#' Set palettes for various plot attributes
#' @param fig figure to update theme palettes for
#' @param discrete_color a discrete color palette to override the theme (see details)
#' @param discrete_alpha a discrete alpha palette to override the theme (see details)
#' @param continuous_color a continuous color palette to override the theme (see details)
#' @param continuous_alpha a continuous alpha palette to override the theme (see details)
#' @param discrete_glyph a discrete glyph palette to override the theme
#' @param discrete_fill_color a discrete fill_color palette to override the theme
#' @param discrete_line_color a discrete line_color palette to override the theme
#' @param discrete_text_color a discrete text_color palette to override the theme
#' @param discrete_fill_alpha a discrete fill_alpha palette to override the theme
#' @param discrete_line_alpha a discrete line_alpha palette to override the theme
#' @param discrete_text_alpha a discrete text_alpha palette to override the theme
#' @param discrete_line_dash a discrete line_dash palette to override the theme
#' @param discrete_line_width a discrete line_width palette to override the theme
#' @param discrete_size a discrete size palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_glyph a continuous glyph palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_fill_color a continuous fill_color palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_line_color a continuous line_color palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_text_color a continuous text_color palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_fill_alpha a continuous fill_alpha palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_line_alpha a continuous line_alpha palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_text_alpha a continuous text_alpha palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_line_dash a continuous line_dash palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_line_width a continuous line_width palette to override the theme
#' @param continuous_size a continuous size palette to override the theme
#' @details
#' Palettes specified in this function will override the existing theme and apply the specified attributes when they are not otherwise explicitly specified in a layer function. See the contents of \code{bk_default_theme} for an example of the theme elements this will update. As a convenience, if you use \code{discrete_color}, the palette will apply to all the \code{discrete_***_color} attributes unless those are explicitly specified also. The same pattern is true for \code{discrete_alpha}, \code{continuous_color}, and \code{continuous_alpha}. For specifying discrete color palettes, the easiest thing to do is use \code{\link{pal_color}} with a vector of colors you want to use in the palette.
#' @examples
#' figure() %>%
#' ly_points(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, data = iris,
#' color = Species, glyph = Species) %>%
#' set_palette(discrete_color = pal_color(c("red", "blue", "green")))
#' @export
set_palette <- function(fig,
discrete_color = NULL, discrete_alpha = NULL,
continuous_color = NULL, continuous_alpha = NULL,
discrete_glyph = NULL, discrete_fill_color = NULL,
discrete_line_color = NULL, discrete_text_color = NULL,
discrete_fill_alpha = NULL, discrete_line_alpha = NULL,
discrete_text_alpha = NULL, discrete_line_dash = NULL,
discrete_line_width = NULL, discrete_size = NULL,
continuous_glyph = NULL, continuous_fill_color = NULL,
continuous_line_color = NULL, continuous_text_color = NULL,
continuous_fill_alpha = NULL, continuous_line_alpha = NULL,
continuous_text_alpha = NULL, continuous_line_dash = NULL,
continuous_line_width = NULL, continuous_size = NULL) {
specified <- setdiff(names(as.list([-1]), "fig")
if (length(specified) > 0) {
pars <- as.list(environment())[specified]
