#'@title Calculate Ambient Occlusion Map
#'@description Calculates Ambient Occlusion Shadow Map
#'@param heightmap A two-dimensional matrix, where each entry in the matrix is the elevation at that point. All points are assumed to be evenly spaced.
#'@param anglebreaks Default `90*cospi(seq(5, 85,by =5)/180)`. The angle(s), in degrees, as measured from the horizon from which the light originates.
#'@param sunbreaks Default `24`. Number of rays to be sent out in a circle, evenly spaced, around the point being tested.
#'@param maxsearch Default `30`. The maximum horizontal distance that the system should propogate rays to check for surface intersections.
#'@param multicore Default FALSE. If TRUE, multiple cores will be used to compute the shadow matrix. By default, this uses all cores available, unless the user has
#'set `options("cores")` in which the multicore option will only use that many cores.
#'@param zscale Default 1. The ratio between the x and y spacing (which are assumed to be equal) and the z axis.
#'@param cache_mask Default `NULL`. A matrix of 1 and 0s, indicating which points on which the raytracer will operate.
#'@param shadow_cache Default `NULL`. The shadow matrix to be updated at the points defined by the argument `cache_mask`.
#'@param progbar Default `TRUE` if interactive, `FALSE` otherwise. If `FALSE`, turns off progress bar.
#'@param ... Additional arguments to pass to the `makeCluster` function when `multicore=TRUE`.
#'@return Shaded texture map.
#'#Here we produce a ambient occlusion map of the `montereybay` elevation map.
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'plot_map(ambient_shade(heightmap = montereybay))
#'#We can increase the distance to look for surface intersections `maxsearch`
#'#and the density of rays sent out around the point `sunbreaks`.
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'plot_map(ambient_shade(montereybay, sunbreaks = 24,maxsearch = 100, multicore=TRUE))
#'#Create the Red Relief Image Map (RRIM) technique using a custom texture and ambient_shade(),
#'#with an addition lambertian layer added with lamb_shade() to improve topographic clarity.
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'bigmb = resize_matrix(montereybay, scale=2, method="cubic")
#'bigmb %>%
#' sphere_shade(zscale=3, texture = create_texture("red","red","red","red","white")) %>%
#' add_shadow(ambient_shade(bigmb, maxsearch = 100, multicore = TRUE,zscale=1),0) %>%
#' add_shadow(lamb_shade(bigmb),0.5) %>%
#' plot_map()
ambient_shade = function(heightmap, anglebreaks = 90*cospi(seq(5,85,by=5)/180), sunbreaks = 24,
multicore=FALSE, zscale=1, cache_mask = NULL,
shadow_cache=NULL, progbar=interactive(), ...) {
if(sunbreaks < 3) {
stop("sunbreaks needs to be at least 3")
shademat = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(heightmap),ncol = ncol(heightmap))
if(!multicore) {
for(angle in seq(0,360,length.out = sunbreaks+1)[-(sunbreaks+1)]) {
shademat = shademat + ray_shade(heightmap,anglebreaks=anglebreaks,sunangle = angle,
maxsearch = maxsearch, zscale=zscale, lambert=FALSE,
cache_mask = cache_mask, progbar = progbar, ...)^2.2
} else {
if(is.null(options("cores")[[1]])) {
numbercores = parallel::detectCores()
} else {
numbercores = options("cores")[[1]]
cl = parallel::makeCluster(numbercores, ...)
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl, cores = numbercores)
shademat = tryCatch({
foreach::foreach(angle=seq(0,360,length.out = sunbreaks+1)[-(sunbreaks+1)],.export = c("ray_shade"),
.combine = "+", .packages = "rayshader") %dopar% {
ray_shade(heightmap,anglebreaks=anglebreaks,sunangle = angle,
maxsearch = maxsearch, zscale=zscale, lambert=FALSE,
cache_mask = cache_mask, progbar = progbar, ...)^2.2
}, finally = {
}, error = function (e) {print(e)})
shademat = shademat/sunbreaks
shademat = shademat ^ (1/2.2)
if(!is.null(shadow_cache)) {
cache_mask = (cache_mask)
shadow_cache[cache_mask == 1] = shademat[cache_mask == 1]
shademat = matrix(shadow_cache,nrow=nrow(shademat),ncol=ncol(shademat))
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