
Defines functions spde.matern.operators CBrSPDE.matern.operators matern.operators fractional.operators

Documented in fractional.operators matern.operators spde.matern.operators

## fractional.operators.R
##   Copyright (C) 2018, 2019, David Bolin
##   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##   (at your option) any later version.
##   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##   GNU General Public License for more details.
##   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Rational approximations of fractional operators
#' `fractional.operators` is used for computing an approximation,
#' which can be used for inference and simulation, of the fractional SPDE
#' \deqn{L^\beta (\tau u(s)) = W.}
#' Here \eqn{L} is a differential operator, \eqn{\beta>0} is
#' the fractional power, \eqn{\tau} is a positive scalar or vector that
#' scales the variance of the solution \eqn{u}, and \eqn{W} is white noise.
#' @param L A finite element discretization of the operator \eqn{L}{L}.
#' @param beta The positive fractional power.
#' @param C The mass matrix of the finite element discretization.
#' @param scale.factor A constant \eqn{c} is a lower bound for the the smallest
#' eigenvalue of the non-discretized operator \eqn{L}{L}.
#' @param m The order of the rational approximation, which needs to be a
#' positive integer. The default value is 1.
#' Higer values gives a more accurate approximation, which are more
#' computationally expensive to use for inference. Currently, the largest value
#' of m that is implemented is 4.
#' @param tau The constant or vector that scales the variance of the solution.
#' The default value is 1.
#' @return `fractional.operators` returns an object of class "rSPDEobj".
#' This object contains the following quantities:
#' \item{Pl}{The operator \eqn{P_l}.}
#' \item{Pr}{The operator \eqn{P_r}.}
#' \item{C}{The mass lumped mass matrix.}
#' \item{Ci}{The inverse of `C`.}
#' \item{m}{The order of the rational approximation.}
#' \item{beta}{The fractional power.}
#' \item{type}{String indicating the type of approximation.}
#' \item{Q}{The matrix `t(Pl) %*% solve(C,Pl)`.}
#' \item{type}{String indicating the type of approximation.}
#' \item{Pl.factors}{List with elements that can be used to assemble \eqn{P_l}.}
#' \item{Pr.factors}{List with elements that can be used to assemble \eqn{P_r}.}
#' @export
#' @seealso [matern.operators()], [spde.matern.operators()],
#' [matern.operators()]
#' @details The approximation is based on a rational approximation of
#' the fractional operator, resulting in an
#' approximate model on the form \deqn{P_l u(s) = P_r W,}
#' where \eqn{P_j = p_j(L)} are non-fractional operators defined in terms of
#' polynomials \eqn{p_j} for \eqn{j=l,r}. The order of \eqn{p_r} is given by
#' `m` and the order of \eqn{p_l} is \eqn{m + m_\beta}
#' where \eqn{m_\beta} is the integer part of \eqn{\beta} if \eqn{\beta>1} and
#' \eqn{m_\beta = 1} otherwise.
#' The discrete approximation can be written as \eqn{u = P_r x} where
#' \eqn{x \sim N(0,Q^{-1})}{x ~ N(0,Q^{-1})} and \eqn{Q = P_l^T C^{-1} P_l}.
#' Note that the matrices \eqn{P_r} and \eqn{Q} may be be ill-conditioned
#' for \eqn{m>1}. In this case, the methods in [operator.operations()]
#' should be used for operations involving the matrices, since these methods
#' are more numerically stable.
#' @examples
#' # Compute rational approximation of a Gaussian process with a
#' # Matern covariance function on R
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation of covariance function at 0.5
#' tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
#'   (4 * pi)^(1 / 2) * gamma(nu + 1 / 2)))
#' op <- fractional.operators(
#'   L = fem$G + kappa^2 * fem$C, beta = (nu + 1 / 2) / 2,
#'   C = fem$C, scale.factor = kappa^2, tau = tau
#' )
#' v <- t(rSPDE.A1d(x, 0.5))
#' c.approx <- Sigma.mult(op, v)
#' # plot the result and compare with the true Matern covariance
#' plot(x, matern.covariance(abs(x - 0.5), kappa, nu, sigma),
#'   type = "l", ylab = "C(h)",
#'   xlab = "h", main = "Matern covariance and rational approximations"
#' )
#' lines(x, c.approx, col = 2)
fractional.operators <- function(L,
                                 m = 1,
                                 tau = 1) {
  if (min(tau) < 0) {
    stop("tau should be positive")
  if ((m %% 1) != 0 || m < 0) {
    stop("m must be a positive integer")
  if (scale.factor <= 0) {
    stop("the scaling factor must be positive")

  C <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], rowSums(C))
  Ci <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / rowSums(C))
  I <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1])
  L <- L / scale.factor
  CiL <- Ci %*% L
  if (beta %% 1 == 0) { # not fractional
    Pr <- I
    Pl <- L
    if (beta > 1) {
      for (i in 1:beta) {
        Pl <- Pl %*% CiL
    Pl.roots <- Pl.factors <- NULL
    Pl.k <- beta
    Pl.scaling <- scale.factor^beta
    Pr.roots <- Pr.factors <- NULL
  } else {
    roots <- get.roots(m, beta)
    Pl.roots <- roots$rb
    Pr.roots <- roots$rc
    m_beta <- max(1, floor(beta))
    Pr.factors <- Pl.factors <- list()
    # construct Pl
    Pl <- I - CiL * roots$rb[1]
    Pl.factors[[1]] <- I - CiL * roots$rb[1]
    if (length(roots$rb) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:length(roots$rb)) {
        Pl <- Pl %*% (I - CiL * roots$rb[i])
        Pl.factors[[i]] <- I - CiL * roots$rb[i]
    Lp <- C
    if (m_beta > 1) {
      for (i in 1:(m_beta - 1)) {
        Lp <- Lp %*% CiL
    Pl.k <- m_beta - 1
    Pl.scaling <- scale.factor^beta / roots$factor
    Pl <- Lp %*% Pl

    # construct Pr
    Pr <- I - CiL * roots$rc[1]
    Pr.factors[[1]] <- I - CiL * roots$rc[1]
    if (length(roots$rc) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:length(roots$rc)) {
        Pr <- Pr %*% (I - CiL * roots$rc[i])
        Pr.factors[[i]] <- I - CiL * roots$rc[i]
  Pl <- Pl * Pl.scaling
  Phi <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / tau)
  output <- list(
    Q = t(Pl) %*% Ci %*% Pl,
    Pl = Pl,
    Pr = Phi %*% Pr,
    Ci = Ci,
    C = C,
    CiL = CiL,
    L = L,
    Pl.factors = list(
      scaling = Pl.scaling,
      roots = Pl.roots,
      factor = Pl.factors,
      k = Pl.k
    Pr.factors = list(
      roots = Pr.roots,
      factor = Pr.factors,
      Phi = Phi
    m = m,
    beta = beta,
    type = "fractional approximation"
  class(output) <- "rSPDEobj"

