
Defines functions ginverse.mlse.workhorse ginverse.mlse ginverse get.univariate.target get.mv.vimp get.mv.predicted get.mv.formula get.mv.error.block get.mv.error get.mv.csvimp get.mv.cserror get.mv.cserror coerce.multivariate

Documented in get.mv.cserror get.mv.csvimp get.mv.error get.mv.error.block get.mv.formula get.mv.predicted get.mv.vimp

coerce.multivariate <- function(x, outcome.target) {
  ## Warning:  This functon assumes that get.univariate.target has been called first, to
  ## verify the coherency of the target.  This means that the target exists in the forest object, and that
  ## it contains outcome statistics.
  ## If this is a multivarate family, we coerce the object, based on outcome.target
  ## into a univaritate regression or classification object.
  x$univariate <- TRUE
  if (x$family == "regr+" | x$family == "class+" | x$family == "mix+") {
    ## coerce the mulitvariate object into a univariate object
    x.coerced <- unlist(list(x$classOutput, x$regrOutput), recursive = FALSE)[[outcome.target]]
    x$univariate <- FALSE
    x$yvar <- x$yvar[, outcome.target]
    ## test for factors - ordered factors are treated as factors!
    if (is.factor(x$yvar) || is.ordered(x$yvar)) {
      x$family <- "class"
    else {
      x$family <- "regr"
    ## make various assignments to the coerced object.
    x$predicted <- x.coerced$predicted
    x$predicted.oob <- x.coerced$predicted.oob
    x$class <- x.coerced$class
    x$class.oob <- x.coerced$class.oob
    x$err.rate <- x.coerced$err.rate
    x$err.block.rate <- x.coerced$err.block.rate
    x$importance <- x.coerced$importance
    x$yvar.names <- outcome.target
    x$cse.num <- x.coerced$cse.num
    x$cse.den <- x.coerced$cse.den
    x$csv.num <- x.coerced$csv.num
    x$csv.den <- x.coerced$csv.den
  x$outcome.target <- outcome.target
get.mv.cserror <- function(obj, standardize = FALSE) {
  ## acquire y variable names
  ynms <- obj$yvar.names
  ## does not apply to survival or competing risk
  if (obj$family == "surv" ||  obj$family == "surv-CR") {
  ## loop over the yvar names acquring the csv if it is present
  err <- lapply(ynms, function(nn) {
    ## coerce to a univariate object for uniformity
    o.coerce <- coerce.multivariate(obj, nn)
    e.num <- o.coerce$cse.num
    e.den <- o.coerce$cse.den
    err <- NULL
    if (!is.null(e.num)) {
      ## classification
      if (!(o.coerce$family == "regr" || o.coerce$family == "regr+")) {
        err <- e.num / e.den
      ## regression: standardization can be applied
      else {
        yvar <- 1
        if (standardize) {
          yvar <- var(o.coerce$yvar, na.rm = TRUE)
          if (is.na(yvar) || yvar == 0) {
            yvar <- 1
        err <- e.num / (e.den * yvar)
    ## return
  ## if the first entry is NULL make the entire list NULL
  if (is.null(err[[1]])) {
    err <- NULL
  ## add ynames - for multivariate objects only
  if (!is.null(err) && length(err)>1) {
    names(err) <- ynms
  if (!is.null(err) && length(err)==1) {
    err <- err[[1]]
  ### return the goodies
## get case-specific error - this is not the same as
## Loss(predicted.oob,y)
get.mv.cserror <- function(obj, standardize = FALSE) {
  ## acquire y variable names
  ynms <- obj$yvar.names
  ## does not apply to survival or competing risk
  if (obj$family == "surv" ||  obj$family == "surv-CR") {
  ## loop over the yvar names acquring the csv if it is present
  err <- lapply(ynms, function(nn) {
    ## coerce to a univariate object for uniformity
    o.coerce <- coerce.multivariate(obj, nn)
    e.num <- o.coerce$cse.num
