
Defines functions displayHelpXgb plotErrorsXgb plotImportanceXgb genResponseXgb genProbabilityXgb buildModelXgb

# Rattle TwoClass Xgb
# This is a model or template "module" for rattle.
# Time-stamp: <2020-03-06 14:16:10 Graham Williams>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Togaware Pty Ltd
# This files is part of Rattle.
# Rattle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rattle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rattle. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# This implements a generic interface for interacting with the ada
# modeller and ada models. It can be used independent of the Rattle
# GUI, but is designed for use by it.

buildModelXgb <- function(formula,
  # If tv is not null then we will be updating the textview object as
  # we proceed, as well as sending information to the log. The aim is
  # for this function to run totally independent of the GUI, but to
  # also support it. A developer can use this function, supply their
  # own textview object and their own implementations of resetTextview
  # and appendTextview for the modelling output, and startLog and
  # appendLog for a log of the commands, and setStatusBar for a
  # summary of what has been done.

  gui <- not.null(tv) && not.null(var)
  if (gui) startLog(commonName(crv$XGB))
  if (! packageIsAvailable("xgboost", Rtxt("build an Xgboost model"))) return(FALSE)
  if (gui) appendLog(Rtxt("The `xgboost' package implements the extreme gradient boost algorithm."))

  # Replicate rows according to the integer weights variable.
  if(! is.null(crs$weights))
    dataset <- paste(dataset,
                     "),\n                                                  ",
                     # Use eval since crs$weights could be a formula
                     'as.integer(eval(parse(text = "', crs$weights,
  # Construct the appropriate parameter.

  #param <- sprintf(paste0(",\n%20s",
  #                          "param=list(max_depth=%d,\n",
  #                          "%49seta=%f,\n",
  #                          "%49snum_parallel_tree=%d, \n",
  #                          "%49snthread=%d,)"),
  #                   " ", max_depth, " ", eta, " ", num_parallel_tree, " ", nthread)
  # Build a model. Note that there is randomness in this
  # implementation of xgboost, so set the seed to get the same result
  # each time.

  model.cmd <- paste(sprintf("set.seed(%s)\n\n", seed),
                     "xgboost(", formula, ",\n",                    
                     "  data              = ", dataset, ",\n",              
                     "  max_depth         = ", max_depth, ",\n",
                     "  eta               = ", eta, ", \n",
                     "  num_parallel_tree = ", num_parallel_tree, ", \n",
                     "  nthread           = ", nthread, ", \n",
                     "  nround            = ", nround, ",\n",
                     "  metrics           = '", metrics, "',\n",
                     "  objective         = '", objective, "')",

  if (gui) appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Build the %s model."), commonName(crv$XGB)),
                     gsub('xgboost\\(', 'crs$ada <- xgboost(', model.cmd))

  # Note that this crs$ada is not the global crs$ada! We use it here
  # to be consistent in terms of the commands that are reported to the
  # log, but we return this value and in the outer call we globally
  # assign to crs$ada, at least in the context of the Rattle GUI.
  start.time <- Sys.time()
  crs$ada <- try(eval(parse(text=model.cmd)), silent=TRUE)
  time.taken <- Sys.time()-start.time

  if (inherits(crs$ada, "try-error"))
    msg <- errorMessageFun("xgb", crs$ada)
    if (gui)
  # Print the results of the modelling.

  if (gui)
    print.cmd <- paste("print(crs$ada)\n",
                       "cat('\\nFinal iteration error rate:\\n')",
                       "print(round(crs$ada$evaluation_log[crs$ada$niter, ], 2))\n",
                       "cat('\\nImportance/Frequency of variables actually used:\\n')",
                       paste0("print(crs$imp <- importance(crs$ada, ", dataset, "))"),
    appendLog(Rtxt("Print the results of the modelling."), print.cmd)
    resetTextview(tv, tvsep=FALSE,
                  sprintf(Rtxt("Summary of the %s model:"),

  # Finish up.
  if (gui) reportTimeTaken(tv, time.taken, model=commonName(crv$XGB))


genProbabilityXgb <- function(dataset)
  # Generate a command to obtain the probability when applying the
  # model to new data.

  # Check if crs$target is included and if not add it in. It's
  # required. See notes with genResponseXgb() below.
  if (! grepl(", crs\\$target", dataset))
      dataset <- sub("crs\\$input", "crs$input, crs$target", dataset)

  return(sprintf("crs$pr <- predict(crs$ada, %s)", dataset))

genResponseXgb <- function(dataset)
  # Generate a command to obtain the prediction results when applying
  # the model to new data.
  threshold <- 0.5

  # Generate the command to calulate the probability.
  # 20171029 Dwight Barry Need target for xgb predict! This requires a
  # fix in predict.xgb.formula(). FIXME
  # 20180914 Alex Abdo noted doubling up of crs$target.  I suspect
  # another change else where has added the extra correctly so no
  # longer needed here???
  # 20200303 Raji Zreik was getting just crs$input and not
  # crs$input,crs$target thus causing the target variable missing. Put
  # it back in - but need to track down the root cause.
  # Until then, check if it is already there, and if not add it in.
  # 20200306 Moved the check into genProbabilityXgb()
  prob <- genProbabilityXgb(dataset)
  res <- sprintf(paste0("lvls <- levels(as.factor(crs$dataset[[crs$target]]))\n",
                        "crs$pr <- factor(ifelse(%s > %s,\n\t\t\tlvls[2], lvls[1]))"),
                 sub("crs\\$pr <- ", "", prob),

plotImportanceXgb <- function()
  # Generate a plot of the variable importances.
  # Make sure there is a model object first.

  if (is.null(crs$ada))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("E135: Should not be here.",
                     "There is no XGB model and attempting to plot importance.",
                     "The button should not be active."), crv$support.msg)

  # Plot the variable importance.
  plot.cmd <- "ggVarImp(crs$ada)"
  appendLog(Rtxt("Plot the relative importance of the variables."), plot.cmd)
  plot.cmd <- paste0("print(", plot.cmd, ")")

  setStatusBar(Rtxt("Variable Importance has been plotted."))

plotErrorsXgb <- function()
  # Generate a plot of the error rate as we increase the number of iteration 
  # Make sure there is a model object first.
  if (is.null(crs$ada))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("E136: There is no XGB model and attempting to plot error.",
                     "The button should not be active."), crv$support.msg)
  # Plot the error rates.
  plot.cmd <- "plot(crs$ada$evaluation_log, type='o')"
  appendLog(Rtxt("Plot the error rate as we increase the number of iteration."), plot.cmd)
  setStatusBar(Rtxt("Xgb errors has been plotted."))

displayHelpXgb <- function()
  if (showHelpPlus(Rtxt("Extreme Gradient Boosting builds multiple models for binary classification. The",
                        "models might be decision trees that have just one split -",
                        "these are often called decision stumps. After building each",
                        "model any training entities that the model misclassifies",
                        "are boosted - they are given more weight or more importance",
                        "in the next model building step. The resulting model is",
                        "then the weighted sum of the ensemble of models built.",
                        "The xgboost package is used to build the extreme gradient boosting model.")))
      popupTextviewHelpWindow("xgb", "xgb")

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rattle documentation built on March 21, 2022, 5:06 p.m.