
context("Testing saving and retrieving libbi objects")


model_str <- "
model test {
  const no_a = 2
  const no_b = 2
  dim a(no_a)
  dim b(no_b)

  obs M[a]

  state N[a] (has_input = 0)
  noise e[a, b]
  param m[a, b]

  sub parameter {
    m[a,b] ~ truncated_gaussian(lower=0)

  sub initial {
    N[a] <- 1

  sub transition {
    e[a, b] ~ gaussian(mean = m[a,b])
    N[a] <- N[a] + e[a, 0] +
       e[a, 1]

  sub observation {
    inline x = m
    M[a] ~ gaussian(mean = N[a])

model <- bi_model(lines = stringi::stri_split_lines(model_str)[[1]])
bi <- libbi(model, dims = list(a = c("first", "second")))
test_output <-
    function(x) {
      if (is.data.frame(x)) x$value <- rnorm(nrow(x))
      e = data.frame(
        expand.grid(time = 0:1, b = 0:1, a = c("first", "second"), np = 0:1)
      N = data.frame(
        expand.grid(time = 0:1, b = 0:1, np = 0:1)
      m = 9,
      M = data.frame(
        expand.grid(time = 0:1, a = c("first", "second"), np = 0:1)
      loglikelihood = data.frame(np = 0:1),
      logprior = data.frame(np = 0:1)
## have some sparse data
bi <- attach_data(bi, "output", test_output)
test_output_sparse <- test_output
test_output_sparse <- list(
  M = data.table(test_output$M)[!(time == 1 & a == "second")],
  e = data.table(test_output$e)[!(time == 1 & b == 0 & a == "second")]
test_output_sparse$M <- rbind(
  copy(test_output_sparse$M)[, ns := 0],
  copy(test_output_sparse$M)[, ns := 1]

df <- data.frame(
  a = c(0L, 0L, 1L, 1L),
  time = c(0, 1, 0, 1),
  value = c(7, 5, 8, 0)

tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".nc")

test_that("libbi object with added output is functional", {
  expect_true(class(bi) == "libbi")
  expect_true(length(bi$model[]) > 0)

test_that("saved and re-read libbi object functional", {
  writeLines("test", bi$log_file_name)
  filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds")
  save_libbi(bi, filename, supplement = "test")
  bi <- read_libbi(filename)
  res <- bi_read(bi, clear_cache = TRUE, thin = 10, missval_threshold = 1e20)

  expect_true(class(bi) == "libbi")
  expect_true(length(bi$model) > 0)
  expect_output(print_log(bi), "test")

test_that("saved and re-read libbi object (from folder) functional", {
  folder <- tempdir()
  name <- file.path(folder, "test.rds")
  save_libbi(bi, split = TRUE, name)
  bi <- read_libbi(name)
  res <- bi_read(bi, clear_cache = TRUE, thin = 10, missval_threshold = 1e20)
  expect_true(class(bi) == "libbi")
  expect_true(length(bi$model[]) > 0)

test_that("saved and re-read data frames are equal", {
  tf <- tempfile()
  dims <- bi_write(tf, list(test = df))
  df_read <- bi_read(paste0(tf, ".nc"))$test
  expect_equal(df_read, df)

  test_value <- c(1.23)
  dims <- bi_write(tf, list(test = test_value))
  nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(paste0(tf, ".nc"))
  vec_read <- bi_read(nc)$test
  expect_lt(abs(vec_read - test_value), 1e-7)

test_that("saved and re-loaded objects are the same", {
  filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".nc")
  out <- bi_write(filename, test_output, guess_time = TRUE)
  test_output2 <- bi_read(
    filename, coord_dims = out$coord_dims, dims = out$dims
  lists <- vapply(test_output, is.list, logical(1))
  list_names <- names(lists[lists])
  list_cols <- lapply(list_names, function(x) {
    setdiff(colnames(test_output[[x]]), "value")
  names(list_cols) <- list_names

  for (name in list_names) {
    setorderv(test_output[[name]], list_cols[[name]])
    setorderv(test_output2[[name]], list_cols[[name]])

  values1 <- lapply(test_output[list_names], function(x) x[["value"]])
  values2 <- lapply(test_output2[list_names], function(x) x[["value"]])

  expect_true(all(unlist(values1) - unlist(values2) < 1e-5))

test_that("basic I/O functions work", {
  bi <- attach_data(bi, file = "init", test_output[c("e", "m")])
  bi <- attach_data(bi, "obs", test_output_sparse[c("M", "e")])
  expect_gt(length(bi_contents(bi)), 0)
  expect_gt(bi_dim_len(bi$output_file_name, "np"), 0)
  expect_equal(bi_dim_len(bi$output_file_name, "dummy"), 0)
  expect_gt(length(capture.output(bi_file_summary(bi))), 0)
  expect_gt(nrow(bi_read(bi, "N", burn = 10)$N), 0)
  expect_gt(nrow(bi_read(bi, file = "obs")$M), 0)
  expect_gt(nrow(bi_read(bi, "N", verbose = TRUE, clear_cache = TRUE)$N), 0)
  expect_gt(suppressMessages(nrow(bi_read(bi, "N", verbose = TRUE)$N)), 0)
    nrow(bi_read(bi, file = "obs", coord_dims = list(M = "a"))$M),
  expect_message(bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df), verbose = TRUE), "Writing")
    bi_read(bi, "N", verbose = TRUE, clear_cache = TRUE, thin = 2), "Reading"
  expect_true(is.na(bi_read(bi, file = "init", missval_threshold = 1)$m))
  expect_true(length(bi_read(bi, vars = "time_M")) == 1)

