regress <- function(formula, Vformula, identity=TRUE, kernel=NULL,
start=NULL, taper=NULL, pos, verbose=0, gamVals=NULL,
maxcyc=50, tol=1e-4, data){
## Vformula can just be something like ~ V0 + V1
## or leave it out or Vformula=NULL
## assume its in the form ~ V1 + V2 + ... + Vn or missing or Vformula=NULL
## for random effects and random interactions for factors A and B include
## ~ A + B + I(A:B)
if(verbose>9) cat("Extracting objects from call\n")
if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
mf <- model.frame(formula,data=data,na.action=na.pass)
mf <- eval(mf,parent.frame())
y <- model.response(mf)
model <- list()
model <- c(model,mf)
if(missing(Vformula)) Vformula <- NULL
## Find missing values in fixed part of the model :: Change Aui Mar 1 2012
isNA <- apply(, 1, any)
V <- model.frame(Vformula,data=data,na.action=na.pass)
V <- eval(V, parent.frame())
# find missings in random part of the model Aui Mar 1 2012
mfr <-
if(ncol(mfr) == 1){
isNA <- isNA | mfr
} else {
isNA <- isNA | apply(mfr[,!apply(mfr,2,all)], 1, any) # use only columns of the matrix with some nonmissing values
Vcoef.names <- names(V)
V <- as.list(V)
k <- length(V)
} else {
k <- 0
if(ncol(mf)==1) mf <- cbind(mf,1)
X <- model.matrix(formula, mf[!isNA,]) # Aui Mar 1 2012 account for missings in the random part
y <- y[!isNA]
n <- length(y)
Xcolnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
if(is.null(Xcolnames)) {
Xcolnames <- paste("X.column",c(1:dim(as.matrix(X))[2]),sep="")
X <- matrix(X, n, length(X)/n)
qr <- qr(X)
rankQ <- n-qr$rank
if(qr$rank) {
X <- matrix(X[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]],n,qr$rank)
Xcolnames <- Xcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
} else {
cat("\nERROR: X has rank 0\n\n")
if(verbose>9) cat("Setting up kernel\n")
K <- X
colnames(K) <- Xcolnames
reml <- TRUE
kernel <- NULL
} else {
if(length(kernel)==1 && kernel>0){
K <- matrix(rep(1, n), n, 1)
colnames(K) <- c("1")
if(length(kernel)==1 && kernel<=0) {
K <- Kcolnames <- NULL
KX <- X
rankQK <- n
if(length(kernel) > 1) {
##K is a matrix I hope :: Change Aui Mar 1 2012
if(is.matrix(kernel)) {
K <- kernel[!isNA,]
} else {
K <- model.frame(kernel, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
K <- eval(K, parent.frame())
if(ncol(K) == 1){
dimNamesK <- dimnames(K)
K <- K[!isNA, ]
dimNamesK[[1]] <- dimNamesK[[1]][!isNA]
K <- data.frame(V1 = K)
dimnames(K) <- dimNamesK
} else {
K <- K[!isNA, ]
K <- model.matrix(kernel, K)
reml <- FALSE
Kcolnames <- colnames(K)
qr <- qr(K)
rankQK <- n - qr$rank
if(qr$rank == 0) K <- NULL else {
K <- matrix(K[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]],n,qr$rank)
Kcolnames <- Kcolnames[qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]]
KX <- cbind(K, X) # Spanning K + X: Oct 12 2011
qr <- qr(KX)
KX <- matrix(KX[, qr$pivot[1:qr$rank]],n,qr$rank) # basis of K+X
if(missing(maxcyc)) maxcyc <- 50
if(missing(tol)) tol <- 1e-4
delta <- 1
if(verbose>9) cat("Removing parts of random effects corresponding to missing values\n")
## remove missing values
for(i in 1:k)
V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA, !isNA]
V[[i]] <- V[[i]][!isNA]
In <- diag(rep(1,n),n,n)
if(identity) {
V[[k+1]] <- as.factor(1:n)
names(V)[k+1] <- "In"
k <- k+1
Vcoef.names <- c(Vcoef.names,"In")
Vformula <- as.character(Vformula)
Vformula[1] <- "~"
Vformula[2] <- paste(Vformula[2],"+In")
Vformula <- as.formula(paste(Vformula, collapse=" "))
model <- c(model,V)
model$formula <- formula
model$Vformula <- Vformula
## specify which parameters are positive and which are negative
## pos = c(1,1,0) means first two parameters are positive, third is either
if(!missing(pos)) pos <- as.logical(pos)
