
Defines functions row.col.deleted resample parseMissingData is.all.na parseFormula make.wt make.size make.sample make.imbalanced.sample make.holdout.array make.samplesize.function global.prob.assign get.numeric.levels get.yvar.nlevels get.yvar.type get.ytry get.weight get.rfnames get.outcome.target get.nmiss get.importance.xvar get.grow.nodesize get.coerced.survival.fmly finalizeData finalizeFormula family.pretty digits.pretty data.matrix avector atmatrix amatrix.remove.names amatrix adrop2d.last adrop2d.first adrop3d.last

adrop3d.last <- function(x, d, keepColNames = FALSE) {
  ## this function is for arrays only
  if (!is.array(x)) {
  else {
    if (d > 1) {
      x[,,1:d, drop = FALSE]
    else {
      if (dim(x)[1] == 1) {
        rbind(x[,,1, drop = TRUE])
      else {
        if (dim(x)[2] == 1) {
          if (keepColNames) {
            ##needed for J=1 classification pathology
            xnew <- cbind(x[,,1, drop = TRUE])
            colnames(xnew) <- colnames(x)
          else {
            cbind(x[,,1, drop = TRUE])
        else {
          x[,,1, drop = TRUE]
adrop2d.first <- function(x, d, keepColNames = FALSE) {
  ## this function is for arrays only
  if (!is.array(x)) {
  else {
    if (d > 1) {
      x[1:d,, drop = FALSE]
    else {
      x[1, , drop = TRUE]
adrop2d.last <- function(x, d, keepColNames = FALSE) {
  ## this function is for arrays only
  if (!is.array(x)) {
  else {
    if (d > 1) {
      x[,1:d, drop = FALSE]
    else {
      x[,1, drop = TRUE]
amatrix <- function(x, d, names) {
  x <- matrix(x, d, dimnames = names)
  if (ncol(x) > 1) {
  else {
amatrix.remove.names <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(dim(x)) && ncol(x) == 1) {
    unlist(c(x), use.names = FALSE)
  else {
atmatrix <- function(x, d, names, keep.names = FALSE) {
  x <- t(matrix(x, ncol = d, dimnames = names))
  if (ncol(x) > 1) {
  else {
    if (keep.names == FALSE) {
    else {
      x.names <- rownames(x)
      x <- c(x)
      names(x) <- x.names
avector <- function(x, name = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(dim(x)) && nrow(x) > 1 && ncol(x) == 1) {
    x.names <- rownames(x)
    x <- unlist(c(x))
    if (name) names(x) <- x.names else names(x) <- NULL
  else if (!is.null(dim(x)) && nrow(x) == 1 && ncol(x) > 1) {
    x.names <- colnames(x)
    x <- unlist(c(x))
    if (name) names(x) <- x.names else names(x) <- NULL
  else if (!is.null(dim(x)) && nrow(x) == 1 && ncol(x) == 1) {
  else {
available <- function (package, lib.loc = NULL, quietly = TRUE) {
  package <- as.character(substitute(package))
  installed <- package %in% installed.packages()
  if (installed) {
    require(package, quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)
    else {
cv.folds <- function (n, folds = 10) {
  split(resample(1:n), rep(1:folds, length = n))
data.matrix <- function(x) {
  as.data.frame(lapply(x, function(xi) {
    if (is.integer(xi) || is.numeric(xi)) {
      else if (is.logical(xi) || is.factor(xi)) {
        else {
digits.pretty <- function(x, digits = 8) {
  paste(round(x, digits), collapse=", ", sep = "")
family.pretty <- function(x) {
  fmly <- x$family
  if (!is.null(x$forest$rfq) && x$forest$rfq) {
    fmly <- "rfq"
         "surv"     = "RSF",
         "surv-CR"  = "RSF",
         "surv-TDC" = "RHF",
         "regr"     = "RF-R",
         "class"    = "RF-C",
         "unsupv"   = "RF-U",
         "regr+"    = "mRF-R",
         "class+"   = "mRF-C",
         "mix+"     = "mRF-RC",
         "rfq"      = "RFQ"
finalizeFormula <- function(formula.obj, data) {
    ## parse the formula object
    yvar.names <- formula.obj$yvar.names
    subj.names <- formula.obj$subj.names
    all.names  <- formula.obj$all.names
    fmly       <- formula.obj$family
    ytry       <- formula.obj$ytry
    index <- length(yvar.names)