#' Rational approximations of stationary Gaussian Matern random fields
#' `matern.operators` is used for computing a rational SPDE approximation
#' of a stationary Gaussian random fields on \eqn{R^d} with a Matern covariance
#' function
#' \deqn{C(h) = \frac{\sigma^2}{2^{\nu-1}\Gamma(\nu)}
#' (\kappa h)^\nu K_\nu(\kappa h)}{C(h) = (\sigma^2/(2^{\nu-1}\Gamma(\nu))
#' (\kappa h)^\nu K_\nu(\kappa h).}
#' @param kappa Parameter kappa of the SPDE representation. If `NULL`, the range parameter will be used. If the range is also `NULL`, a starting value based on the mesh will be supplied.
#' @param tau Parameter tau of the SPDE representation. If both sigma and tau are `NULL`, a starting value based on the mesh will be supplied.
#' @param alpha Parameter alpha of the SPDE representation. If `alpha` is `NULL`, a starting value will be supplied.
#' @param range Range parameter of the covariance function. Used if `parameterization` is `matern`. If range is `NULL`, a starting value based on the mesh will be supplied.
#' @param sigma Standard deviation of the covariance function. Used if `parameterization` is `matern`. If `NULL`, tau will be used. If tau is also `NULL`, a starting value based on the mesh will be supplied.
#' @param nu Shape parameter of the covariance function. Used if `parameterization` is `matern`. If `NULL`, a starting value will be supplied.
#' @param G The stiffness matrix of a finite element discretization of the
#' domain of interest. Does not need to be given if either `mesh` or `graph` is supplied.
#' @param C The mass matrix of a finite element discretization of the domain
#' of interest. Does not need to be given if either `mesh` or `graph` is supplied.
#' @param mesh An optional fmesher mesh. Replaces `d`, `C` and `G`.
#' @param graph An optional `metric_graph` object. Replaces `d`, `C` and `G`. 
#' @param range_mesh The range of the mesh. Will be used to provide starting values for the parameters. Will be used if `mesh` and `graph` are `NULL`, and if one of the parameters (kappa or tau for spde parameterization, or sigma or range for matern parameterization) are not provided.
#' @param loc_mesh The mesh locations used to construct the matrices C and G. This option should be provided if one wants to use the `rspde_lme()` function and will not provide neither graph nor mesh. Only works for 1d data. Does not work for metric graphs. For metric graphs you should supply the graph using the `graph` argument. 
#' @param d The dimension of the domain. Does not need to be given if either
#' `mesh` or `graph` is provided.
#' @param m The order of the rational approximation, which needs to be a
#' positive integer. The default value is 1.
#' @param type The type of the rational approximation. The options are
#' "covariance" and "operator". The default is "covariance".
#' @param parameterization Which parameterization to use? `matern` uses range, std. deviation and nu (smoothness). `spde` uses kappa, tau and alpha. The default is `spde`.
#' @param compute_higher_order Logical. Should the higher order finite
#' element matrices be computed?
#' @param return_block_list Logical. For `type = "covariance"`,
#' should the block parts of the precision matrix be returned
#' separately as a list?
#' @param type_rational_approximation Which type of rational
#' approximation should be used? The current types are
#' "chebfun", "brasil" or "chebfunLB".
#' @param fem_mesh_matrices A list containing FEM-related matrices.
#' The list should contain elements c0, g1, g2, g3, etc.
#' @param compute_logdet Should log determinants be computed while building the model? (For covariance-based models)
#' @return If `type` is "covariance", then `matern.operators`
#' returns an object of class "CBrSPDEobj".
#' This object is a list containing the
#' following quantities:
#' \item{C}{The mass lumped mass matrix.}
#' \item{Ci}{The inverse of `C`.}
#' \item{GCi}{The stiffness matrix G times `Ci`}
#' \item{Gk}{The stiffness matrix G along with the higher-order
#' FEM-related matrices G2, G3, etc.}
#' \item{fem_mesh_matrices}{A list containing the mass
#' lumped mass matrix, the stiffness matrix and
#' the higher-order FEM-related matrices.}
#' \item{m}{The order of the rational approximation.}
#' \item{alpha}{The fractional power of the precision operator.}
#' \item{type}{String indicating the type of approximation.}
#' \item{d}{The dimension of the domain.}
#' \item{nu}{Shape parameter of the covariance function.}
#' \item{kappa}{Range parameter of the covariance function}
#' \item{tau}{Scale parameter of the covariance function.}
#' \item{sigma}{Standard deviation of the covariance function.}
#' \item{type}{String indicating the type of approximation.}
#' If `type` is "operator", then `matern.operators`
#'  returns an object of class "rSPDEobj". This object contains the
#' quantities listed in the output of [fractional.operators()],
#' the `G` matrix, the dimension of the domain, as well as the
#' parameters of the covariance function.
#' @details If `type` is "covariance", we use the
#' covariance-based rational approximation of the fractional operator.
#' In the SPDE approach, we model \eqn{u} as the solution of the following SPDE:
#' \deqn{L^{\alpha/2}(\tau u) = \mathcal{W},}
#' where
#' \eqn{L  = -\Delta +\kappa^2 I} and \eqn{\mathcal{W}} is the standard
#' Gaussian white noise. The covariance operator of \eqn{u} is given
#' by \eqn{L^{-\alpha}}. Now, let \eqn{L_h} be a finite-element
#' approximation of \eqn{L}. We can use
#' a rational approximation of order \eqn{m} on \eqn{L_h^{-\alpha}} to
#' obtain the following approximation:
#' \deqn{L_{h,m}^{-\alpha} = L_h^{-m_\alpha} p(L_h^{-1})q(L_h^{-1})^{-1},}
#' where \eqn{m_\alpha = \lfloor \alpha\rfloor}, \eqn{p} and \eqn{q} are
#' polynomials arising from such rational approximation.
#' From this approximation we construct an approximate precision
#' matrix for \eqn{u}.
#' If `type` is "operator", the approximation is based on a
#' rational approximation of the fractional operator
#' \eqn{(\kappa^2 -\Delta)^\beta}, where \eqn{\beta = (\nu + d/2)/2}.
#' This results in an approximate model of the form \deqn{P_l u(s) = P_r W,}
#' where \eqn{P_j = p_j(L)} are non-fractional operators defined in terms
#' of polynomials \eqn{p_j} for \eqn{j=l,r}. The order of \eqn{p_r} is given
#' by `m` and the order of \eqn{p_l} is \eqn{m + m_\beta}
#' where \eqn{m_\beta} is the integer part of \eqn{\beta} if \eqn{\beta>1} and
#' \eqn{m_\beta = 1} otherwise.
#' The discrete approximation can be written as \eqn{u = P_r x} where
#' \eqn{x \sim N(0,Q^{-1})}{x ~ N(0,Q^{-1})} and \eqn{Q = P_l^T C^{-1} P_l}.
#' Note that the matrices \eqn{P_r} and \eqn{Q} may be be
#' ill-conditioned for \eqn{m>1}. In this case, the methods in
#' [operator.operations()] should be used for operations involving
#' the matrices, since these methods are more numerically stable.
#' @export
#' @seealso [fractional.operators()],
#' [spde.matern.operators()],
#' [matern.operators()]
#' @examples
#' # Compute the covariance-based rational approximation of a
#' # Gaussian process with a Matern covariance function on R
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' range <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' nobs <- 101
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation of covariance function at 0.5
#' op_cov <- matern.operators(
#'   loc_mesh = x, nu = nu,
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, d = 1, m = 2,
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' v <- t(rSPDE.A1d(x, 0.5))
#' # Compute the precision matrix
#' Q <- op_cov$Q
#' # A matrix here is the identity matrix
#' A <- Diagonal(nobs)
#' # We need to concatenate 3 A's since we are doing a covariance-based rational
#' # approximation of order 2
#' Abar <- cbind(A, A, A)
#' w <- rbind(v, v, v)
#' # The approximate covariance function:
#' c_cov.approx <- (Abar) %*% solve(Q, w)
#' c.true <- folded.matern.covariance.1d(rep(0.5, length(x)),
#'    abs(x), kappa, nu, sigma)
#' # plot the result and compare with the true Matern covariance
#' plot(x, c.true,
#'   type = "l", ylab = "C(h)",
#'   xlab = "h", main = "Matern covariance and rational approximations"
#' )
#' lines(x, c_cov.approx, col = 2)
#' # Compute the operator-based rational approximation of a Gaussian
#' # process with a Matern covariance function on R
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' range <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation of covariance function at 0.5
#' op <- matern.operators(
#'   range = range, sigma = sigma, nu = nu,
#'   loc_mesh = x, d = 1,
#'   type = "operator",
#'   parameterization = "matern"
#' )
#' v <- t(rSPDE.A1d(x, 0.5))
#' c.approx <- Sigma.mult(op, v)
#' c.true <- folded.matern.covariance.1d(rep(0.5, length(x)),
#'   abs(x), kappa, nu, sigma)
#' # plot the result and compare with the true Matern covariance
#' plot(x, c.true,
#'   type = "l", ylab = "C(h)",
#'   xlab = "h", main = "Matern covariance and rational approximation"
#' )
#' lines(x, c.approx, col = 2)
matern.operators <- function(kappa = NULL,
                             tau = NULL,
                             alpha = NULL,
                             sigma = NULL,
                             range = NULL,
                             nu = NULL,
                             G = NULL,
                             C = NULL,
                             d = NULL,
                             mesh = NULL,
                             graph = NULL,
                             range_mesh = NULL,
                             loc_mesh = NULL,
                             m = 1,
                             type = c("covariance", "operator"),
                             parameterization = c("spde", "matern"),                             
                             compute_higher_order = FALSE,
                             return_block_list = FALSE,
                             type_rational_approximation = c("chebfun",
                             "brasil", "chebfunLB"),
                             fem_mesh_matrices = NULL,
                             compute_logdet = FALSE) {
  type <- type[[1]]

