#' One-parameter Box-Cox transformation.
#' @param x (numeric) data to be transformed
#' @param lambda (numeric) Box-Cox transformation parameter
#' @return (numeric) vector with Box-Cox transformation of x
#' @author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
BoxCox <- function(x, lambda) {
if(abs(lambda) < 1e-20)
x <- log(x)
x <- (x^lambda-1) / lambda
#' Inverse of the one-parameter Box-Cox transformation.
#' @param x (numeric) data to be transformed
#' @param lambda (numeric) Box-Cox transformation parameter
#' @return (numeric) vector with inverse Box-Cox transformation of x
#' @author Andre Schuetzenmeister \email{}
invBoxCox <- function(x, lambda) {
if(abs(lambda) < 1e-20)
x <- exp(x)
x <- (lambda*x+1)^(1/lambda) # if(lambda*x+1) is negative -> result is NaN
#' Approximate calculation of CDF of normal distribution.
#' @param q (numeric) vector of quantiles of data points
#' @param pNormVal (numeric) vector of lookup table for pNorm
#' @param mean (numeric) vector of mean values
#' @param oneOverSd (numeric) reciprocal vector of sd values
#' @param oneOverH (numeric) defining the precision of the approximation
#' @return (numeric) vector of approximate CDFs of normal distribution.
#' @author Christopher Rank \email{}
pnormApprox <- function(q, pNormVal, mean = 0, oneOverSd = 1, oneOverH = 10) {
index <- ((q-mean)*oneOverSd + 5.2)*oneOverH
index[index < 0] <- 0
index[index >= (length(pNormVal)-2)] <- length(pNormVal)-1.5
indexInt <- as.integer(index)
w <- index-indexInt
res <- (1-w)*pNormVal[indexInt+1] + w*pNormVal[indexInt+2]
#' Estimate density of distribution employing the R package "ash" using R-wrapper function.
#' @param x (numeric) vector of data points
#' @param ab (numeric) vector of lower and higher truncation limit of density estimation
#' @param nbin (integer) specifying the number of bins used for density estimation
#' @param m (integer) specifying the width of the smoothing kernel(s) used for density estimation
#' @param kopt (integer) vector specifying the smoothing kernel
#' @param normToAB (logical) specifying if the density is normed to the interval ab or to all data points in x
#' @return (list) with density estimation (x values, y values, m and ab).
#' @author Christopher Rank \email{}, Tatjana Ammer \email{}
ashDensity <- function(x, ab, nbin, m, kopt = c(2, 1), normToAB = FALSE) {
invisible(capture.output(d <- ash1(bins = bin1(x = x, ab = ab, nbin = nbin), m = m, kopt = kopt)))
PCorr <- 1.0
PCorr <- sum(x >= ab[1] & x < ab[2])/length(x)
list(x = d$x, y = d$y*PCorr, m = m, ab = ab, nbin = nbin, PCorr = PCorr)
#' Estimate rounding base of the input data.
