
Defines functions daemonCopyTask daemonLogs daemonExport daemonGetTask daemonEval daemonGetTaskInterval daemonSetTaskInterval daemonSetTaskScript daemonSetTask daemonExists killDaemon deregisterDaemon registerDaemon lastRegisteredTaskId lastRegisteredDaemon

Documented in daemonCopyTask daemonEval daemonExists daemonExport daemonGetTask daemonGetTaskInterval daemonLogs daemonSetTask daemonSetTaskInterval daemonSetTaskScript deregisterDaemon killDaemon lastRegisteredDaemon lastRegisteredTaskId registerDaemon

#' The daemon functions
#' The functions for managing the daemon in the background.
#' The daemon is uniquely identified by a daemon name.
#' If the user do not specify the daemon name, each R process
#' will create its own daemon using a unique daemon name by default.
#' However, it is also possible to let multiple R sessions connect 
#' with the same daemon if they use a common daemon name.
#' @name rdaemon-methods
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @seealso \code{\link{isProcessAlive}}, \code{\link{interruptProcess}}
#' @examples 
#' ## Check the default daemon name and task ID
#' ## These will be used in the subsequent calls
#' ## in this example
#' lastRegisteredDaemon()
#' lastRegisteredTaskId()
#' ## Register a daemon using the default daemon name
#' registerDaemon()
#' daemonLogs()
#' ## Check if the daemon is running
#' daemonExists()
#' ## Set a task run by the daemon
#' daemonSetTask(message("Hello from daemon"))
#' ## See the daemon log for the output
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' daemonLogs()
#' ## Get the task expression from the daemon
#' daemonGetTask()
#' ## Export an object to the task in the daemon
#' daemonExport(i = 1)
#' ## Evaluate an expression in the daemon
#' daemonEval(i)
#' ## Close the connection to the daemon and remove the task
#' ## set by this process
#' ## The daemon will silently quit after a few minutes 
#' ## if no other tasks exist.
#' deregisterDaemon()
#' daemonExists()
#' ## explicitly kill the daemon if you are impatient
#' killDaemon()
#' daemonExists()

#' @details 
#' `lastRegisteredDaemon`: Get the name of the last registered daemon,
#' or a unique daemon name for the current process if no daemon 
#' is registered.
#' @returns 
#' `lastRegisteredDaemon`: character(1)
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @export
lastRegisteredDaemon <- function(){

#' @details 
#' `lastRegisteredTaskId`: Get the last task ID set via `daemonSetTask`,
#' or a unique task ID for the current process if no task 
#' is set.
#' @returns 
#' `lastRegisteredTaskId`: character(1)
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @export
lastRegisteredTaskId <- function(){

#' @param daemonName character(1), the name of the daemon. If not provided,
#' the last registered daemon or the default daemon name will be used. Note
#' that there are length limit on the number of characters in the name and the limit
#' varys with the OS. For portability, we recommend using a shorter name.
#' @param logFile character(1), the path to the log file. If the file
#' does not exist, it will be created. Otherwise, the file will be overwritten.
#' You can also use `daemonLogs()` to obtain the log.
#' @param  threshold, character(1), the verbose level of the daemon log.
#' The value must be one of "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "DEBUG", or "TRACE".
#' @details 
#' `registerDaemon`: create a new daemon or connect with an existing daemon
#' identified by the daemon name. This function cannot be called in
#' the daemon.
#' @returns 
#' `registerDaemon`: invisible()
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @export
registerDaemon <- function(daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(),
                           logFile = NULL,
                           threshold = c("INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "DEBUG", "TRACE")){
    threshold <- match.arg(threshold)
    daemonName <- truncateLongName(daemonName)
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName)
        daemonName = daemonName, 
        logFile = logFile,
        threshold = threshold)