  if (!type %in% c("covariance", "operator")) {
    stop("The type should be 'covariance' or 'operator'!")
  if (is.null(d) && is.null(mesh) && is.null(graph)) {
    stop("You should give either the dimension d, the mesh or graph!")

  if ((is.null(C) || is.null(G)) && is.null(mesh) && is.null(graph) &&(is.null(loc_mesh) || d != 1)) {
    stop("You should either provide mesh, graph, or provide both C *and* G!")

  if(!is.null(loc_mesh) && d!=1){
    stop("loc_mesh only works with dimension 1.")
  } else if (!is.null(loc_mesh)){
    # mesh_1d <- fmesher::fm_mesh_1d(loc_mesh)
    mesh_1d <- fm_mesh_1d(loc_mesh)

  if( (is.null(C) || is.null(G)) && (is.null(graph)) && (!is.null(loc_mesh) && d==1)){
    # fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(loc_mesh)
    # fem <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh_1d)
    fem <- fm_fem(mesh_1d)
    C <- fem$c0
    G <- fem$g1

  has_mesh <- FALSE
  has_graph <- FALSE

      stop("loc_mesh must be numerical.")
    range_mesh <- abs(diff(range(loc_mesh)))
  parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]

  if (!parameterization %in% c("matern", "spde")) {
    stop("parameterization should be either 'matern', 'spde' or 'graph'!")

  if(parameterization == "spde"){
      stop("For 'spde' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'nu'. You need to provide 'alpha'!")
      stop("For 'spde' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'sigma'. You need to provide 'tau'!")
      stop("For 'spde' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'range'. You need to provide 'kappa'!")
  } else{
      stop("For 'matern' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'alpha'. You need to provide 'nu'!")
      stop("For 'matern' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'tau'. You need to provide 'sigma'!")
      stop("For 'matern' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'kappa'. You need to provide 'range'!")

    if(!inherits(graph, "metric_graph")){
      stop("graph should be a metric_graph object!")
    d <- 1
      warning("The graph object did not contain a mesh, one was created with h = 0.01. Use the build_mesh() method to replace this mesh with a new one.")
      graph$build_mesh(h = 0.01)
    C <- graph$mesh$C
    G <- graph$mesh$G
    has_graph <- TRUE

  if (!is.null(mesh)) {
    d <- get_inla_mesh_dimension(inla_mesh = mesh)
    # fem <- INLA::inla.mesh.fem(mesh)
    # fem <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh)
    fem <- fm_fem(mesh)
    C <- fem$c0
    G <- fem$g1
    has_mesh <- TRUE

  if(parameterization == "spde"){
    if(is.null(kappa) || is.null(tau)){
      if(is.null(graph) && is.null(mesh) && is.null(range_mesh)){
        stop("You should either provide all the parameters, or you should provide one of the following: mesh, range_mesh or graph.")
      if(!is.null(mesh) || !is.null(range_mesh)){
         param <- get.initial.values.rSPDE(mesh.range = range_mesh, dim = d, parameterization = parameterization, mesh = mesh, nu = nu)
      } else if(!is.null(graph)){
        param <- get.initial.values.rSPDE(graph.obj = graph, parameterization = parameterization, nu = nu)

      kappa <- exp(param[2])
    } else{
      kappa <- rspde_check_user_input(kappa, "kappa" , 0)
      tau <- exp(param[1])
    } else{
      tau <- rspde_check_user_input(tau, "tau" , 0)

      alpha <- 1 + d/2
    } else {
      alpha <- rspde_check_user_input(alpha, "alpha" , d/2)
      alpha <- min(alpha, 10)

    nu <- alpha - d/2

    range <- sqrt(8 * nu) / kappa
    sigma <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (tau^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
    (4 * pi)^(d / 2) * gamma(nu + d / 2)))
  } else if(parameterization == "matern") {
    if(is.null(sigma) || is.null(range)){
      if(is.null(graph) && is.null(mesh) && is.null(range_mesh)){
        stop("You should either provide all the parameters, or you should provide one of the following: mesh, range_mesh or graph.")
      if(!is.null(mesh) || !is.null(range_mesh)){
         param <- get.initial.values.rSPDE(mesh.range = range_mesh, dim = d, parameterization = parameterization, mesh = mesh, nu = nu)
      } else if(!is.null(graph)){
        param <- get.initial.values.rSPDE(graph.obj = graph, parameterization = parameterization, nu = nu)