#' @param x (numeric) vector of data points
#' @return (numeric) with estimated rounding base (e.g. 0.001 when rounded to 3 digits)
#' @author Christopher Rank \email{}, Tatjana Ammer \email{}
findRoundingBase <- function(x) {
ab <- as.numeric(quantile(x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))
# generate table with difference between neighboring values
diffVal <- table(round(diff(sort(unique(x[x>=ab[1] & x<=ab[2]]))), digits=10))
# remove number of those that have a difference smaller than e-10
diffVal <- diffVal[names(diffVal) != "0"]
# select differences that occur in >= 1% of cases
diffVal <- diffVal[diffVal>=0.01*sum(diffVal)]
# find multiples of rounding base
if(length(diffVal) > 1)
for(i in 1:length(diffVal))
if(diffVal[i] > 0)
ratio <- as.numeric(names(diffVal))/as.numeric(names(diffVal[i]))
selection <- which(ratio>1.5 & abs(round(ratio, digits=9)-round(ratio))<1e-20)
diffVal[i] <- diffVal[i] + sum(diffVal[selection])
diffVal[selection] <- 0
# select differences that occur in >= 10% of cases
diffVal <- diffVal[diffVal>=0.1*sum(diffVal)]
roundingBase <- NA
# if dataset has only finite number of unique values (e.g. rounded data)
if (length(diffVal) > 0) {
# determine rounding base (maximum step size of discrete values)
roundingBase <- max(as.numeric(names(diffVal)))
#' Method to calculate reference intervals (percentiles) for objects of class 'RWDRI'
#' @param x (object) of class 'RWDRI'
#' @param RIperc (numeric) value specifying the percentiles, which define the reference interval
#' @param CIprop (numeric) value specifying the central region for estimation of confidence intervals
#' @param pointEst (character) specifying the point estimate determination: (1) using the full dataset ("fullDataEst"),
#' (2) calculating the median model from all bootstrap samples ("medianBS"), (2) works only if NBootstrap > 0
#' @param Scale (character) specifying if percentiles are calculated on the original scale ("or") or the transformed scale ("tr") or the z-Score scale ("z")
#' @return (data.frame) with columns for percentile, point estimate and confidence intervals.
#' @author Christopher Rank \email{}, Tatjana Ammer \email{}
getRI <- function(x, RIperc = c(0.025, 0.975), CIprop = 0.95, pointEst = c("fullDataEst", "medianBS"), Scale = c("original", "transformed", "zScore")) {
stopifnot(class(x) == "RWDRI")
stopifnot(is.numeric(RIperc) & min(RIperc)>=0 & max(RIperc)<=1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(CIprop) & length(CIprop)==1 & CIprop>=0 & CIprop<=1)
pointEst <- match.arg(pointEst[1], choices = c("fullDataEst", "medianBS"))
Scale <- match.arg(Scale[1], choices = c("original", "transformed", "zScore"))
RIperc <- sort(RIperc)
RIResult <- data.frame(Percentile = RIperc, PointEst = NA, CILow = NA, CIHigh = NA)
if (!$Mu) & !$Sigma) & !$Lambda) & !$Shift)) {
BSPerformed <- (length(x$MuBS)>0 & length(x$SigmaBS)>0 & length(x$LambdaBS)>0 & length(x$ShiftBS)>0)
# extract model parameters
lambda <- ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, x$LambdaMed, x$Lambda)
mu <- ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, x$MuMed, x$Mu)
sigma <- ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, x$SigmaMed, x$Sigma)
shift <- ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, x$ShiftMed, x$Shift)
# formula for truncated normal distribution
RI <- pnorm(-1/lambda, mean=mu, sd=sigma) + RIperc*(1 - pnorm(-1/lambda, mean=mu, sd=sigma))
RI <- qnorm(RI, mean=mu, sd=sigma)
if (Scale == "original") {
RI <- invBoxCox(RI, lambda = lambda)
RI <- RI + shift
RI[RI<0] <- 0
RI[] <- 0
} else if(Scale == "zScore")
RI <- qnorm(RIperc, mean=0, sd=1)
RIResult$PointEst <- RI
# reference intervals for Bootstrap samples
if (BSPerformed) {
for (i in 1:length(RIperc)) {
# formula for truncated normal distribution
RIBS <- pnorm(-1/x$LambdaBS, mean=x$MuBS, sd=x$SigmaBS) + RIperc[i]*(1 - pnorm(-1/x$LambdaBS, mean=x$MuBS, sd=x$SigmaBS))
RIBS <- qnorm(RIBS, mean=x$MuBS, sd=x$SigmaBS)
for (l in 1:length(RIBS))
RIBS[l] <- max(0, invBoxCox(RIBS[l], x$LambdaBS[l]) + x$ShiftBS[l], na.rm = TRUE)
if (Scale == "transformed" | Scale == "zScore" ) {
RIBS <- suppressWarnings(BoxCox(RIBS-shift, lambda = lambda))
if(Scale == "zScore")
RIBS <- (RIBS - mu) / sigma
RIResult$CILow[i] <- as.numeric(quantile(x = RIBS, probs = (1-CIprop)/2, na.rm = TRUE))
RIResult$CIHigh[i] <- as.numeric(quantile(x = RIBS, probs = 1-(1-CIprop)/2, na.rm = TRUE))
#' Standard print method for objects of class 'RWDRI'
#' @param x (object) of class 'RWDRI'
#' @param RIperc (numeric) value specifying the percentiles, which define the reference interval
#' @param CIprop (numeric) value specifying the central region for estimation of confidence intervals
#' @param pointEst (character) specifying the point estimate determination: (1) using the full dataset ("fullDataEst"),
#' (2) calculating the median model from all bootstrap samples ("medianBS"), (2) works only if NBootstrap > 0
#' @param ... additional arguments passed forward to other functions.
