#' Draw a (density) plot of placebo tests
#' Draw a plot of placebo tests, estimating the impact on fake cutpoints
#' @param object the output of an RDD regression
#' @param device Whether to draw a base or a ggplot graph.
#' @param \ldots Further arguments passed to specific methods.
#' @param vcov. Specific covariance function to pass to coeftest. See help of package \code{\link[sandwich]{sandwich}}.
#' @param plot Whether to actually plot the data.
#' @param output Whether to return (invisibly) the data frame containing the bandwidths and corresponding estimates, or the ggplot object
#' @return A data frame containing the cutpoints, their corresponding estimates and confidence intervals.
#' @author Matthieu Stigler <\email{}>
#' @examples
#' data(house)
#' house_rdd <- rdd_data(y=house$y, x=house$x, cutpoint=0)
#' reg_nonpara <- rdd_reg_np(rdd_object=house_rdd)
#' plotPlacebo(reg_nonpara)
#' # Use with another vcov function; cluster case
#' reg_nonpara_lminf <- rdd_reg_np(rdd_object=house_rdd, inference='lm')
#' # need to be a function applied to updated object!
#' vc <- function(x) vcovCluster(x, clusterVar=model.frame(x)$x)
#' plotPlacebo(reg_nonpara_lminf, vcov. = vc)
#' @export
plotPlacebo <- function(object, device = c("ggplot", "base"), ...) UseMethod("plotPlacebo")
#' @rdname plotPlacebo
#' @export
#' @param from Starting point of the fake cutpoints sequence. Refers ot the quantile of each side of the true cutpoint
#' @param to Ending point of the fake cutpoints sequence. Refers ot the quantile of each side of the true cutpoint
#' @param by Increments of the from-to sequence
#' @param level Level of the confidence interval shown
#' @param same_bw Whether to re-estimate the bandwidth at each point
plotPlacebo.rdd_reg <- function(object, device = c("ggplot", "base"), from = 0.25, to = 0.75, by = 0.1, level = 0.95, same_bw = FALSE,
vcov. = NULL, plot = TRUE, output = c("data", "ggplot"), ...) {
device <- match.arg(device)
output <- match.arg(output)
# compute Placebos:
seq_vals <- computePlacebo(object = object, from = from, to = to, by = by, level = level, same_bw = same_bw, vcov. = vcov.)
## Use low-level to plot:
plotPlacebo_low(seq_vals, device = device, plot = plot, output = output, ...)
#' @export
plotPlacebo.PlaceboVals <- function(object, device = c("ggplot", "base"), plot = TRUE, output = c("data", "ggplot"), ...) {
device <- match.arg(device)
output <- match.arg(output)
plotPlacebo_low(object, device = device, plot = plot, output = output, ...)
plotPlacebo_low <- function(seq_vals, device = c("ggplot", "base"), output = c("data", "ggplot"), plot = TRUE) {
device <- match.arg(device)
output <- match.arg(output)
if (device == "base") {
if (plot) {
ylims <- range(seq_vals[, c("CI_low", "CI_high")], na.rm = TRUE)
xlims <- range(seq_vals$cutpoint)
dat_left <- subset(seq_vals, position == "left")
dat_right <- subset(seq_vals, position == "right")
dat_true <- subset(seq_vals, position == "True")
plot(dat_left$cutpoint, dat_left$LATE, type = "l", ylab = "LATE", xlab = "Cutpoints", ylim = ylims, xlim = xlims)
title("Placebo test")
abline(h = 0)
# left CI
lines(dat_left$cutpoint, dat_left$CI_low, lty = 2)
lines(dat_left$cutpoint, dat_left$CI_high, lty = 2)
# right values:
lines(dat_right$cutpoint, dat_right$LATE, lty = 1)
lines(dat_right$cutpoint, dat_right$CI_low, lty = 2)
lines(dat_right$cutpoint, dat_right$CI_high, lty = 2)
# add estimate at true cutoff
points(dat_true$cutpoint, dat_true$LATE, col = 2)
segments(dat_true$cutpoint, ylims[1] - 1, dat_true$cutpoint, dat_true$LATE, col = "red", lty = 2) ## vertical line
segments(xlims[1] - 1, dat_true$LATE, dat_true$cutpoint, dat_true$LATE, col = "red", lty = 2)
if (output != "data")
warning("output='ggplot' only makes sense with device='ggplot'")
} else {
seq_vals_placeb <- subset(seq_vals, position != "True")
seq_vals_true <- subset(seq_vals, position == "True")
# hack for decent width of error bar:
last_left <- nrow(subset(seq_vals_placeb, position == "left"))
W <- diff(seq_vals_placeb[c(last_left, last_left + 1), "cutpoint"])/5
pl <- qplot(x = cutpoint, y = LATE, data = seq_vals_placeb, geom = "line", colour = position) + geom_smooth(aes(ymin = CI_low,
ymax = CI_high), data = seq_vals_placeb, stat = "identity") + theme(legend.position = "none") + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
geom_point(aes(x = cutpoint, y = LATE), data = seq_vals_true) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = CI_low, ymax = CI_high),
data = seq_vals_true, width = W)
if (plot)
## export (silently) results:
out <- switch(output, data = seq_vals, ggplot = pl)
#' @rdname plotPlacebo
#' @export
plotPlaceboDens <- function(object, device = c("ggplot", "base"), ...) UseMethod("plotPlaceboDens")
#' @rdname plotPlacebo
#' @export
plotPlaceboDens.rdd_reg <- function(object, device = c("ggplot", "base"), from = 0.25, to = 0.75, by = 0.1, level = 0.95, same_bw = FALSE,
vcov. = NULL, ...) {
device <- match.arg(device)
# compute Placebos:
seq_vals <- computePlacebo(object = object, from = from, to = to, by = by, level = level, same_bw = same_bw, vcov. = vcov.)
