
Defines functions toolbar_model update_tool_events tool_events tool_model get_tool_name update_tool tool_help tool_box_zoom tool_box_select tool_lasso_select tool_tap tool_hover tool_reset tool_resize tool_crosshair tool_save tool_wheel_zoom tool_pan

Documented in tool_box_select tool_box_zoom tool_crosshair tool_hover tool_lasso_select tool_pan tool_reset tool_resize tool_save tool_tap tool_wheel_zoom

# https://docs.bokeh.org/en/latest/docs/reference/models.html

#' Add "pan" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @param dimensions a vector specifying whether the pan tool should pan with respect to the x axis ("width") and the y axis ("height") or "both"
#' @template tools
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # only pan on x axis
#' figure() %>% ly_points(1:10) %>%
#'  tool_pan(dimensions = "height")
#' }
#' @export
tool_pan <- function(fig, dimensions = "both") {
  update_tool(fig, which = "pan", args = list(dimensions = jsonlite::unbox(dimensions),
    plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref))

#' Add "wheel_zoom" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @param dimensions a vector specifying whether the wheel_zoom tool should zoom with respect to the x axis ("width") and the y axis ("height") or "both"
#' @template tools
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # only zoom on x axis
#' figure() %>% ly_points(1:10) %>%
#'  tool_wheel_zoom(dimensions = "height")
#' }
#' @export
tool_wheel_zoom <- function(fig, dimensions = "both") {
  update_tool(fig, which = "wheel_zoom",
    args = list(dimensions = jsonlite::unbox(dimensions), plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref))

#' Add "save" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @template tools
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' figure() %>% ly_points(1:10) %>%
#'  tool_save()
#' }
#' @export
tool_save <- function(fig) {
  update_tool(fig, which = "save", args = list(plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref))

#' Add "crosshair" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @template tools
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' figure() %>% ly_points(1:10) %>%
#'  tool_crosshair()
#' }
#' @export
tool_crosshair <- function(fig) {
  update_tool(fig, which = "crosshair", args = list(plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref))

#' Add "resize" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @template tools
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' figure() %>% ly_points(1:10) %>%
#'  tool_resize()
#' }
#' @export
tool_resize <- function(fig) {
  update_tool(fig, which = "resize", args = list(plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref))

#' Add "reset" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @template tools
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' figure() %>% ly_points(1:10) %>%
#'  tool_reset()
#' }
#' @export
tool_reset <- function(fig) {
  update_tool(fig, which = "reset", args = list(plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref))

#' Add "hover" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @template tools
#' @template callback
#' @example man-roxygen/ex-hover-custom-callback.R
#' @export
tool_hover <- function(fig, callback, ref_layer) {
  fig %>% add_hover_callback(callback, ref_layer)

#' Add "tap" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @template tools
#' @template callback
#' @example man-roxygen/ex-tap-debug-callback.R
#' @export
tool_tap <- function(fig, callback, ref_layer) {
  fig %>% add_tap_callback(callback, ref_layer)

#' Add "lasso_select" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @template tools
#' @template callback
#' @param line_color,line_alpha,fill_color,fill_alpha,line_width,line_dash,level parameters to control the look of the selection bounding region
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' figure() %>% ly_points(1:10) %>%
#'  tool_lasso_select()
#' }
#' @export
tool_lasso_select <- function(fig,
  callback = NULL, ref_layer = NULL,
  line_color = "black", line_alpha = 1,
  fill_color = "lightgrey", fill_alpha = 0.5,
  line_width = 2, line_dash = c(4, 4),
  level = "overlay") {

  args <- list(line_color = line_color, line_alpha = line_alpha,
    fill_color = fill_color, fill_alpha = fill_alpha,
    line_dash = line_dash, line_width = line_width)

  args <- get_glyph_attrs(args)

  args$level <- level
  args$xs_units <- "screen"
  args$ys_units <- "screen"

  aid <- gen_id(fig, "LassoPolyAnnotation")
  pa_model <- base_model_object("PolyAnnotation", id = aid)

  pa_model$model$attributes <- c(pa_model$model$attributes, args)

  fig$x$spec$model$plot$attributes$renderers[[pa_model$ref$id]] <- pa_model$ref
  fig$x$spec$model[[pa_model$ref$id]] <- pa_model$model

  fig <- update_tool(fig, which = "lasso_select",
    args = list(plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref,
    overlay = pa_model$ref))

  if (!is.null(callback))
    fig <- fig %>% tool_selection(callback, ref_layer)


