 1 / sigma.e^2)
    nugget <- sigma.e^2

  R <- Matrix::Cholesky(obj$Pl)

  prior.ld <- 4 * c(determinant(R, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus) -

  A <- A %*% obj$Pr
  Q.post <- obj$Q + t(A) %*% Q.e %*% A

  R.post <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q.post)

  posterior.ld <- 2 * c(determinant(R.post, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus)

  AtY <- t(A) %*% Q.e %*% Y

  mu.post <- mu + solve(R.post, AtY, system = "A")

  lik <- n.rep * (prior.ld - posterior.ld - dim(A)[1] *
  log(2 * pi) - sum(log(nugget))) / 2

  if (n.rep > 1) {
    lik <- lik - 0.5 * sum(colSums((mu.post - mu) * (obj$Q %*% (mu.post - mu))))
    v <- Q.e %*% (Y - A %*% mu.post)
    lik <- lik - 0.5 * sum(colSums((Y - A %*% mu.post) * v))
  } else {
    lik <- lik - 0.5 * (t(mu.post - mu) %*% obj$Q %*% (mu.post - mu) +
    t(Y - A %*% mu.post) %*% Q.e %*% (Y - A %*% mu.post))

#' @name rSPDE.matern.loglike
#' @title Object-based log-likelihood function for latent Gaussian fractional
#' SPDE model using the rational approximations
#' @description This function evaluates the log-likelihood function for a
#' Gaussian process with a Matern covariance
#' function, that is observed under Gaussian measurement noise:
#' \eqn{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}, where
#' \eqn{\epsilon_i}{\epsilon_i} are
#' iid mean-zero Gaussian variables. The latent model is approximated using
#' the a rational approximation
#' of the fractional SPDE model corresponding to the Gaussian process.
#' @param object The rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [matern.operators()]
#' @param Y The observations, either a vector or a matrix where
#' the columns correspond to independent replicates of observations.
#' @param A An observation matrix that links the measurement location to the
#' finite element basis.
#' @param sigma.e The standard deviation of the measurement noise.
#' @param mu Expectation vector of the latent field (default = 0).
#' @param user_kappa If non-null, update the range parameter of the covariance
#' function.
#' @param user_tau If non-null, update the parameter tau.
#' @param user_sigma If non-null, update the standard deviation of
#' the covariance function.
#' @param user_range If non-null, update the range parameter
#' of the covariance function.
#' @param user_nu If non-null, update the shape parameter of the covariance
#' function.
#' @param user_m If non-null, update the order of the rational approximation,
#' which needs to be a positive integer.
#' @return The log-likelihood value.
#' @export
#' @seealso [matern.operators()], [predict.CBrSPDEobj()]
#' @examples
#' # this example illustrates how the function can be used for maximum
#' # likelihood estimation
#' set.seed(123)
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
#' nu <- 0.8
#' kappa <- 5
#' sigma <- 1
#' sigma.e <- 0.1
#' n.rep <- 10
#' n.obs <- 100
#' n.x <- 51
#' range <- 0.2
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = n.x)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
#' (4 * pi)^(1 / 2) * gamma(nu + 1 / 2)))
#' # Compute the covariance-based rational approximation
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, d = 1, m = 2,
#'  parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' # Sample the model
#' u <- simulate(op_cov, n.rep)
#' # Create some data
#' obs.loc <- runif(n = n.obs, min = 0, max = 1)
#' A <- rSPDE.A1d(x, obs.loc)
#' noise <- rnorm(n.obs * n.rep)
#' dim(noise) <- c(n.obs, n.rep)
#' Y <- as.matrix(A %*% u + sigma.e * noise)
#' # Define the negative likelihood function for optimization
#' # using CBrSPDE.matern.loglike
#' # Notice that we are also using sigma instead of tau, so it can be compared
#' # to matern.loglike()
#' mlik_cov <- function(theta, Y, A, op_cov) {
#'   kappa <- exp(theta[1])
#'   sigma <- exp(theta[2])
#'   nu <- exp(theta[3])
#'   return(-rSPDE.matern.loglike(
#'     object = op_cov, Y = Y,
#'     A = A, user_kappa = kappa, user_sigma = sigma,
#'     user_nu = nu, sigma.e = exp(theta[4])
#'   ))
#' }
#' # The parameters can now be estimated by minimizing mlik with optim
#' \donttest{
#' # Choose some reasonable starting values depending on the size of the domain
#' theta0 <- log(c(sqrt(8), 1 / sqrt(var(c(Y))), 0.9, 0.01))
#' # run estimation and display the results
#' theta <- optim(theta0, mlik_cov,
#'   Y = Y, A = A, op_cov = op_cov,
#'   method = "L-BFGS-B"
#' )
#' print(data.frame(
#'   range = c(range, exp(theta$par[1])), sigma = c(sigma, exp(theta$par[2])),
#'   nu = c(nu, exp(theta$par[3])), sigma.e = c(sigma.e, exp(theta$par[4])),
#'   row.names = c("Truth", "Estimates")
#' ))
#' }
rSPDE.matern.loglike <- function(object, Y, A, sigma.e, mu = 0,
                                 user_nu = NULL,
                                 user_kappa = NULL,
                                 user_sigma = NULL,
                                 user_range = NULL,
                                 user_tau = NULL,
                                 user_m = NULL) {
  if (inherits(object, "CBrSPDEobj")) {
      object = object,
      Y = Y, A = A,
      sigma.e = sigma.e,
      mu = mu,
      user_nu = user_nu,
      user_kappa = user_kappa,
      user_sigma = user_sigma,
      user_tau = user_tau,
      user_range = user_range,
      user_m = user_m
  } else {
    if (inherits(object, "rSPDEobj")) {
      if (object$type == "Matern approximation") {
        object <- update.rSPDEobj(object,
          user_nu = user_nu,
          user_kappa = user_kappa,
          user_sigma = user_sigma,
          user_tau = user_tau,
          user_range = user_range,
          user_m = user_m
        return(rSPDE.loglike(obj = object, Y = Y, A = A,
        sigma.e = sigma.e, mu = mu))
      } else {
        stop("The fractional operator should be of type
        'Matern approximation'!")
    } else {
      stop("The object should be of class 'CBrSPDEobj' or 'rSPDEobj'!")