    ## Adjust the index for the presence of subject names.
    if (fmly == "surv") {
        if (!is.null(subj.names)) {
            index <- index + 1
    ## total number of variables should exceed number of yvars
    if (length(all.names) <= index) {
        stop("formula is misspecified: total number of variables does not exceed total number of y-variables")
    ## extract the xvar names
    if (all.names[index + 1] == ".") {
        if(index == 0) {
            xvar.names <- names(data)
        else {
            xvar.names <- names(data)[!is.element(names(data), all.names[1:index])]
    else {
        if(index == 0) {
            xvar.names <- all.names
        else {
            xvar.names <- all.names[-c(1:index)]
        not.specified <- !is.element(xvar.names, names(data))
        if (sum(not.specified) > 0) {
            stop("formula is misspecified, object ", xvar.names[not.specified], " not found")
    ## return the goodies
    return (list(family=fmly, subj.names=subj.names, yvar.names=yvar.names, xvar.names=xvar.names, ytry=ytry))
finalizeData <- function(fnames, data, na.action, miss.flag = TRUE) {
  ## restrict data to the target variables
  data <- data[ , is.element(names(data), fnames), drop = FALSE]
  ## data conversion to numeric mode for factors
  ## no need for conversion if factors are not present
  factor.names <- unlist(lapply(data, is.factor))
  if (sum(factor.names) > 0) {
    data[, factor.names] <- data.matrix(data[, factor.names, drop = FALSE])
  ## omit the na's
  if (miss.flag == TRUE && na.action == "na.omit") {
    ## no need to make the call if there is no missing data
    if (any(is.na(data))) {
      data <- na.omit(data)
  ## canvert nan to na's (github reported bug 06/27/2018)
  if (miss.flag == TRUE && na.action != "na.omit") {
    nan.names <- sapply(data, function(x){any(is.nan(x))})
    if (sum(nan.names) > 0) {
      data[, nan.names] <- data.frame(lapply(which(nan.names), function(j) {
        x <- data[, j]
        x[is.nan(x)] <- NA
  ## is anything left?
  if (nrow(data) == 0) {
    stop("no records in the NA-processed data: consider using 'na.action=na.impute'")
  ## convert logicals to 0/1 real (bug reported by John Ehrlinger)
  logical.names <- unlist(lapply(data, is.logical))
  if (sum(logical.names) > 0) {
    data[, logical.names] <- 1 * data[, logical.names, drop = FALSE]
  ## characters not allowed (bug reported by John Ehrlinger)
  character.names <- unlist(lapply(data, is.character))
  if (sum(character.names) > 0) {
    stop("data types cannot be character: please convert all characters to factors")
  return (data)
get.coerced.survival.fmly <- function(fmly, subj, event.type, splitrule = NULL) {
    if (grepl("surv", fmly)) {
        ## assume no coercion
        coerced.fmly <- "surv"
        if (!is.null(splitrule)) {
            if (is.null(subj)) {             
                ## either competing risks or right censoring competing risks
                ## is coerced to right censoring in some settings
                if ((length(event.type) > 1) &&
                    (splitrule != "l2.impute") &&
                    (splitrule != "logrankscore")) {
                    coerced.fmly <- "surv-CR"
            else {
                coerced.fmly <- "surv-TDC"
        else {
            if (is.null(subj)) { 
                if (length(event.type) > 1) {
                    coerced.fmly <- "surv-CR"
            else {
                coerced.fmly <- "surv-TDC"
    else {
        stop("attempt to coerce a non-survival family")
## get grow mtry 
get.grow.mtry <- function (mtry = NULL, n.xvar, fmly, splitrule = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(mtry)) {
    mtry <- round(mtry)
    if (mtry < 1 | mtry > n.xvar) mtry <- max(1, min(mtry, n.xvar))
  else {
    if (grepl("regr", fmly)) {
      mtry <- max(ceiling(n.xvar/3), 1)
    else {
      mtry <- max(ceiling(sqrt(n.xvar)), 1)
  if (!is.null(splitrule) && splitrule == "random") {
    mtry <- 1
get.grow.nodesize <- function(fmly, nodesize) {
  ## Default node size for right-censored survival
  if (fmly == "surv"){
    if (is.null(nodesize)) {
      nodesize <- 15
  ## Default node size for competing risks
    else if (fmly == "surv-CR"){
      if (is.null(nodesize)) {
        nodesize <- 15
  ## Default node size for time dependent covariates
    else if (fmly == "surv-TDC"){
      if (is.null(nodesize)) {
        nodesize <- 15
