
Defines functions print_time get_time init_time run_documentation add_points_polygon calculate_final_twist RotateAxis RotateZ RotateY RotateX generate_rotation_matrix generate_translation_matrix tween slerp expInOut cubicInOut quadInOut lerp clamp calculate_control_points_straight calculate_control_points

Documented in add_points_polygon calculate_control_points calculate_control_points_straight calculate_final_twist clamp cubicInOut expInOut generate_rotation_matrix generate_translation_matrix get_time init_time lerp print_time quadInOut RotateAxis RotateX RotateY RotateZ run_documentation slerp tween

#' Calculate Control Points
#' @keywords internal
calculate_control_points = function(s_mat) {
  nr = nrow(s_mat)
  nr2 = nr-2
  if(nr == 1) {
    stop("Only one point passed, unable to draw curve.")
  if(nr == 2) {
    vec = s_mat[2,] - s_mat[1,]
                         s_mat[1,] + 1/3*vec,
                         s_mat[1,] + 2/3*vec,
  spline_matrix = diag(nr2) * 4 + diag(nr2+1)[-1,-(nr2+1)] + t(diag(nr2+1)[-1,-(nr2+1)])
  inv_spline_matrix = solve(spline_matrix)
  if(nr == 3) {
    new_b = 1/4 * (6 * s_mat[2,] - s_mat[1,] - s_mat[3,])
    b_vec = rbind(s_mat[1,],new_b,s_mat[3,])
    return_points = list()
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(s_mat)-1)) {
      vec = b_vec[i+1,] - b_vec[i,]
      return_points[[i]] = matrix(c(s_mat[i,],
                                    b_vec[i,] + 1/3*vec,
                                    b_vec[i,] + 2/3*vec,
  s_vec = matrix(0,nrow=nr-2,ncol=3)
  s_vec[1,] = 6 * s_mat[2,] - s_mat[1,]
  for(i in seq_len(nr-4)) {
    s_vec[i+1,] = 6 * s_mat[i+2,]
  s_vec[nr-2,] = 6 * s_mat[nr-1,] - s_mat[nr,]
  b_vec = inv_spline_matrix %*% s_vec
  b_vec = rbind(s_mat[1,],b_vec,s_mat[nr,])
  return_points = list()
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(s_mat)-1)) {
    vec = b_vec[i+1,] - b_vec[i,]
    return_points[[i]] = matrix(c(s_mat[i,],
                                  b_vec[i,] + 1/3*vec,
                                  b_vec[i,] + 2/3*vec,

#' Calculate Control Points (straight)
#' @keywords internal
calculate_control_points_straight = function(s_mat) {
  nr = nrow(s_mat)
  if(nr == 1) {
    stop("Only one point passed, unable to draw curve.")
  return_points = list()
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(s_mat)-1)) {
    vec = s_mat[i+1,] - s_mat[i,]
    return_points[[i]] = matrix(c(s_mat[i,],
                                  s_mat[i,] + 1/3*vec,
                                  s_mat[i,] + 2/3*vec,

#' Clamp Values
#' @keywords internal
clamp = function(v, min=0, max=Inf) {
  v[v < min] = min
  v[v > max] = max

#' Lerp
#' @param t Interpolation distance
#' @param v1 Value 1
#' @param v2 Value 2
#' @return Linearly interpolated value
#' @keywords internal
lerp = function(t, v1, v2) {
  return((1-t) * v1 + t * v2)

#' Quad-in-out
#' @param t Value
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
quadInOut = function(t) {
  ifelse(t * 2 <= 1, (2*t) ^ 2/2, (2-(2*t-2)^2)/2)

#' Cubic-in-out
#' @param t Value
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
cubicInOut = function(t) {
  ifelse(t * 2 <= 1, (2*t) ^ 3/2, ((2*t-2)^3+2)/2)

#' Cubic-in-out
#' @param t Value
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
expInOut = function(t) {
  ifelse(t * 2 <= 1, 2^(-10 * (1-2*t))/2, (2 - 2^(-10 * (2*t-1)))/2)

#' Slerp
#' @param vec1 Value
#' @param vec2 Value
#' @param n Value
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
slerp = function(vec1, vec2, n) {
  t = seq(0,1,length.out = n+2)
  subtended_angle = acos(sum(vec1*vec2))
  return_vecs = list()
  for(i in 1:(n+2)) {
    return_vecs[[i]] = sin((1-t[i])*subtended_angle)/sin(subtended_angle) * vec1 + 
      sin(t[i]*subtended_angle)/sin(subtended_angle) * vec2