      range <- exp(param[2])
    } else{
      range <- rspde_check_user_input(range, "range" , 0)
      sigma <- exp(param[1])
    } else{
      sigma <- rspde_check_user_input(sigma, "sigma" , 0)

        nu <- 1
    } else{
      nu <- rspde_check_user_input(nu, "nu" , 0)
    kappa <- sqrt(8 * nu) / range
    tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
    (4 * pi)^(d / 2) * gamma(nu + d / 2)))
    alpha <- nu + d/2
  # else if(parameterization == "graph"){
  #   if(is.null(kappa) || is.null(sigma)){
  #     if(is.null(graph) && is.null(mesh) && is.null(range_mesh)){
  #       stop("You should either provide all the parameters, or you should provide one of the following: mesh, range_mesh or graph.")
  #     }
  #     if(!is.null(mesh) || !is.null(range_mesh)){
  #        param <- get.initial.values.rSPDE(mesh.range = range_mesh, dim = d, parameterization = "spde", mesh = mesh, nu = nu)
  #     } else if(!is.null(graph)){
  #       param <- get.initial.values.rSPDE(graph.obj = graph, parameterization = "spde", nu = nu)
  #     }
  #   }

  #   if(is.null(kappa)){
  #     kappa <- exp(param[2])
  #   }
  #   if(is.null(sigma)){
  #     tau <- exp(param[1])
  #     sigma <- 1 / tau
  #   }
  #   range <- sqrt(8 * nu) / kappa
  #   tau <- 1 / sigma
  # }

      make_A <- function(loc){
        # return(INLA::inla.spde.make.A(mesh = mesh, loc = loc))
        # return(fmesher::fm_basis(x = mesh, loc = loc))
        return(fm_basis(x = mesh, loc = loc))
  } else if(!is.null(graph)){
      make_A <- function(loc){
  } else if(!is.null(loc_mesh) && d == 1){
    make_A <- function(loc){
          # return(rSPDE::rSPDE.A1d(x = loc_mesh, loc = loc))
          # return(fmesher::fm_basis(x = mesh_1d, loc = loc))
          return(fm_basis(x = mesh_1d, loc = loc))
  } else {
    make_A <- NULL

  if (type == "operator") {
    beta <- (nu + d / 2) / 2
    operators <- fractional.operators(
      L = G + C * kappa^2,
      beta = beta,
      C = C,
      scale.factor = kappa^2,
      m = m,
      tau = tau
    output <- operators
    output$kappa <- kappa
    output$range <- range
    output$tau <- tau
    output$sigma <- sigma
    output$alpha <- alpha
    output$nu <- nu
    output$d <- d
    output$G <- G
    output$type <- "Matern approximation"
    output$stationary <- TRUE
    output$parameterization <- parameterization
    output$has_mesh <- has_mesh
    output$has_graph <- has_graph
    output$make_A <- make_A
    output$alpha <- 2*beta
    output$mesh <- mesh
    output$range_mesh <- range_mesh
    output$graph <- graph
    output$loc_mesh <- loc_mesh
    output$cov_function_mesh <- function(p, direct = FALSE){
        stop("Please, create the object using the mesh.")
      v <- output$make_A(loc = p)
        return(output$Pr %*% solve(output$Q, output$Pr %*% t(v)))
      } else{
        return(Sigma.mult(output, t(v)))
    output$covariance_mesh <- function(){
      return(output$Pr %*% solve(output$Q, output$Pr))
  } else {

    C <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], rowSums(C))
    type_rational_approximation <- type_rational_approximation[[1]]
    out <- CBrSPDE.matern.operators(
      C = C, G = G, mesh = mesh, nu = nu, kappa = kappa, tau = tau,
      m = m, d = d, compute_higher_order = compute_higher_order,
      return_block_list = return_block_list,
      type_rational_approximation = type_rational_approximation,
      compute_logdet = compute_logdet
    out$range <- range
    out$tau <- tau
    out$alpha <- alpha
    out$sigma <- sigma
    out$parameterization <- parameterization
    out$has_mesh <- has_mesh
    out$has_graph <- has_graph
    out$make_A <- make_A
    out$mesh <- mesh
    out$range_mesh <- range_mesh
    out$graph <- graph
    out$loc_mesh <- loc_mesh    
    out$cov_function_mesh <- function(p){
        stop("Please, create the object using the mesh.")
      v <- t(out$make_A(loc = p))
      A <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1])
      v_bar <- kronecker(matrix(1, nrow = m + 1), v)
      A_bar <- kronecker(matrix(1, ncol = m+1), A)
      return((A_bar) %*% solve(out$Q, v_bar))

  out$covariance_mesh <- function(){
      A <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1])
      A_bar <- kronecker(matrix(1, ncol = m+1), A)
      return((A_bar) %*% solve(out$Q, t(A_bar)))

