#'@title Render Obj
#'@description Adds 3D OBJ model to the current scene, using latitude/longitude or coordinates in the reference
#'system defined by the extent object. If no altitude is provided, the OBJ will be elevated a constant offset
#'above the heightmap. If the OBJ goes off the edge, the OBJ will be filtered out.
#'If no latitudes or longitudes are passed in, the OBJ will be plotted in the coordinate system set by the user-specified
#'`extent` argument as-is. Use this alongside `save_multipolygonz_to_obj()` to plot 3D polygons imported from geospatial sources
#'in the proper location (but for ease of use, use `render_multipolygonz()` to plot this data directly).
#'@param filename Filename for the OBJ file.
#'@param extent Either an object representing the spatial extent of the scene
#' (either from the `raster`, `terra`, `sf`, or `sp` packages),
#' a length-4 numeric vector specifying `c("xmin", "xmax","ymin","ymax")`, or the spatial object (from
#' the previously aforementioned packages) which will be automatically converted to an extent object.
#'@param long Vector of longitudes (or other coordinate in the same coordinate reference system as extent).
#'@param lat Vector of latitudes (or other coordinate in the same coordinate reference system as extent).
#'@param altitude Default `NULL`. Elevation of each point, in units of the elevation matrix (scaled by `zscale`).
#'If left `NULL`, this will be just the elevation value at ths surface, offset by `offset`. If a single value,
#'the OBJ will be rendered at that altitude.
#'@param xyz Default `NULL`, ignored. A 3 column numeric matrix, with each row specifying the x/y/z
#'coordinates of the OBJ model(s). Overrides lat/long/altitude and ignores extent to plot the OBJ in raw rgl coordinates.
#'@param load_material Default `TRUE`. Whether to load the accompanying MTL file to load materials for the 3D model.
#'@param load_normals Default `TRUE`. Whether to load normals for the 3D model.
#'@param angle Default `c(0,0,0)`. Angle of rotation around the x, y, and z axes. If this is a matrix or list,
#'each row (or list entry) specifies the rotation of the nth model specified (number of rows/length of list must
#'equal the length of `lat`/`long`).
#'@param scale Default `c(1,1,1)`. Amount to scale the 3D model in the x, y, and z axes. If this is a matrix or list,
#'each row (or list entry) specifies the scale of the nth model specified (number of rows/length of list must
#'equal the length of `lat`/`long`).
#'@param obj_zscale Default `FALSE`. Whether to scale the size of the OBJ by zscale to have it match
#'the size of the map. If zscale is very big, this will make the model very small.
#'@param swap_yz Default `NULL`, defaults to `FALSE` unless plotting raw coordinates (no lat or long passed).
#' Whether to swap and Y and Z axes. (Y axis is vertical in
#'rayshader coordinates, but data is often provided with Z being vertical).
#'@param zscale Default `1`. The ratio between the x and y spacing (which are assumed to be equal) and the z axis in the original heightmap.
#'@param heightmap Default `NULL`. Automatically extracted from the rgl window--only use if auto-extraction
#'of matrix extent isn't working. A two-dimensional matrix, where each entry in the matrix is the elevation at that point.
#' All points are assumed to be evenly spaced.
#'@param baseshape Default `rectangle`. Shape of the base. Options are `c("rectangle","circle","hex")`.
#'@param color Default `black`. Color of the 3D model, if `load_material = FALSE`.
#'@param lit Default `TRUE`. Whether to light the polygons.
#'@param light_altitude Default `c(45, 60)`. Degree(s) from the horizon from which to light the polygons.
#'@param light_direction Default `c(45, 60)`. Degree(s) from north from which to light the polygons.
#'@param light_intensity Default `0.3`. Intensity of the specular highlight on the polygons.
#'@param light_relative Default `FALSE`. Whether the light direction should be taken relative to the camera,
#'or absolute.
#'@param offset Default `5`. Offset of the model from the surface, if `altitude = NULL`.