if(missing(pos)) pos <- rep(FALSE,k)
if(length(pos) < k) cat("Warning: argument pos is only partially specified; additional terms (n=",k-length(pos),") set to FALSE internally.\n",sep="")
pos <- c(pos,rep(FALSE,k))
pos <- pos[1:k]
## Sherman Morrison Woodbury identities for matrix inverses can be brought to bear here
if(verbose>9) cat("Checking if we can apply the Sherman Morrison Woodbury identites for matrix inversion\n")
if (all(sapply(V, is.factor)) & k>2 ) { # Contribution by Hans Jurgen Auinger
} else SWsolveINDICATOR <- FALSE
Z <- list()
for (i in 1:length(V)) {
if (is.factor(V[[i]])) {
Vi <- model.matrix(~V[[i]] - 1)
colnames(Vi) <- levels(V[[i]])
Z[[i]] <- Vi
V[[i]] <- tcrossprod(Vi)
} else{
Z[[i]] <- V[[i]]
names(Z) <- names(V)
## So V is always a list of variance coavriance matrices, Z contains
## the model matrices of factors when we need to invoke the Sherman
## Woodbury identities
## Expected Fisher Information
A <- matrix(rep(0, k^2), k, k)
entries <- expand.grid(1:k,1:k)
x <- rep(0,k)
sigma <- c(1,rep(0, k-1))
stats <- rep(0, 0)
taper <- rep(0.9, maxcyc)
if(missing(start) && k>1) taper[1:2] <- c(0.5, 0.7)
} else {
taper <- pmin(abs(taper), 1)
if((l <- length(taper)) < maxcyc) taper <- c(taper, rep(taper[l], maxcyc-l))
if(!is.null(start)) {
## pad start with zeros if required
start <- c(start, rep(1,k))
start <- start[1:k]
if(k>2 && is.null(start)) start <- rep(var(y,na.rm=TRUE),k)
if(k==1 && is.null(start)) start <- var(y,na.rm=TRUE)
if(is.null(start) && k==2) {
if(missing(gamVals)) {
gamVals <- seq(0.01,0.02,length=3)^2
gamVals <- sort(c(gamVals,seq(0.1,0.9,length=3),1-gamVals))
gamVals <- 0.5
if(length(gamVals)>1) {
if(verbose>=1) cat("Evaluating the llik at gamma = \n")
if(verbose>=1) cat(gamVals)
if(verbose>=1) cat("\n")
reg.obj <- reml(gamVals,y,X,V[[1]],V[[2]],verbose=verbose)
llik <- reg.obj$llik
llik <- as.double(llik)
if(verbose>=2) cat(llik,"\n")
gam <- gamVals[llik==max(llik)]
gam <- gam[1]
if(verbose>=2) cat("MLE is near",gam,"and llik =",max(llik),"there\n")
if(length(gamVals)==1) {
## go straight to the Newton Raphson at gamVals
gam <- gamVals[1]
reg.obj <- list(rms=var(y))
start <- c(1-gam,gam)*reg.obj$rms
## it tends to take huge steps when starting at gam=0.9999
if(gam==0.9999) {
taper[1] <- taper[1]/100
maxcyc <- maxcyc*10
if(verbose>=1) cat(c("start algorithm at",round(start,4),"\n"))
if(is.null(start) & k>2) {
## Never gets here by default - but this could be implemented,
## though it does add on a few extra iterations at the
## start.... not necessary in basic examples
LLvals <- NULL
## equal weights
V2 <- V[[2]]
for(ii in 3:k) V2 <- V2 + V[[ii]]
LLvals <- c(LLvals,reml(0.5,y,X,V[[1]],V2)$llik)
## Most at one end
V2 <- V[[1]] + V2 ## total of all Vs
for(ii in 1:k) {
V2 <- V2 - V[[ii]]
LLvals <- c(LLvals,reml(0.75,y,X,V2,V[[ii]])$llik)
best <- which.max(LLvals)
if(verbose) {
cat("Checking starting points\n")
cat("llik values of", LLvals, "\n")
if(best==1) {
start <- rep(var(y,na.rm=TRUE),k)
} else {
start <- rep(0.25,k)
start[best] <- 0.75
sigma <- coef <- start
## reparameterise so everything will get into the correct spot after exp
coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
## Set the memory requirements beforehand
T <- vector("list", length=k)
for(ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- matrix(NA,n,n)
for(cycle in 1:maxcyc){
## Limit how far out we go on the logarithmic scale
ind <- which(pos)
if(length(ind)) {
coef[ind] <- pmin(coef[ind],20)
coef[ind] <- pmax(coef[ind],-20) ## so on regular scale everything is between exp(-20) and exp(20)
sigma[ind] <- exp(coef[ind])
if(verbose) {
cat(cycle, "sigma =",sigma)