# need to do some validation here...
build_object <- function(type, pars) {
res <- NULL
pnames <- names(pars)
nms <- pnames[grepl(paste0("^", type, "_"), pnames)]
if (length(nms) > 0) {
res <- pars[nms]
names(res) <- gsub(paste0("^", type, "_"), "", nms)
if (paste0(type, "_color") %in% nms) {
if (is.null(res$fill_color))
res$fill_color <- res$color
if (is.null(res$line_color))
res$line_color <- res$color
if (is.null(res$text_color))
res$text_color <- res$color
res$color <- NULL
if (paste0(type, "_alpha") %in% nms) {
if (is.null(res$fill_alpha))
res$fill_alpha <- res$alpha
if (is.null(res$line_alpha))
res$line_alpha <- res$alpha
if (is.null(res$text_alpha))
res$text_alpha <- res$alpha
res$alpha <- NULL
res <- list()
res$discrete <- build_object("discrete", pars)
res$continuous <- build_object("continuous", pars)
} else {
res <- NULL
if (!is.null(fig$x$modeltype) && fig$x$modeltype == "GridPlot") {
for (ii in seq_along(fig$x$spec$figs))
fig$x$spec$figs[[ii]]$x$spec$theme_update <- res
} else {
fig$x$spec$theme_update <- res
#' Palettes for themes
#' @rdname palettes
#' @param colors a vector of colors to be used in the color palette
#' @export
pal_color <- function(colors) {
function(n) {
# if (n > length(colors))
# message("There are more levels to color than there are available colors ",
# "in this palette... repeating colors")
colors[(seq_len(n) - 1) %% length(colors) + 1]
#' Palettes for themes
#' @rdname palettes
#' @param pal palette name
#' @param min minimum value
#' @param max maximum value
#' @export
pal_tableau <- function(pal = "Tableau10") {
colors <- tableau_colors[[pal]]
# show_col(pal_tableau("Tableau20")(20))
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
pal_bk_glyph <- function() {
function(n) {
pal <- c("circle", "square", "triangle", "diamond", "circle_cross", "circle_x",
"cross", "diamond_cross", "inverted_triangle", "square_cross", "square_x", "x",
# if (n > length(pal))
# message(
# "There are more levels to color than there are available colors ",
# "in this palette... repeating colors")
pal[(seq_len(n) - 1) %% length(pal) + 1]
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
#' @param cols a vector of colors to ramp across for a continuous palette
#' @param space passed on to \code{\link{colorRampPalette}[grDevices]}
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
pal_gradient <- function(
cols = c("#66C2A4", "#41AE76", "#238B45", "#006D2C", "#00441B"), space = "rgb") {
grDevices::colorRampPalette(cols, space = space)
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
pal_size <- function(min = 2, max = 20) {
function(n) {
seq(min, max, length = n)
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
pal_bk_line_dash <- function() {
function(n) {
dashes <- as.character(1:6)
# if (n > 6)
# message("There are more levels for line dash than there are available ",
# "line dash styles in this theme... repeating line dash")
lty_dict[dashes[(seq_len(n) - 1) %% length(dashes) + 1]]
#' @rdname palettes
#' @export