    e.den <- o.coerce$cse.den
    err <- NULL
    if (!is.null(e.num)) {
      ## classification
      if (!(o.coerce$family == "regr" || o.coerce$family == "regr+")) {
        err <- e.num / e.den
      ## regression: standardization can be applied
      else {
        yvar <- 1
        if (standardize) {
          yvar <- var(o.coerce$yvar, na.rm = TRUE)
          if (is.na(yvar) || yvar == 0) {
            yvar <- 1
        err <- e.num / (e.den * yvar)
    ## return
  ## if the first entry is NULL make the entire list NULL
  if (is.null(err[[1]])) {
    err <- NULL
  ## add ynames - for multivariate objects only
  if (!is.null(err) && length(err)>1) {
    names(err) <- ynms
  if (!is.null(err) && length(err)==1) {
    err <- err[[1]]
  ### return the goodies
## get case-specific VIMP
get.mv.csvimp <- function(obj, standardize = FALSE) {
  ## acquire y variable names
  ynms <- obj$yvar.names
  ## does not apply to survival or competing risk
  if (obj$family == "surv" ||  obj$family == "surv-CR") {
  ## loop over the yvar names acquring the csv if it is present
  vmp <- lapply(ynms, function(nn) {
    ## coerce to a univariate object for uniformity
    o.coerce <- coerce.multivariate(obj, nn)
    v.num <- o.coerce$csv.num
    v.den <- o.coerce$csv.den
    v <- NULL
    if (!is.null(v.num)) {
      ## classification
      if (o.coerce$family != "regr") {
        v <- v.num / v.den
      ## regression: standardization can be applied
      else {
        yvar <- 1
        if (standardize) {
          yvar <- var(o.coerce$yvar, na.rm = TRUE)
          if (is.na(yvar) || yvar == 0) {
            yvar <- 1
        v <- v.num / (v.den * yvar)
      ## pretty the vimp up
      if (is.null(dim(v))) {
        v <- cbind(v)
      ## make allowance for joint vimp
      if (length(o.coerce$importance) == 1) {
        v <- v[, 1, drop = FALSE]
      colnames(v) <- names(o.coerce$importance)
    ## return
  ## if the first entry is NULL make the entire list NULL
  if (is.null(vmp[[1]])) {
    vmp <- NULL
  ## add ynames - for multivariate objects only
  if (!is.null(vmp) && length(vmp)>1) {
    names(vmp) <- ynms
  if (!is.null(vmp) && length(vmp)==1) {
    vmp <- vmp[[1]]
  ### return the goodies
get.mv.error <- function(obj, standardize = FALSE, pretty = TRUE, block = FALSE) {
  ## acquire yvar names - don't want "censoring" for surv and surv-CR
  nms <- NULL
  ynms <- obj$yvar.names
  if (obj$family == "surv" ||  obj$family == "surv-CR") {
    ynms <- ynms[1]
  ## pretty option is not allowed for blocked error
  if (block) {
    pretty <- FALSE
  ## loop over the yvar names acquring error if it is present
  err <- lapply(ynms, function(nn) {
    o.coerce <- coerce.multivariate(obj, nn)
    if (!block) {
      er <- o.coerce$err.rate
    else {
      er <- o.coerce$err.block.rate
    if (!is.null(er)) {
      if (o.coerce$family != "regr" || !standardize) {
        if (pretty && o.coerce$family == "class") {##pretty can only pull first vimp column "all"
            er <- utils::tail(cbind(er)[, 1], 1)
        ## now returns survival error rates more coherently
        else {
          if (!block) {
            er <- utils::tail(er, 1)
            rownames(er) <- NULL
      else {##standardized VIMP only applies to regression
        if (!block) {
          er <- utils::tail(er, 1) / var(o.coerce$yvar, na.rm = TRUE)
        else {
          er <- er / var(o.coerce$yvar, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (is.null(dim(er))) {
      nms <<- c(nms, paste(nn))
    else {
      nms <<- c(nms, colnames(er))