  ## Default node size for classification
      else if (fmly == "class" | fmly == "class+") {
        if (is.null(nodesize)) {
          nodesize <- 1
  ## Default node size for regression
        else if (fmly == "regr" | fmly == "regr+") {
          if (is.null(nodesize)) {
            nodesize <- 5
  ## Default node size for mixed outcomes
          else if (fmly == "mix+") {
            if (is.null(nodesize)) {
              nodesize <- 3
  ## Default node size for unsupervised splitting
            else if (fmly == "unsupv") {
              if (is.null(nodesize)) {
                nodesize <- 3
  ## The family is misspecified
              else if (is.null(nodesize)) {
                stop("family is misspecified")
  ## Nodesize should be rounded if non-integer
  nodesize <- round(nodesize)
get.grow.splitinfo <- function (formula.detail, splitrule, hdim, nsplit, event.info) {
  splitrule.names <- c("logrank",              ##  1
                       "logrankscore",         ##  2
                       "logrankCR",            ##  3
                       "random",               ##  4
                       "mse",                  ##  5
                       "mse.unwt",             ##  6
                       "mse.hvwt",             ##  7
                       "gini",                 ##  8
                       "gini.unwt",            ##  9
                       "gini.hvwt",            ## 10
                       "unsupv",               ## 11
                       "unsupv.unwt",          ## 12
                       "unsupv.hvwt",          ## 13
                       "mv",                   ## 14
                       "mv.unwt",              ## 15
                       "mv.hvwt",              ## 16
                       "custom",               ## 17
                       "quantile.regr",        ## 18
                       "la.quantile.regr",     ## 19
                       "bs.gradient",          ## 20
                       "auc",                  ## 21
                       "entropy",              ## 22
                       "sg.regr",              ## 23
                       "sg.class",             ## 24
                       "sg.surv",              ## 25
                       "tdc.gradient",         ## 26
                       "mahalanobis",          ## 27
                       "logrankCRGeneral")     ## 28
  ## set the family
  fmly <- formula.detail$family
  ## initialization
  cust.idx <- NULL
  splitpass <- FALSE
  ## set splitpass
  if (!is.null(splitrule)) {
    if(grepl("custom", splitrule)) {
      splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "custom")
      cust.idx <- as.integer(sub("custom", "", splitrule))
      if (is.na(cust.idx)) cust.idx <- 1
      splitpass <- TRUE
    else if (splitrule == "random") {
      splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "random")
      splitpass <- TRUE
  ## do this unless pass given for split 
  if (!splitpass) {
    ## if splitrule is present, confirm it is correctly set
    if (!is.null(splitrule)) {
      splitrule <- match.arg(splitrule, splitrule.names)
    ## survival
    if (grepl("surv", fmly)) {
      if (is.null(splitrule)) {
        ## No split rule specified, use default.
        if (event.info$r.dim == 2) {
          ## Survival or Competing Risk:
          if (length(event.info$event.type) ==  1) {
            splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "logrank")
          else {
            splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "logrankCR")
        else if (event.info$r.dim == 3) {
          ## Time Dependent Covariates:                    
          splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "tdc.gradient")
        else {
          stop("Invalid r.dim encountered in split rule:  ", event.info$r.dim)
        splitrule <- splitrule.names[splitrule.idx]
      else {
        ## User split rule specified.
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == splitrule)
        if (length(splitrule.idx) != 1) {
          stop("Invalid split rule specified for survival:  ", splitrule)
        if (event.info$r.dim == 2) {
          if ((length(event.info$event.type) ==  1) & (splitrule.idx == which(splitrule.names == "logrankCR"))) {
            stop("Cannot specify logrankCR splitting for right-censored data")
          if ((length(event.info$event.type) >   1) & (splitrule.idx == which(splitrule.names == "logrank"))) {