pal_bk_line_width <- function() {
function(n) {
dashes <- as.character(1:6)
# if (n > 6)
# message("There are more levels for line dash than there are available ",
# "line dash styles in this theme... repeating line dash")
dashes[(seq_len(n) - 1) %% length(dashes) + 1]
# nolint start
bk_gradient_palettes <- list(
Spectral3 = c("#99d594", "#ffffbf", "#fc8d59"),
Spectral4 = c("#2b83ba", "#abdda4", "#fdae61", "#d7191c"),
Spectral5 = c("#2b83ba", "#abdda4", "#ffffbf", "#fdae61", "#d7191c"),
Spectral6 = c("#3288bd", "#99d594", "#e6f598", "#fee08b", "#fc8d59", "#d53e4f"),
Spectral7 = c("#3288bd", "#99d594", "#e6f598", "#ffffbf", "#fee08b", "#fc8d59", "#d53e4f"),
Spectral8 = c("#3288bd", "#66c2a5", "#abdda4", "#e6f598", "#fee08b", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d53e4f"),
Spectral9 = c("#3288bd", "#66c2a5", "#abdda4", "#e6f598", "#ffffbf", "#fee08b", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d53e4f"),
Spectral10 = c("#5e4fa2", "#3288bd", "#66c2a5", "#abdda4", "#e6f598", "#fee08b", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d53e4f", "#9e0142"),
Spectral11 = c("#5e4fa2", "#3288bd", "#66c2a5", "#abdda4", "#e6f598", "#ffffbf", "#fee08b", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d53e4f", "#9e0142"),
RdYlGn3 = c("#91cf60", "#ffffbf", "#fc8d59"),
RdYlGn4 = c("#1a9641", "#a6d96a", "#fdae61", "#d7191c"),
RdYlGn5 = c("#1a9641", "#a6d96a", "#ffffbf", "#fdae61", "#d7191c"),
RdYlGn6 = c("#1a9850", "#91cf60", "#d9ef8b", "#fee08b", "#fc8d59", "#d73027"),
RdYlGn7 = c("#1a9850", "#91cf60", "#d9ef8b", "#ffffbf", "#fee08b", "#fc8d59", "#d73027"),
RdYlGn8 = c("#1a9850", "#66bd63", "#a6d96a", "#d9ef8b", "#fee08b", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027"),
RdYlGn9 = c("#1a9850", "#66bd63", "#a6d96a", "#d9ef8b", "#ffffbf", "#fee08b", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027"),
RdYlGn10 = c("#006837", "#1a9850", "#66bd63", "#a6d96a", "#d9ef8b", "#fee08b", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027", "#a50026"),
RdYlGn11 = c("#006837", "#1a9850", "#66bd63", "#a6d96a", "#d9ef8b", "#ffffbf", "#fee08b", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027", "#a50026"),
OrRd3 = c("#e34a33", "#fdbb84", "#fee8c8"),
OrRd4 = c("#d7301f", "#fc8d59", "#fdcc8a", "#fef0d9"),
OrRd5 = c("#b30000", "#e34a33", "#fc8d59", "#fdcc8a", "#fef0d9"),
OrRd6 = c("#b30000", "#e34a33", "#fc8d59", "#fdbb84", "#fdd49e", "#fef0d9"),
OrRd7 = c("#990000", "#d7301f", "#ef6548", "#fc8d59", "#fdbb84", "#fdd49e", "#fef0d9"),
OrRd8 = c("#990000", "#d7301f", "#ef6548", "#fc8d59", "#fdbb84", "#fdd49e", "#fee8c8", "#fff7ec"),
OrRd9 = c("#7f0000", "#b30000", "#d7301f", "#ef6548", "#fc8d59", "#fdbb84", "#fdd49e", "#fee8c8", "#fff7ec"),
PuBu3 = c("#2b8cbe", "#a6bddb", "#ece7f2"),
PuBu4 = c("#0570b0", "#74a9cf", "#bdc9e1", "#f1eef6"),
PuBu5 = c("#045a8d", "#2b8cbe", "#74a9cf", "#bdc9e1", "#f1eef6"),
PuBu6 = c("#045a8d", "#2b8cbe", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#f1eef6"),