if(!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
Sigma <- 0
## can we get rid of this loop?
for(i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]]*sigma[i]
W <- solve(Sigma,In)
} else {
W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k-1)],sigma)
if(is.null(K)) WQK <- W else {
WK <- W %*% K
WQK <- W - WK %*% solve(t(K)%*%WK, t(WK))
if(reml) WQX <- WQK else {
WX <- W %*% KX # including the kernel (Oct 12 2011)
WQX <- W - WX %*% solve(t(KX)%*%WX, t(WX))
rss <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% WQX %*% y)
##if(verbose>9) cat("Sigma[1:5]",Sigma[1:5],"\n")
##if(verbose>9) cat("RSS",rss,"WQX[1:5]",WQX[1:5],"\n")
sigma <- sigma * rss/rankQK
coef[!pos] <- sigma[!pos]
coef[pos] <- log(sigma[pos])
WQK <- WQK * rankQK/rss
WQX <- WQX * rankQK/rss
rss <- rankQK ## looks bad but the rss is absorbed into WQK so the rss term comes out of eig below
eig <- sort(eigen(WQK,symmetric=TRUE,only.values=TRUE)$values, decreasing=TRUE)[1:rankQK]
if(any(eig < 0)){
cat("error: Sigma is not positive definite on contrasts: range(eig)=", range(eig), "\n")
WQK <- WQK + (tol - min(eig))*diag(n)
eig <- eig + tol - min(eig)
ldet <- sum(log(eig))
llik <- ldet/2 - rss/2
if(cycle == 1) llik0 <- llik
delta.llik <- llik - llik0
llik0 <- llik
## From Jean-Luc Jannick to fix excess carriage returns
if (verbose){
if (reml) cat(" resid llik =", llik, "\n") else cat(" llik =", llik, "\n")
cat(cycle, "adjusted sigma =", sigma)
if (cycle > 1){
if (reml) cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n") else cat(" delta.llik =", delta.llik, "\n")
} else cat("\n")
## now the fun starts, derivative and expected fisher info
## the 0.5 multiple is ignored, it is in both and they cancel
##T <- list(NULL)
x <- NULL
## derivatives are now D[[i]] = var.components[i]*V[[i]]
var.components <- rep(1,k)
ind <- which(pos)
if(length(ind)) var.components[ind] <- sigma[ind]
## Slow part - order k n-squared
if(!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
if(identity) {
T[[k]] <- WQK
if(k>1) {
for(ii in (k-1):1) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
} else {
for(ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- WQK %*% V[[ii]]
} else {
if(identity) {
T[[k]] <- WQK
if(k>1) {
for(ii in (k-1):1) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*% Z[[ii]],Z[[ii]])
} else {
for(ii in 1:k) T[[ii]] <- tcrossprod(WQK %*% Z[[ii]],Z[[ii]])
x <- sapply(T,function(x) as.numeric(t(y) %*% x %*% WQX %*% y - sum(diag(x))))
x <- x * var.components
## See nested for loops commented out below - evaluating the Expected Fisher Information, A
ff <- function(x) sum(T[[x[1]]] * t(T[[x[2]]])) * var.components[x[1]] * var.components[x[2]]
aa <- apply(entries,1,ff)
A[as.matrix(entries)] <- aa
##for(i in 1:k)
##if(identity && i==1 && pos[i]) {
## T[[i]] <- WQ
##} else
## T[[i]] <- WQ %*% V[[i]]
##} else {
## T[[i]] <- WQ %*% tcrossprod(V[[i]])
##x[i] <- as.numeric(t(y) %*% T[[i]] %*% WQ %*% y - sum(diag(T[[i]])))
