#' @title
#' Select the Representative Response Observation for Stratification Units
#' @description
#' Selection of the \emph{representative response observation} for each
#' stratification unit occurring across geographic space. One observation from a
#' set of \emph{n} observations of a response variable sampled/measured within
#' the spatial boundaries of a given stratification unit is selected according
#' to the following criteria: (1) \emph{maximum landscape similarity}, (2)
#' \emph{median response value}, and (3) \emph{random selection}. The maximum
#' landscape similarity (mls) selects the observation at the \emph{XY} spatial
#' location where the landscape similarity value is maximized for a given
#' stratification unit. The median response value (mrv) selects the observation
#' whose response value is (closest to) the median of all response values, as
#' measured from the observations spatially enclosed by a given stratification
#' unit. The random selection, as implied by the name, randomly selects one
#' observation from the set of observations spatially enclosed by a given
#' stratification unit. See \strong{Details} for some guidance in the use of
#' this function for classification units.
#' @param su.rast SpatRaster, as in \code{\link[terra]{rast}}. Single-layer
#' SpatRaster representing the stratification units occurring across
#' geographic space. Integer values are expected as cell values (i.e., numeric
#' codes) of stratification units.
#' @param obs SpatVector, as in \code{\link[terra]{vect}}. Vector of point
#' geometry whose tabular attributes should contain an ID column (1,2,...,n)
#' and a column of the response' values.
#' @param Integer. Index of the ID column in the tabular attributes of
#' \emph{obs}.
#' @param col.resp Integer. Index of the response' values column in the tabular
#' attributes of \emph{obs}.
#' @param method Character. String specifying the selection method for the
#' response representative observation. Options are "mls" for the maximum
#' landscape similarity value, "mrv" for the median response value, and
#' "random" for random selection. Default: "mls"
#' @param ls.rast SpatRaster, as in \code{\link[terra]{rast}}. Multi-layer
#' SpatRaster representing landscape similarities to stratification units.
#' Only required if \emph{method = "mls"}.
#' @param verbose Boolean. Show warning messages in the console? Default: FALSE
#' @return
#' A list with the following components:
#' \strong{su.repobs}: Data table with the following attributes: (1) Original
#' IDs of the selected observation, (2) representative response value, (3)
#' stratification unit's numeric code, and (4) landscape similarity value at the
#' \emph{XY} location of the selected observation (only if \emph{method =
#' "mls"}).
#' \strong{su.norepobs}: List of the numeric codes of stratification units
#' without observations.
#' \strong{su.repobs.sp}: SpatVector of point geometry with the representative
#' response observation for each stratification unit represented in
#' \emph{su.rast}.
#' @details
#' This selection scheme can be applied to classification units. For
#' classification units, one should replace the multi-layer SpatRaster of
#' landscape similarities with a multi-layer SpatRaster of spatial signatures.
#' One should also replace the raster layer of stratification units with that of
#' classification units.
#' @examples
#' require(terra)
#' p <- system.file("exdat", package = "rassta")
#' # Single-layer SpatRaster of stratification units
#' fsu <- list.files(path = p, pattern = "strata.tif", full.names = TRUE)
#' su <- terra::rast(fsu)
#' # Observations with response values.
#' ## For this example, soil organic carbon (SOC) collected at 15 cm soil depth
#' fob <- list.files(path = p, pattern = "soc.shp", full.names = TRUE)
#' ob <- terra::vect(fob)
#' # Column indices for ID and measured response value
#' id <- 1
#' re <- 2
#' # Multi-layer SpatRaster of landscape similarities
#' fls <- list.files(path = p, pattern = "su_", full.names = TRUE)
#' ls <- terra::rast(fls)
#' # Selection of representative response observations for stratification units
#' ro <- observation(su.rast = su, obs = ob, = id, col.resp = re,
#' ls.rast = ls
#' )
#' # Plot representative observations
#' if(interactive()){plot(su, type = "classes",
#' fun = function() points(ro$su_repobs.sp)
#' )}
#' @export
#' @family
#' Functions for Stratified Sampling
#' @rdname
#' observation
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{strata}}, \code{\link{similarity}}
observation <- function(su.rast, obs,, col.resp, method = "mls", ls.rast,
verbose = FALSE)
#-----Binding variables to prevent devtools::check() notes-----#
i <- SU <- NULL
# Set name of SpatRaster with SUs for consistency purposes
base::names(su.rast) <- "SU"
# Copy original observations and reduce attributes to just id and response
obsSP <- obs[, c(, col.resp)]
# Extract SUs' numeric codes to each observation
obsLS <- terra::extract(su.rast, obsSP, method = "simple", na.rm = TRUE)
obsSP[["SU"]] <- obsLS[, 2]
# Data frame from observations
obsDT <-
# Design based on maximum landscape similarity to SU (mls)
if(method == "mls" ) {
# Extract SU's landscape similarity values to each observation
obsLS <- terra::extract(ls.rast, obsSP, method = "simple", na.rm = TRUE)
# Merge SU's landscape similarity values with DF of observations
obsDAT <-
obsDT, obsLS, by = base::colnames(obsDT)[1]
# Create empty data frame from observations id, response values, and SU
repval <- obsDAT[0, 1:3]
## Add column for landscape similarity value
repval$land_sim <- base::numeric()