PuBu7 = c("#034e7b", "#0570b0", "#3690c0", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#f1eef6"),
PuBu8 = c("#034e7b", "#0570b0", "#3690c0", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#ece7f2", "#fff7fb"),
PuBu9 = c("#023858", "#045a8d", "#0570b0", "#3690c0", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#ece7f2", "#fff7fb"),
BuPu3 = c("#8856a7", "#9ebcda", "#e0ecf4"),
BuPu4 = c("#88419d", "#8c96c6", "#b3cde3", "#edf8fb"),
BuPu5 = c("#810f7c", "#8856a7", "#8c96c6", "#b3cde3", "#edf8fb"),
BuPu6 = c("#810f7c", "#8856a7", "#8c96c6", "#9ebcda", "#bfd3e6", "#edf8fb"),
BuPu7 = c("#6e016b", "#88419d", "#8c6bb1", "#8c96c6", "#9ebcda", "#bfd3e6", "#edf8fb"),
BuPu8 = c("#6e016b", "#88419d", "#8c6bb1", "#8c96c6", "#9ebcda", "#bfd3e6", "#e0ecf4", "#f7fcfd"),
BuPu9 = c("#4d004b", "#810f7c", "#88419d", "#8c6bb1", "#8c96c6", "#9ebcda", "#bfd3e6", "#e0ecf4", "#f7fcfd"),
RdBu3 = c("#67a9cf", "#f7f7f7", "#ef8a62"),
RdBu4 = c("#0571b0", "#92c5de", "#f4a582", "#ca0020"),
RdBu5 = c("#0571b0", "#92c5de", "#f7f7f7", "#f4a582", "#ca0020"),
RdBu6 = c("#2166ac", "#67a9cf", "#d1e5f0", "#fddbc7", "#ef8a62", "#b2182b"),
RdBu7 = c("#2166ac", "#67a9cf", "#d1e5f0", "#f7f7f7", "#fddbc7", "#ef8a62", "#b2182b"),
RdBu8 = c("#2166ac", "#4393c3", "#92c5de", "#d1e5f0", "#fddbc7", "#f4a582", "#d6604d", "#b2182b"),
RdBu9 = c("#2166ac", "#4393c3", "#92c5de", "#d1e5f0", "#f7f7f7", "#fddbc7", "#f4a582", "#d6604d", "#b2182b"),
RdBu10 = c("#053061", "#2166ac", "#4393c3", "#92c5de", "#d1e5f0", "#fddbc7", "#f4a582", "#d6604d", "#b2182b", "#67001f"),
RdBu11 = c("#053061", "#2166ac", "#4393c3", "#92c5de", "#d1e5f0", "#f7f7f7", "#fddbc7", "#f4a582", "#d6604d", "#b2182b", "#67001f"),
Oranges3 = c("#e6550d", "#fdae6b", "#fee6ce"),
Oranges4 = c("#d94701", "#fd8d3c", "#fdbe85", "#feedde"),
Oranges5 = c("#a63603", "#e6550d", "#fd8d3c", "#fdbe85", "#feedde"),
Oranges6 = c("#a63603", "#e6550d", "#fd8d3c", "#fdae6b", "#fdd0a2", "#feedde"),
Oranges7 = c("#8c2d04", "#d94801", "#f16913", "#fd8d3c", "#fdae6b", "#fdd0a2", "#feedde"),
Oranges8 = c("#8c2d04", "#d94801", "#f16913", "#fd8d3c", "#fdae6b", "#fdd0a2", "#fee6ce", "#fff5eb"),
Oranges9 = c("#7f2704", "#a63603", "#d94801", "#f16913", "#fd8d3c", "#fdae6b", "#fdd0a2", "#fee6ce", "#fff5eb"),
BuGn3 = c("#2ca25f", "#99d8c9", "#e5f5f9"),
BuGn4 = c("#238b45", "#66c2a4", "#b2e2e2", "#edf8fb"),
BuGn5 = c("#006d2c", "#2ca25f", "#66c2a4", "#b2e2e2", "#edf8fb"),
BuGn6 = c("#006d2c", "#2ca25f", "#66c2a4", "#99d8c9", "#ccece6", "#edf8fb"),
BuGn7 = c("#005824", "#238b45", "#41ae76", "#66c2a4", "#99d8c9", "#ccece6", "#edf8fb"),
BuGn8 = c("#005824", "#238b45", "#41ae76", "#66c2a4", "#99d8c9", "#ccece6", "#e5f5f9", "#f7fcfd"),
BuGn9 = c("#00441b", "#006d2c", "#238b45", "#41ae76", "#66c2a4", "#99d8c9", "#ccece6", "#e5f5f9", "#f7fcfd"),
PiYG3 = c("#a1d76a", "#f7f7f7", "#e9a3c9"),
PiYG4 = c("#4dac26", "#b8e186", "#f1b6da", "#d01c8b"),
PiYG5 = c("#4dac26", "#b8e186", "#f7f7f7", "#f1b6da", "#d01c8b"),
PiYG6 = c("#4d9221", "#a1d76a", "#e6f5d0", "#fde0ef", "#e9a3c9", "#c51b7d"),