#' @param deleteTask logical(1), whether to delete the task set by
#' the current R session.
#' @details 
#' `deregisterDaemon`: 
#' disconnect a daemon and (optionally) remove all tasks in the daemon
#' which are set by the current process. 
#' The daemon might keep running in the background
#' until no task is scheduled or is killed by the other process.
#' This function cannot be called in the daemon.
#' @returns 
#' `deregisterDaemon`: invisible()
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @export
deregisterDaemon <- function(
    daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(), 
    deleteTask = TRUE){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName)
    client.deregisterDaemon(daemonName = daemonName, 
                            deleteTask = deleteTask)

#' @details 
#' `killDaemon`: Kill a daemon. 
#' @returns 
#' `killDaemon`: invisible()
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @export
killDaemon <- function(daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon()){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName)
    if(serverData$isServer && identical(serverData$daemonName, daemonName)){
        quit(save = "no")
        client.killDaemon(daemonName = daemonName)

#' @details 
#' `daemonExists`: Whether the daemon exists.
#' @returns 
#' `daemonExists`: logical(1)
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @export
daemonExists <- function(daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon()){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName)
    if(serverData$isServer && identical(serverData$daemonName, daemonName))
    daemonPid <- getDaemonPid(daemonName)
    daemonPort <- getDaemonPort(daemonName)

#' @param expr expression(), an R expression that can be run by the daemon.
#' @param taskId character(1), the ID of the task. If not specified, the 
#' task ID from the previous `daemonSetTask` call will be used. If `daemonSetTask`
#' is never called, the default task ID will be provided.
#' @param expr.char character(1), An R expression in the character format.
#' @param interval numeric(1), the time to wait in seconds between 
#' two executions of the same task.
#' @param exports list, the variables that will be exported to the task
#' environment.
#' @details 
#' `daemonSetTask`: set the task expression that 
#' will be evaluated by the daemon. Calling the function without `expr` and
#' `expr.char` arguments will remove the task specified by `taskId`.
#' @returns 
#' `daemonSetTask`: logical(1)
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @export
daemonSetTask <- function(expr = NULL, 
                          daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(),
                          taskId = lastRegisteredTaskId(),
                          expr.char = NULL,
                          interval = 1L,
                          exports = list()){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)
        expr <- substitute(expr)
        expr.char <- gsub("\r", "", expr.char)
        expr <- parse(text = expr.char)
        stopifnot(identical(serverData$daemonName, daemonName))
        server.setTask(expr = expr, 
                       taskId = taskId, 
                       exports = exports,
                       interval = interval)
        client.setTask(daemonName = daemonName, 
                       taskId = taskId,
                       expr = expr,
                       exports = exports,
                       interval = interval)

#' @param script character(1), the path to the script.
#' @details 
#' `daemonSetTaskScript`: set the task expression that will be 
#' evaluated by the daemon using a script file. 
#' Note that the script file will only be read once and further changes
#' in the script file after calling this function would not affect the 
#' task expression.
#' This function will ultimately call `daemonSetTask` to set the task, 
#' so it also affects the value returned by `lastRegisteredDaemon`.
#' @returns 
#' `daemonSetTaskScript`: invisible()
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @export
daemonSetTaskScript <- function(script, 
                                daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(), 
                                taskId = lastRegisteredTaskId(),
                                interval = 1,
                                exports = list()){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)
    script <- readChar(script, file.info(script)$size)
    daemonSetTask(daemonName = daemonName, 
                  taskId = taskId, 
                  expr.char = script,
                  interval = interval,
                  exports = exports)

#' @details 
#' `daemonSetTaskInterval`: set the time to wait in seconds
#' between two executions of the same task. Because the daemon
#' schedule all tasks sequentially, it is possible to have a 
#' long-running task jamming the execution of all the other tasks.
#' Therefore, the interval should be considered as the minimal 
#' waiting time.
#' @returns 
#' `daemonSetTaskInterval`: invisible()
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods
#' @export
daemonSetTaskInterval <- function(interval, 
                                  daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(), 
                                  taskId = lastRegisteredTaskId()){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)
    expr <- paste0("rdaemon:::server.setTaskInterval('",taskId,"',", interval,")")
    daemonEval(expr.char = expr, daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)