#'@param clear_previous Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, it will clear all existing points.
#'@param rgl_tag Default `""`. Tag to add to the rgl scene id, will be prefixed by `"obj"`
#'@param ... Additional arguments to pass to `rgl::triangles3d()`.
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'#Render the 3D map
#'moss_landing_coord = c(36.806807, -121.793332)
#'montereybay %>%
#' sphere_shade() %>%
#' plot_3d(montereybay,zscale=50,water=TRUE,
#' shadowcolor="#40310a", background = "tan",
#' theta=210, phi=22, zoom=0.20, fov=55)
#'t = seq(0,2*pi,length.out=100)
#'circle_coords_lat = moss_landing_coord[1] + 0.3 * sin(t)
#'circle_coords_long = moss_landing_coord[2] + 0.3 * cos(t)
#'#Create a rainbow spectrum of flags
#'render_obj(flag_full_obj(), extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#' lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long),
#' scale=c(2,2,2), angle=c(0,45,0),
#' zscale=50, color=rainbow(100), smooth = FALSE, clear_previous = TRUE)
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'#Rotate the flag to follow the circle
#'render_obj(flag_full_obj(), extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#' lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long),
#' scale=c(2,2,2),
#' angle=matrix(c(rep(0,100), seq(0,-360,length.out=101)[-1],rep(0,100)),ncol=3),
#' zscale=50, color=rainbow(100), smooth = FALSE, clear_previous = TRUE)
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'#Style the pole with a different color
#'render_obj(flag_pole_obj(), extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#' lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long),
#' scale=c(2,2,2),
#' angle=matrix(c(rep(0,100), seq(0,-360,length.out=101)[-1],rep(0,100)),ncol=3),
#' zscale=50, color="grey20", smooth = FALSE, clear_previous = TRUE)
#'render_obj(flag_banner_obj(), extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#' lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long),
#' scale=c(2,2,2),
#' angle=matrix(c(rep(0,100), seq(0,-360,length.out=101)[-1],rep(0,100)),ncol=3),
#' zscale=50, color=rainbow(100), smooth = FALSE)
#'#And all of these work with `render_highquality()`
render_obj = function(filename, extent = NULL, lat = NULL, long = NULL, altitude=NULL,
xyz = NULL,
zscale=1, heightmap = NULL, load_material = FALSE, load_normals = TRUE,
color = "grey50", offset = 0, obj_zscale = FALSE, swap_yz = NULL,
angle=c(0,0,0), scale = c(1,1,1), clear_previous = FALSE,
baseshape = "rectangle", lit = FALSE,
light_altitude = c(45,30), light_direction = c(315,135),
light_intensity = 0.3, light_relative = FALSE,
rgl_tag = "",
...) {
if(rgl::cur3d() == 0) {
stop("No rgl window currently open.")