#' @name CBrSPDE.matern.operators
#' @title Covariance-based rational approximations of stationary Gaussian
#' Matern random fields
#' @description `CBrSPDE.matern.operators` is used for computing a
#' covariance-based rational SPDE approximation of stationary Gaussian random
#' fields on \eqn{R^d} with a Matern covariance function
#' \deqn{C(h) = \frac{\sigma^2}{2^{\nu-1}\Gamma(\nu)}(\kappa h)^\nu
#' K_\nu(\kappa h)}{C(h) =
#' (\sigma^2/(2^{\nu-1}\Gamma(\nu))(\kappa h)^\nu K_\nu(\kappa h)}
#' @param kappa Range parameter of the covariance function.
#  @param sigma Standard deviation of the covariance function.
#' @param tau Precision parameter.
#' @param nu Shape parameter of the covariance function.
#' @param G The stiffness matrix of a finite element discretization
#' of the domain of interest.
#' @param C The mass matrix of a finite element discretization of
#' the domain of interest.
#' @param mesh An inla mesh.
#' @param d The dimension of the domain.
#' @param m The order of the rational approximation, which needs
#' to be a positive integer.
#' The default value is 2.
#' @param compute_logdet Should log determinants be computed while building the model?
#' @return `CBrSPDE.matern.operators` returns an object of
#' class "CBrSPDEobj". This object is a list containing the
#' following quantities:
#' \item{C}{The mass lumped mass matrix.}
#' \item{Ci}{The inverse of `C`.}
#' \item{GCi}{The stiffness matrix G times `Ci`}
#' \item{Gk}{The stiffness matrix G along with the higher-order
#' FEM-related matrices G2, G3, etc.}
#' \item{fem_mesh_matrices}{A list containing the mass lumped mass
#' matrix, the stiffness matrix and
#' the higher-order FEM-related matrices.}
#' \item{m}{The order of the rational approximation.}
#' \item{alpha}{The fractional power of the precision operator.}
#' \item{type}{String indicating the type of approximation.}
#' \item{d}{The dimension of the domain.}
#' \item{nu}{Shape parameter of the covariance function.}
#' \item{kappa}{Range parameter of the covariance function}
#' \item{tau}{Scale parameter of the covariance function.}
#' \item{sigma}{Standard deviation of the covariance function.}
#' \item{type}{String indicating the type of approximation.}
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [matern.operators()], [spde.matern.operators()]
#' @details We use the covariance-based rational approximation of the
#' fractional operator. In the SPDE approach, we model \eqn{u} as the
#' solution of the following SPDE:
#' \deqn{L^{\alpha/2}(\tau u) = \mathcal{W},}
#' where
#' \eqn{L  = -\Delta +\kappa^2 I} and \eqn{\mathcal{W}} is
#' the standard Gaussian white noise. The covariance operator of \eqn{u}
#' is given by \eqn{L^{-\alpha}}. Now, let \eqn{L_h} be a finite-element
#' approximation of \eqn{L}. We can use a rational approximation of order
#' \eqn{m} on \eqn{L_h^{-\alpha}} to obtain the following approximation:
#' \deqn{L_{h,m}^{-\alpha} = L_h^{-m_\alpha}
#' p(L_h^{-1})q(L_h^{-1})^{-1},}
#' where \eqn{m_\alpha = \max\{1,\lfloor \alpha\rfloor\}},
#' \eqn{p} and \eqn{q} are polynomials arising from such rational approximation.
#' From this approximation we construct an approximate precision
#' matrix for \eqn{u}.
#' @examples
#' # Compute the covariance-based rational approximation of a
#' # Gaussian process with a Matern covariance function on R
#' kappa <- 10
#' sigma <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' nobs <- 101
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # compute rational approximation of covariance function at 0.5
#' tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
#' (4 * pi)^(1 / 2) * gamma(nu + 1 / 2)))
#' op_cov <- CBrSPDE.matern.operators(
#'   C = fem$C, G = fem$G, nu = nu,
#'   kappa = kappa, tau = tau, d = 1, m = 2
#' )
#' v <- t(rSPDE.A1d(x, 0.5))
#' # Compute the precision matrix
#' Q <- op_cov$Q
#' # A matrix here is the identity matrix
#' A <- Diagonal(nobs)
#' # We need to concatenate 3 A's since we are doing a covariance-based rational
#' # approximation of order 2
#' Abar <- cbind(A, A, A)
#' w <- rbind(v, v, v)
#' # The approximate covariance function:
#' c_cov.approx <- (Abar) %*% solve(Q, w)
#' # plot the result and compare with the true Matern covariance
#' plot(x, matern.covariance(abs(x - 0.5), kappa, nu, sigma),
#'   type = "l", ylab = "C(h)",
#'   xlab = "h", main = "Matern covariance and rational approximations"
#' )
#' lines(x, c_cov.approx, col = 2)
CBrSPDE.matern.operators <- function(C,
                                     m = 2,
                                     compute_higher_order = FALSE,
                                     return_block_list = FALSE,
                                     type_rational_approximation = c("chebfun",
                                     "brasil", "chebfunLB"),
                                     fem_mesh_matrices = NULL,
                                     compute_logdet = FALSE) {
  type_rational_approximation <- type_rational_approximation[[1]]

  if (is.null(fem_mesh_matrices)) {
    if (!is.null(mesh)) {
      ## get alpha, m_alpha
      d <- get_inla_mesh_dimension(inla_mesh = mesh)
      alpha <- nu + d / 2
      m_alpha <- floor(alpha)
      m_order <- m_alpha + 1
      # tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
      # (4 * pi)^(d / 2) * gamma(nu + d / 2)))

      if (d > 1) {
        if (compute_higher_order) {
          # fem <- INLA::inla.mesh.fem(mesh, order = m_alpha + 1)
          # fem <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha + 1)
          fem <- fm_fem(mesh, order = m_alpha + 1)
        } else {
          # fem <- INLA::inla.mesh.fem(mesh)
          # fem <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh)
          fem <- fm_fem(mesh)

        C <- fem$c0
        G <- fem$g1
        Ci <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / rowSums(C))
        GCi <- G %*% Ci

        Gk <- list()
        Gk[[1]] <- G
        for (i in 2:m_order) {
            Gk[[i]] <- fem[[paste0("g", i)]]
      } else if (d == 1) {
        # fem <- INLA::inla.mesh.fem(mesh, order = 2)
        # fem <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh)
        fem <- fm_fem(mesh)
        C <- fem$c0
        G <- fem$g1
        Ci <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / rowSums(C))
        GCi <- G %*% Ci

        Gk <- list()
        Gk[[1]] <- G
        if (compute_higher_order) {
          Gk[[2]] <- fem$g2
          if (m_order > 2) {
            for (i in 3:m_order) {
              Gk[[i]] <- GCi %*% Gk[[i - 1]]
    } else {
      ## get alpha, m_alpha
      alpha <- nu + d / 2
      m_alpha <- floor(alpha)
      m_order <- m_alpha + 1
      # tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
      # (4 * pi)^(d / 2) * gamma(nu + d / 2)))

      ## get lumped mass matrix
      C <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], rowSums(C))

      ## get G_k matrix: k is up to m_alpha if alpha is integer,
      # k is up to m_alpha + 1 otherwise.
      # inverse lumped mass matrix
      Ci <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / rowSums(C))

      GCi <- G %*% Ci
      # create a list to store all the G_k matrix

      Gk <- list()

      Gk[[1]] <- G
      # determine how many G_k matrices we want to create
      if (compute_higher_order) {
        for (i in 2:m_order) {
          Gk[[i]] <- GCi %*% Gk[[i - 1]]

    # create a list contains all the finite element related matrices
    fem_mesh_matrices <- list()
    fem_mesh_matrices[["c0"]] <- C
    fem_mesh_matrices[["g1"]] <- G

    if (compute_higher_order) {
      for (i in 1:m_order) {
        fem_mesh_matrices[[paste0("g", i)]] <- Gk[[i]]
  } else {
    C <- fem_mesh_matrices$c0
    G <- fem_mesh_matrices$g1
    Ci <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / rowSums(C))
    GCi <- G %*% Ci
    alpha <- nu + d / 2
    m_alpha <- floor(alpha)
    m_order <- m_alpha + 1
    if (!is.null(mesh)) {
      d <- get_inla_mesh_dimension(inla_mesh = mesh)
    # tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) *
    # (4 * pi)^(d / 2) * gamma(nu + d / 2)))
    Gk <- list()
    Gk[[1]] <- G
    for (i in 2:m_order) {
      Gk[[i]] <- fem_mesh_matrices[[paste0("g", i)]]

  L <- (G + kappa^2 * C) / kappa^2

      Lchol <- Matrix::Cholesky(L)
      logdetL <- 2 * c(determinant(Lchol, logarithm = TRUE, sqrt = TRUE)$modulus)

      logdetC <- sum(log(diag(C)))
  } else{
    logdetL <- NULL
    logdetC <- NULL

  CiL <- GCi / kappa^2 + Diagonal(dim(GCi)[1])

  if (m_alpha == 0) {
    aux_mat <- Diagonal(dim(L)[1])
  } else {
    aux_mat <- CiL

  if (return_block_list) {
    Q.int <- aux_mat

    if(alpha %% 1 == 0){
      Q.frac <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(L)[1])
      Q <- L * kappa^2

      if(alpha > 1){
        CinvL <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1/diag(C)) %*% L * kappa^2

        for(k in 1:(alpha-1)){
          Q <- Q %*% CinvL

      Q <- tau^2 * Q
      Q.int <- Q
    } else{
      if(m == 0){
        stop("Return block list does not work with m = 0, either increase m or set return_block_list to FALSE.")
      Q.frac <- rspde.matern.precision(
        kappa = kappa, nu = nu, tau = tau,
        rspde.order = m, dim = d,
        fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh_matrices, only_fractional = TRUE,
        return_block_list = TRUE,
        type_rational_approx = type_rational_approximation