              ## Override the splitrule to access the generalized CR split rule (see 3.3.1 in the paper).
              ## The default splitrule is 3.3.2 or Gray's test.
            splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "logrankCRGeneral")
        else if (event.info$r.dim == 3) {
          if (splitrule.idx != which(splitrule.names == "tdc.gradient")) {
            stop("Must specify tdc.gradient for time dependent covariates")                        
        else {
          stop("Invalid r.dim encountered in split rule:  ", event.info$r.dim)
    ## class
    if (fmly == "class") {
      if (is.null(splitrule)) {
        ## No split rule specified, use default.
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "gini")
        splitrule <- splitrule.names[splitrule.idx]
      else {
        ## User specified split rule.
        if ((splitrule != "gini") &
            (splitrule != "gini.unwt") &
            (splitrule != "gini.hvwt") &
            (splitrule != "auc") &
            (splitrule != "entropy") &
            (splitrule != "sg.class")) {
          stop("Invalid split rule specified for classification:  ", splitrule)
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == splitrule)
    ## regression
    if (fmly == "regr") {
      if (is.null(splitrule)) {
        ## No split rule specified, use default.
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "mse")
        splitrule <- splitrule.names[splitrule.idx]
      else {
        ## User specified split rule.
        if ((splitrule != "mse") &
            (splitrule != "mse.unwt") &
            (splitrule != "mse.hvwt") &
            (splitrule != "sg.regr") &
            (splitrule != "la.quantile.regr") &
            (splitrule != "quantile.regr")) {
          stop("Invalid split rule specified for regression:  ", splitrule)
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == splitrule)
    ## multivariate
    if (fmly == "regr+") {
      if (is.null(splitrule)) {
        ## No split rule specified, use default
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "mv")
        splitrule <- splitrule.names[splitrule.idx]
      else {
        ## User specified split rule
        if ((splitrule != "mv") & (splitrule != "mv.unwt") & (splitrule != "mv.hvwt") & (splitrule != "mahalanobis")) {
          stop("Invalid split rule specified for multivariate regression:  ", splitrule)
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == splitrule)
    if (fmly == "class+") {
      if (is.null(splitrule)) {
        ## No split rule specified, use default
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "mv")
        splitrule <- splitrule.names[splitrule.idx]
      else {
        ## User specified split rule.
        if ((splitrule != "mv") & (splitrule != "mv.unwt") & (splitrule != "mv.hvwt")) {
          stop("Invalid split rule specified for multivariate classsification:  ", splitrule)
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == splitrule)
    if (fmly == "mix+") {
      if (is.null(splitrule)) {
        ## No split rule specified, use default.
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "mv")
        splitrule <- splitrule.names[splitrule.idx]
      else {
        ## User specified split rule.
        if ((splitrule != "mv") & (splitrule != "mv.unwt") & (splitrule != "mv.hvwt")) {
          stop("Invalid split rule specified for mixed multivariate regression:  ", splitrule)
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == splitrule)
    ## unsupervised
    if (fmly == "unsupv") {
      if (is.null(splitrule)) {
        ## No split rule specified, use default.
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == "unsupv")
        splitrule <- splitrule.names[splitrule.idx]
      else {
        ## User specified split rule.
        if ((splitrule != "unsupv") & (splitrule != "unsupv.unwt") & (splitrule != "unsupv.hvwt")) {
          stop("Invalid split rule specified:  ", splitrule)
        splitrule.idx <- which(splitrule.names == splitrule)
  }## completes !splitpass
  ## set nsplit based on splitrule
  if(!is.null(nsplit)) {
    nsplit <- round(nsplit)    
    if (nsplit < 0) {
      stop("Invalid nsplit value: set nsplit >= 0")
  else {
    ## pure random
    if (splitrule == "random") {
      nsplit <- 1
    ## fast families -- revert back to 10 due to factors
    else if ((splitrule == "mse")  | (splitrule == "mse.unwt")  | (splitrule == "mse.hvwt") |
             (splitrule == "gini") | (splitrule == "gini.unwt") | (splitrule == "gini.hvwt")) {  
      nsplit <- 10
    ## sg families
    else if ((splitrule == "sg.regr") | (splitrule == "sg.class") | (splitrule == "sg.surv")) {
      nsplit <- 10 ## can change this as needed later
    else {
      nsplit <- 10
  splitinfo <- list(name = splitrule, index = splitrule.idx, cust = cust.idx, nsplit = nsplit)
  return (splitinfo)
get.importance.xvar <- function(importance.xvar, importance, object) {
  ## Check that importance has been requested
  if (!is.null(importance)) {
    ## Map vimp names to columns of GROW x-matrix
    ## Ensure names are coherent
    if (missing(importance.xvar) || is.null(importance.xvar)) {
      importance.xvar <- object$xvar.names
      else {
        importance.xvar <- unique(importance.xvar)
        importance.xvar <- intersect(importance.xvar, object$xvar.names)
    if (length(importance.xvar) == 0) {
      stop("xvar names do not match object xvar matrix")