# For each SU, iterate through corresponding landscape similarity...
# ...column and get representative observation
`%do%` <- foreach::`%do%`
foreach::foreach(i = 4:base::ncol(obsDAT)) %do% {
# Data frame of observations with id, response value, SU, and SU's...
# ...landscape similarity columns
df <- obsDAT[, c(1:3, i)]
# Just to make sure that column name (same as SU's numeric code)...
# ...for landscape similarity column is numeric
sucode <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
base::colnames(df)[4], "[a-zA-punct]", ""
sucode <- base::as.numeric(sucode)
# Filter df rows that match the SU's numeric code -> Equivalent to...
# ...extract by Location
## Concatenate grep metacharacters and SU's code structure to...
## ...prevent getting the rows of SUs with similar code structure
gvar <- base::paste("^", sucode, "$", sep = "")
## Extract rows
df <- df[c(base::grep(gvar, df$SU)), ]
# Get observation with maximum landscape similarity value
df <- df[base::order(-df[[4]]), ][1,]
# Rename SU's landscape similarity column
base::colnames(df)[4] <- "land_sim"
# Append rows to data frame with representative observations
repval <- base::rbind(repval, df)
## Sort by ID
repval <- repval[base::order(repval[[1]]), ]
## Reset row names
base::rownames(repval) <- NULL
# Get list of SU without representative observation
## Set of SU
x <- terra::unique(su.rast)[, 1]
## Set of SU with representative observation
y <- repval[["SU"]]
## Difference between sets
norepval <- base::setdiff(x, y)
# SpatVector of SUs' representative observations
repval.sp <- terra::merge(
obs, repval[, c(1, 3, 4)], by = base::colnames(repval)[1], all.x = FALSE
# Return objects
su_repobs = repval,
su_norepobs = norepval,
su_repobs.sp = repval.sp
} else if(method == "mrv") {
# Function to find observed value closest to the median of all...
# ...observed values within SU
closestval <- function(x) x[base::order(
base::abs(x - stats::median(x))
# Column with observed response values
resp <- base::colnames(obsDT)[2]
# Su's observation with representative value
`%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
repval <- obsDT %>%
dplyr::group_by(SU) %>%
dplyr::all_of(resp), base::list(response = closestval)
# Select only rows which corresponding observation has the...
# ...representative value
repval <- repval[base::which(repval[, 2] == repval[, 4]), ]
## Eliminate duplicates -> In cases where SU has two or more...
## ...observations with same rep. value
repval <- repval[!(base::duplicated(repval[, 3])), ]
## Selecting final columns
repval <- repval[, 1:3]
# Get list of SU without representative observation
## Set of SU
x <- terra::unique(su.rast)[, 1]
## Set of SU with representative observation
y <- repval[["SU"]]
## Difference between sets
norepval <- base::setdiff(x, y)
# SpatVector of SUs' representative observations
repval.sp <- terra::merge(
obs, repval[, c(1,3)], by = base::colnames(repval)[1], all.x = FALSE
# Return objects
su_repobs = repval,
su_norepobs = norepval,
su_repobs.sp = repval.sp
} else if(method == "random") {
# Random selection of observation for each SU
`%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
repval <- obsDT %>% dplyr::group_by(SU) %>% dplyr::sample_n(1)
# Get list of SU without representative observation
## Set of SU
x <- terra::unique(su.rast)[, 1]
## Set of SU with representative observation
y <- repval[["SU"]]
## Difference between sets
norepval <- base::setdiff(x, y)
# Spatial points data frame of SUs' representative observations
repval.sp <- terra::merge(
obs, repval[, c(1,3)], by = base::colnames(repval)[1], all.x = FALSE
# Return objects
su_repobs = repval,
su_norepobs = norepval,
su_repobs.sp = repval.sp
} else {
if(verbose == TRUE){
base::warning("Nothing was done. Please select a valid selection method")
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