## Use low-level to plot:
plotPlaceboDens_low(seq_vals, device = device)
#' @export
plotPlaceboDens.PlaceboVals <- function(object, device = c("ggplot", "base"), ...) {
device <- match.arg(device)
plotPlaceboDens_low(object, device = device, ...)
plotPlaceboDens_low <- function(seq_vals, device = c("ggplot", "base")) {
device <- match.arg(device)
seq_vals_placeb <- subset(seq_vals, position != "True")
perc_rejected <- 100 * mean(seq_vals_placeb$p_value < 0.05)
if (device == "base") {
stop("not implemented")
} else {
seq_vals_true <- subset(seq_vals, position == "True")
dens_max <- max(density(seq_vals_placeb$LATE)$y) # not efficient....
text_rej <- paste("Perc rejected:", perc_rejected, "%")
pl <- qplot(x = LATE, data = seq_vals_placeb, geom = "density") + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 2) + geom_vline(xintercept = seq_vals_true$LATE,
colour = "red") + annotate("text", x = seq_vals_true$LATE, y = dens_max, label = "LATE at true \ncutpoint ", colour = "red",
hjust = 1) + annotate("text", x = seq_vals_true$LATE, y = 0, label = text_rej, hjust = 1, vjust = 1)
## export (silently) results:
#' @rdname plotPlacebo
#' @export
computePlacebo <- function(object, from = 0.25, to = 0.75, by = 0.1, level = 0.95, same_bw = FALSE, vcov. = NULL) {
bw <- getBW(object)
hasBw <- !is.null(bw)
if (!hasBw)
bw <- NA
if (!is.null(vcov.) && !is.function(vcov.))
stop("'arg' vcov. should be a function (so can be updated at each step, not a matrix")
cutpoint <- getCutpoint(object)
forc_var <- getOriginalX(object)
## set grid:
quants_left <- quantile(forc_var[forc_var < cutpoint], probs = c(from, to))
quants_right <- quantile(forc_var[forc_var >= cutpoint], probs = c(from, to))
seqi_left <- seq(from = quants_left[1], to = quants_left[2], by = by)
seqi_right <- seq(from = quants_right[1], to = quants_right[2], by = by)
seqi <- c(seqi_left, seqi_right)
n_seqi_left <- length(seqi_left)
n_seqi_right <- length(seqi_right)
n_seqi <- length(seqi)
## set matrix for results:
seq_vals <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_seqi, ncol = 8)
colnames(seq_vals) <- c("cutpoint", "position", "LATE", "se", "p_value", "CI_low", "CI_high", "bw")
seq_vals[, "cutpoint"] <- seqi
## get original call:
object_call <- getCall(object)
## original dataset:
dat_orig <- eval(object_call$rdd_object)
hasCov <- hasCovar(dat_orig)
## run each time:
for (i in seq_along(seqi)) {
## select sample
if (seqi[i] < cutpoint) {
dat_sides <- subset(dat_orig, x < cutpoint)
} else {
dat_sides <- subset(dat_orig, x > cutpoint) ## exclude x>cutpoint
## change the cutpoint, reattribute new data:
attr(dat_sides, "cutpoint") <- seqi[i]
object_call$rdd_object <- dat_sides
## Change bw if(same_bw=FALSE)
if (hasBw)
object_call$bw <- if (!same_bw)
rdd_bw_ik(dat_sides) else bw
## Re-estimate model with new cutpoint/bw
object_new <- eval(object_call) # rdd_reg_np(dat_sides, bw=bw_reg)
## assign results (LATE and se)
if (!inherits(object_new, "try-error")) {
# check if lmtest is installed
if (!requireNamespace("lmtest", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The package 'lmtest' is needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
# load the lmtest package require('lmtest')
seq_vals[i, "LATE"] <- rdd_coef(object_new)
if (!is.null(vcov.)) {
co <- lmtest::coeftest(object_new, vcov. = vcov.)["D", , drop = FALSE]
} else {
co <- rdd_coef(object_new, allInfo = TRUE)
seq_vals[i, "se"] <- co[, "Std. Error"]
seq_vals[i, "p_value"] <- co[, 4]
seq_vals[i, "bw"] <- getBW(object_new, = TRUE)
seq_vals[i, c("CI_low", "CI_high")] <- waldci(object_new, level = level, vcov. = vcov.)["D", ] ## confint version working with vcov.
## Add midpoint:
if (!is.null(vcov.)) {
true_co <- coeftest(object, vcov. = vcov.)["D", , drop = FALSE]
} else {
true_co <- rdd_coef(object, allInfo = TRUE)
true_confint <- as.numeric(waldci(object, level = level, vcov. = vcov.)["D", ])
true <- data.frame(cutpoint = cutpoint, position = "True", LATE = rdd_coef(object), se = true_co["D", "Std. Error"], p_value = true_co["D",
4], CI_low = true_confint[1], CI_high = true_confint[2], bw = bw)
## output
seq_vals <-
seq_vals$position <- ifelse(seq_vals$cutpoint < cutpoint, "left", "right")
seq_vals <- rbind(seq_vals, true)
seq_vals <- seq_vals[order(seq_vals$cutpoint), ]
rownames(seq_vals) <- seq_len(nrow(seq_vals))
# seq_vals$position <- if(seq_vals$cutpoint == cutpoint) 'True'
class(seq_vals) <- c("PlaceboVals", "data.frame")
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