#' Add "box_select" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @template tools
#' @template callback
#' @param line_color,line_alpha,fill_color,fill_alpha,line_width,line_dash,level parameters to control the look of the selection bounding region
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' figure() %>% ly_points(1:10) %>%
#'  tool_box_select()
#' }
#' @export
tool_box_select <- function(fig,
  callback = NULL, ref_layer = NULL,
  line_color = "black", line_alpha = 1,
  fill_color = "lightgrey", fill_alpha = 0.5,
  line_width = 2, line_dash = c(4, 4),
  level = "overlay") {

  args <- list(line_color = line_color, line_alpha = line_alpha,
    fill_color = fill_color, fill_alpha = fill_alpha,
    line_dash = line_dash, line_width = line_width)

  args <- get_glyph_attrs(args)

  args$level <- level
  args$top_units <- "screen"
  args$bottom_units <- "screen"
  args$left_units <- "screen"
  args$right_units <- "screen"
  args$render_mode <- "css"

  aid <- gen_id(fig, "BoxSelectBoxAnnotation")
  ba_model <- base_model_object("BoxAnnotation", id = aid)

  ba_model$model$attributes <- c(ba_model$model$attributes, args)

  fig$x$spec$model$plot$attributes$renderers[[ba_model$ref$id]] <- ba_model$ref
  fig$x$spec$model[[ba_model$ref$id]] <- ba_model$model

  fig <- update_tool(fig, which = "box_select",
    args = list(plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref,
    overlay = ba_model$ref))

  if (!is.null(callback))
    fig <- fig %>% tool_selection(callback, ref_layer)


#' Add "box_zoom" tool to a Bokeh figure
#' @template tools
#' @param line_color,line_alpha,fill_color,fill_alpha,line_width,line_dash,level parameters to control the look of the selection bounding region
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' figure() %>% ly_points(1:10) %>%
#'  tool_box_zoom()
#' }
#' @export
tool_box_zoom <- function(fig,
  line_color = "black", line_alpha = 1,
  fill_color = "lightgrey", fill_alpha = 0.5,
  line_width = 2, line_dash = c(4, 4),
  level = "overlay") {

  args <- list(line_color = line_color, line_alpha = line_alpha,
    fill_color = fill_color, fill_alpha = fill_alpha,
    line_dash = line_dash, line_width = line_width)

  args <- get_glyph_attrs(args)

  args$level <- level
  args$top_units <- "screen"
  args$bottom_units <- "screen"
  args$left_units <- "screen"
  args$right_units <- "screen"
  args$render_mode <- "css"

  aid <- gen_id(fig, "BoxZoomBoxAnnotation")
  ba_model <- base_model_object("BoxAnnotation", id = aid)

  ba_model$model$attributes <- c(ba_model$model$attributes, args)

  fig$x$spec$model$plot$attributes$renderers[[ba_model$ref$id]] <- ba_model$ref
  fig$x$spec$model[[ba_model$ref$id]] <- ba_model$model

  update_tool(fig, which = "box_zoom",
    args = list(plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref,
    overlay = ba_model$ref))

tool_help <- function(fig, redirect = "https://hafen.github.io/rbokeh/",
  help_tooltip = "Click to learn more about rbokeh.") {
  update_tool(fig, which = "help",
    args = list(plot_ref = fig$x$spec$ref, redirect = redirect,
      help_tooltip = help_tooltip))

## internal methods

update_tool <- function(fig, which, args) {
  if (is.null(fig$x$spec$model$toolbar)) {
    tbid <- gen_id(fig, "Toolbar")
    tbmodel <- toolbar_model(tbid)
    tbmodel$model$attributes["logo"] <- list(fig$x$spec$logo)

    fig$x$spec$model$plot$attributes$toolbar <- tbmodel$ref
    fig$x$spec$model$toolbar <- tbmodel$model

    fig$x$spec$model$plot$attributes$tool_events <- list()

  id <- gen_id(fig, which)
  args$id <- id
  args$tool_name <- get_tool_name(which)
  model <- do.call(tool_model, args)

  fig$x$spec$model$toolbar$attributes$tools[[model$ref$id]] <- model$ref
  fig$x$spec$model[[id]] <- model$model

  fig <- update_tool_events(fig)


get_tool_name <- function(x) {
  paste(underscore2camel(x), "Tool", sep = "")

tool_model <- function(id, tool_name, plot_ref, ...) {
  res <- base_model_object(tool_name, id)
  res$model$attributes$plot <- plot_ref
  dots <- list(...)
  dotnms <- names(dots)
  for (nm in dotnms) {
    trns <- ifelse(is.logical(dots[[nm]]) || nm %in% c("help_tooltip", "redirect"), identity, I)
    res$model$attributes[[nm]] <- trns(dots[[nm]])


tool_events <- function(id) {
  res <- base_model_object("ToolEvents", id)
  res$model$geometries <- list()

update_tool_events <- function(fig) {
  id <- gen_id(fig, "ToolEvents")
  model <- tool_events(id)

  fig$x$spec$model$plot$attributes$tool_events <- model$ref
  fig$x$spec$model[[id]] <- model$model


toolbar_model <- function(id) {
  res <- base_model_object("Toolbar", id)

  res$model$attributes$active_drag <- "auto"
  res$model$attributes$active_scroll <- "auto"
  res$model$attributes$active_tap <- "auto"
  res$model$attributes["tools"] <- list(NULL)


Try the rbokeh package in your browser

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rbokeh documentation built on Aug. 4, 2021, 1:06 a.m.