truncated_qqplot <- function(x.trunc, lognormal = NULL, perc.trunc = 2.5, n.min = 200,
apply.rounding = TRUE, = TRUE,
main = "Q-Q plot", xlab = "theoretical quantiles", ylab = "sample quantiles"){
x.trunc <- na.omit(x.trunc)
if(!is.numeric(x.trunc)){stop("x.trunc must be numeric.")}
if(min(x.trunc) <= 0){stop("Only positive values allowed.")}
n <- length(x.trunc)
if(n < 40){stop(paste0("n = ", n, ". The absolute minimum for reference limit estimation is 40."))}
if(n < n.min){
warning(paste("(truncated_qqplot) n =", n, "where a minimum of", n.min, "is required. You may try to reduce n.min at the loss of accuracy."))
return(list(result = NULL, lognormal = NULL))
n.quantiles <- 100
if(n < n.quantiles){n.quantiles <- n}
digits <- adjust_digits(median(x.trunc))$digits
if(is.null(lognormal)){lognormal <- lognorm(x.trunc, = FALSE)$lognormal}
if(lognormal){x.trunc <- log(x.trunc)}
p1 <- seq(from = perc.trunc/100, to = 1-perc.trunc/100, length.out = n.quantiles)
p2 <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = n.quantiles) <- qnorm(p1) <-quantile(x.trunc, p2)
central.part <- floor(0.05 * n.quantiles) : ceiling(0.95 * n.quantiles)
reg <- lm([central.part] ~[central.part])
a <- reg$coefficients[2]
b <- reg$coefficients[1]
result <- c(b, a, b - 1.96 * a, b + 1.96 * a)
result <- setNames(result, c("mean", "sd", "lower.lim", "upper.lim"))
names(result)[1 : 2] <- paste0(names(result)[1 : 2], "log")
result[1 : 2] <- round(result[1 : 2], 3)
result[3 : 4] <- exp(result[3 : 4])
if(result[3] < 0){result[3] <- 0}
if(apply.rounding){result[3 : 4] <- round(result[3 : 4], digits)}
if ({
ll <- result[3]
ul <- result[4]
diff <- ul - ll
plot( ~, pch = 20, col = "blue",
xlim = c(-3, 3),
ylim = c(ll - 0.2 * diff, ul + 0.2 * diff),
main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
ll <- log(result[3])
ul <- log(result[4])
diff <- ul - ll
plot( ~, yaxt = "n", xlim = c(-3, 3),
ylim = c(ll - 0.2 * diff, ul + 0.2 * diff),
main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
y.pos <- c(50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 1500)/(10 ^ digits)
axis(2, at = log(y.pos),labels = y.pos)
abline(v = 0)
abline(v = c(-1.96, 1.96), lty = 2)
abline(h = c(ll, ul),
col = "green", lwd = 2)
abline(reg$coefficients, lwd = 2, col = "blue")
points(c(-1.96, 1.96), c(ll, ul), pch = 19, col = "green")
text(-2, ll, formatC(result[3], digits, format = "f"), pos = 1)
text(2, ul, formatC(result[4], digits, format = "f"), pos = 3)
return(list(result = result, lognormal = lognormal))
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