    else {
      ## This was previously zero.  We set this so as to get length zero to the native code.
      importance.xvar <- NULL
  return (importance.xvar)
get.nmiss <- function(xvar, yvar = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(yvar)) {
    sum(apply(yvar, 1, function(x){any(is.na(x))}) | apply(xvar, 1, function(x){any(is.na(x))}))
    else {
      sum(apply(xvar, 1, function(x){any(is.na(x))}))
get.outcome.target <- function(family, yvar.names, outcome.target) {
  if (family == "regr" | family == "regr+" | family == "class" | family == "class+" | family == "mix+") {
    if (is.null(outcome.target)) {
      outcome.target <- yvar.names
    ## Map target names to outcome names and ensure coherency.
    outcome.target <- unique(outcome.target)
    outcome.target <- intersect(outcome.target, yvar.names)
    if (length(outcome.target) == 0) {
      stop("yvar target names do not match object yvar names")
    outcome.target <- match(outcome.target, yvar.names)
    else {
      ## This is surv or surv-CR
      outcome.target <- 0
get.rfnames <- function(hidden = TRUE, stealth = FALSE) {
  rfnames <- names(formals(rfsrc))
  if (hidden) {
    rfnames <- c(rfnames,              
get.weight <- function(weight, n) {
  ## set the default weight
  if (!is.null(weight)) {
    if (any(weight < 0)      ||
##        all(weight == 0)     ||
        length(weight) != n  ||
        any(is.na(weight))) {
      stop("Invalid weight vector specified.")
    else {
      weight <- rep(1, n)
  return (weight)
get.ytry <- function(f) {
get.yvar.type <- function(fmly, generic.types, yvar.names) {
  if (fmly == "unsupv") {
    yvar.type <- NULL
    else {
      if (grepl("surv", fmly)) {
          if (length(yvar.names) == 2) {
              yvar.type <- c("T", "S")
          else {
              yvar.type <- c("t", "T", "S")
        else {
          yvar.type <- generic.types
get.yvar.nlevels <- function(fmly, nlevels, yvar.names, yvar) {
  if (fmly == "unsupv") {
  else {
get.numeric.levels <- function(fmly, nlevels, gvar) {
    gvar.numeric.levels  <- lapply(1:length(nlevels),
                                   function(nn) {if(nlevels[nn] > 0) unique(sort(gvar[, nn])) else NULL})
    ## Remove null elements in the list
    gvar.numeric.levels <- gvar.numeric.levels[!sapply(gvar.numeric.levels,is.null)]
    ## We are uncomfortable in sending a ist of length zero into the C-code, so we add an additional check.
    if (length(gvar.numeric.levels) == 0) gvar.numeric.levels = NULL
global.prob.assign <- function(prob, prob.epsilon, gk.quantile, quantile.regr, splitrule, n) {
