
#' Install specified version or relative version of a CRAN package.
#' If you are installing an package that contains compiled code, you will
#' need to have an R development environment installed.  You can check
#' if you do by running \code{\link{has_devel}}.
#' Note: This is an updated version of devtools `install_version`
#' It has been fixed to work with the latest CRAN repository and updated to support version comparisons (i.e. >, ==, <, etc.)
#' @export
#' @family package installation
#' @param package package name
#' @param version If the specified version is NA or the same as the most
#'   recent version of the package, this function simply calls
#'   \code{\link{install}}. Otherwise, it looks at the list of
#'   archived source tarballs and tries to install an older version instead.
#' @param compare If specified, and if the version is specified, enforces comparison of the package version. Valid values: ==, <, >, >=, or <=
#' @param ... Other arguments passed on to \code{\link{install}}.
#' @return whether the version was installed
#' @inheritParams utils::install.packages
#' @author Jeremy Stephens
#' @author Yoni Ben-Meshulam
install_version <- function(package, version = NA, compare = NA, repos = getOption("repos"), type = getOption("pkgType"), ...) {

  contriburl <- contrib.url(repos, type)
  available <- available.packages(contriburl)


  should_install <- validate_installed_package(package, version, compare)

  if(should_install) {
    available_versions <- find_available_versions(package, repos, type)
    version_to_install <- determine_version_to_install(available_versions$version, version, compare)
    url <- available_versions[available_versions$version == version_to_install, 'url']

    install_url(url, ...)



#' Checks whether a package has already been installed. If it has, and if the version corresponds to the
#' required package version, then it returns TRUE. If it has been installed and the version does
#' not correspond to the required version, then it throws an exception. Otherwise, it returns false.
#' @param package the package to check
#' @param version the required version
#' @param compare the comparison operator
#' @return whether we should install the package
validate_installed_package <- function(package, version, compare) {

  should_install <- TRUE

  packages <- as.data.frame(installed.packages(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  if(package %in% row.names(packages)) {

    installed_package <- packages[package,]
        "Package [%s] with version [%s] is already installed in library [%s].",

    if(is.na(compare)) {

      should_install <- FALSE

    } else {

      if(compare_versions(installed_package$Version, compare, version)) {

        should_install <- FALSE

      } else {

            "Installed package [%s] is of the wrong version. Required: [%s]. Actual: [%s]",






#' Validates the compare clause.
#' @param compare the compare clause to validate.
validate_compare <- function(compare) {
  if(is.null(compare)) {
    stop("Compare clause cannot be NULL")
  if (!(is.na(compare) || compare %in% c('==', '<', '>', '>=', '<='))) {
    stop(sprintf("Invalid compare clause: [%s]", compare))

#' Determines the version to install by comparing available versions to the required version and compare.
#' @param available_versions a vector of version identifiers corresponding to all versions of this package
#' @param version the version requested
#' @param compare the compare requested
determine_version_to_install <- function(available_versions, version, compare) {

  if(is.na(compare)) {

    matching_versions <- available_versions

  } else {

    matching_version_indices <- sapply(
      FUN = function(d) {
        compare_versions(d, compare, version)

    matching_versions <- available_versions[matching_version_indices]




#' Compares the requested version to the available version using the compare operator.
#' @param requested the requested version
#' @param compare the comparison operator
#' @param version the available version
compare_versions <- function(requested, compare, version) {
      text = sprintf(
        "'%s' %s '%s'",

#' Retrieves a list of available versions for a package.
#' @param package the package name
#' @inheritParams utils::install.packages
#' @export
find_available_versions <- function(package, repos = getOption('repos'), type = getOption('pkgType')) {

  contriburl <- contrib.url(repos, type)

  # Filter on everything except duplicates. That is, allow for multiple versions of available packages.
  # This allows us to support flat repositories, as well as CRAN-like repositories
  available <- as.data.frame(available.packages(contriburl, filters=c("R_version", "OS_type", "subarch")), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  root_versions <- data.frame(version=available[available$Package == package,]$Version, source='root', stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  root_versions$url <- file.path(contriburl, paste(package, "_", root_versions$version, switch(type,
            source = ".tar.gz", mac.binary = ".tgz", win.binary = ".zip"), sep = ""))

  archive <- read_archive_rds(repos)
  if (length(archive) != 0) {
    archiveurl <- contrib.url(repos, 'source')
    package_tarball_path <- row.names(archive[[package]])
    archive_versions <- data.frame(version = sub(".*_(.*).tar.gz", '\\1', package_tarball_path), source='archive', stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    archive_versions$url <- file.path(archiveurl, 'Archive', package_tarball_path)

    versions <- merge(root_versions, archive_versions, all=TRUE)
  } else {

    versions <- root_versions




#' Loads archive from CRAN-like repositories. Returns empty list for non-CRAN (i.e. flat) repositories.
#' @inheritParams utils::install.packages
read_archive_rds <- function(repos) {
      con <- gzcon(url(sprintf("%s/src/contrib/Meta/archive.rds", repos), "rb"));
      archive <- readRDS(con)
    }, warning = function(warning) {
    }, error = function(error) {

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rbundler documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:27 a.m.