     Q <- Q.frac

      if (m_alpha > 0) {
        for (j in seq_len(length(Q))) {
          for (i in 1:m_alpha) {
            Q[[j]] <- Q.int %*% Q[[j]]
      Q.int <- list(Q.int = Q.int, order = m_alpha)

  } else {
    Q.int <- list(Q.int = kronecker(Diagonal(m + 1), aux_mat), order = m_alpha)

    if(alpha %% 1 == 0){
      Q.frac <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(L)[1])
      Q <- L * kappa^2

      if(alpha > 1){
        CinvL <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1/diag(C)) %*% L * kappa^2

        for(k in 1:(alpha-1)){
          Q <- Q %*% CinvL

      Q <- tau^2 * Q
      Q.int <- list(Q.int = Q, order = m_alpha)
    } else if (m > 0){
        Q.frac <- rspde.matern.precision(
          kappa = kappa, nu = nu, tau = tau,
          rspde.order = m, dim = d,
          fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh_matrices, only_fractional = TRUE,
          type_rational_approx = type_rational_approximation

        Q <- Q.frac

        if (m_alpha > 0) {
          for (i in 1:m_alpha) {
            Q <- Q.int$Q.int %*% Q
    } else{
      Q <- markov.Q(alpha/2, kappa, d, list(C=C, G=G))
      Q.frac <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(L)[1])

  ## output
  output <- list(
    C = C, G = G, L = L, Ci = Ci, GCi = GCi, Gk = Gk,
    fem_mesh_matrices = fem_mesh_matrices,
    alpha = alpha, nu = nu, kappa = kappa, range = sqrt(8 * nu) / kappa,
    tau = tau, m = m, d = d,
    # sigma = sigma,
    logdetL = logdetL, logdetC = logdetC,
    Q.frac = Q.frac, Q.int = Q.int,
    Q = Q, sizeC = dim(C)[1],
    higher_order = compute_higher_order,
    type_rational_approximation = type_rational_approximation,
    return_block_list = return_block_list,
    stationary = TRUE
  output$type <- "Covariance-Based Matern SPDE Approximation"
  output$compute_logdet <- compute_logdet
  class(output) <- "CBrSPDEobj"

#' Rational approximations of non-stationary Gaussian SPDE Matern random fields
#' `spde.matern.operators` is used for computing a rational SPDE
#' approximation of a Gaussian random
#' fields on \eqn{R^d} defined as a solution to the SPDE
#' \deqn{(\kappa(s) - \Delta)^\beta (\tau(s)u(s)) = W.}
#' @param kappa Vector with the, possibly spatially varying, range parameter
#' evaluated at the locations of the mesh used for the finite element
#' discretization of the SPDE.
#' @param tau Vector with the, possibly spatially varying, precision
#' parameter evaluated at the locations
#' of the mesh used for the finite element discretization of the SPDE.
#' @param theta Theta parameter that connects B.tau and B.kappa to tau and kappa through a log-linear regression, in case the parameterization is `spde`,
#' and that connects B.sigma and B.range to tau and kappa in case the parameterization is `matern`.
#' @param B.sigma Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\sigma}. Will be used if `parameterization = 'matern'`.
#' @param B.range Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\rho}, which is a range-like parameter (it is exactly the range parameter in the stationary case). Will be used if `parameterization = 'matern'`.
#' @param parameterization Which parameterization to use? `matern` uses range, std. deviation and nu (smoothness). `spde` uses kappa, tau and nu (smoothness). The default is `matern`.
#' @param B.tau Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\tau}. Will be used if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param B.kappa Matrix with specification of log-linear model for \eqn{\kappa}. Will be used if `parameterization = 'spde'`.
#' @param nu Shape parameter of the covariance function. Will be used if the parameterization is 'matern'.
#' @param alpha smoothness parameter. Will be used if the parameterization is 'spde'.
#' @param G The stiffness matrix of a finite element discretization of
#' the domain of interest.
#' @param C The mass matrix of a finite element discretization of the
#' domain of interest.
#' @param mesh An optional inla mesh. `d`, `C` and `G`
#' must be given if `mesh` is not given.
#' @param graph An optional `metric_graph` object. Replaces `d`, `C` and `G`. 
#' @param range_mesh The range of the mesh. Will be used to provide starting values for the parameters. Will be used if `mesh` and `graph` are `NULL`, and if one of the parameters (kappa or tau for spde parameterization, or sigma or range for matern parameterization) are not provided.
#' @param loc_mesh The mesh locations used to construct the matrices C and G. This option should be provided if one wants to use the `rspde_lme()` function and will not provide neither graph nor mesh. Only works for 1d data. Does not work for metric graphs. For metric graphs you should supply the graph using the `graph` argument.
#' @param d The dimension of the domain. Does not need to be given if
#' `mesh` is used.
#' @param m The order of the rational approximation, which needs to be a
#' positive integer. The default value is 1.
#' @param type The type of the rational approximation. The options are
#' "covariance" and "operator". The default is "covariance".
#' @param type_rational_approximation Which type of rational
#' approximation should be used? The current types are
#' "chebfun", "brasil" or "chebfunLB".
#' @details The approximation is based on a rational approximation of the
#' fractional operator \eqn{(\kappa(s)^2 -\Delta)^\beta}, where
#' \eqn{\beta = (\nu + d/2)/2}. This results in an approximate model
#' on the form \deqn{P_l u(s) = P_r W,} where \eqn{P_j = p_j(L)} are
#' non-fractional operators defined in terms of polynomials \eqn{p_j} for
#' \eqn{j=l,r}. The order of \eqn{p_r} is given by `m` and the order
#' of \eqn{p_l} is \eqn{m + m_\beta} where \eqn{m_\beta} is the integer
#' part of \eqn{\beta} if \eqn{\beta>1} and \eqn{m_\beta = 1} otherwise.
#' The discrete approximation can be written as \eqn{u = P_r x} where
#' \eqn{x \sim N(0,Q^{-1})}{x ~ N(0,Q^{-1})}
#' and \eqn{Q = P_l^T C^{-1} P_l}. Note that the matrices \eqn{P_r} and
#' \eqn{Q} may be be ill-conditioned for \eqn{m>1}.
#' In this case, the metehods in [operator.operations()]
#' should be used for operations involving the matrices, since
#' these methods are more numerically stable.
#' @return `spde.matern.operators` returns an object of
#' class "rSPDEobj. This object contains the
#' quantities listed in the output of [fractional.operators()]
#' as well as the smoothness parameter \eqn{\nu}.
#' @export
#' @seealso [fractional.operators()],
#' [spde.matern.operators()],
#' [matern.operators()]
#' @examples
#' # Sample non-stationary Matern field on R
#' tau <- 1
#' nu <- 0.8
#' # create mass and stiffness matrices for a FEM discretization
#' x <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
#' fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(x)
#' # define a non-stationary range parameter
#' kappa <- seq(from = 2, to = 20, length.out = length(x))
#' alpha <- nu + 1/2
#' # compute rational approximation
#' op <- spde.matern.operators(
#'   kappa = kappa, tau = tau, alpha = alpha,
#'   G = fem$G, C = fem$C, d = 1
#' )
#' # sample the field
#' u <- simulate(op)
#' # plot the sample
#' plot(x, u, type = "l", ylab = "u(s)", xlab = "s")
spde.matern.operators <- function(kappa = NULL,
                                  tau = NULL,
                                  theta = NULL,
                                  B.tau = matrix(c(0, 1, 0), 1, 3), 
                                  B.kappa = matrix(c(0, 0, 1), 1, 3), 
                                  B.sigma = matrix(c(0, 1, 0), 1, 3), 
                                  B.range = matrix(c(0, 0, 1), 1, 3),
                                  alpha = NULL,
                                  nu = NULL,
                                  parameterization = c("spde", "matern"),
                                  G = NULL,
                                  C = NULL,
                                  d = NULL,
                                  graph = NULL,
                                  mesh = NULL,
                                  range_mesh = NULL,
                                  loc_mesh = NULL,
                                  m = 1,
                                  type = c("covariance", "operator"),
                                  type_rational_approximation = c("chebfun",
                             "brasil", "chebfunLB")) {
  type <- type[[1]]
  if (!type %in% c("covariance", "operator")) {
    stop("The type should be 'covariance' or 'operator'!")