#' @return No return value. Instead, a summary is printed.
#' @author Christopher Rank \email{}
#' @method print RWDRI
print.RWDRI <- function(x, RIperc = c(0.025, 0.975), CIprop = 0.95, pointEst = c("fullDataEst", "medianBS"), ...) {
stopifnot(class(x) == "RWDRI")
stopifnot(is.numeric(RIperc) & min(RIperc)>=0 & max(RIperc)<=1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(CIprop) & length(CIprop)==1 & CIprop>=0 & CIprop<=1)
pointEst <- match.arg(pointEst[1], choices = c("fullDataEst", "medianBS"))
# calculate reference intervals
RI <- getRI(x = x, RIperc = RIperc, CIprop = CIprop, pointEst = pointEst)
cat("\nReference Intervals\n")
#check if reference intervals are na
for (i in 1:length(RIperc)) {
limit <- " median ["
if(RIperc[i] < 0.5)
limit <- "lower limit ["
if(RIperc[i] > 0.5)
limit <- "upper limit ["
cat(paste0(limit, ifelse(RIperc[i]*100<10, " ", ""), format(round(RIperc[i]*100, 1), nsmall = 1), "% perc]: ", signif(RI$PointEst[i], 3)))
if(!$CILow[i]) & !$CIHigh[i]))
cat(paste0(" (", signif(RI$CILow[i], 3), "; ", signif(RI$CIHigh[i], 3), ")\n"))
cat("\nModel Parameters\n")
cat(paste0(" method: ", x$Method, " (v", x$PkgVersion, ")\n"))
cat(paste0(" model: ", x$Model, "\n"))
cat(paste0(" N data: ", length(x$Data), "\n"))
if(x$NBootstrap > 0)
cat(paste0("N bootstrap: ", x$NBootstrap, "\n"))
cat(paste0(" rounded: yes (base: ", x$roundingBase, ")\n"))
cat(paste0(" rounded: no\n"))
if (!is.null(x$AgeMin) & !is.null(x$AgeMax))
cat(paste0(" Age range: ", x$AgeMin, " to ", x$AgeMax, " years\n"))
if (!is.null(x$Group))
cat(paste0(" Gender: ", paste(x$Group, collapse=", "), "\n"))
BSPerformed <- (length(x$MuBS)>0 & length(x$SigmaBS)>0 & length(x$LambdaBS)>0 & length(x$ShiftBS)>0)
cat(paste0(" point est: ", ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, "medianBS", "fullDataEst"), "\n"))
cat(paste0(" lambda: ", ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, signif(x$LambdaMed, 3), signif(x$Lambda, 3)), "\n"))
cat(paste0(" mu: ", ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, signif(x$MuMed, 3), signif(x$Mu, 3)), "\n"))
cat(paste0(" sigma: ", ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, signif(x$SigmaMed, 3), signif(x$Sigma, 3)), "\n"))
cat(paste0(" shift: ", ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, signif(x$ShiftMed, 3), signif(x$Shift, 3)), "\n"))
cat(paste0(" cost: ", ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, signif(x$CostMed, 3), signif(x$Cost, 3)), "\n"))
cat(paste0("NP fraction: ", ifelse(pointEst=="medianBS" & BSPerformed, signif(x$PMed, 3), signif(x$P, 3)), "\n"))
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