#' Tween
#' @param vals Numeric values
#' @param n Frames
#' @param type typenae
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
tween = function(vals, n, ease = "cubic") {
  if(length(vals) == 1) {
  len_vals = rep(0, length(vals)-1)
  free_vals = n - length(vals)
  counter = 1
  for(i in seq_len(free_vals)) {
    len_vals[counter] = len_vals[counter] + 1
    counter = counter + 1
    if(counter > (length(vals)-1)) {
      counter = 1
  tlist = list()
  for(i in seq_len((length(vals)-1))) {
    if(ease == "cubic") {
      tlist[[i]] = cubicInOut(seq(0,1,length.out = len_vals[i]+2)[-(len_vals[i]+2)])
    } else if(ease == "exp") {
      tlist[[i]] = expInOut(seq(0,1,length.out = len_vals[i]+2)[-(len_vals[i]+2)])
    } else if(ease == "quad") {
      tlist[[i]] = quadInOut(seq(0,1,length.out = len_vals[i]+2)[-(len_vals[i]+2)])
    } else {
      tlist[[i]] = seq(0,1,length.out = len_vals[i]+2)[-(len_vals[i]+2)]
  final_vals = list()
  counter = 1
  for(i in seq_len(length(tlist))) {
    seg = tlist[[i]]
    for(j in seq_len(length(seg))) {
      final_vals[[counter]] = lerp(seg[j], vals[i], vals[i+1])
      counter = counter + 1
  final_vals[[counter]] = vals[length(vals)]
  if(length(final_vals) != n) {
    stop("Length of interpolated sequence (", length(final_vals) ,") not equal to frames (", n, ")")

#' Generate Translation Matrix
#' @param delta Distance 
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
generate_translation_matrix = function(delta) {
  m = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, delta[1], 0, 1, 0, delta[2], 0, 0, 1, delta[3], 0, 0, 0,

#' Generate Rotation Matrix (order)
#' @param angles Angles
#' @param order_rotation Order of Rotation
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
generate_rotation_matrix = function(angles, order_rotation) {
  M = diag(4)
  for(i in 1:3) {
    if(order_rotation[i] == 1) {
      if(angles[1] != 0) {
        M = RotateX(angles[1]) %*% M
    if(order_rotation[i] == 2) {
      if(angles[2] != 0) {
        M = RotateY(angles[2])  %*% M
    if(order_rotation[i] == 3) {
      if(angles[3] != 0) {
        M = RotateZ(angles[3])  %*% M

#' Generate Rotation Matrix X
#' @param theta Angle
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
RotateX = function(theta) {
  sinTheta = sinpi(theta/180)
  cosTheta = cospi(theta/180)
  M = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, cosTheta, -sinTheta, 0, 0, sinTheta, cosTheta, 0,
              0, 0, 0, 1),4,4,byrow=T)

#' Generate Rotation Matrix Y
#' @param theta Angle
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
RotateY = function(theta) {
  sinTheta = sinpi(theta/180)
  cosTheta = cospi(theta/180)
  M = matrix(c(cosTheta, 0, sinTheta, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -sinTheta, 0, cosTheta, 0,
              0, 0, 0, 1),4,4,byrow=T)

#' Generate Rotation Matrix Z
#' @param theta Angle
#' @return number
#' @keywords internal
RotateZ = function(theta) {
  sinTheta = sinpi(theta/180)
  cosTheta = cospi(theta/180)
  M = matrix(c(cosTheta, -sinTheta, 0, 0, sinTheta, cosTheta, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
              0, 0, 0, 1),4,4)

#' Generate Rotation Matrix Axis
#' @param theta Angle
#' @param axis The rotation axis
#' @return matrix
#' @keywords internal
RotateAxis = function(theta, axis) {
  a = axis/sqrt(sum(axis*axis))
  sinTheta = sinpi(theta/180)
  cosTheta = cospi(theta/180)
  m = diag(4)
  # Compute rotation of first basis vector
  m[1,1] = a[1] * a[1] + (1 - a[1] * a[1]) * cosTheta
  m[1,2] = a[1] * a[2] * (1 - cosTheta) - a[3] * sinTheta
  m[1,3] = a[1] * a[3] * (1 - cosTheta) + a[2] * sinTheta
  m[1,4] = 0
  # Compute rotations of second and third basis vectors
  m[2,1] = a[1] * a[2] * (1 - cosTheta) + a[3] * sinTheta
  m[2,2] = a[2] * a[2] + (1 - a[2] * a[2]) * cosTheta
  m[2,3] = a[2] * a[3] * (1 - cosTheta) - a[1] * sinTheta
  m[2,4] = 0
  m[3,1] = a[1] * a[3] * (1 - cosTheta) - a[2] * sinTheta
  m[3,2] = a[2] * a[3] * (1 - cosTheta) + a[1] * sinTheta
  m[3,3] = a[3] * a[3] + (1 - a[3] * a[3]) * cosTheta
  m[3,4] = 0