test_that("appending to existing files works", {
  test_data <- list(test1 = df, test2 = df)
  bi_write(tmpfile, test_data[1])
  bi_write(tmpfile, test_data[2], append = TRUE)
  expect_equal(bi_read(tmpfile), test_data)

test_that("duplicate columns are read/written correctly", {
  df_dup <- data.frame(
    a.1 = c(0, 0, 1, 1),
    a.2 = c(0, 1, 0, 1),
    value = c(7, 5, 8, 0)
  colnames(df_dup)[1:2] <- c("a", "a")
  df_dup_error <- data.frame(
    a.1 = c(0, 0, 1, 1),
    a.2 = c(0, 1, 2, 3),
    value = c(7, 5, 8, 0)
  bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df_dup))
  expect_equal(unname(df_dup), unname(bi_read(tmpfile)$test))
    bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df_dup_error)), "duplicated"
    bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df_dup, vec = c(2, 3))), "length 1"

test_that("data with ns column are read/written correctly", {
  df_ns <- data.frame(
    ns = c(0, 0, 1, 1),
    time = c(0, 1, 0, 1),
    value = c(7, 5, 8, 0)
  bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df_ns))
  expect_equal(df_ns, bi_read(tmpfile)$test)

  df_ns2 <- data.frame(
    ns = c(0, 1),
    value = c(7, 5)
  bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df_ns2))
  expect_equal(df_ns2, bi_read(tmpfile)$test)

test_that("guessing time and coordinate dimensions works", {
  dims <- bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df), guess_time = TRUE)
  df_time <- data.frame(
    time = c(0, 1, 2, 3),
    value = c(7, 5, 8, 0)
  df_twotime <- data.frame(
    a = c(0, 0, 1, 1),
    time1 = c(0, 1, 0, 1),
    time2 = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
    value = c(7, 5, 8, 0)
  df_coord <- data.frame(
    a = c(0, 0, 1, 1),
    coord = c(0, 1, 0, 1),
    value = c(7, 5, 8, 0)
  df_twocoord <- data.frame(
    a = c(0, 0, 1, 1),
    b = c(2, 3, 2, 3),
    ns = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
    value = c(7, 5, 8, 0)
  expect_equal(dims$time_dim, "time")
  expect_equal(dims$coord_dims$test, "a")
    bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df_time), guess_time = TRUE)$time_dim, "time"
    bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df_twocoord))$coord_dims$test,
    c("a", "b")
    bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df), time_dim = "a"), "time dimension"
    bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df_coord), coord_dim = list(test = "a")),
    "coord dimension"
    bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df_twotime), guess_time = TRUE),
    "Could not decide"

test_that("data can be attached to libbi objects", {
  expect_equal(class(attach_data(bi, "output", bi$output_file_name)), "libbi")
    class(attach_data(bi, "output", bi$output_file_name, append = TRUE)),
  expect_equal(class(attach_data(bi, "output", bi)), "libbi")
      attach_data(bi, "output", bi, overwrite = TRUE, value_column = "value")
    ), "libbi"
  expect_equal(class(attach_data(bi, "obs", bi$output_file_name)), "libbi")
  expect_equal(class(attach_data(bi, "obs", bi)), "libbi")
  bi_no_time_dim <- bi
  bi_no_time_dim$time_dim <- character(0)
  expect_equal(class(attach_data(bi, "obs", bi_no_time_dim)), "libbi")
    class(attach_data(bi, "obs", bi, coord_dims = list(a = "a"))), "libbi"
  expect_equal(class(attach_data(bi, "output", NULL)), "libbi")
  expect_equal(class(attach_data(bi, "input", NULL)), "libbi")

test_that("absolute paths can be generated", {
  expect_gt(nchar(absolute_path("test")), 0)
  expect_gt(nchar(absolute_path("test", "..")), 0)

test_that("I/O errors/warnings are recognised", {
  bi_in_place <- attach_data(bi, "output", test_output)
    attach_data(bi_in_place, "output", test_output, in_place = TRUE),
    "used carefully"
  bi_wrong_coord <- bi
  bi_wrong_coord$coord_dims <- list(M = "b")
  expect_warning(attach_data(bi, "obs", bi_wrong_coord), "will override")
  bi_wrong_time <- bi
  bi_wrong_time$time_dim <- "dummy"
  expect_warning(attach_data(bi, "output", bi_wrong_time), "will override")
  expect_warning(bi_read(bi$output_file_name, file = "output"), "file")
  expect_error(bi_read(bi, file = "dummy"), "dummy")
  expect_error(bi_read(3), "must be")
  expect_error(bi_read(bi, model = bi$model), "should not be given")
  expect_error(bi_read(bi, type = "obs", vars = "M"), "Only one")
  expect_warning(bi_read(bi, dims = list(test = c("a", "b"))), "will override")
  expect_warning(bi_read(bi, coord_dims = list(M = "b")), "will override")
  expect_error(bi_write(tmpfile, list()), "non-empty")
  expect_error(bi_write(tmpfile, list(df)), "named")
  expect_error(bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df[, c("a", "time")])), "value")
    bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = df), time_dim = "time", guess_time = TRUE),
    "not be given"
  expect_error(bi_write(tmpfile, list(test = "dummy")), "data frame")
  expect_error(save_libbi(bi), "a name")
    save_libbi(bi, split = TRUE, "___imaginary/file"), "does not exist"
  expect_error(read_libbi(), "specify a file")

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rbi documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 5:07 p.m.