#' Add a "hist" layer to a Bokeh figure
#' Draws a histogram
#' @param fig figure to modify
#' @param x either a vector to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{hist}} or an object of class "histogram"
#' @param breaks,freq,include.lowest,right parameters passed to \code{\link[graphics]{hist}}
#' @param data an optional data frame, providing the source for x
#' @template par-coloralpha
#' @template par-lnamegroup
#' @template dots-fillline
#' @family layer functions
#' @examples
#' h <- figure(width = 600, height = 400) %>%
#' ly_hist(eruptions, data = faithful, breaks = 40, freq = FALSE) %>%
#' ly_density(eruptions, data = faithful)
#' h
#' @export
ly_hist <- function(
fig, x, data = figure_data(fig),
breaks = "Sturges", freq = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE,
color = NULL, alpha = 1,
lname = NULL, lgroup = NULL, ...
) {
validate_fig(fig, "ly_hist")
args <- sub_names(fig, data,
color, # TODO If i supply color, it should stack or dodge by default
# no legend?
dots = lazy_dots(...)
tryres <- try(identity(x), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(tryres, "histogram")) {
hh <- x
args$info$x_name <- x$xname
} else {
# was moved to position of "y" as only "x" was supplied. (inside sub_names)
# moving values from "y" to "x"
hh <- graphics::hist.default(x = args$data[[2]], breaks = breaks,
include.lowest = include.lowest, right = right, plot = FALSE)
args$info$x_name <- args$info$y_name
args$info$y_name <- ifelse(freq, "Frequency", "Density")
args$params <- resolve_color_alpha(args$params, has_line = TRUE, has_fill = TRUE,
fig$x$spec$layers[[args$info$lgroup]], theme = fig$x$spec$theme)
y <- if (freq) {
} else {
}, c(
fig = fig,
xleft = hh$breaks[-length(hh$breaks)],
xright = hh$breaks[-1], ytop = y, ybottom = 0,
xlab = args$info$x_name, ylab = args$info$y_name,
lname = args$info$lname, lgroup = args$info$lgroup
#' Add a "density" layer to a Bokeh figure
#' Draws a kernel density estimate
#' @param fig figure to modify
#' @param x,bw,adjust,kernel,weights,window,n,cut,na.rm parameters passed to \code{\link[stats]{density}}
#' @param data an optional data frame, providing the source for x
#' @template par-lineprops
#' @param legend text to display in the legend entry for the density line
#' @template par-lnamegroup
#' @template dots-line
#' @family layer functions
#' @examples
#' h <- figure(width = 600, height = 400) %>%
#' ly_hist(eruptions, data = faithful, breaks = 40, freq = FALSE) %>%
#' ly_density(eruptions, data = faithful)
#' h
#' @export
ly_density <- function(
fig, x, data = figure_data(fig),
bw = "nrd0", adjust = 1,
kernel = c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular",
"biweight", "cosine", "optcosine"),
weights = NULL, window = kernel, n = 512, cut = 3, na.rm = FALSE,
color = "black", alpha = 1, width = 1, type = 1,
legend = NULL, lname = NULL, lgroup = NULL,
) {
validate_fig(fig, "ly_density")
args <- sub_names(fig, data,
color, # TODO If I supply color, it should stack or dodge by default
dots = lazy_dots(...)