PiYG7 = c("#4d9221", "#a1d76a", "#e6f5d0", "#f7f7f7", "#fde0ef", "#e9a3c9", "#c51b7d"),
PiYG8 = c("#4d9221", "#7fbc41", "#b8e186", "#e6f5d0", "#fde0ef", "#f1b6da", "#de77ae", "#c51b7d"),
PiYG9 = c("#4d9221", "#7fbc41", "#b8e186", "#e6f5d0", "#f7f7f7", "#fde0ef", "#f1b6da", "#de77ae", "#c51b7d"),
PiYG10 = c("#276419", "#4d9221", "#7fbc41", "#b8e186", "#e6f5d0", "#fde0ef", "#f1b6da", "#de77ae", "#c51b7d", "#8e0152"),
PiYG11 = c("#276419", "#4d9221", "#7fbc41", "#b8e186", "#e6f5d0", "#f7f7f7", "#fde0ef", "#f1b6da", "#de77ae", "#c51b7d", "#8e0152"),
YlOrBr3 = c("#d95f0e", "#fec44f", "#fff7bc"),
YlOrBr4 = c("#cc4c02", "#fe9929", "#fed98e", "#ffffd4"),
YlOrBr5 = c("#993404", "#d95f0e", "#fe9929", "#fed98e", "#ffffd4"),
YlOrBr6 = c("#993404", "#d95f0e", "#fe9929", "#fec44f", "#fee391", "#ffffd4"),
YlOrBr7 = c("#8c2d04", "#cc4c02", "#ec7014", "#fe9929", "#fec44f", "#fee391", "#ffffd4"),
YlOrBr8 = c("#8c2d04", "#cc4c02", "#ec7014", "#fe9929", "#fec44f", "#fee391", "#fff7bc", "#ffffe5"),
YlOrBr9 = c("#662506", "#993404", "#cc4c02", "#ec7014", "#fe9929", "#fec44f", "#fee391", "#fff7bc", "#ffffe5"),
YlGn3 = c("#31a354", "#addd8e", "#f7fcb9"),
YlGn4 = c("#238443", "#78c679", "#c2e699", "#ffffcc"),
YlGn5 = c("#006837", "#31a354", "#78c679", "#c2e699", "#ffffcc"),
YlGn6 = c("#006837", "#31a354", "#78c679", "#addd8e", "#d9f0a3", "#ffffcc"),
YlGn7 = c("#005a32", "#238443", "#41ab5d", "#78c679", "#addd8e", "#d9f0a3", "#ffffcc"),
YlGn8 = c("#005a32", "#238443", "#41ab5d", "#78c679", "#addd8e", "#d9f0a3", "#f7fcb9", "#ffffe5"),
YlGn9 = c("#004529", "#006837", "#238443", "#41ab5d", "#78c679", "#addd8e", "#d9f0a3", "#f7fcb9", "#ffffe5"),
RdPu3 = c("#c51b8a", "#fa9fb5", "#fde0dd"),
RdPu4 = c("#ae017e", "#f768a1", "#fbb4b9", "#feebe2"),
RdPu5 = c("#7a0177", "#c51b8a", "#f768a1", "#fbb4b9", "#feebe2"),
RdPu6 = c("#7a0177", "#c51b8a", "#f768a1", "#fa9fb5", "#fcc5c0", "#feebe2"),
RdPu7 = c("#7a0177", "#ae017e", "#dd3497", "#f768a1", "#fa9fb5", "#fcc5c0", "#feebe2"),
RdPu8 = c("#7a0177", "#ae017e", "#dd3497", "#f768a1", "#fa9fb5", "#fcc5c0", "#fde0dd", "#fff7f3"),
RdPu9 = c("#49006a", "#7a0177", "#ae017e", "#dd3497", "#f768a1", "#fa9fb5", "#fcc5c0", "#fde0dd", "#fff7f3"),
Greens3 = c("#31a354", "#a1d99b", "#e5f5e0"),
Greens4 = c("#238b45", "#74c476", "#bae4b3", "#edf8e9"),
Greens5 = c("#006d2c", "#31a354", "#74c476", "#bae4b3", "#edf8e9"),
Greens6 = c("#006d2c", "#31a354", "#74c476", "#a1d99b", "#c7e9c0", "#edf8e9"),
Greens7 = c("#005a32", "#238b45", "#41ab5d", "#74c476", "#a1d99b", "#c7e9c0", "#edf8e9"),
Greens8 = c("#005a32", "#238b45", "#41ab5d", "#74c476", "#a1d99b", "#c7e9c0", "#e5f5e0", "#f7fcf5"),
Greens9 = c("#00441b", "#006d2c", "#238b45", "#41ab5d", "#74c476", "#a1d99b", "#c7e9c0", "#e5f5e0", "#f7fcf5"),
PRGn3 = c("#7fbf7b", "#f7f7f7", "#af8dc3"),
PRGn4 = c("#008837", "#a6dba0", "#c2a5cf", "#7b3294"),
PRGn5 = c("#008837", "#a6dba0", "#f7f7f7", "#c2a5cf", "#7b3294"),
PRGn6 = c("#1b7837", "#7fbf7b", "#d9f0d3", "#e7d4e8", "#af8dc3", "#762a83"),
