
Defines functions .is_DESCRIPTION .extract_pkgrefs_dir .is_directory .parse_renv_lockfile .is_renv_lockfile .remove_overlapped_pkgrefs .extract_pkgrefs_DESCRIPTION .extract_pkgref_packageDescription .extract_pkgrefs_renv_lockfile as_pkgrefs.sessionInfo as_pkgrefs.character as_pkgrefs.default as_pkgrefs

Documented in as_pkgrefs as_pkgrefs.character as_pkgrefs.default as_pkgrefs.sessionInfo

#' Convert Data Structures into Package References
#' This generic function converts several standard data structures into a vector of package references, which in turn
#' can be used as the first argument of the function [resolve()]. This function guessimates the possible sources of the
#' packages. But we strongly recommend manually reviewing the detected packages before using them for [resolve()].
#' @param x, currently supported data structure(s) are: output from [sessionInfo()], a character vector of package names
#' @param bioc_version character. When x is a character vector, version of Bioconductor to search for package names. NULL indicates not
#' search for Bioconductor.
#' @param no_enhances logical, when parsing DESCRIPTION, whether to ignore packages in the "Enhances" field
#' @param no_suggests logical, when parsing DESCRIPTION, whether to ignore packages in the "Suggests" field
#' @param ..., not used
#' @return a vector of package references
#' @export
#' @examples
#' as_pkgrefs(sessionInfo())
#' if (interactive()) {
#'    require(rang)
#'    graph <- resolve(as_pkgrefs(sessionInfo()))
#'    as_pkgrefs(c("rtoot"))
#'    as_pkgrefs(c("rtoot", "S4Vectors")) ## this gives cran::S4Vectors and is not correct.
#'    as_pkgrefs(c("rtoot", "S4Vectors"), bioc_version = "3.3") ## This gives bioc::S4Vectors
#' }
as_pkgrefs <- function(x, ...) {
    UseMethod("as_pkgrefs", x)

#' @rdname as_pkgrefs
#' @export
as_pkgrefs.default <- function(x, ...) {
    ## an exported version of .normalize_pkgs
    ## if (is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x) || is.integer(x)) {
    stop("Don't know how to convert this to package references.", call. = FALSE)
    ## }
    ## return(.normalize_pkgs(x))

#' @rdname as_pkgrefs
#' @export
as_pkgrefs.character <- function(x, bioc_version = NULL, no_enhances = TRUE, no_suggests = TRUE, ...) {
    if(.is_renv_lockfile(x)) {
      return(.extract_pkgrefs_renv_lockfile(path = x))
    if(.is_directory(x)) {
    if(.is_DESCRIPTION(x)) {
        return(.extract_pkgrefs_DESCRIPTION(x, bioc_version, no_enhances = no_enhances,
                                            no_suggests = no_suggests))
    return(.normalize_pkgs(pkgs = x, bioc_version = bioc_version))

#' @rdname as_pkgrefs
#' @export
as_pkgrefs.sessionInfo <- function(x, ...) {
    vapply(X = x$otherPkgs, FUN = .extract_pkgref_packageDescription, FUN.VALUE = character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

.extract_pkgrefs_renv_lockfile <- function(path) {
    lockfile <- .parse_renv_lockfile(path)
    sources <- vapply(lockfile[["Packages"]],`[[`,character(1),"Source",USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    pkgs <- c()
    if("Repository" %in% sources) {
        pkgs <- c(pkgs, paste0("cran::",vapply(lockfile[["Packages"]][sources=="Repository"],`[[`,character(1),"Package",USE.NAMES = FALSE)))
    if("Bioconductor" %in% sources) {
        pkgs <- c(pkgs,paste0("bioc::",vapply(lockfile[["Packages"]][sources=="Bioconductor"],`[[`,character(1),"Package",USE.NAMES = FALSE)))
    if("GitHub" %in% sources) {
        pkgs <- c(pkgs,
                         vapply(lockfile[["Packages"]][sources=="GitHub"],`[[`,character(1), "RemoteUsername", USE.NAMES = FALSE),"/",
                         vapply(lockfile[["Packages"]][sources=="GitHub"],`[[`,character(1), "Package", USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    if ("Local" %in% sources) {
        pkgs <- c(pkgs, paste0("local::", vapply(lockfile[["Packages"]][sources=="Local"],`[[`,character(1),"RemoteUrl",USE.NAMES = FALSE)))