# data was moved to 'y' position as only 'x' was supplied to sub_names
args$data$x <- args$data[[2]]; args$data[[2]] <- NULL
args$info$x_name <- args$info$y_name
args$info$y_name <- "Density"
## b_eval will repeat these, but the line glyph doesn't like this
if (length(unique(args$params$color)) == 1)
args$params$color <- subset_with_attributes(args$params$color, 1)
if (length(unique(args$params$type)) == 1)
args$params$type <- subset_with_attributes(args$params$type, 1)
if (length(unique(args$params$width)) == 1)
args$params$width <- subset_with_attributes(args$params$width, 1)
args$params <- resolve_line_args(fig, args$params)
dd <- stats::density.default(x = args$data$x, bw = bw, adjust = adjust,
kernel = kernel, n = n, cut = 3, na.rm = na.rm), c(
fig = fig,
x = dd$x, y = dd$y,
xlab = args$info$x_name, ylab = args$info$y_name
), args$params)
# ly_rug
#' Add a "quantile" layer to a Bokeh figure
#' Draws quantiles
#' @param fig figure to modify
#' @param x numeric vector or field name of variable to compute sample quantiles for
#' @param group values or field name of a grouping variable to break quantile computations up by
#' @param data an optional data frame, providing the source for x
#' @param probs numeric vector of probabilities with values in \code{[0,1]} at which to compute quantiles - if \code{NULL}, every point of \code{x} is a quantile
#' @param distn quantile function to use on the x-axis (e.g. \code{\link[stats]{qnorm}}) - default is \code{\link[stats]{qunif}},
#' @param ncutoff if the length of \code{x} exceeds this value and \code{probs} is not specified, compute quantiles at \code{ncutoff} points
#' @template par-coloralpha
#' @template par-legend
#' @template par-lnamegroup
#' @template dots-fillline
#' @family layer functions
#' @examples
#' figure(legend_location = "top_left") %>%
#' ly_quantile(Sepal.Length, group = Species, data = iris)
#' @export
ly_quantile <- function(
fig, x, group = NULL, data = figure_data(fig),
probs = NULL, distn = stats::qunif, ncutoff = 200,
color = NULL, alpha = 1,
legend = TRUE, lname = NULL, lgroup = NULL,
) {
validate_fig(fig, "ly_quantile")
args <- sub_names(fig, data,
dots = lazy_dots(...)
# sub_names moves data into 'y' position as only 'x' is supplied
args$data$x <- args$data[[2]]
args$info$x_name <- "f-value"
# args$info$y_name <- deparse(substitute(x)) # already done!
if (is.null(args$info$group)) {
args$info$group <- rep(1, length(args$data$x))
na_idx <-$data$x)
args$data$x <- args$data$x[!na_idx]
args$info$group <- args$info$group[!na_idx]
idx <- split(seq_along(args$data$x), args$info$group)
## quantile plot with no groups needs explicit legend
## but with groups, legend can simply be "TRUE" in which case
## an entry is automatically added for each group
if (length(idx) == 1) {
if (is.logical(args$info$legend))
args$info$legend <- NULL
for (ii in idx) {
if (length(ii) > 0) {
if (is.null(probs)) {
## if the vector is too long, perhaps should default
## to some length, like 1000
if (length(ii) > ncutoff) {
cur_probs <- stats::ppoints(ncutoff)
qq <- stats::quantile(args$data$x[ii], cur_probs, names = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
cur_probs <- stats::ppoints(length(args$data$x[ii]))
qq <- sort(args$data$x[ii])
} else {
cur_probs <- probs
qq <- stats::quantile(args$data$x[ii], cur_probs, names = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
ff <- distn(cur_probs)
cur_legend <- NULL
if (is.logical(args$info$legend)) {
if (args$info$legend) {
cur_legend <- args$info$group[[ii[1]]]
} else {
cur_legend <- args$info$legend
fig <-, c(
fig = fig, x = ff, y = qq,
xlab = args$info$x_name, ylab = args$info$y_name,
lgroup = args$info$lgroup, legend = cur_legend
#' Add a "boxplot" layer to a Bokeh figure
#' @param fig figure to modify
#' @param x either a numeric vector or a factor
#' @param y either a numeric vector or a factor
#' @param data an optional data frame, providing the source for x and y
#' @param width with of each box, a value between 0 (no width) and 1 (full width)
#' @param coef see \code{\link[grDevices]{boxplot.stats}}
#' @param outlier_glyph the glyph used to plot the outliers. If set to
#' \code{NA}, no outlier points are plotted. Run \code{point_types()} for
#' possible values.
#' @param outlier_size the size of the glyph used to plot outliers. If set to
#' \code{NA}, no outlier points are plotted.