#' @name CBrSPDE.matern.loglike
#' @title Object-based log-likelihood function for latent Gaussian fractional
#' SPDE model using the covariance-based rational approximations
#' @description This function evaluates the log-likelihood function for a
#' Gaussian process with a Matern covariance function, that is observed under
#' Gaussian measurement noise:
#' \eqn{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}, where
#' \eqn{\epsilon_i}{\epsilon_i} are iid mean-zero Gaussian variables.
#' The latent model is approximated using
#' the covariance-based rational approximation
#' of the fractional SPDE model corresponding to the Gaussian process.
#' @param object The covariance-based rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [matern.operators()]
#' @param Y The observations, either a vector or a matrix where
#' the columns correspond to independent replicates of observations.
#' @param A An observation matrix that links the measurement location
#' to the finite element basis.
#' @param sigma.e The standard deviation of the measurement noise.
#' @param mu Expectation vector of the latent field (default = 0).
#' @param user_kappa If non-null, update the range parameter of the
#' covariance function.
#' @param user_tau If non-null, update the parameter tau.
#' @param user_sigma If non-null, update the standard deviation of
#' the covariance function.
#' @param user_range If non-null, update the range parameter
#' of the covariance function.
#' @param user_nu If non-null, update the shape parameter of the
#' covariance function.
#' @param user_m If non-null, update the order of the rational approximation,
#' which needs to be a positive integer.
#' @return The log-likelihood value.
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [matern.operators()], [predict.CBrSPDEobj()]
#' @examples
#' # this example illustrates how the function can be used for maximum
#' likelihood estimation
#' set.seed(123)
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
#' nu <- 0.8
#' kappa <- 5
#' sigma <- 1
#' sigma.e <- 0.1
#' n.rep <- 10
#' n.obs <- 100
#' n.x <- 51
#' range <- 0.2
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = n.x)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) * (4 * pi)^(1 / 2) *
#' gamma(nu + 1 / 2)))
#' # Compute the covariance-based rational approximation
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, d = 1, m = 2,
#'  parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' # Sample the model
#' u <- simulate(op_cov, n.rep)
#' # Create some data
#' obs.loc <- runif(n = n.obs, min = 0, max = 1)
#' A <- rSPDE.A1d(x, obs.loc)
#' noise <- rnorm(n.obs * n.rep)
#' dim(noise) <- c(n.obs, n.rep)
#' Y <- as.matrix(A %*% u + sigma.e * noise)
#' # Define the negative likelihood function for optimization using
#' # CBrSPDE.matern.loglike
#' # Notice that we are also using sigma instead of tau, so it can be compared
#' # to matern.loglike()
#' mlik_cov <- function(theta, Y, A, op_cov) {
#'   kappa <- exp(theta[1])
#'   sigma <- exp(theta[2])
#'   nu <- exp(theta[3])
#'   return(-rSPDE.matern.loglike(
#'     object = op_cov, Y = Y,
#'     A = A, user_kappa = kappa, user_sigma = sigma,
#'     user_nu = nu, sigma.e = exp(theta[4])
#'   ))
#' }
#' # The parameters can now be estimated by minimizing mlik with optim
#' \donttest{
#' # Choose some reasonable starting values depending on the size of the domain
#' theta0 <- log(c(sqrt(8), 1 / sqrt(var(c(Y))), 0.9, 0.01))
#' # run estimation and display the results
#' theta <- optim(theta0, mlik_cov,
#'   Y = Y, A = A, op_cov = op_cov,
#'   method = "L-BFGS-B"
#' )
#' print(data.frame(
#'   kappa = c(kappa, exp(theta$par[1])), sigma = c(sigma, exp(theta$par[2])),
#'   nu = c(nu, exp(theta$par[3])), sigma.e = c(sigma.e, exp(theta$par[4])),
#'   row.names = c("Truth", "Estimates")
#' ))
#' }
CBrSPDE.matern.loglike <- function(object, Y, A, sigma.e, mu = 0,
                                   user_nu = NULL,
                                   user_kappa = NULL,
                                   user_sigma = NULL,
                                   user_range = NULL,
                                   user_tau = NULL,
                                   user_m = NULL) {
  Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  if (length(dim(Y)) == 2) {
    n.rep <- dim(Y)[2]
    n <- dim(Y)[1]
  } else {
    n.rep <- 1
    if (length(dim(Y)) == 1) {
      n <- dim(Y)[1]
    } else {
      n <- length(Y)

  ## get relevant parameters

  object <- update.CBrSPDEobj(
    object = object,
    user_nu = user_nu,
    user_kappa = user_kappa,
    user_sigma = user_sigma,
    user_range = user_range,
    user_tau = user_tau,
    user_m = user_m,
    parameterization =  object$parameterization

  m <- object$m

  if (length(sigma.e) == 1) {
    Q.e <- Diagonal(n) / sigma.e^2
    nugget <- rep(sigma.e^2, n)
  } else {
    if (length(sigma.e) != n) {
      stop("the length of sigma.e does not match the number of observations")
    Q.e <- Diagonal(length(sigma.e), 1 / sigma.e^2)
    nugget <- sigma.e^2

        Q.frac <- object$Q.frac
        Q.fracR <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q.frac)
        logdetL <- object$logdetL
        logdetC <- object$logdetC
        Q.int.order <- object$Q.int$order
        if (Q.int.order > 0) {
          # logQ <- 2 * sum(log(diag(Q.fracR))) + (Q.int.order) *
          # (m + 1) * (logdetL - logdetC)
          logQ <- 2 * c(determinant(Q.fracR, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus) + (Q.int.order) *
          (m + 1) * (logdetL - logdetC)
        } else {
          logQ <- 2 * c(determinant(Q.fracR, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus)
  } else {
        Q <-  object$Q
        Q.R <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q)
        logQ <- 2 * c(determinant(Q.R, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus)
  ## compute Q_x|y
  Q <- object$Q
  if(object$alpha %% 1 == 0){
    Abar <- A
  } else{
    Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, m + 1), A)
  Q_xgiveny <- t(Abar) %*% Q.e %*% Abar + Q
  ## construct mu_x|y

  mu_xgiveny <- t(Abar) %*% Q.e %*% Y
  # upper triangle with reordering

  R <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q_xgiveny)