  has_mesh <- FALSE
  has_graph <- FALSE

  parameterization <- parameterization[[1]]

  if (!parameterization %in% c("matern", "spde")) {
    stop("parameterization should be either 'matern' or 'spde'!")

    if(parameterization == "spde"){
      stop("For 'spde' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'nu'. You need to provide 'alpha'!")
      stop("For 'spde' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'B.sigma'. You need to provide 'B.tau'!")
      stop("For 'spde' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'B.range'. You need to provide 'B.kappa'!")
  } else{
      stop("For 'matern' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'alpha'. You need to provide 'nu'!")
      stop("For 'matern' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'B.tau'. You need to provide 'B.sigma'!")
      stop("For 'matern' parameterization, you should NOT supply 'B.kappa'. You need to provide 'B.range'!")

if (is.null(d) && is.null(mesh) && is.null(graph)) {
    stop("You should give either the dimension d, the mesh or graph!")

  if ((is.null(C) || is.null(G)) && is.null(mesh) && is.null(graph) &&(is.null(loc_mesh) || d != 1)) {
    stop("You should either provide mesh, graph, or provide both C *and* G!")

  if(!is.null(loc_mesh) && d!=1){
    stop("loc_mesh only works with dimension 1.")
  } else if (!is.null(loc_mesh)){
    # mesh_1d <- fmesher::fm_mesh_1d(loc_mesh)
    mesh_1d <- fm_mesh_1d(loc_mesh)

  if( (is.null(C) || is.null(G)) && (is.null(graph)) && (!is.null(loc_mesh) && d==1)){
    # fem <- rSPDE.fem1d(loc_mesh)
    fem <- fm_fem(mesh_1d)
    C <- fem$c0
    G <- fem$g1

  has_mesh <- FALSE
  has_graph <- FALSE

      stop("loc_mesh must be numerical.")
    range_mesh <- abs(diff(range(loc_mesh)))

  if (!is.null(mesh)) {
      d <- get_inla_mesh_dimension(inla_mesh = mesh)
      # fem <- INLA::inla.mesh.fem(mesh)
      # fem <- fmesher::fm_fem(mesh)
      fem <- fm_fem(mesh)
      C <- fem$c0
      G <- fem$g1
      has_mesh <- TRUE

    if(!inherits(graph, "metric_graph")){
      stop("graph should be a metric_graph object!")
    has_graph <- TRUE
    d <- 1
      warning("The graph object did not contain a mesh, one was created with h = 0.01. Use the build_mesh() method to replace this mesh with a new one.")
      graph$build_mesh(h = 0.01)
    C <- graph$mesh$C
    G <- graph$mesh$G


    if(parameterization == "matern"){
      if(any(dim(B.sigma) != dim(B.range))){
        stop("B.sigma and B.range must have the same dimensions!")

      B_matrices <- convert_B_matrices(B.sigma, B.range, ncol(C), nu, d)
      B.tau <- B_matrices[["B.tau"]]
      B.kappa <- B_matrices[["B.kappa"]]

        nu <- 1
      } else{
      nu <- rspde_check_user_input(nu, "nu" , 0)
      alpha <- nu + d / 2
    } else if(parameterization == "spde") {
      if(any(dim(B.tau) != dim(B.kappa))){
        stop("B.tau and B.kappa must have the same dimensions!")

      B.tau <- prepare_B_matrices(B.tau, ncol(C), 
      B.kappa <- prepare_B_matrices(B.kappa, ncol(C), 
        alpha <- 1 + d/2
      } else {
        alpha <- rspde_check_user_input(alpha, "alpha" , d/2)
        alpha <- min(alpha, 10)

      nu <- alpha - d/2
    # else if(parameterization == "graph") {
    #   if(any(dim(B.sigma) != dim(B.kappa))){
    #     stop("B.sigma and B.kappa must have the same dimensions!")
    #   }

    #   B.sigma <- prepare_B_matrices(B.sigma, ncol(C), 
    #       ncol(B.sigma)-1)
    #   B.kappa <- prepare_B_matrices(B.kappa, ncol(C), 
    #       ncol(B.kappa)-1)
    #   B.tau <- -B.sigma
    # }
      new_theta <- c(1, theta)

      tau <- c(exp(B.tau %*% new_theta))
      kappa <- c(exp(B.kappa %*% new_theta))

  } else if(is.null(kappa) || is.null(tau)){
      if(any(dim(B.tau) != dim(B.kappa))){
        stop("B.tau and B.kappa must have the same dimensions!")
      if(any(dim(B.sigma) != dim(B.range))){
        stop("B.sigma and B.range must have the same dimensions!")