#' @template par-coloralpha
#' @template par-lnamegroup
#' @template dots-fillline
#' @family layer functions
#' @examples
#' figure(ylab = "Height (inches)", width = 600) %>%
#' ly_boxplot(voice.part, height, data = lattice::singer)
#' @export
ly_boxplot <- function(
fig, x, y = NULL, data = figure_data(fig),
width = 0.9, coef = 1.5,
color = "blue", alpha = 1,
outlier_glyph = 1, outlier_size = 10,
lname = NULL, lgroup = NULL,
) {
validate_fig(fig, "ly_boxplot")
args <- sub_names(fig, data,
x, y,
# legend, # no legend?
dots = lazy_dots(...)
if (missing(y)) {
args$data$x <- args$data$y
args$data$y <- NULL
args$info$x_name <- args$info$y_name
args$info$y_name <- NULL
if (is.factor(args$data$x)) {
args$data$x <- as.character(args$data$x)
if (is.factor(args$data$y)) {
args$data$y <- as.character(args$data$y)
args$params <- resolve_color_alpha(args$params, has_line = TRUE,
has_fill = TRUE, theme = fig$x$spec$theme)
# fill_ind <- grepl("^fill_", names(args$params))
# pull out x and y as they are used a lot
x <- args$data$x
y <- args$data$y
group_is_numeric <- FALSE
if (is.null(y)) {
x_name <- " "
y_name <- args$info$x_name
group <- rep(x_name, length(x))
} else {
num_ind <- c(is.numeric(x), is.numeric(y))
if (all(num_ind)) {
group_is_numeric <- TRUE
"both x and y are numeric -- choosing numeric variable based on ",
"which has the most unique values")
if (length(unique(x)) > length(unique(y))) {
x_name <- args$info$y_name
y_name <- args$info$x_name
group <- as.character(y)
} else {
x_name <- args$info$x_name
y_name <- args$info$y_name
group <- as.character(x)
x <- y
} else if (num_ind[1]) {
x_name <- args$info$y_name
y_name <- args$info$x_name
group <- y
} else if (num_ind[2]) {
x_name <- args$info$x_name
y_name <- args$info$y_name
group <- x
x <- y
} else {
stop("At least one of 'x' or 'y' should be numeric for ly_boxplot.")
idx <- split(seq_along(x), group)
for (ii in seq_along(idx)) {
bp <- grDevices::boxplot.stats(x = x[idx[[ii]]], coef = coef)
gp <- group[idx[[ii]][1]] ## doesn't work right now
## for lines and whiskers
gpl <- paste(gp, ":0.4", sep = "")
gpr <- paste(gp, ":0.6", sep = "")
hgt1 <- bp$stats[3] - bp$stats[2]
md1 <- hgt1 / 2 + bp$stats[2]
hgt2 <- bp$stats[4] - bp$stats[3]
md2 <- hgt2 / 2 + bp$stats[3]
fig <- ly_crect(
fig = fig, x = rep(gp, 2), y = c(md1, md2),
width = width, height = c(hgt1, hgt2),
xlab = x_name, ylab = y_name,
line_color = args$params$line_color,
fill_color = args$params$fill_color,
line_alpha = args$params$line_alpha,
fill_alpha = args$params$fill_alpha)
fig <- ly_segments(
fig = fig,
x0 = c(gp, gp, gpr, gpr),
y0 = c(bp$stats[1], bp$stats[4], bp$stats[1], bp$stats[5]),
x1 = c(gp, gp, gpl, gpl),
y1 = c(bp$stats[2], bp$stats[5], bp$stats[1], bp$stats[5]),
xlab = x_name, ylab = y_name,
line_color = args$params$line_color,
line_alpha = args$params$line_alpha)
if (length(bp$out) > 0 && !( || {
fig <- ly_points(
fig = fig,
x = rep(gp, length(bp$out)), y = bp$out,
glyph = rep(outlier_glyph, length(bp$out)),
size = outlier_size,
xlab = x_name, ylab = y_name,
line_color = args$params$line_color,
fill_color = args$params$fill_color,
line_alpha = args$params$line_alpha,
fill_alpha = args$params$fill_alpha)
if (group_is_numeric && !fig$x$spec$has_x_axis)
fig <- fig %>% x_range(as.character(sort(unique(as.numeric(group)))))
# ly_violin
# ly_dotplot
# ly_rug
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