  ## default values
  prob.default <- (1:99) / 100
  prob.epsilon.default <- .005
  prob.bs.default <- .9
  ## is quantile.regr in effect or is a quantile regression splitting rule in place?
  if (quantile.regr  || grepl("quantile.regr", splitrule) || gk.quantile) {
    ## is gk requested?
    if (gk.quantile) {
      ## gk quantile requires prob and prob.epsilon
      ## if both are missing, set to optimal value -- SLOW SLOW !!!!
      if (is.null(prob) && is.null(prob.epsilon)) {
        n <- max(n, 1)
        prob <- (1 : (2 * n)) / (2 * n + 1)
        prob.epsilon <- diff(prob)[1] * .99
      ## if prob missing, set to default value
      else if (is.null(prob) && !is.null(prob.epsilon)) {
        prob <- prob.default
      ## if prob.epsilon missing, set to default value
      else if (!is.null(prob) && is.null(prob.epsilon)) {
        prob.epsilon <- mean(diff(sort(prob)), na.rm = TRUE) * .99
      ## neither are missing
      else {
    ## quantile splitting is in effect but no gk estimation
    else {
      prob.epsilon <- prob.epsilon.default
      ## here's where we set the default prob if its missing
      if (is.null(prob)) {
        prob <-  prob.default
    ## make sure prob values are coherent
    if (sum(prob > 0 & prob < 1) == 0) {
      stop("parameter 'prob' is not between (0,1)", prob)
    prob <- sort(prob[prob>0 & prob<1])
  ## survival has quantile splitting rules, here's where we deal with those
  if (splitrule ==  "bs.gradient") {
    if (is.null(prob)) {
      prob <- prob.bs.default
    ## make sure prob values are coherent
    if (sum(prob > 0 & prob < 1) == 0) {
      stop("parameter 'prob' is not between (0,1)", prob)
    prob <- prob[prob>0 & prob<1][1]
  ## for all other families leave the values at default NULL
  #if (is.null(prob)) {
  #  prob <-  prob.default
  #if (is.null(prob.epsilon)) {
  #  prob.epsilon <-  prob.epsilon.default
  return(list(prob = prob, prob.epsilon = prob.epsilon))
make.samplesize.function <- function(fraction = 1) {
  f <- paste("x * ", paste(eval(fraction)))
  expr <- parse(text = f)
  function(x) eval(expr, list(x = x))
make.holdout.array <- function(vtry = 0, p, ntree, ntree.allvars = NULL) {
  ##default is triggered by vtry = 0
  if (vtry == 0) {
  ## check that 1<= vtry <= p-1
  if (vtry < 0 || vtry >= p) {
    stop("vtry must be positive and less than the feature dimension")
  ## everything is OK, go ahead and make the p x ntree array
  holdout <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ntree, function(b) {
    ho <- rep(0, p)
    ho[resample(1:p, size = vtry, replace = FALSE)] <- 1
  if (is.null(ntree.allvars)) {
  ## otherwise pad the array with 0's so that no variables are held out
  ## put them at the front for split-optimization  
  else {
    cbind(matrix(0, p, ntree.allvars), holdout)
## imbalanced sampling - uses SWOR
make.imbalanced.sample <- function(ntree, ratio = 0.5, y, replace = FALSE) {
  ## ratio must be between 0 and 1
  if (ratio < 0 | ratio > 1) {
    stop("undersampling ratio must be between 0 and 1:", ratio)
  ## determine minority/majority frequencies
  frq <- table(y)
  class.labels <- names(frq)
  minority <- which.min(frq)
  majority <- setdiff(1:2, minority)
  n.minority <- min(frq, na.rm = TRUE)
  n.majority <- max(frq, na.rm = TRUE)
  samp.size <- length(y)
  ## ratio must be larger than minority ratio
  ratio <- max((2 + n.minority) / length(y), ratio)
  ## use rbind to ensure a matrix
  rbind(sapply(1:ntree, function(bb){
    inb <- rep(0, samp.size)
    smp.min <- resample(which(y == class.labels[minority]), size = n.minority, replace = TRUE)
    smp.maj <- resample(which(y == class.labels[majority]), size = ratio * n.majority, replace = replace)
    smp <- c(smp.min, smp.maj)
    inb.frq <- tapply(smp, smp, length)
    idx <- as.numeric(names(inb.frq))
    inb[idx] <- inb.frq
## modified to default to "SWR"
## make inbag bootstrap samples (for use with bootstrap = "by.user")
## allows for under/over sampling
make.sample <- function(ntree, samp.size, boot.size = NULL, replace = FALSE) {
  ## samp.size cannot be negative
  if (samp.size < 0) {
    stop("samp.size cannot be negative:", samp.size)
  ## default setting
  if (is.null(boot.size)) {
    if (replace == TRUE) {
      boot.size <- samp.size
    else {
      boot.size <- .632 * samp.size
  ## use rbind at the end to ensure a matrix
  rbind(sapply(1:ntree, function(bb){