    if(parameterization == "matern"){
        nu <- 1
      } else{
        nu <- rspde_check_user_input(nu, "nu" , 0)
      B_matrices <- convert_B_matrices(B.sigma, B.range, ncol(C), nu, d)
      B.tau <- B_matrices[["B.tau"]]
      B.kappa <- B_matrices[["B.kappa"]]

        nu <- 1
      } else{
      nu <- rspde_check_user_input(nu, "nu" , 0)

      alpha <- nu + d/2

    } else{
      B.tau <- prepare_B_matrices(B.tau, ncol(C), 
      B.kappa <- prepare_B_matrices(B.kappa, ncol(C), 
        alpha <- 1 + d/2
      } else {
        alpha <- rspde_check_user_input(alpha, "alpha" , d/2)
        alpha <- min(alpha, 10)

      nu <- alpha - d/2


      if(is.null(graph) && is.null(mesh) && is.null(range_mesh)){
        stop("You should either provide all the parameters, or you should provide one of the following: mesh, range_mesh or graph.")
      if(!is.null(mesh) || !is.null(range_mesh)){
         theta <- get.initial.values.rSPDE(mesh.range = range_mesh, 
         dim = d, parameterization = parameterization, 
         mesh = mesh, nu = nu, B.tau = B.tau, 
         B.sigma = B.sigma, B.range = B.range,
         B.kappa = B.kappa, include.nu = FALSE)
      } else if(!is.null(graph)){
        theta <- get.initial.values.rSPDE(graph.obj = graph, 
        parameterization = parameterization, nu = nu, 
        B.tau = B.tau, B.sigma = B.sigma, B.range = B.range,
         B.kappa = B.kappa, include.nu = FALSE)

    new_theta <- c(1, theta)

      tau <- c(exp(B.tau %*% new_theta))
      kappa <- c(exp(B.kappa %*% new_theta))
  } else{
    if(parameterization == "matern"){
        nu <- 1
      } else{
        nu <- rspde_check_user_input(nu, "nu" , 0)
        alpha <- nu + d/2
    } else{
        alpha <- 1 + d/2
      } else {
        alpha <- rspde_check_user_input(alpha, "alpha" , d/2)
        alpha <- min(alpha, 10)

      nu <- alpha - d/2

      make_A <- function(loc){
        # return(INLA::inla.spde.make.A(mesh = mesh, loc = loc))
        # return(fmesher::fm_basis(x = mesh, loc=loc))
        return(fm_basis(x = mesh, loc=loc))
  } else if(!is.null(graph)){
      make_A <- function(loc){
  } else if(!is.null(loc_mesh) && d == 1){
    make_A <- function(loc){
          return(rspde.make.A(mesh = loc_mesh, loc = loc))
  } else {
    make_A <- NULL
  if (nu < 0) {
    stop("nu must be positive")
  if(type == "operator"){
      beta <- (nu + d / 2) / 2
      kp <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], kappa^2)

      operators <- fractional.operators(
        L = G + C %*% kp,
        beta = beta,
        C = C,
        scale.factor = min(kappa)^2,
        m = m,
        tau = tau
      output <- operators
      output$d <- d
      output$alpha <- alpha
      output$beta <- beta
      output$B.tau <- B.tau
      output$B.kappa <- B.kappa
      output$kappa <- kappa
      output$tau <- tau
      output$theta <- theta
      output$stationary <- FALSE
      output$type <- "Matern SPDE approximation"
      output$has_mesh <- has_mesh
      output$has_graph <- has_graph
      output$make_A <- make_A
      output$mesh <- mesh
      output$range_mesh <- range_mesh
      output$graph <- graph
      output$loc_mesh <- loc_mesh        
      output$B.sigma <- B.sigma
      output$B.range <- B.range
      output$parameterization <- parameterization
    output$cov_function_mesh <- function(p, direct = FALSE){
        stop("Please, create the object using the mesh.")
      v <- output$make_A(loc = p)
        return(output$Pr %*% solve(output$Q, output$Pr %*% t(v)))
      } else{
        return(Sigma.mult(output, t(v)))
    output$covariance_mesh <- function(){
      return(output$Pr %*% solve(output$Q, output$Pr))
  } else{
    type_rational_approximation <- type_rational_approximation[[1]]
    m_alpha <- floor(alpha)
    m_order <- m_alpha + 1

    C <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], rowSums(C))
    Ci <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1 / rowSums(C))

    L <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], kappa^2 * diag(C))
    L <- L + G

    tau_matrix <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], tau)
    if(alpha %% 1 == 0){
      Q <- L

      if(alpha > 1){
        CinvL <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1/diag(C)) %*% L

        for(k in 1:(alpha-1)){
          Q <- Q %*% CinvL

      Q <- tau_matrix %*% Q %*% tau_matrix
    } else{
      factor <- min(kappa^2)
      L <- L/factor

      if(m_alpha > 0){
        CinvL <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1], 1/diag(C)) %*% L

      mt <- get_rational_coefficients(m, type_rational_approximation)
      rspde.order <- m
      row_nu <- round(1000*cut_decimals(alpha))
      r <- unlist(mt[row_nu, 2:(1+rspde.order)])
      p <- unlist(mt[row_nu, (2+rspde.order):(1+2*rspde.order)])
      k_rat <- unlist(mt[row_nu, 2+2*rspde.order])

      Q <- (L - p[1] * C)/r[1]
        if(m_alpha > 0){
          for(count_m in 1:m_alpha){
            Q <- Q %*% CinvL

      Q <- tau_matrix %*% Q %*% tau_matrix

      if(rspde.order > 1){
        for(k_ind in 2:rspde.order){
          Q_tmp <- (L - p[k_ind] * C)/r[k_ind]
          if(m_alpha > 0){
            for(count_m in 1:m_alpha){
              Q_tmp <- Q_tmp %*% CinvL
        Q_tmp <- tau_matrix %*% Q_tmp %*% tau_matrix
        Q <- bdiag(Q, Q_tmp)

      # K part

      if(m_alpha == 0){
        Q_tmp <- Ci
      } else if(m_alpha == 1){
        Q_tmp <- L
      } else{
        Q_tmp <- L
        for(count_m in 1:(m_alpha-1)){
          Q_tmp <- Q_tmp %*% CinvL

      Q_tmp <- tau_matrix %*% Q_tmp %*% tau_matrix
      Q_tmp <- Q_tmp/k_rat

      Q <- bdiag(Q, Q_tmp)

      Q <- factor^(alpha) * Q

  ## output
  output <- list(
    C = C, G = G,
    alpha = alpha, nu = nu, kappa = kappa,
    B.tau = B.tau, B.kappa = B.kappa,
    tau = tau, theta = theta, m = m, d = d,
    Q = Q, sizeC = dim(C)[1],
    type_rational_approximation = type_rational_approximation,
    stationary = FALSE
  output$type <- "Covariance-Based Matern SPDE Approximation"
  output$has_mesh <- has_mesh
  output$has_graph <- has_graph  
  output$make_A <- make_A
  output$mesh <- mesh
  output$range_mesh <- range_mesh
  output$graph <- graph
  output$loc_mesh <- loc_mesh      
  output$B.sigma <- B.sigma
  output$B.range <- B.range
  output$parameterization <- parameterization  
  output$cov_function_mesh <- function(p){
        stop("Please, create the object using the mesh.")
      v <- t(output$make_A(loc = p))
      A <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1])
      v_bar <- kronecker(matrix(1, nrow = m + 1), v)
      A_bar <- kronecker(matrix(1, ncol = m+1), A)
      return((A_bar) %*% solve(output$Q, v_bar))
  class(output) <- "CBrSPDEobj"

  output$covariance_mesh <- function(){
      A <- Matrix::Diagonal(dim(C)[1])
      A_bar <- kronecker(matrix(1, ncol = m+1), A)
      return((A_bar) %*% solve(output$Q, t(A_bar)))


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rSPDE documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 1:06 a.m.