  mu_xgiveny <- solve(R, mu_xgiveny, system = "A")

  mu_xgiveny <- mu + mu_xgiveny

  ## compute log|Q_xgiveny|
  log_Q_xgiveny <- 2 * determinant(R, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus
  ## compute mu_x|y*Q*mu_x|y
  if (n.rep > 1) {
    mu_part <- sum(colSums((mu_xgiveny - mu) * (Q %*% (mu_xgiveny - mu))))
  } else {
    mu_part <- t(mu_xgiveny - mu) %*% Q %*% (mu_xgiveny - mu)
  ## compute central part
  if (n.rep > 1) {
    central_part <- sum(colSums((Y - Abar %*% mu_xgiveny) * (Q.e %*%
    (Y - Abar %*% mu_xgiveny))))
  } else {
    central_part <- t(Y - Abar %*% mu_xgiveny) %*% Q.e %*% (Y -
    Abar %*% mu_xgiveny)
  ## compute log|Q_epsilon|
  log_Q_epsilon <- -sum(log(nugget))
  ## wrap up
  log_likelihood <- n.rep * (logQ + log_Q_epsilon - log_Q_xgiveny) -
  mu_part - central_part
  if (n.rep > 1) {
    log_likelihood <- log_likelihood - dim(A)[1] * n.rep * log(2 * pi)
  } else {
    log_likelihood <- log_likelihood - length(Y) * log(2 * pi)
  log_likelihood <- log_likelihood / 2


#' @noRd 

aux_CBrSPDE.matern.loglike <- function(object, Y, A, sigma.e, mu = 0,
                                   user_nu = NULL,
                                   user_kappa = NULL,
                                   user_tau = NULL,
                                   user_theta = NULL,
                                   user_m = NULL) {

  Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  if (length(dim(Y)) == 2) {
    n.rep <- dim(Y)[2]
    n <- dim(Y)[1]
  } else {
    n.rep <- 1
    if (length(dim(Y)) == 1) {
      n <- dim(Y)[1]
    } else {
      n <- length(Y)

  ## get relevant parameters

  object <- update.CBrSPDEobj(
    object = object,
    user_nu = user_nu,
    user_kappa = user_kappa,
    user_theta = user_theta,
    user_tau = user_tau,
    user_m = user_m

  m <- object$m

  if (length(sigma.e) == 1) {
    Q.e <- Diagonal(n) / sigma.e^2
    nugget <- rep(sigma.e^2, n)
  } else {
    if (length(sigma.e) != n) {
      stop("the length of sigma.e does not match the number of observations")
    Q.e <- Diagonal(length(sigma.e), 1 / sigma.e^2)
    nugget <- sigma.e^2

  Q <- object$Q

  if(object$stationary && object$compute_logdet){
        Q.frac <- object$Q.frac
        Q.fracR <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q.frac)
        logdetL <- object$logdetL
        logdetC <- object$logdetC
        Q.int.order <- object$Q.int$order
        if (Q.int.order > 0) {
          # logQ <- 2 * sum(log(diag(Q.fracR))) + (Q.int.order) *
          # (m + 1) * (logdetL - logdetC)
          logQ <- 2 * c(determinant(Q.fracR, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus) + (Q.int.order) *
          (m + 1) * (logdetL - logdetC)
        } else {
          logQ <- 2 * c(determinant(Q.fracR, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus)
  } else {
        Q.R <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q)
        logQ <- 2 * c(determinant(Q.R, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus)

  ## compute Q_x|y
  if(object$alpha %% 1 == 0){
    Abar <- A
  } else{
    Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, m + 1), A)

  Q_xgiveny <- t(Abar) %*% Q.e %*% Abar + Q
  ## construct mu_x|y

  mu_xgiveny <- t(Abar) %*% Q.e %*% Y
  # upper triangle with reordering

  R <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q_xgiveny)

  mu_xgiveny <- solve(R, mu_xgiveny, system = "A")

  mu_xgiveny <- mu + mu_xgiveny

  ## compute log|Q_xgiveny|
  log_Q_xgiveny <- 2 * determinant(R, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus
  ## compute mu_x|y*Q*mu_x|y
  if (n.rep > 1) {
    mu_part <- sum(colSums((mu_xgiveny - mu) * (Q %*% (mu_xgiveny - mu))))
  } else {
    mu_part <- t(mu_xgiveny - mu) %*% Q %*% (mu_xgiveny - mu)
  ## compute central part
  if (n.rep > 1) {
    central_part <- sum(colSums((Y - Abar %*% mu_xgiveny) * (Q.e %*%
    (Y - Abar %*% mu_xgiveny))))
  } else {
    central_part <- t(Y - Abar %*% mu_xgiveny) %*% Q.e %*% (Y -
    Abar %*% mu_xgiveny)
  ## compute log|Q_epsilon|
  log_Q_epsilon <- -sum(log(nugget))
  ## wrap up
  log_likelihood <- n.rep * (logQ + log_Q_epsilon - log_Q_xgiveny) -
  mu_part - central_part
  if (n.rep > 1) {
    log_likelihood <- log_likelihood - dim(A)[1] * n.rep * log(2 * pi)
  } else {
    log_likelihood <- log_likelihood - length(Y) * log(2 * pi)
  log_likelihood <- log_likelihood / 2