if(is.null(lat) || is.null(long)) {
single_obj = TRUE
} else {
single_obj = FALSE
heightmap = generate_base_shape(heightmap, baseshape)
if(is.null(xyz)) {
raw_coords = FALSE
if(!single_obj) {
if(is.null(swap_yz)) {
swap_yz = FALSE
xyz = transform_into_heightmap_coords(extent, heightmap, lat, long,
altitude, offset, zscale)
} else {
if(is.null(swap_yz)) {
swap_yz = TRUE
xyz = transform_into_heightmap_coords(extent, heightmap, lat, long,
altitude, offset, zscale, use_altitude = FALSE)
if(swap_yz) {
xyz = xyz[,c(1,3,2), drop = FALSE]
} else {
raw_coords = TRUE
if(clear_previous) {
rgl::pop3d(tag = sprintf("obj%s", rgl_tag))
if(missing(filename)) {
if(is.numeric(color) && length(color) == 3) {
color = convert_color(color, as_hex = TRUE)
if(length(color) == 1 && nrow(xyz) > 0) {
color = rep(color,nrow(xyz))
} else {
if(length(color) != nrow(xyz) && nrow(xyz) > 0) {
stop("If passing individual colors for each object, the number of colors must match the number of objects")
if(load_material) {
obj = rayvertex::read_obj(path.expand(filename),
materialspath = dirname(filename))
} else {
obj = rayvertex::read_obj(path.expand(filename))
if(inherits(angle, "matrix")) {
stopifnot(ncol(angle) == 3)
} else if (inherits(angle,"list")) {
angle =,angle)
stopifnot(ncol(angle) == 3)
} else {
stopifnot(length(angle) == 3)
if(nrow(xyz) > 0) {
angle = matrix(angle, ncol=3, nrow=nrow(xyz),byrow=TRUE)
} else {
angle = matrix(angle, ncol=3, nrow=1,byrow=TRUE)
if(inherits(scale, "matrix")) {
stopifnot(ncol(scale) == 3)
} else if (inherits(scale,"list")) {
scale =,scale)
stopifnot(ncol(scale) == 3)
} else {
stopifnot(length(scale) == 3)
if(nrow(xyz) > 0) {
scale = matrix(scale, ncol=3, nrow=nrow(xyz),byrow=T)
} else {
scale = matrix(scale, ncol=3, nrow=1,byrow=T)
if(!is.null(lat) && !is.null(long) && any([,2]))) {
scale = scale[![,2]),]
angle = angle[![,2]),]
color = color[![,2])]
xyz = xyz[![,2]),]
if(nrow(xyz) == 0) {
stop("All models outside extent--check lat/long values and extent object.")
scenelist = list()
for(k in seq_len(nrow(xyz))) {
tempobj = obj
if(any(angle != 0)) {
tempobj = rayvertex::rotate_mesh(tempobj,as.numeric(angle[k,]))
if(any(scale[k,] != 1)) {
tempobj = rayvertex::scale_mesh(tempobj,as.numeric(scale[k,]))
if(!load_material) {
tempobj = rayvertex::set_material(tempobj, diffuse = color[k])
scenelist[[k]] = rayvertex::translate_mesh(tempobj, as.numeric(xyz[k,]))
if(!raw_coords) {
nrow_map = nrow(heightmap)
ncol_map = ncol(heightmap)
extent = get_extent(extent)
minpoint_x = (extent["xmax"] + extent["xmin"]) / 2 - zscale / 2
minpoint_y = (extent["ymax"] + extent["ymin"]) / 2 + zscale / 2
scale_x = (nrow_map-1) / (extent["xmax"] - extent["xmin"])
scale_z = (ncol_map-1) / (extent["ymax"] - extent["ymin"])
scale_y = 1/zscale
if(single_obj) {
obj_zscale = FALSE
idvals = rgl::ids3d(tags=TRUE)
if(any(c("surface","surface_tris") %in% idvals$tag)) {
id = idvals$id[idvals$tag %in% c("surface","surface_tris")]
id = id[1]
yvals = rgl::rgl.attrib(id,"vertices")[,2]
base_offset = (max(yvals,na.rm=TRUE) - min(yvals, na.rm=TRUE))/2
} else {
base_offset = 0
if(swap_yz) {
scenelist[[1]] = rayvertex::translate_mesh(scenelist[[1]],
c(-minpoint_x,-minpoint_y, 0)) |>
} else {
scenelist[[1]] = rayvertex::translate_mesh(scenelist[[1]],
c(-minpoint_x,0, -minpoint_y)) |>
if(nrow(xyz) == 0) {
scenelist[[1]] = obj
obj = rayvertex::scene_from_list(scenelist)
if(obj_zscale) {