    inb <- rep(0, samp.size)
    smp <- resample(1:samp.size, size = boot.size, replace = replace)
    frq <- tapply(smp, smp, length)
    idx <- as.numeric(names(frq))
    inb[idx] <- frq
## make stratified inbag bootstrap samples for imbalanced two class problem
## allows for arbitrary under-sampling ratio of the majority class
## sample size for subsampling
make.size <- function(y) {
  ## extract the relative frequencies
  frq <- table(y)
  min(length(y), min(frq, na.rm = TRUE) * length(frq))
## imbalanced weights for subsampling
make.wt <- function(y) {
  ## extract the relative frequencies
  frq <- table(y)
  class.labels <- names(frq)
  wt <- rep(1, length(y))
  ## weights for class j equal product of all non-j class frequencies
  nullO <- sapply(1:length(frq), function(j) {
    wt[y == class.labels[j]] <<- prod(frq[-j], na.rm = TRUE)
  ## weights can become large, so divide by the maximum value
  ## this ensures 0 < wt <= 1
  wt / max(wt, na.rm = TRUE)
parseFormula <- function(f, data, ytry = NULL, coerce.factor = NULL) {
  ## confirm coherency of the formula
  if (!inherits(f, "formula")) {
    stop("'formula' is not a formula object.")
  if (is.null(data)) {
    stop("'data' is missing.")
  if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
    stop("'data' must be a data frame.")
  ## pull the family and y-variable names
  fmly <- all.names(f, max.names = 1e7)[2]
  all.names <- all.vars(f, max.names = 1e7)
  yvar.names <- all.vars(formula(paste(as.character(f)[2], "~ .")), max.names = 1e7)
  yvar.names <- yvar.names[-length(yvar.names)]
  ## Default scenario, no subject information when family is not
  ## time dependent covariates.  Can be overridden later.
  subj.names <- NULL
  ## is coerce.factor at play for the y-outcomes?
  coerce.factor.org <- coerce.factor
  coerce.factor <- vector("list", 2)
  names(coerce.factor) <- c("xvar.names", "yvar.names")
  if (!is.null(coerce.factor.org)) {
    coerce.factor$yvar.names <- intersect(yvar.names, coerce.factor.org)
    if (length(coerce.factor$yvar.names) == 0) {
      coerce.factor$yvar.names <- NULL
    coerce.factor$xvar.names <- intersect(setdiff(colnames(data), yvar.names), coerce.factor.org)
  ## survival forests
  if (fmly == "Surv") {
    ## Survival and competing risk will have 2 slots, namely time and censoring.
    ## Time dependent covariates will have 4 slots, namely id, start, stop, and event.
    ## If TDC is in effect, we remove the id from the yvars, and tag is an the subject identifier.
    if ((sum(is.element(yvar.names, names(data))) != 2) &&
        (sum(is.element(yvar.names, names(data))) != 4)) {
      stop("Survival formula incorrectly specified.")
    else {
      if (sum(is.element(yvar.names, names(data))) == 4) {
        ## Time dependent covariates is in effect.
        subj.names <- yvar.names[1]
        yvar.names <- yvar.names[-1]
    family <- "surv"
    ytry <- 0
  ## multivariate forests
  else if ((fmly == "Multivar" || fmly == "cbind")  && length(yvar.names) > 1) {
    if (sum(is.element(yvar.names, names(data))) < length(yvar.names)) {
      stop("Multivariate formula incorrectly specified: y's listed in formula are not in data.")
    ## determine the family: now handles mixed outcomes
    Y <- data[, yvar.names, drop = FALSE]
    ## convert logical to 0/1 real (bug reported by John Ehrlinger)
    logical.names <- unlist(lapply(Y, is.logical))
    if (sum(logical.names) > 0) {
      Y[, logical.names] <- 1 * Y[, logical.names, drop = FALSE]
    ## are all the responses factors?
    ## caution: ordered factors are factors!
    if ((sum(unlist(lapply(Y, is.factor))) + 
         length(coerce.factor$yvar.names)) == length(yvar.names)) {
      family <- "class+"
    ## are all the responses continuous?
    ## caution: ordered factors are factors!
    else if ((sum(unlist(lapply(Y, is.factor))) + 
              length(coerce.factor$yvar.names)) == 0) {
      family <- "regr+"
    ## are the responses a combination of factors and continuous?
    ## caution: ordered factors are factors!
    else if (((sum(unlist(lapply(Y, is.factor))) +
               length(coerce.factor$yvar.names)) > 0) && 
             ((sum(unlist(lapply(Y, is.factor))) +
               length(coerce.factor$yvar.names)) < length(yvar.names))) {
      family <- "mix+"
    ## failure
    else {
      stop("y-outcomes must be either real or factors in multivariate forests.")