#' Parameter-based log-likelihood for a latent Gaussian Matern SPDE model
#' using a rational SPDE approximation
#' This function evaluates the log-likelihood function for observations
#' of a Gaussian process defined as the solution to the SPDE
#' \deqn{(\kappa(s) - \Delta)^\beta (\tau(s)u(s)) = W.}
#' The observations are assumed to be generated as
#' \eqn{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}, where
#' \eqn{\epsilon_i}{\epsilon_i} are
#' iid mean-zero Gaussian variables. The latent model is approximated using a
#' rational approximation of the fractional SPDE model.
#' @param object The rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [spde.matern.operators()]
#' @param Y The observations, either a vector or a matrix where
#' the columns correspond to independent replicates of observations.
#' @param A An observation matrix that links the measurement location to the
#' finite element basis.
#' @param sigma.e IF non-null, the standard deviation of the measurement noise will be kept fixed in 
#' the returned likelihood.
#' @param mu Expectation vector of the latent field (default = 0).
#' @param user_kappa If non-null, updates the range parameter. 
#' @param user_tau If non-null, updates the parameter tau.
#' @param user_theta If non-null, updates the parameter theta (that connects tau and kappa to the model matrices in `object`).
#' @param user_nu If non-null, the shape parameter will be kept fixed in the returned likelihood.
#' @param user_m If non-null, update the order of the rational approximation,
#' which needs to be a positive integer.
#' @return The log-likelihood value.
#' @export
#' @seealso [rSPDE.loglike()].
#' @examples
#' # this example illustrates how the function can be used for maximum
#' # likelihood estimation
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
 #' sigma.e <- 0.1
 #' n.rep <- 10
 #' n.obs <- 100
 #' n.x <- 51
 #' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
 #' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = n.x)
 #' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
 #' tau <- rep(0.5, n.x)
 #' nu <- 0.8
 #' alpha <- nu + 1/2
 #' kappa <- rep(1, n.x)
 #' # compute rational approximation
 #' op <- spde.matern.operators(
 #'   kappa = kappa, tau = tau, alpha = alpha,
 #'   parameterization = "spde", d = 1,
 #'   loc_mesh = x
 #' )
 #' # Sample the model
 #' u <- simulate(op, n.rep)
 #' # Create some data
 #' obs.loc <- runif(n = n.obs, min = 0, max = 1)
 #' A <- rSPDE.A1d(x, obs.loc)
 #' noise <- rnorm(n.obs * n.rep)
 #' dim(noise) <- c(n.obs, n.rep)
 #' Y <- as.matrix(A %*% u + sigma.e * noise)
 #' # define negative likelihood function for optimization using matern.loglike
 #' mlik <- function(theta) {
 #'   return(-spde.matern.loglike(op, Y, A, sigma.e = exp(theta[4]),
 #'                                  user_nu = exp(theta[3]),
 #'                                  user_kappa = exp(theta[2]),
 #'                                  user_tau = exp(theta[1])))
 #' }
#' #' #The parameters can now be estimated by minimizing mlik with optim
#' \donttest{
#' # Choose some reasonable starting values depending on the size of the domain
#' theta0 <- log(c(1 / sqrt(var(c(Y))), sqrt(8), 0.9, 0.01))
#' # run estimation and display the results
#' theta <- optim(theta0, mlik)
#' print(data.frame(
#'   tau = c(tau[1], exp(theta$par[1])), kappa = c(kappa[1], exp(theta$par[2])),
#'   nu = c(nu, exp(theta$par[3])), sigma.e = c(sigma.e, exp(theta$par[4])),
#'   row.names = c("Truth", "Estimates")
#' ))
#' }
spde.matern.loglike <- function(object, Y, A, sigma.e, mu = 0,
                                 user_nu = NULL,
                                 user_kappa = NULL,
                                 user_tau = NULL,
                                 user_theta = NULL,
                                 user_m = NULL) {
if (inherits(object, "CBrSPDEobj")) {

    object <- update.CBrSPDEobj(object,
          user_nu = user_nu,
          user_kappa = user_kappa,
          user_tau = user_tau,
          user_theta = user_theta,
          user_m = user_m

    return(aux_CBrSPDE.matern.loglike(object = object, Y = Y, A = A, sigma.e = sigma.e, mu = mu,
                                   user_nu = user_nu,
                                   user_kappa = user_kappa,
                                   user_tau = user_tau,
                                   user_theta = user_theta,
                                   user_m = user_m))

  } else {
    if (inherits(object, "rSPDEobj")) {
      if (object$type == "Matern approximation") {
        object <- update.rSPDEobj(object,
          user_nu = user_nu,
          user_kappa = user_kappa,
          user_tau = user_tau,
          user_theta = user_theta,
          user_m = user_m
        return(rSPDE.loglike(obj = object, Y = Y, A = A,
        sigma.e = sigma.e, mu = mu))
      } else {
        stop("The fractional operator should be of type
        'Matern approximation'!")
    } else {
      stop("The object should be of class 'CBrSPDEobj' or 'rSPDEobj'!")

#' @name predict.CBrSPDEobj
#' @title Prediction of a fractional SPDE using the covariance-based
#' rational SPDE approximation
#' @description The function is used for computing kriging predictions based
#' on data \eqn{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}, where \eqn{\epsilon}{\epsilon}
#' is mean-zero Gaussian measurement noise and \eqn{u(s)}{u(s)} is defined by
#' a fractional SPDE \eqn{(\kappa^2 I - \Delta)^{\alpha/2} (\tau u(s)) = W},
#' where \eqn{W}{W} is Gaussian white noise and \eqn{\alpha = \nu + d/2},
#' where \eqn{d} is the dimension of the domain.
#' @param object The covariance-based rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [matern.operators()]
#' @param A A matrix linking the measurement locations to the basis of the FEM
#' approximation of the latent model.
#' @param Aprd A matrix linking the prediction locations to the basis of the
#' FEM approximation of the latent model.
#' @param Y A vector with the observed data, can also be a matrix where the
#' columns are observations
#' of independent replicates of \eqn{u}.
#' @param sigma.e The standard deviation of the Gaussian measurement noise.
#' Put to zero if the model does not have measurement noise.
#' @param mu Expectation vector of the latent field (default = 0).
#' @param compute.variances Set to also TRUE to compute the kriging variances.
#' @param posterior_samples If `TRUE`, posterior samples will be returned.
#' @param n_samples Number of samples to be returned. Will only be used if `sampling` is `TRUE`.
#' @param only_latent Should the posterior samples be only given to the laten model?
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A list with elements
#' \item{mean }{The kriging predictor (the posterior mean of u|Y).}
#' \item{variance }{The posterior variances (if computed).}
#' @export
#' @method predict CBrSPDEobj
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' sigma.e <- 0.3
#' range <- 0.2
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
#'        (4 * pi)^(1 / 2) * gamma(nu + 1 / 2)))
#' # Compute the covariance-based rational approximation
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, d = 1, m = 2,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' # Sample the model
#' u <- simulate(op_cov)
#' # Create some data
#' obs.loc <- runif(n = 10, min = 0, max = 1)
#' A <- rSPDE.A1d(x, obs.loc)
#' Y <- as.vector(A %*% u + sigma.e * rnorm(10))
#' # compute kriging predictions at the FEM grid
#' A.krig <- rSPDE.A1d(x, x)
#' u.krig <- predict(op_cov,
#'   A = A, Aprd = A.krig, Y = Y, sigma.e = sigma.e,
#'   compute.variances = TRUE
#' )
#' plot(obs.loc, Y,
#'   ylab = "u(x)", xlab = "x", main = "Data and prediction",
#'   ylim = c(
#'     min(u.krig$mean - 2 * sqrt(u.krig$variance)),
#'     max(u.krig$mean + 2 * sqrt(u.krig$variance))
#'   )
#' )
#' lines(x, u.krig$mean)
#' lines(x, u.krig$mean + 2 * sqrt(u.krig$variance), col = 2)
#' lines(x, u.krig$mean - 2 * sqrt(u.krig$variance), col = 2)
predict.CBrSPDEobj <- function(object, A, Aprd, Y, sigma.e, mu = 0,
                               compute.variances = FALSE, posterior_samples = FALSE,
                               n_samples = 100, only_latent = FALSE, 
                               ...) {
  Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  if (dim(Y)[1] != dim(A)[1]) {
    stop("the dimensions of A does not match the number of observations")