obj = rayvertex::scale_mesh(obj, c(1,1,1)/zscale)
if(length(obj$materials[[1]]) == 0) {
obj = rayvertex::set_material(obj, rayvertex::material_list(diffuse = color))
obj = rayvertex:::merge_scene(obj, flatten_materials = TRUE)
obj = rayvertex:::remove_duplicate_materials(obj)
number_shapes = length(obj$shapes)
number_materials = length(obj$materials)
inds_by_material = vector(mode="list", length=number_materials)
tex_by_material = vector(mode="list", length=number_materials)
norm_by_material = vector(mode="list", length=number_materials)
for(i in seq_len(number_shapes)) {
for(j in seq_len(number_materials)) {
select_material = obj$shapes[[i]]$material_ids == (j - 1)
inds_by_material[[j]] = rbind(inds_by_material[[j]], obj$shapes[[i]]$indices[select_material,])
tex_by_material[[j]] = rbind(tex_by_material[[j]], obj$shapes[[i]]$tex_indices[select_material,])
norm_by_material[[j]] = rbind(norm_by_material[[j]], obj$shapes[[i]]$norm_indices[select_material,])
for(j in seq_len(number_materials)) {
new_tex = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(obj$vertices), ncol=2)
new_norm = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(obj$vertices), ncol=3)
ind_temp = c(t(inds_by_material[[j]]+1))
tex_vec = c(t(tex_by_material[[j]]+1))
norm_vec = c(t(norm_by_material[[j]]+1))
for(k in seq_len(length(ind_temp))) {
if(tex_vec[k] != 0) {
new_tex[ind_temp[k],] = obj$texcoords[tex_vec[k],]
if(norm_vec[k] != 0) {
new_norm[ind_temp[k],] = obj$normals[norm_vec[k],]
texture = obj$materials[[j]]$diffuse_texname
diffuse_col = "white"
specular_col = "black"
ambient_col = "black"
has_texture = TRUE
if(nchar(texture) == 0) {
texture = NULL
has_texture = FALSE
diffuse_col = convert_color(obj$materials[[j]]$diffuse,as_hex=TRUE)
specular_col = convert_color(obj$materials[[j]]$specular,as_hex=TRUE)
ambient_col = convert_color(obj$materials[[j]]$ambient,as_hex=TRUE)
mat_has_norm = all(new_norm != 0) && load_normals
if(has_texture) {
if(mat_has_norm) {
id = rgl::triangles3d(x=obj$vertices,
texcoords = new_tex,
indices = ind_temp,
textype = "rgba",
color = "white",
normals = new_norm,
texture = texture,
tag = sprintf("obj%s",rgl_tag),
back = "filled",
lit = lit,
} else {
id = rgl::triangles3d(x=obj$vertices,
texcoords = new_tex,
textype = "rgba",
color = "white",
indices = ind_temp,
texture = texture,
tag = sprintf("obj%s",rgl_tag),
back = "filled",
lit = lit,
} else {
if(mat_has_norm) {
id = rgl::triangles3d(x=obj$vertices,
indices = ind_temp,
color = diffuse_col,
ambient = ambient_col,
normals = new_norm,
tag = sprintf("obj%s",rgl_tag),
back = "filled",
lit = lit,
} else {
id = rgl::triangles3d(x=obj$vertices,
specular= specular_col,
color = diffuse_col,
ambient = ambient_col,
indices = ind_temp,
tag = sprintf("obj%s",rgl_tag),
back = "filled",
lit = lit,
assign(as.character(id), mat_has_norm, envir = ray_has_norm_envir)
assign(as.character(id), has_texture, envir = ray_has_tex_envir)
if(lit) {
existing_lights = rgl::ids3d(type = "lights")
for(i in seq_len(nrow(existing_lights))) {
if(length(light_altitude) < length(light_direction)) {
stop("light_altitude and light_direction must be same length")
for(i in seq_len(length(light_direction))) {
rgl::light3d(theta = -light_direction[i]+180, phi = light_altitude[i],
specular = convert_color(rep(light_intensity,3), as_hex = TRUE),
viewpoint.rel = light_relative)
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