    if (!is.null(ytry)) {
      ## Check that incoming ytry is consistent.
      if ((ytry < 1) || (ytry > length(yvar.names))) {
        stop("invalid value for ytry:  ", ytry)
    else {
      ytry <- length(yvar.names)
  ## unsupervised forests
  else if (fmly == "Unsupervised") {
    ## unsupervised forests
    if (length(yvar.names) != 0) {
      stop("Unsupervised forests require no y-responses")
    family <- "unsupv"
    yvar.names <- NULL
    ## Strip away the family from the formula, leaving ytry.
    temp <- gsub(fmly, "", as.character(f)[2])
    temp <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", temp)
    ytry <- as.integer(temp)
    if (is.na(ytry)) {
      ytry <- 1
    else {
      if (ytry <= 0) {
        stop("Unsupervised forests require positive ytry value")
  ## univariate forests (regression or classification)
  else {
    ## must be a (univariate) regresssion or classification
    if (sum(is.element(yvar.names, names(data))) != 1) {
      stop("formula is incorrectly specified.")
    Y <- data[, yvar.names]
    ## logicals are treated as 0/1 real (bug reported by John Ehrlinger)
    if (is.logical(Y)) {
      Y <- as.numeric(Y)
    ## check whether we have a factor or a continuous variable
    if (!(is.factor(Y) | is.numeric(Y))) {
      stop("the y-outcome must be either real or a factor.")
    if (is.factor(Y) || length(coerce.factor$yvar.names) == 1) {
      family <- "class"
    else {
      family <- "regr"
    ytry <- 1
  ## done: return the goodies
  return (list(all.names=all.names, family=family, subj.names=subj.names, yvar.names=yvar.names, ytry=ytry,
               coerce.factor = coerce.factor))
is.all.na <- function(x) {all(is.na(x))}
parseMissingData <- function(formula.obj, data) {
  ## parse the formula object
  yvar.names <- formula.obj$yvar.names
  if (length(yvar.names) > 0) {
    resp <- data[, yvar.names, drop = FALSE]
    ## determine whether all the outcomes are missing
    ## works for any dimension
    col.resp.na <- unlist(lapply(data[, yvar.names, drop = FALSE], is.all.na))
    if (any(col.resp.na)) {
      stop("All records are missing for one (or more) yvar(s)")
  ## remove all x variables with missing values for all records
  colPt <- unlist(lapply(data, is.all.na))
  ## terminate if all columns have all missing data
  if (sum(colPt) > 0 && sum(colPt) >= (ncol(data) - length(yvar.names))) {
    stop("All x-variables have all missing data:  analysis not meaningful.")
  data <- data[, !colPt, drop = FALSE]
  ## remove all records with missing values for all outcomes(s) and xvar
  rowPt <- apply(data, 1, is.all.na)
  if (sum(rowPt) == nrow(data)) {
    stop("Rows of the data have all missing data:  analysis not meaningful.")
  data <- data[!rowPt,, drop = FALSE]
  ## return the NA processed data
## robust resampling
resample <- function(x, size, ...) {
  if (length(x) <= 1) {
    if (!missing(size) && size == 0) x[FALSE] else x
    else {
      sample(x, size, ...)
## determine rows and columns missing from dat
row.col.deleted <- function(dat, r.n, c.n) {
  which.r <- setdiff(r.n, rownames(dat))
  if (length(which.r) > 0) {
    which.r <- match(which.r, r.n)
    else {
      which.r <- NULL
  which.c <- setdiff(c.n, colnames(dat))
  if (length(which.c) > 0) {
    which.c <- match(which.c, c.n)
    else {
      which.c <- NULL
  return(list(row = which.r, col = which.c))

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