  n <- dim(Y)[1]
  out <- list()

  d <- object$d
  kappa <- object$kappa
  nu <- object$nu
  tau <- object$tau
  m <- object$m

  fem_mesh_matrices <- object$fem_mesh_matrices

  no_nugget <- FALSE

  if (length(sigma.e) == 1) {
    if (sigma.e == 0) {
      no_nugget <- TRUE
    } else {
      Q.e <- Diagonal(n) / sigma.e^2
  } else {
    if (length(sigma.e) != n) {
      stop("the length of sigma.e does not match the number of observations")
    Q.e <- Diagonal(length(sigma.e), 1 / sigma.e^2)

  alpha <- nu + d / 2

  if (!no_nugget) {
    if (alpha %% 1 == 0) { # loglikelihood in integer case
      ## construct Q
      Q <- object$Q
      ## compute Q_x|y
      Q_xgiveny <- (t(A) %*% Q.e %*% A) + Q
      ## construct mu_x|y
      mu_xgiveny <- t(A) %*% Q.e %*% Y

      R <- Matrix::Cholesky(forceSymmetric(Q_xgiveny))
      mu_xgiveny <- solve(R, mu_xgiveny, system = "A")

      mu_xgiveny <- mu + mu_xgiveny
      out$mean <- Aprd %*% mu_xgiveny

      if (compute.variances) {
        out$variance <- diag(Aprd %*% solve(Q_xgiveny, t(Aprd)))
    } else { # loglikelihood in non-integer case

      Q <- object$Q

      ## compute Q_x|y
      Q_xgiveny <- kronecker(matrix(1, m + 1, m + 1), t(A) %*% Q.e %*% A) + Q
      ## construct mu_x|y
      Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, m + 1), A)
      mu_xgiveny <- t(Abar) %*% Q.e %*% Y
      # upper triangle with reordering
      R <- Matrix::Cholesky(forceSymmetric(Q_xgiveny))

      mu_xgiveny <- solve(R, mu_xgiveny, system = "A")

      mu_xgiveny <- mu + mu_xgiveny

      Aprd_bar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, m + 1), Aprd)

      out$mean <- Aprd_bar %*% mu_xgiveny

      if (compute.variances) {
        out$variance <- diag(Aprd_bar %*% solve(Q_xgiveny, t(Aprd_bar)))
  } else {
    integer_alpha <- (alpha %% 1 == 0)
    if (integer_alpha) {
      Abar <- A
      Aprd_bar <- Aprd
      Q <- object$Q
    } else {
      Abar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, m + 1), A)
      Aprd_bar <- kronecker(matrix(1, 1, m + 1), Aprd)
      Q <- object$Q

    QiAt <- solve(Q, t(Abar))
    AQiA <- Abar %*% QiAt
    xhat <- solve(Q, t(Abar) %*% solve(AQiA, Y))

    out$mean <- as.vector(Aprd_bar %*% xhat)
    if (compute.variances) {
      M <- Q - QiAt %*% solve(AQiA, t(QiAt))
      out$variance <- diag(Aprd_bar %*% M %*% t(Aprd_bar))

      if (alpha %% 1 == 0) {
        post_cov <- Aprd %*% solve(Q_xgiveny, t(Aprd))
      } else{
        post_cov <- Aprd_bar %*% solve(Q_xgiveny, t(Aprd_bar))
    } else{
      M <- Q - QiAt %*% solve(AQiA, t(QiAt))
      post_cov <- Aprd_bar %*% M %*% t(Aprd_bar)
    Y_tmp <- as.matrix(Y)
    mean_tmp <- as.matrix(out$mean)
    out$samples <- lapply(1:ncol(Y_tmp), function(i){
        Z <- rnorm(dim(post_cov)[1] * n_samples)
        dim(Z) <- c(dim(post_cov)[1], n_samples)
        LQ <- chol(forceSymmetric(post_cov))
        X <- LQ %*% Z
        X <- X + mean_tmp[,i]
          X <- X + matrix(rnorm(n_samples * dim(Aprd)[1], sd = sigma.e), nrow = dim(Aprd)[1])


#' @rdname precision.CBrSPDEobj
#' @export
precision <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod("precision", object)

#' @name precision.CBrSPDEobj
#' @title Get the precision matrix of CBrSPDEobj objects
#' @description Function to get the precision matrix of a CBrSPDEobj object
#' @param object The covariance-based rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [matern.operators()]
#' @param user_kappa If non-null, update the range parameter of
#' the covariance function.
#' @param user_tau If non-null, update the parameter tau.
#' @param user_sigma If non-null, update the standard deviation of
#' the covariance function.
#' @param user_range If non-null, update the range parameter
#' of the covariance function.
#' @param user_nu If non-null, update the shape parameter of the
#' covariance function.
#' @param user_m If non-null, update the order of the rational approximation,
#' which needs to be a positive integer.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return The precision matrix.
#' @method precision CBrSPDEobj
#' @seealso [simulate.CBrSPDEobj()], [matern.operators()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Compute the covariance-based rational approximation of a
#' # Gaussian process with a Matern covariance function on R
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' range <- 0.2
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation of covariance function at 0.5
#' tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
#' (4 * pi)^(1 / 2) * gamma(nu + 1 / 2)))
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, d = 1, m = 2,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' # Get the precision matrix:
#' prec_matrix <- precision(op_cov)
precision.CBrSPDEobj <- function(object,
                                 user_nu = NULL,
                                 user_kappa = NULL,
                                 user_sigma = NULL,
                                 user_range = NULL,
                                 user_tau = NULL,
                                 user_m = NULL,
                                 ...) {
  object <- update.CBrSPDEobj(
    object = object,
    user_nu = user_nu,
    user_kappa = user_kappa,
    user_sigma = user_sigma,
    user_range = user_range,
    user_tau = user_tau,
    user_m = user_m