#' Calculate Final Angle
#' @keywords internal
calculate_final_twist = function(full_control_points, 
                                 breaks, t_vals, 
                                 t_vec, s_vec, r_vec) {
  r_vec0 = r_vec
  s_vec0 = s_vec
  t_vec0 = t_vec
  for(i in seq_len(breaks-1)) {
    t_val0 = t_vals[i]
    if(t_val0 < 0) {
      t_val0 = 0
    t_val1 = t_vals[i+1]
    if(t_val1 < 0) {
      t_val1 = 0
    rot_mat = matrix(c(s_vec,r_vec,t_vec),3,3)
    t_temp0 = t_val0-floor(t_val0)
    if(i != breaks-1) {
      t_temp1 = t_val1-floor(t_val1)
    } else {
      t_temp1 = 1
    i0 = floor(t_val0) + 1
    if(i != breaks-1) {
      i1 = floor(t_val1) + 1
    } else {
      i1 = max(c(1,floor(t_val1+1e-8)))
    cp0 = full_control_points[[i0]]
    if(i1 <= length(full_control_points)) {
      cp1 = full_control_points[[i1]]
    } else {
      cp1 = cp0
    x0 = eval_bezier(cp0,t_temp0)
    x1 = eval_bezier(cp1,t_temp1)
    #Evaluate next set of vectors
    v1 = x1-x0
    c1 = sum(v1*v1)
    rl = r_vec - (2 / c1) * sum(v1*r_vec) * v1
    tl = t_vec - (2 / c1) * sum(v1*t_vec) * v1
    next_deriv = eval_bezier_deriv(cp1,t_temp1)
    t_vec_prev = next_deriv/sqrt(sum(next_deriv*next_deriv))
    v2 = t_vec_prev - tl
    c2 = sum(v2*v2)
    if(c2 != 0) {
      t_vec = t_vec_prev
      r_vec = rl - (2 / c2) * sum(v2*rl) * v2
      s_vec = cross_prod(t_vec,r_vec)
  angle_r = acos(sum(r_vec0*r_vec))
  angle_s = acos(sum(s_vec0*s_vec))
  angle_t = acos(sum(t_vec0*t_vec))

#' Add Points to Polygon
#' @param polygon Polygon
#' @param added_points Default `0`
#' @return matrix
#' @keywords internal
add_points_polygon = function(polygon, added_points = 0L) {
  existing_verts = nrow(polygon)
  total_verts = existing_verts + (existing_verts-1L) * added_points
  return_polygon = matrix(0, ncol=3,nrow=total_verts)
  return_polygon[,1] = tween(polygon[,1], n = total_verts, ease = "linear")
  return_polygon[,2] = tween(polygon[,2], n = total_verts, ease = "linear")

#' Run Documentation
#' @return bool
#' @keywords internal
run_documentation = function() {
  return(identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true"))

#' Print time
#' @param verbose 
#' @param message 
#' @return Nothing
#' @keywords internal
init_time = function() {
  assign("init_time", proc.time()[3], envir = ray_environment)
  assign("prev_time", proc.time()[3], envir = ray_environment)

#' Get time
#' @return Nothing
#' @keywords internal
get_time = function(init = TRUE) {
  if(init) {
    get("init_time", envir = ray_environment)
  } else {
    get("prev_time", envir = ray_environment)

#' Print time
#' @param verbose 
#' @param message 
#' @return Nothing
#' @keywords internal
print_time = function(verbose = FALSE, message_text = "") {
  if(verbose) {
    time_now = proc.time()[3]
    message(sprintf("%-27s: %0.1f secs (Total: %0.1f secs)",
    assign("prev_time", time_now, envir = ray_environment)

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rayrender documentation built on June 8, 2023, 6:34 a.m.