#' @details 
#' `daemonGetTaskInterval`: get the time to wait in seconds
#' between two executions of the same task.
#' @returns 
#' `daemonGetTaskInterval`: numeric(1) or NULL
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods 
#' @export
daemonGetTaskInterval <- function(interval, 
                                  daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(), 
                                  taskId = lastRegisteredTaskId()){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)
    expr <- paste0("rdaemon:::serverData$taskIntervals[['",taskId,"']]")
    daemonEval(expr.char = expr, daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)

#' @details 
#' `daemonEval`: Evaluate an expression in the daemon.
#' @returns 
#' `daemonEval`: The result of the expression
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods 
#' @export
daemonEval <- function(expr,
                       daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(), 
                       taskId = lastRegisteredTaskId(),
                       expr.char = NULL){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)
    stopifnot(xor(missing(expr), missing(expr.char)))
        expr <- substitute(expr)
        expr.char <- gsub("\r", "", expr.char)
        expr <- parse(text = expr.char)
    response <-if(serverData$isServer){
        stopifnot(identical(serverData$daemonName, daemonName))
        server.eval(expr = expr, taskId = taskId)
        client.eval(daemonName = daemonName, 
                    taskId = taskId,
                    expr = expr)
    if(inherits(response, "simpleError")){

#' @details 
#' `daemonGetTask`: get the task expression from the daemon
#' @returns 
#' `daemonGetTask`: An expression
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods 
#' @export
daemonGetTask <- function(daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(), 
                          taskId = lastRegisteredTaskId()){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)
        stopifnot(identical(serverData$daemonName, daemonName))
        server.getTask(taskId = taskId)
        client.getTask(daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)

#' @param ... Named arguments that will be exported.
#' @details 
#' `daemonExport`: export variables to a task environment in the daemon. 
#' Each variable in `...` should be named.
#' @returns 
#' `daemonExport`: invisible()
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods 
#' @export
daemonExport <- function(..., 
                         daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(), 
                         taskId = lastRegisteredTaskId()){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName, taskId = taskId)
    objects <- list(...)
        stopifnot(identical(serverData$daemonName, daemonName))
        server.export(objects = objects, taskId = taskId)
        client.export(daemonName = daemonName, 
                      taskId = taskId, 
                      objects = objects)

#' @param prettyPrint logical(1), whether to print out the log in a pretty format
#' @details 
#' `daemonLogs`: Get the log of the daemon.
#' @returns 
#' `daemonLogs`: character(n)
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods 
#' @export
daemonLogs <- function(daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon(), prettyPrint = TRUE){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName)
    logPath <- daemonEval(daemonName = daemonName, 
                          expr.char = "rdaemon:::serverData$logFile")
    resetTimer("client", "logFile")
    while(!file.exists(logPath) && !isTimeout("client", "logFile", 5)){
    x <- readLines(logPath)
       cat(paste0(x,collapse = "\n"))

#' @param sourceId character(1), the source task ID.
#' @param targetId character(1), the target task ID.
#' @details 
#' `daemonCopyTask`: Copy the task `sourceId` to `targetId`. 
#' The task expression and data will be copied. If the task `targetId` is
#' not empty, the existing content will be overwritten.
#' @returns 
#' `daemonCopyTask`: invisible()
#' @rdname rdaemon-methods 
#' @export
daemonCopyTask <- function(sourceId, 
                           targetId = lastRegisteredTaskId(), 
                           daemonName = lastRegisteredDaemon()){
    checkDaemonArgs(daemonName = daemonName)
        stopifnot(identical(serverData$daemonName, daemonName))
        server.copyTask(sourceId = sourceId, targetId = targetId)
        client.copyTask(daemonName = daemonName, 
                        sourceId = sourceId, 
                        targetId = targetId)

Try the rdaemon package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rdaemon documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 1:07 a.m.