  Q <- object$Q

#' @name rSPDE.construct.matern.loglike
#' @title Constructor of Matern loglikelihood functions.
#' @description This function returns a log-likelihood function for a
#' Gaussian process with a Matern covariance
#' function, that is observed under Gaussian measurement noise:
#' \eqn{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}, where
#' \eqn{\epsilon_i}{\epsilon_i} are
#' iid mean-zero Gaussian variables. The latent model is approximated using
#' the a rational approximation
#' of the fractional SPDE model corresponding to the Gaussian process.
#' @param object The rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [matern.operators()]
#' @param Y The observations, either a vector or a matrix where
#' the columns correspond to independent replicates of observations.
#' @param A An observation matrix that links the measurement location to the
#' finite element basis.
#' @param sigma.e IF non-null, the standard deviation of the measurement noise will be kept fixed in 
#' the returned likelihood.
#' @param mu Expectation vector of the latent field (default = 0).
#' @param user_kappa If non-null, the range parameter will be kept fixed in the returned likelihood. 
#' @param user_range If non-null, the range parameter will be kept fixed in the returned likelihood. (Replaces kappa)
#' @param user_sigma If non-null, the standard deviation will be kept fixed in the returned likelihood.
#' @param user_tau If non-null, the tau parameter will be kept fixed in the returned likelihood. (Replaces sigma)
#' @param user_nu If non-null, the shape parameter will be kept fixed in the returned likelihood.
#' @param parameterization If `spde`, then one will use the parameters `tau` and `kappa`. If `matern`, then one will use the parameters `sigma` and `range`.
#' @param user_m If non-null, update the order of the rational approximation,
#' which needs to be a positive integer.
#' @param log_scale Should the parameters be evaluated in log-scale?
#' @param return_negative_likelihood Return minus the likelihood to turn the maximization into a minimization?
#' @return The log-likelihood function. The parameters of the returned function
#' are given in the order sigma, kappa, nu, sigma.e, whenever they are available.
#' @export
#' @seealso [matern.operators()], [predict.CBrSPDEobj()]
#' @examples
#' # this example illustrates how the function can be used for maximum
#' # likelihood estimation
#' set.seed(123)
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
#' nu <- 0.8
#' sigma <- 1
#' sigma.e <- 0.1
#' n.rep <- 10
#' n.obs <- 200
#' n.x <- 51
#' range <- 0.2
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = n.x)
#' # Compute the covariance-based rational approximation
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, d = 1, m = 2,
#'  parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' # Sample the model
#' u <- simulate(op_cov, n.rep)
#' # Create some data
#' obs.loc <- runif(n = n.obs, min = 0, max = 1)
#' A <- rSPDE.A1d(x, obs.loc)
#' noise <- rnorm(n.obs * n.rep)
#' dim(noise) <- c(n.obs, n.rep)
#' Y <- as.matrix(A %*% u + sigma.e * noise)
#' \donttest{
#' # Define the negative likelihood function for optimization
#' # using CBrSPDE.matern.loglike
#' # Matern parameterization
#' loglike <- rSPDE.construct.matern.loglike(op_cov, Y, A, parameterization = "matern") 
#' # The parameters can now be estimated by minimizing mlik with optim
#' # Choose some reasonable starting values depending on the size of the domain
#' theta0 <- c(get.initial.values.rSPDE(mesh.range = 1, dim = 1), 
#'                                  log(0.1*sd(as.vector(Y))))
#' # run estimation and display the results
#' theta <- optim(theta0, loglike,
#'   method = "L-BFGS-B"
#' )
#' print(data.frame(
#'   sigma = c(sigma, exp(theta$par[1])), range = c(range, exp(theta$par[2])),
#'   nu = c(nu, exp(theta$par[3])), sigma.e = c(sigma.e, exp(theta$par[4])),
#'   row.names = c("Truth", "Estimates")
#' ))
#' }

rSPDE.construct.matern.loglike <- function(object, Y, A, 
                                 sigma.e = NULL, mu = 0,
                                 user_nu = NULL,
                                 user_tau = NULL,
                                 user_kappa = NULL,
                                 user_sigma = NULL,
                                 user_range = NULL,
                                 parameterization = c("spde", "matern"),
                                 user_m = NULL,
                                 log_scale = TRUE,
                                 return_negative_likelihood = TRUE){
        parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]

        if (!parameterization %in% c("matern", "spde")) {
          stop("parameterization should be either 'matern' or 'spde'!")
        if(parameterization == "spde"){
          param_vector <- likelihood_process_inputs_spde(user_kappa, user_tau, user_nu, sigma.e)
        } else{
          param_vector <- likelihood_process_inputs_matern(user_range, user_sigma, user_nu, sigma.e)

        if(parameterization == "spde"){
              loglik <- function(theta){
                tau <- likelihood_process_parameters(theta = theta, 
                        param_vector = param_vector, 
                        which_par = "tau", 
                        logscale = log_scale)
                } else{
                  tau <- user_tau
                kappa <- likelihood_process_parameters(theta = theta, 
                        param_vector = param_vector, 
                        which_par = "kappa", 
                        logscale = log_scale)
                } else{
                  kappa <- user_kappa
                nu <- likelihood_process_parameters(theta = theta, 
                        param_vector = param_vector, 
                        which_par = "nu", 
                        logscale = log_scale)