  ## if the first entry is NULL make the entire list NULL
  if (is.null(err[[1]])) {
    err <- NULL
  ## return as a vector for convenient interpretation?
  ## vector reduces information for classification to "all"
  if (!is.null(err)) {
    if (pretty) {
      err <- unlist(err)
      names(err) <- nms
    else {
      names(err) <- ynms
  ### return the goodies
get.mv.error.block <- function(obj, standardize = FALSE) {
  ## use get.mv.error but request blocked error rate
  get.mv.error(obj, standardize = standardize, block = TRUE)
get.mv.formula <- function(ynames) {
  ynames <- sapply(ynames, as.name) ##adds backticks to handle non-standard ynames
  as.formula(paste("Multivar(", paste(ynames, collapse = ","),paste(") ~ ."), sep = ""))
get.mv.predicted <- function(obj, oob = TRUE) {
  ## loop over the yvar names acquring the vimp if it is present
  ## acquire yvar names - don't want "censoring" for surv and surv-CR
  nms <- NULL
  ynms <- obj$yvar.names
  if (obj$family == "surv" ||  obj$family == "surv-CR") {
    ynms <- ynms[1]
  pred <- do.call(cbind, lapply(ynms, function(nn) {
    o.coerce <- coerce.multivariate(obj, nn)
    if (o.coerce$family == "class" || o.coerce$family == "surv-CR") {
      ## ensembles can now be either oob, inbag, or all 05/06/2018
      if (!is.null(o.coerce$predicted.oob)) {
        nms <<- c(nms, paste(nn, ".", colnames(o.coerce$predicted.oob), sep = ""))
      else {
        nms <<- c(nms, paste(nn, ".", colnames(o.coerce$predicted), sep = ""))
    else {
      nms <<- c(nms, paste(nn))
    ## user may request OOB when it doesn't exist: noted 04/04/2018
    if (oob && !is.null(o.coerce$predicted.oob)) {
    else {
  ## pretty names
  colnames(pred) <- nms
get.mv.vimp <- function(obj, standardize = FALSE, pretty = TRUE) {
  ## acquire yvar names - don't want "censoring" for surv and surv-CR
  ynms <- obj$yvar.names
  if (obj$family == "surv" ||  obj$family == "surv-CR") {
    ynms <- ynms[1]
  ## loop over the yvar names acquring the vimp if it is present
  vmp <- lapply(ynms, function(nn) {
    o.coerce <- coerce.multivariate(obj, nn)
    v <- o.coerce$importance
    if (!is.null(v)) {
      if (o.coerce$family != "regr" || !standardize) {
        if (pretty && o.coerce$family == "class") {##pretty can only pull first vimp column "all"
          v <- v[, 1]
      else {##standardized VIMP only applies to regression
        v <- v / var(o.coerce$yvar, na.rm = TRUE)
      if (is.null(dim(v))) {
        v <- cbind(v)
        colnames(v) <- nn
  ## if the first entry is NULL make the entire list NULL
  if (is.null(vmp[[1]])) {
    vmp <- NULL
  ## return as a matrix for convenient interpretation?
  ## matrix reduces information for classification to "all"
  if (!is.null(vmp)) {
    if (pretty) {
      vmp <- do.call(cbind, vmp)
    else {
      names(vmp) <- ynms
  ### return the goodies
get.univariate.target <- function(x, outcome.target = NULL) {
  ## This function takes a grow, grow-equivalent, or predict object and returns a single coherent target.
  ## That is, if no target has been specified, the first regression outcome with statistics is chosen.
  ## If no regression outcome exists, the first classification outcome with statistics is chosen.
  ## If the target is specified, the object is verified to contain the target outcome statistics
  ## for that y-var.  If none exist, the function will error.
  if (x$family == "regr+" | x$family == "class+" | x$family == "mix+") {
    if (is.null(outcome.target)) {
      ## Check the y-vars against regression and then classification.
      ## We choose the "first" variable, favoring regression, then
      ## classification.
      target <- match(c("regrOutput", "classOutput"), names(x))
      target <- target[!is.na(target)]
      if(length(target) > 0) {
        do.break <- FALSE
        for (i in target) {
          for (j in 1:length(x[[i]])) {
            if (length(x[[i]][[j]]) > 0) {
              ## This is a non-null output.
              outcome.target <- names(x[[i]][j])
              ## Exit the loop.
              do.break <- TRUE
          if (do.break == TRUE) {
      else {
        ## Something would have to be seriously wrong for this to happen.
        stop("No outcomes found in object.  Please contact technical support.")
    else {
      ## Check that one and only one target has been specified.
      if (sum(is.element(outcome.target, x$yvar.names)) != 1) {
        stop("Specified target was not found or too many target outcomes were supplied (only one is allowed).")