PRGn7 = c("#1b7837", "#7fbf7b", "#d9f0d3", "#f7f7f7", "#e7d4e8", "#af8dc3", "#762a83"),
PRGn8 = c("#1b7837", "#5aae61", "#a6dba0", "#d9f0d3", "#e7d4e8", "#c2a5cf", "#9970ab", "#762a83"),
PRGn9 = c("#1b7837", "#5aae61", "#a6dba0", "#d9f0d3", "#f7f7f7", "#e7d4e8", "#c2a5cf", "#9970ab", "#762a83"),
PRGn10 = c("#00441b", "#1b7837", "#5aae61", "#a6dba0", "#d9f0d3", "#e7d4e8", "#c2a5cf", "#9970ab", "#762a83", "#40004b"),
PRGn11 = c("#00441b", "#1b7837", "#5aae61", "#a6dba0", "#d9f0d3", "#f7f7f7", "#e7d4e8", "#c2a5cf", "#9970ab", "#762a83", "#40004b"),
YlGnBu3 = c("#2c7fb8", "#7fcdbb", "#edf8b1"),
YlGnBu4 = c("#225ea8", "#41b6c4", "#a1dab4", "#ffffcc"),
YlGnBu5 = c("#253494", "#2c7fb8", "#41b6c4", "#a1dab4", "#ffffcc"),
YlGnBu6 = c("#253494", "#2c7fb8", "#41b6c4", "#7fcdbb", "#c7e9b4", "#ffffcc"),
YlGnBu7 = c("#0c2c84", "#225ea8", "#1d91c0", "#41b6c4", "#7fcdbb", "#c7e9b4", "#ffffcc"),
YlGnBu8 = c("#0c2c84", "#225ea8", "#1d91c0", "#41b6c4", "#7fcdbb", "#c7e9b4", "#edf8b1", "#ffffd9"),
YlGnBu9 = c("#081d58", "#253494", "#225ea8", "#1d91c0", "#41b6c4", "#7fcdbb", "#c7e9b4", "#edf8b1", "#ffffd9"),
RdYlBu3 = c("#91bfdb", "#ffffbf", "#fc8d59"),
RdYlBu4 = c("#2c7bb6", "#abd9e9", "#fdae61", "#d7191c"),
RdYlBu5 = c("#2c7bb6", "#abd9e9", "#ffffbf", "#fdae61", "#d7191c"),
RdYlBu6 = c("#4575b4", "#91bfdb", "#e0f3f8", "#fee090", "#fc8d59", "#d73027"),
RdYlBu7 = c("#4575b4", "#91bfdb", "#e0f3f8", "#ffffbf", "#fee090", "#fc8d59", "#d73027"),
RdYlBu8 = c("#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#e0f3f8", "#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027"),
RdYlBu9 = c("#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#e0f3f8", "#ffffbf", "#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027"),
RdYlBu10 = c("#313695", "#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#e0f3f8", "#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027", "#a50026"),
RdYlBu11 = c("#313695", "#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#e0f3f8", "#ffffbf", "#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027", "#a50026"),
BrBG3 = c("#5ab4ac", "#f5f5f5", "#d8b365"),
BrBG4 = c("#018571", "#80cdc1", "#dfc27d", "#a6611a"),
BrBG5 = c("#018571", "#80cdc1", "#f5f5f5", "#dfc27d", "#a6611a"),
BrBG6 = c("#01665e", "#5ab4ac", "#c7eae5", "#f6e8c3", "#d8b365", "#8c510a"),
BrBG7 = c("#01665e", "#5ab4ac", "#c7eae5", "#f5f5f5", "#f6e8c3", "#d8b365", "#8c510a"),
BrBG8 = c("#01665e", "#35978f", "#80cdc1", "#c7eae5", "#f6e8c3", "#dfc27d", "#bf812d", "#8c510a"),
BrBG9 = c("#01665e", "#35978f", "#80cdc1", "#c7eae5", "#f5f5f5", "#f6e8c3", "#dfc27d", "#bf812d", "#8c510a"),
BrBG10 = c("#003c30", "#01665e", "#35978f", "#80cdc1", "#c7eae5", "#f6e8c3", "#dfc27d", "#bf812d", "#8c510a", "#543005"),
BrBG11 = c("#003c30", "#01665e", "#35978f", "#80cdc1", "#c7eae5", "#f5f5f5", "#f6e8c3", "#dfc27d", "#bf812d", "#8c510a", "#543005"),
Purples3 = c("#756bb1", "#bcbddc", "#efedf5"),
Purples4 = c("#6a51a3", "#9e9ac8", "#cbc9e2", "#f2f0f7"),
Purples5 = c("#54278f", "#756bb1", "#9e9ac8", "#cbc9e2", "#f2f0f7"),