                } else{
                  nu <- user_nu
                sigma.e <- likelihood_process_parameters(theta = theta, 
                        param_vector = param_vector, 
                        which_par = "sigma.e", 
                        logscale = log_scale)
                nu <- min(nu, 10)
                if(nu %% 1 == 0){
                  nu <- nu + 1e-10
                loglike <- rSPDE.matern.loglike(object = object, Y=Y, A=A,
                sigma.e = sigma.e,
                mu = mu,
                user_kappa = kappa,
                user_nu = nu,
                user_m = user_m)
                } else{
        } else{
              loglik <- function(theta){
                sigma <- likelihood_process_parameters(theta = theta, 
                        param_vector = param_vector, 
                        which_par = "sigma", 
                        logscale = log_scale)
                } else{
                  sigma <- user_sigma
                range <- likelihood_process_parameters(theta = theta, 
                        param_vector = param_vector, 
                        which_par = "range", 
                        logscale = log_scale)
                } else{
                  range <- user_range
                nu <- likelihood_process_parameters(theta = theta, 
                        param_vector = param_vector, 
                        which_par = "nu", 
                        logscale = log_scale)

                } else{
                  nu <- user_nu
                sigma.e <- likelihood_process_parameters(theta = theta, 
                        param_vector = param_vector, 
                        which_par = "sigma.e", 
                        logscale = log_scale)
                nu <- min(nu, 10)
                if(nu %% 1 == 0){
                  nu <- nu + 1e-10
                loglike <- rSPDE.matern.loglike(object = object, Y=Y, A=A,
                sigma.e = sigma.e,
                mu = mu,
                user_range = range,
                user_nu = nu,
                user_m = user_m)
                } else{


#' @name construct.spde.matern.loglike
#' @title Constructor of Matern loglikelihood functions for non-stationary models.
#' @description This function evaluates the log-likelihood function for observations
#' of a non-stationary Gaussian process defined as the solution to the SPDE
#' \deqn{(\kappa(s) - \Delta)^\beta (\tau(s)u(s)) = W.}
#' The observations are assumed to be generated as
#' \eqn{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}{Y_i = u(s_i) + \epsilon_i}, where
#' \eqn{\epsilon_i}{\epsilon_i} are
#' iid mean-zero Gaussian variables. The latent model is approximated using a
#' rational approximation of the fractional SPDE model.
#' @param object The rational SPDE approximation,
#' computed using [matern.operators()]
#' @param Y The observations, either a vector or a matrix where
#' the columns correspond to independent replicates of observations.
#' @param A An observation matrix that links the measurement location to the
#' finite element basis.
#' @param sigma.e IF non-null, the standard deviation of the measurement noise will be kept fixed in 
#' the returned likelihood.
#' @param mu Expectation vector of the latent field (default = 0).
#' @param user_nu If non-null, the shape parameter will be kept fixed in the returned likelihood.
#' @param user_m If non-null, update the order of the rational approximation,
#' which needs to be a positive integer.
#' @param log_scale Should the parameters be evaluated in log-scale?
#' @param return_negative_likelihood Return minus the likelihood to turn the maximization into a minimization?
#' @return The log-likelihood function. The parameters of the returned function
#' are given in the order theta, nu, sigma.e, whenever they are available.
#' @export
#' @seealso [matern.operators()], [predict.CBrSPDEobj()]
#' @examples
#' # this example illustrates how the function can be used for maximum
#' # likelihood estimation
#' # Sample a Gaussian Matern process on R using a rational approximation
#' set.seed(123)
#' sigma.e <- 0.1
#' n.rep <- 10
#' n.obs <- 100
#' n.x <- 51
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = n.x)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' tau <- rep(0.5, n.x)
#' nu <- 0.8
#' alpha <- nu + 0.5
#' kappa <- rep(1, n.x)
#' # Matern parameterization
#' # compute rational approximation
#'  op <- spde.matern.operators(
#'     loc_mesh = x,
#'    kappa = kappa, tau = tau, alpha = alpha,
#'    parameterization = "spde", d = 1
#'  )
#' # Sample the model
#' u <- simulate(op, n.rep)
#' # Create some data
#' obs.loc <- runif(n = n.obs, min = 0, max = 1)
#' A <- rSPDE.A1d(x, obs.loc)
#' noise <- rnorm(n.obs * n.rep)
#' dim(noise) <- c(n.obs, n.rep)
#' Y <- as.matrix(A %*% u + sigma.e * noise)
#' # define negative likelihood function for optimization using matern.loglike
#' mlik <- construct.spde.matern.loglike(op, Y, A)
#' #' #The parameters can now be estimated by minimizing mlik with optim
#' \donttest{
#' # Choose some reasonable starting values depending on the size of the domain
#' theta0 <- log(c( 1 / sqrt(var(c(Y))),sqrt(8), 0.9, 0.01))
#' # run estimation and display the results
#' theta <- optim(theta0, mlik)
#' print(data.frame(
#'   tau = c(tau[1], exp(theta$par[1])), kappa = c(kappa[1], exp(theta$par[2])),
#'   nu = c(nu, exp(theta$par[3])), sigma.e = c(sigma.e, exp(theta$par[4])),
#'   row.names = c("Truth", "Estimates")
#' ))
#' }
#' # SPDE parameterization
#' # compute rational approximation
#'  op <- spde.matern.operators(
#'    kappa = kappa, tau = tau, alpha = alpha,
#'    loc_mesh = x, d = 1, 
#'    parameterization = "spde"
#'  )
#' # Sample the model
#' u <- simulate(op, n.rep)
#' # Create some data
#' obs.loc <- runif(n = n.obs, min = 0, max = 1)
#' A <- rSPDE.A1d(x, obs.loc)
#' noise <- rnorm(n.obs * n.rep)
#' dim(noise) <- c(n.obs, n.rep)
#' Y <- as.matrix(A %*% u + sigma.e * noise)
#' # define negative likelihood function for optimization using matern.loglike
#' mlik <- construct.spde.matern.loglike(op, Y, A)
#' #' #The parameters can now be estimated by minimizing mlik with optim
#' \donttest{
#' # Choose some reasonable starting values depending on the size of the domain
#' theta0 <- log(c( 1 / sqrt(var(c(Y))),sqrt(8), 0.9, 0.01))
#' # run estimation and display the results
#' theta <- optim(theta0, mlik)
#' print(data.frame(
#'   tau = c(tau[1], exp(theta$par[1])), kappa = c(kappa[1], exp(theta$par[2])),
#'   nu = c(nu, exp(theta$par[3])), sigma.e = c(sigma.e, exp(theta$par[4])),
#'   row.names = c("Truth", "Estimates")
#' ))
#' }
construct.spde.matern.loglike <- function(object, Y, A, 
                                 sigma.e = NULL, mu = 0,
                                 user_nu = NULL,
                                 user_m = NULL,
                                 log_scale = TRUE,
                                 return_negative_likelihood = TRUE){