      ## A target outcome has been specified.  Verify that it contains outcome statistics.
      target <- match(c("regrOutput", "classOutput"), names(x))
      target <- target[!is.na(target)]
      found = FALSE
      if(length(target) > 0) {
        do.break <- FALSE
        for (i in target) {
          for (j in 1:length(x[[i]])) {
            if (length(x[[i]][[j]]) > 0) {
              ## This is a non-null output.
              if (outcome.target == names(x[[i]][j])) {
                found = TRUE
                ## Exit the loop.
                do.break <- TRUE
          if (do.break == TRUE) {
      if (!found) {
        stop("Target outcome has been correctly specified but it did not contain outcome statistics.")
  ## This function will return NULL if the function is not
  ## multivariate.  Otherwise, the outcome and its associated statistics is
  ## guaranteed to exist in the object.
##  SVD-generalized inverse UTILITY FUNCTIONS
## generalized inverse of matrix X (typically X=covariance matrix)
ginverse <- function(X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), test = FALSE) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  if (nrow(X) >= ncol(X)) {
    Xinv <- ginverse.workhorse(X, tol)
  else {
    Xinv <- t(ginverse.workhorse(t(X), tol))
  if (test) {
    p1 <- summary(c(X %*% Xinv %*% X - X))
    p2 <- summary(c(Xinv %*% X %*% Xinv - Xinv))
    p3 <- summary(c(X %*% Xinv - t(X %*% Xinv)))
    cat("test 3 properties of generalized inverse:\n")
## generalized inverse workhorse
ginverse.workhorse <- function (X, tol) {
  Xsvd <- svd(X)
  Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1L], 0)
  if (all(Positive)) {
    Xsvd$v %*% (1/Xsvd$d * t(Xsvd$u))
  else if (!any(Positive)) { 
    array(0, dim(X)[2L:1L])
  else {
    Xsvd$v[, Positive, drop = FALSE] %*% ((1/Xsvd$d[Positive]) * 
                       t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))
## minimum least squares via generalized inverse 
ginverse.mlse <- function(f, data) {
  ## acquire y and x
  ## convert x to a data matrix
  ynms <- all.vars(as.formula(f))[1]
  x <- data.matrix(data[, colnames(data) != ynms, drop = FALSE])
  y <- data[, ynms]
  ## mlse
  o.mlse <- ginverse.mlse.workhorse(y, x)
  ## ols
  o.lm <- lm(y~., data.frame(y = y, x))
  ## add mlse to ols
  tbl <- summary(o.lm)$coef
  ## for p>n the OLS may fail ... break this up into two cases
  if (nrow(tbl) == length(o.mlse$coef)) {
    cnms <- colnames(tbl); cnms[1] <- "ols"
    tbl <- data.frame(tbl)
    colnames(tbl) <- cnms
    tbl$mls <- o.mlse$coef
  else {## ... looks like OLS failed
    tbl <- data.frame(ols = coef(o.lm),
                      mls = o.mlse$coef)
  ## return the goodies
  invisible(list(summary = tbl, ols = o.lm, mls = o.mlse, y = y, x = x))
ginverse.mlse.workhorse <- function(y, x) {
  A <- as.matrix(data.matrix(cbind(1, x)))
  n <- nrow(A)
  p <- ncol(x)
  bhat <- c(ginverse(A) %*% y)
  yhat <- c(A %*% c(bhat))
  ssq <- sum((y - yhat)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  ss0 <- sum((y - mean(y, na.rm = TRUE))^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  rsq <- (1 - ssq / ss0)
  rsq.adj <- NA
  if ((p + 1) < n) {
    rsq.adj <- (1 - (n - 1) / (n - p - 1) * (ssq / ss0))
  names(bhat) <- c("Int", colnames(x))
  list(coef = bhat, fitted.values = yhat, rsq = rsq, rsq.adj = rsq.adj)
## generalized inverse of A=(X^T X) using svd
ginverseA <- function (X, ridge = 0, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
  if (!is.matrix(X)) {
    X <- as.matrix(X)
  ## we can sometimes expect NA or infinite values in the data
  ## for example repeated recursive splitting can yield features with no data
  ## clean this up by setting colums where this occurs to a constant - zero will do
  na.pt <- apply(is.na(X), 2, any)
  if (sum(na.pt) > 0) {
    X[, na.pt] <- 0
  inf.pt <- apply(is.infinite(X), 2, any)
  if (sum(inf.pt) > 0) {
    X[, inf.pt] <- 0
  ## calculate A
  A <- t(X) %*% X
  ## ridge stabilization
  if (ridge > 0) {
    A <- A + diag(ridge, ncol(A))
  ginverse(A, tol)

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