Purples6 = c("#54278f", "#756bb1", "#9e9ac8", "#bcbddc", "#dadaeb", "#f2f0f7"),
Purples7 = c("#4a1486", "#6a51a3", "#807dba", "#9e9ac8", "#bcbddc", "#dadaeb", "#f2f0f7"),
Purples8 = c("#4a1486", "#6a51a3", "#807dba", "#9e9ac8", "#bcbddc", "#dadaeb", "#efedf5", "#fcfbfd"),
Purples9 = c("#3f007d", "#54278f", "#6a51a3", "#807dba", "#9e9ac8", "#bcbddc", "#dadaeb", "#efedf5", "#fcfbfd"),
Reds3 = c("#de2d26", "#fc9272", "#fee0d2"),
Reds4 = c("#cb181d", "#fb6a4a", "#fcae91", "#fee5d9"),
Reds5 = c("#a50f15", "#de2d26", "#fb6a4a", "#fcae91", "#fee5d9"),
Reds6 = c("#a50f15", "#de2d26", "#fb6a4a", "#fc9272", "#fcbba1", "#fee5d9"),
Reds7 = c("#99000d", "#cb181d", "#ef3b2c", "#fb6a4a", "#fc9272", "#fcbba1", "#fee5d9"),
Reds8 = c("#99000d", "#cb181d", "#ef3b2c", "#fb6a4a", "#fc9272", "#fcbba1", "#fee0d2", "#fff5f0"),
Reds9 = c("#67000d", "#a50f15", "#cb181d", "#ef3b2c", "#fb6a4a", "#fc9272", "#fcbba1", "#fee0d2", "#fff5f0"),
GnBu3 = c("#43a2ca", "#a8ddb5", "#e0f3db"),
GnBu4 = c("#2b8cbe", "#7bccc4", "#bae4bc", "#f0f9e8"),
GnBu5 = c("#0868ac", "#43a2ca", "#7bccc4", "#bae4bc", "#f0f9e8"),
GnBu6 = c("#0868ac", "#43a2ca", "#7bccc4", "#a8ddb5", "#ccebc5", "#f0f9e8"),
GnBu7 = c("#08589e", "#2b8cbe", "#4eb3d3", "#7bccc4", "#a8ddb5", "#ccebc5", "#f0f9e8"),
GnBu8 = c("#08589e", "#2b8cbe", "#4eb3d3", "#7bccc4", "#a8ddb5", "#ccebc5", "#e0f3db", "#f7fcf0"),
GnBu9 = c("#084081", "#0868ac", "#2b8cbe", "#4eb3d3", "#7bccc4", "#a8ddb5", "#ccebc5", "#e0f3db", "#f7fcf0"),
Greys3 = c("#636363", "#bdbdbd", "#f0f0f0"),
Greys4 = c("#525252", "#969696", "#cccccc", "#f7f7f7"),
Greys5 = c("#252525", "#636363", "#969696", "#cccccc", "#f7f7f7"),
Greys6 = c("#252525", "#636363", "#969696", "#bdbdbd", "#d9d9d9", "#f7f7f7"),
Greys7 = c("#252525", "#525252", "#737373", "#969696", "#bdbdbd", "#d9d9d9", "#f7f7f7"),
Greys8 = c("#252525", "#525252", "#737373", "#969696", "#bdbdbd", "#d9d9d9", "#f0f0f0", "#ffffff"),
Greys9 = c("#000000", "#252525", "#525252", "#737373", "#969696", "#bdbdbd", "#d9d9d9", "#f0f0f0", "#ffffff"),
RdGy3 = c("#999999", "#ffffff", "#ef8a62"),
RdGy4 = c("#404040", "#bababa", "#f4a582", "#ca0020"),
RdGy5 = c("#404040", "#bababa", "#ffffff", "#f4a582", "#ca0020"),
RdGy6 = c("#4d4d4d", "#999999", "#e0e0e0", "#fddbc7", "#ef8a62", "#b2182b"),
RdGy7 = c("#4d4d4d", "#999999", "#e0e0e0", "#ffffff", "#fddbc7", "#ef8a62", "#b2182b"),
RdGy8 = c("#4d4d4d", "#878787", "#bababa", "#e0e0e0", "#fddbc7", "#f4a582", "#d6604d", "#b2182b"),
RdGy9 = c("#4d4d4d", "#878787", "#bababa", "#e0e0e0", "#ffffff", "#fddbc7", "#f4a582", "#d6604d", "#b2182b"),
RdGy10 = c("#1a1a1a", "#4d4d4d", "#878787", "#bababa", "#e0e0e0", "#fddbc7", "#f4a582", "#d6604d", "#b2182b", "#67001f"),
RdGy11 = c("#1a1a1a", "#4d4d4d", "#878787", "#bababa", "#e0e0e0", "#ffffff", "#fddbc7", "#f4a582", "#d6604d", "#b2182b", "#67001f"),
YlOrRd3 = c("#f03b20", "#feb24c", "#ffeda0"),
YlOrRd4 = c("#e31a1c", "#fd8d3c", "#fecc5c", "#ffffb2"),
YlOrRd5 = c("#bd0026", "#f03b20", "#fd8d3c", "#fecc5c", "#ffffb2"),