        loglik <- function(theta){

          n_tmp <- length(theta)
              nu <- exp(theta[n_tmp - 1])
            } else {
              nu <- theta[n_tmp - 1]
            n_tmp <- n_tmp - 1
          } else{
            nu <- user_nu

              sigma.e <- exp(theta[length(theta)])
            } else{
              sigma.e <- theta[length(theta)]
            n_tmp <- n_tmp - 1

          if(nu %% 1 == 0){
            nu <- nu + 1e-10

          loglike <- spde.matern.loglike(object = object, Y=Y, A=A,
          sigma.e = sigma.e,
          mu = mu,
          user_theta = theta[1:n_tmp],
          user_nu = nu,
          user_m = user_m)
          } else{


#' @noRd 

aux2_lme_CBrSPDE.matern.loglike <- function(object, y, X_cov, repl, A_list, sigma_e, beta_cov) {
  m <- object$m

  Q <- object$Q

  # R <- tryCatch(Matrix::chol(Matrix::forceSymmetric(Q)), error=function(e){return(NULL)})
  R <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q)

  prior.ld <- c(determinant(R, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus)

  repl_val <- unique(repl)

  l <- 0

  for(i in repl_val){
      ind_tmp <- (repl %in% i)
      y_tmp <- y[ind_tmp]

      if(ncol(X_cov) == 0){
        X_cov_tmp <- 0
      } else {
        X_cov_tmp <- X_cov[ind_tmp,,drop=FALSE]

      na_obs <- is.na(y_tmp)
      y_ <- y_tmp[!na_obs]
      # y_ <- y_list[[as.character(i)]]
      n.o <- length(y_)
      A_tmp <- A_list[[as.character(i)]]
      Q.p <- Q  + t(A_tmp) %*% A_tmp/sigma_e^2
      # R.p <- tryCatch(Matrix::chol(Q.p), error=function(e){return(NULL)})
      # if(is.null(R.p)){
      #   return(-10^100)
      # }
      R.p <- Matrix::Cholesky(Q.p)

      posterior.ld <-  c(determinant(R.p, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus)

      # l <- l + sum(log(diag(R))) - sum(log(diag(R.p))) - n.o*log(sigma_e)

      l <- l + prior.ld - posterior.ld - n.o*log(sigma_e)

      v <- y_

      # if(has_cov){
        X_cov_tmp <- X_cov_tmp[!na_obs, , drop = FALSE] 
        # X_cov_tmp <- X_cov_list[[as.character(i)]]
        v <- v - X_cov_tmp %*% beta_cov

      # mu.p <- solve(Q.p,as.vector(t(A_tmp) %*% v / sigma_e^2))
      mu.p <- solve(R.p, as.vector(t(A_tmp) %*% v / sigma_e^2), system = "A")

      v <- v - A_tmp%*%mu.p

      l <- l - 0.5*(t(mu.p) %*% Q %*% mu.p + t(v) %*% v / sigma_e^2) -
        0.5 * n.o * log(2*pi)



#' @noRd

aux_lme_CBrSPDE.matern.loglike <- function(object, y, X_cov, repl, A_list, sigma_e, beta_cov) {
    l_tmp <- tryCatch(aux2_lme_CBrSPDE.matern.loglike(object = object, 
              y = y, X_cov = X_cov, repl = repl, A_list = A_list, 
              sigma_e = sigma_e, beta_cov = beta_cov), 
    error = function(e){return(NULL)})

#' @noRd 

aux2_lme_rSPDE.matern.loglike <- function(object, y, X_cov, repl, A_list, sigma_e, beta_cov) {
  m <- object$m
  Q <- object$Q

  R <- tryCatch(Matrix::Cholesky(object$Pl), error = function(e){return(NULL)})

  prior.ld <- 2 * c(determinant(R, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus) -

  repl_val <- unique(repl)

  l <- 0
  for(i in repl_val){
      ind_tmp <- (repl %in% i)
      y_tmp <- y[ind_tmp]

      if(ncol(X_cov) == 0){
        X_cov_tmp <- 0
      } else {
        X_cov_tmp <- X_cov[ind_tmp,,drop=FALSE]
      na_obs <- is.na(y_tmp)
      y_ <- y_tmp[!na_obs]
      n.o <- length(y_)
      A_tmp <- A_list[[as.character(i)]]
      A_tmp <- A_tmp %*% object$Pr
      Q.p <- Q  + t(A_tmp) %*% A_tmp/sigma_e^2
      # R.p <- tryCatch(Matrix::chol(Q.p), error = function(e){return(NULL)})
      # if(is.null(R.p)){
      #   return(-10^100)
      # }

      v <- y_

      if(ncol(X_cov) != 0){
        X_cov_tmp <- X_cov_tmp[!na_obs, , drop = FALSE] 
        v <- v - X_cov_tmp %*% beta_cov

      R.post <- tryCatch(Matrix::Cholesky(Q.p), error=function(e){return(NULL)})

      AtY <- t(A_tmp) %*% v / sigma_e^2

      mu.p <- solve(R.post, AtY, system = "A")

      v <- v - A_tmp%*%mu.p

      posterior.ld <-  c(determinant(R.post, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus)

      l <- l + prior.ld - posterior.ld - n.o*log(sigma_e)

      l <- l - 0.5*(t(mu.p) %*% Q %*% mu.p + t(v) %*% v / sigma_e^2) -
        0.5 * n.o * log(2*pi)


#' @noRd

aux_lme_rSPDE.matern.loglike <- function(object, y, X_cov, repl, A_list, sigma_e, beta_cov) {
    l_tmp <- tryCatch(aux2_lme_rSPDE.matern.loglike(object = object, 
              y = y, X_cov = X_cov, repl = repl, A_list = A_list, 
              sigma_e = sigma_e, beta_cov = beta_cov), 
    error = function(e){return(NULL)})

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