#' Extracting Configuration Settings
#' This function extracts information from the configuration
#' file \code{bitcoin.conf} with respect to the options \code{rpcuser}
#' and \code{rpcpassword}.
#' @param conf.file \code{character}, the fully qualified path.
#' @return An S4-object of class \code{CONRPC}.
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @family bitcoind functions
#' @name conrpc
#' @aliases conrpc
#' @rdname conrpc
#' @export
conrpc <- function(conf.file){
con <- file(conf.file, open = "r", blocking = FALSE)
bconf <- readLines(con)
bconfl <- strsplit(bconf, split = "=")
idx <- which(unlist(lapply(bconfl, function(x) x[1] == "rpcuser")))
if (length(idx) > 0){
valrpcuse <- bconfl[[idx]][2]
} else {
warning("'rpcuser' not set, using 'rbtc'.\n")
valrpcuse <- "rbtc"
idx <- which(unlist(lapply(bconfl, function(x) x[1] == "rpcpassword")))
if (length(idx) > 0){
valrpcpwd <- bconfl[[idx]][2]
} else {
warning("'rpcpassword' not set, creating random string.\n")
valrpcpwd <- paste0(sample(LETTERS, 12, TRUE), collapse = "")
idx <- which(unlist(lapply(bconfl, function(x) x[1] == "testnet")))
if (length(idx) > 0){
tnet <- as.logical(as.numeric(bconfl[[idx]][2]))
} else {
warning("'testnet' not set, setting testnet to TRUE.\n")
tnet <- TRUE
if (isTRUE(tnet)){
curl <- ""
} else {
curl <- ""
rpcuse = valrpcuse,
rpcpwd = valrpcpwd,
testnet = tnet,
url = curl,
config = conf.file)
#' Start bitcoind server process
#' This function does start the bitcoind-server process.
#' It should only be called when no suitable RPC-JSON
#' process is running
#' @param confbtc \code{CONRPC} object, returned from \code{conrpc()}.
#' @details The process is started by calling \code{system()}.
#' Hereby, the options: \code{rpcuser}, \code{rpcpassword} and
#' \code{conf} are used in the call to \code{bitcoind}.
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @family bitcoind functions
#' @name startbtc
#' @aliases startbtc
#' @rdname startbtc
#' @export
startbtc <- function(confbtc){
stopifnot(class(confbtc) == "CONRPC")
rpcuse <- slot(confbtc, "rpcuse")
rpcpwd <- slot(confbtc, "rpcpwd")
config <- slot(confbtc, "config")
tnet <- slot(confbtc, "testnet")
if (isTRUE(tnet)){
strcmd <- paste("bitcoind -daemon -testnet -rpcuser=", rpcuse,
" -rpcpassword=", rpcpwd,
" -conf=", config,
sep = "")
} else {
strcmd <- paste("bitcoind -daemon -rpcuser=", rpcuse,
" -rpcpassword=", rpcpwd,
" -conf=", config,
sep = "")
#' Stop bitcoind server process
#' This function stops a running bitcoind process.
#' It calls \code{bitcoin-cli stop} \emph{via} the
#' R function \code{system()}.
#' @param confbtc \code{CONRPC} object, returned from \code{conrpc()}.
#' @return NULL
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @family bitcoind functions
#' @name stopbtc
#' @aliases stopbtc
#' @rdname stopbtc
#' @export
stopbtc <- function(confbtc){
stopifnot(class(confbtc) == "CONRPC")
curl <- slot(confbtc, "url")
ans <- POST(curl,
authenticate(user = slot(confbtc, "rpcuse"),
password = slot(confbtc, "rpcpwd"),
type = "basic"),
body = list(jsonrpc = "1.0",
id = "curltest",
method = "stop",
params = c()),
encode = "json")
#' HTTP post of RPC-JSON
#' This function executes an RPC-JSON post.
#' @param con \code{CONRPC} object, returned from \code{conrpc()}.
#' @param api \code{character} the name of the RPC function.
#' @param plist \code{list} a named list object of the parameters for \code{api}
#' @return A \code{list} object, coerced JSON answer from RPC.
#' @author Bernhard Pfaff
#' @family bitcoind functions
#' @name rpcpost
#' @aliases rpcpost
#' @rdname rpcpost
#' @export
rpcpost <- function(con, api, plist = list()){
stopifnot(class(con) == "CONRPC")
api <- as.character(api)
pid <- paste("rbtc", api, sep = "-")
ans <- POST(slot(con, "url"),
authenticate(user = slot(con, "rpcuse"),
password = slot(con, "rpcpwd"),
type = "basic"),
body = list(jsonrpc = "1.0",
id = pid,
method = api,
params = plist),
encode = "json")
ans <- content(ans)
res <- ans$result
if (is.null(res)){
res <- ""
if (is.integer(res)){
res <- list(res)
out <- new("ANSRPC",
rpcname = api,
id = pid,
result = res,
ecode = ans[["error"]][["code"]],
emessage = ans[["error"]][["message"]]
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