YlOrRd6 = c("#bd0026", "#f03b20", "#fd8d3c", "#feb24c", "#fed976", "#ffffb2"),
YlOrRd7 = c("#b10026", "#e31a1c", "#fc4e2a", "#fd8d3c", "#feb24c", "#fed976", "#ffffb2"),
YlOrRd8 = c("#b10026", "#e31a1c", "#fc4e2a", "#fd8d3c", "#feb24c", "#fed976", "#ffeda0", "#ffffcc"),
YlOrRd9 = c("#800026", "#bd0026", "#e31a1c", "#fc4e2a", "#fd8d3c", "#feb24c", "#fed976", "#ffeda0", "#ffffcc"),
PuOr3 = c("#998ec3", "#f7f7f7", "#f1a340"),
PuOr4 = c("#5e3c99", "#b2abd2", "#fdb863", "#e66101"),
PuOr5 = c("#5e3c99", "#b2abd2", "#f7f7f7", "#fdb863", "#e66101"),
PuOr6 = c("#542788", "#998ec3", "#d8daeb", "#fee0b6", "#f1a340", "#b35806"),
PuOr7 = c("#542788", "#998ec3", "#d8daeb", "#f7f7f7", "#fee0b6", "#f1a340", "#b35806"),
PuOr8 = c("#542788", "#8073ac", "#b2abd2", "#d8daeb", "#fee0b6", "#fdb863", "#e08214", "#b35806"),
PuOr9 = c("#542788", "#8073ac", "#b2abd2", "#d8daeb", "#f7f7f7", "#fee0b6", "#fdb863", "#e08214", "#b35806"),
PuOr10 = c("#2d004b", "#542788", "#8073ac", "#b2abd2", "#d8daeb", "#fee0b6", "#fdb863", "#e08214", "#b35806", "#7f3b08"),
PuOr11 = c("#2d004b", "#542788", "#8073ac", "#b2abd2", "#d8daeb", "#f7f7f7", "#fee0b6", "#fdb863", "#e08214", "#b35806", "#7f3b08"),
PuRd3 = c("#dd1c77", "#c994c7", "#e7e1ef"),
PuRd4 = c("#ce1256", "#df65b0", "#d7b5d8", "#f1eef6"),
PuRd5 = c("#980043", "#dd1c77", "#df65b0", "#d7b5d8", "#f1eef6"),
PuRd6 = c("#980043", "#dd1c77", "#df65b0", "#c994c7", "#d4b9da", "#f1eef6"),
PuRd7 = c("#91003f", "#ce1256", "#e7298a", "#df65b0", "#c994c7", "#d4b9da", "#f1eef6"),
PuRd8 = c("#91003f", "#ce1256", "#e7298a", "#df65b0", "#c994c7", "#d4b9da", "#e7e1ef", "#f7f4f9"),
PuRd9 = c("#67001f", "#980043", "#ce1256", "#e7298a", "#df65b0", "#c994c7", "#d4b9da", "#e7e1ef", "#f7f4f9"),
Blues3 = c("#3182bd", "#9ecae1", "#deebf7"),
Blues4 = c("#2171b5", "#6baed6", "#bdd7e7", "#eff3ff"),
Blues5 = c("#08519c", "#3182bd", "#6baed6", "#bdd7e7", "#eff3ff"),
Blues6 = c("#08519c", "#3182bd", "#6baed6", "#9ecae1", "#c6dbef", "#eff3ff"),
Blues7 = c("#084594", "#2171b5", "#4292c6", "#6baed6", "#9ecae1", "#c6dbef", "#eff3ff"),
Blues8 = c("#084594", "#2171b5", "#4292c6", "#6baed6", "#9ecae1", "#c6dbef", "#deebf7", "#f7fbff"),
Blues9 = c("#08306b", "#08519c", "#2171b5", "#4292c6", "#6baed6", "#9ecae1", "#c6dbef", "#deebf7", "#f7fbff"),
PuBuGn3 = c("#1c9099", "#a6bddb", "#ece2f0"),
PuBuGn4 = c("#02818a", "#67a9cf", "#bdc9e1", "#f6eff7"),
PuBuGn5 = c("#016c59", "#1c9099", "#67a9cf", "#bdc9e1", "#f6eff7"),
PuBuGn6 = c("#016c59", "#1c9099", "#67a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#f6eff7"),
PuBuGn7 = c("#016450", "#02818a", "#3690c0", "#67a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#f6eff7"),
PuBuGn8 = c("#016450", "#02818a", "#3690c0", "#67a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#ece2f0", "#fff7fb"),
PuBuGn9 = c("#014636", "#016c59", "#02818a", "#3690c0", "#67a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#ece2f0", "#fff7fb")
# nolint end
bk_gradient_palette_names <- names(bk_gradient_palettes)
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