
Defines functions rcc_parse_results rcc_init

#' Run an `R CMD check` process in the background
#' rcmdcheck_process is an R6 class, that extends the
#' [callr::rcmd_process] class (which in turn extends [processx::process].
#' @section Usage:
#' ```
#' cp <- rcmdcheck_process$new(path = ".", args = character(),
#'          build_args = character(), check_dir = NULL,
#'          libpath = .libPaths(), repos = getOption("repos"))
#' cp$parse_results()
#' ```
#' Other methods are inherited from [callr::rcmd_process] and
#' [processx::process].
#' Note that you calling the `get_output_connection` and
#' `get_error_connection` method on this is not a good idea, because
#' then the stdout and/or stderr of the process will not be collected
#' for `parse_results()`.
#' You can still use the `read_output_lines()` and `read_error_lines()`
#' methods to read the standard output and error, `parse_results()` is
#' not affected by that.
#' @section Arguments:
#' * `cp`: A new rcmdcheck_process object.
#' * `path`: Path to a package tree or a package archive file. This is the
#'   package to check.
#' * `args`: Command line arguments to `R CMD check`.
#' * `build_args`: Command line arguments to `R CMD build`.
#' * `check_dir`: Directory for the results.
#' * `libpath`: The library path to set for the check.
#' * `repos`: The `repos` option to set for the check.
#'   This is needed for cyclic dependency checks if you use the
#'   `--as-cran` argument. The default uses the current value.
#' * `env`: A named character vector, extra environment variables to
#'   set in the check process.
#' @section Details:
#' Most methods are inherited from [callr::rcmd_process] and
#' [processx::process].
#' `cp$parse_results()` parses the results, and returns an S3 object with
#' fields `errors`, `warnnigs` and `notes`, just like [rcmdcheck()]. It
#' is an error to call it before the process has finished. Use the
#' `wait()` method to wait for the check to finish, or the `is_alive()`
#' method to check if it is still running.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @name rcmdcheck_process

#' @export

rcmdcheck_process <- R6Class(
  inherit = callr::rcmd_process,

  public = list(

    initialize = function(path = ".", args = character(),
      build_args = character(), check_dir = NULL, libpath = .libPaths(),
      repos = getOption("repos"), env = character())
      rcc_init(self, private, super, path, args, build_args, check_dir,
               libpath, repos, env),

    parse_results = function()
      rcc_parse_results(self, private),

    read_output_lines = function(...) {
      l <- super$read_output_lines(...)
      private$cstdout <- c(private$cstdout, paste0(l, "\n"))

    read_output = function(...) {
      l <- super$read_output(...)
      private$cstdout <- c(private$cstdout, l)

    kill = function(...) {
      private$killed <- TRUE

  private = list(
    path  = NULL,
    check_dir = NULL,
    targz = NULL,
    description = NULL,
    cstdout = character(),
    cstderr = character(),
    killed = FALSE,
    session_output = NULL,
    tempfiles = character()

#' @importFrom callr rcmd_process rcmd_process_options
#' @importFrom desc desc

rcc_init <- function(self, private, super, path, args, build_args,
                     check_dir, libpath, repos, env) {

  if (file.info(path)$isdir) {
    path <- find_package_root_file(path = path)
  } else {
    path <- normalizePath(path)

  if (is.null(check_dir)) {
    check_dir <- tempfile()
    cleanup <- TRUE
  } else {
    cleanup <- FALSE

  # Add pandoc to the PATH for R CMD build.
  # The updated PATH is also inherited in the subprocess below.
  if (should_use_rs_pandoc()) local_path(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC"))


  targz <- build_package(path, check_dir, build_args = build_args,
                         libpath = libpath, quiet = TRUE)

  private$description <- desc(path)
  private$path <- path
  private$check_dir <- check_dir
  private$targz <- targz

  set_env(path, targz, private$description)

  # set up environment, start with callr safe set
  chkenv <- callr::rcmd_safe_env()

  package <- private$description$get("Package")[[1]]
  libdir <- file.path(dirname(targz), paste0(package, ".Rcheck"))

  # if R_TESTS is set here, we'll skip the session_info, because we are
  # probably inside test cases of some package
  if (Sys.getenv("R_TESTS", "") == "") {
    private$session_output <- tempfile()
    private$tempfiles  <- c(private$session_output, profile)
    profile <- make_fake_profile(package, private$session_output, libdir)
    chkenv["R_TESTS"] <- profile

  # user supplied env vars take precedence
  if (length(env)) chkenv[names(env)] <- env

  options <- rcmd_process_options(
    cmd = "check",
    cmdargs = c(basename(targz), args),
    libpath = c(libdir, libpath),
    repos = repos,
    user_profile = FALSE,
    stderr = "2>&1",
    env = chkenv



rcc_parse_results <- function(self, private) {
  if (self$is_alive()) stop("Process still alive")

  ## Make sure all output is read out
  if (self$has_output_connection()) self$read_output_lines()
  if (self$has_error_connection()) self$read_error_lines()

  on.exit(unlink(private$tempfiles, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

    stdout =       paste(win2unix(private$cstdout), collapse = ""),
    stderr =       paste(win2unix(private$cstderr), collapse = ""),
    description =  private$description,
    status =       self$get_exit_status(),
    duration =     duration(self$get_start_time()),
    timeout =      private$killed,
    session_info = private$session_output

Try the rcmdcheck package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rcmdcheck documentation built on Sept. 27, 2021, 5:13 p.m.