.extract_pkgref_packageDescription <- function(packageDescription) {
    handle <- packageDescription[['Package']]
    if ("GithubRepo" %in% names(packageDescription)) {
        return(paste0("github::", packageDescription[["GithubUsername"]], "/", packageDescription[["GithubRepo"]]))
    if (grepl("bioconductor", packageDescription[["URL"]])) {
    if (basename(attr(packageDescription, "file")) == "DESCRIPTION") {
        ## probably load via devtools::load_all
        return(paste0("local::", dirname(attr(packageDescription, "file"))))
    return(paste0("cran::", handle))

.extract_pkgrefs_DESCRIPTION <- function(path, bioc_version = NULL, no_enhances = TRUE, no_suggests = TRUE) {
    descr_df <- as.data.frame(read.dcf(path))
    pkg_dep_df <- .parse_desc(descr_df, remotes = TRUE)
    pkg_dep_df$y_pkgref <- .normalize_pkgs(pkg_dep_df$y, bioc_version = bioc_version)
    pkgrefs <- .extract_queryable_dependencies(pkg_dep_df, no_enhances = no_enhances,
                                               no_suggests = no_suggests)
    if (isTRUE(is.null(pkgrefs))) {
        stop("No queryable dependencies listed in the DESCRIPTION file.", call. = FALSE)

.remove_overlapped_pkgrefs <- function(pkgrefs) {
    ## Eliminate all github/cran duplicates, github has precedence
    grouped_pkgrefs <- .group_pkgrefs_by_source(pkgrefs)
    if (is.null(grouped_pkgrefs$github)) {
        ## no possible overlap
    for (handle in grouped_pkgrefs$github) {
        pkgname <- strsplit(handle, "/")[[1]][2]
        cran_version <- paste0("cran::", pkgname)
        bioc_version <- paste0("bioc::", pkgname)
        if (cran_version %in% pkgrefs) {
            pkgrefs <- setdiff(pkgrefs, cran_version)
        if (bioc_version %in% pkgrefs) {
            pkgrefs <- setdiff(pkgrefs, bioc_version)

.is_renv_lockfile <- function(path) {
    # assuming all renv lockfiles are called renv.lock and path is only length 1
    if(length(path)!=1) {
    if(isFALSE(file.exists(path))) {
    if (isFALSE(basename(path) == "renv.lock")) {

.parse_renv_lockfile <- function(path) {
    lockfile <- jsonlite::fromJSON(path, simplifyVector = FALSE)
    # class(lockfile) <- "renv_lockfile"

.is_directory <- function(path) {
    if(length(path)!=1) {
    if(isFALSE(dir.exists(path))) {

.extract_pkgrefs_dir <- function(path, bioc_version = NULL) {
    pkgs <- suppressMessages(unique(renv::dependencies(path,progress = FALSE)$Package))
    warning("scanning directories for R packages cannot detect github packages.",call. = FALSE)
    return(.normalize_pkgs(pkgs = pkgs, bioc_version = bioc_version))

.is_DESCRIPTION <- function(path) {
    # assuming all DESCRIPTION files are called DESCRIPTION and path is only length 1
    if(length(path)!=1) {
    if(isFALSE(file.exists(path))) {
    if (isFALSE(basename(path) == "DESCRIPTION")) {

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rang documentation built on Oct. 8, 2023, 5:06 p.m.