##x[i] <- x[i]*var.components[i]
##for(j in c(1:i))
## {
## expected fisher information
## ##A[j,i] <- Tr(T[[j]] %*% T[[i]])
## ##the Ts are not symmetric, hence the transpose below
##A[j,i] <- sum(T[[j]] * t(T[[i]]))
##A[j,i] <- A[j,i]*var.components[i]*var.components[j]
##A[i,j] <- A[j,i]
stats <- c(stats, llik, sigma[1:k], x[1:k])
if(verbose>=9) {
##cat(c(rllik1, rllik2, sigma[1:k], x[1:k]),"\n")
A.svd <- ginv(A)
x <- A.svd %*% x
if(qr(A)$rank < k){
if(cycle==1) {
if(verbose) {
cat("Warning: Non identifiable dispersion model\n")
## end of newton-raphson step
## x is -l'(sigma)/l''(sigma)
## hence we add instead of subtract
## taper controls the proportion of each step to take
## for some reason 0.5 works very well
##if(all(pos==1)) x <- sign(x) * pmin(abs(x),5) ## limit maximum shift we can take in one step to 5 units on log scale
coef <- coef + taper[cycle] * x
sigma[!pos] <- coef[!pos]
sigma[pos] <- exp(coef[pos])
## check the change in llik is small
if(cycle > 1 & abs(delta.llik) < tol*10) break
if(max(abs(x)) < tol) break
## Recompute Sigma at adjusted sigman values
if(!SWsolveINDICATOR) {
Sigma <- 0
## can we get rid of this loop?
for(i in 1:k) Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]]*sigma[i]
W <- solve(Sigma,In)
} else {
W <- SWsolve2(Z[1:(k-1)],sigma)
## issue a warning
if(verbose) cat("WARNING: maximum number of cycles reached before convergence\n")
stats <- as.numeric(stats)
stats <- matrix(stats, cycle, 2*k+1, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(stats) <- c("llik",paste("s^2_", Vcoef.names, sep=""), paste("der_", Vcoef.names, sep=""))
WX <- W %*% X
XtWX <- crossprod(X,WX)
cov <- XtWX
cov <- solve(cov, cbind(t(WX),diag(1,dim(XtWX)[1])))
beta.cov <- matrix(cov[,(dim(t(WX))[2]+1):dim(cov)[2]],dim(X)[2],dim(X)[2])
cov <- matrix(cov[,1:dim(t(WX))[2]],dim(X)[2],dim(X)[1])
beta <- cov %*% y
beta <- matrix(beta,length(beta),1)
row.names(beta) <- Xcolnames <- sqrt(abs(diag(beta.cov)))
pos.cov <- (diag(beta.cov)<0)[pos.cov] <- NA <- matrix(,length(,1)
row.names( <- Xcolnames
rms <- rss/rankQ
fitted.values <- X%*%beta
Q <- In - X %*% cov
predicted <- NULL
predictedVariance <- NULL
predictedVariance2 <- NULL
if(identity) {
gam <- sigma[k] ## coefficient of identity, last variance term
if(SWsolveINDICATOR) {
## Sigma is undefined
Sigma <- 0
for(i in 1:k)
Sigma <- Sigma + V[[i]] * sigma[i]
predicted <- fitted.values + (Sigma - gam*In) %*% W%*%(y - fitted.values)
## predictedVariance <- Sigma - (Sigma - gam*In) %*% W %*% (Sigma - gam*In)
## really the last term should be transposed but they are square symmetric matrices here so....
## If you multiply it out and take the diagonal only it simplifies to....
predictedVariance <- 2*gam - gam^2*diag(W)
## Variance of a new observation conditional on data (assuming
## known beta)
predictedVariance2 <- diag(gam^2 * WX %*% beta.cov %*% t(WX))
## Additional variance of a new observation conditional on data taking into
## account variation in beta
## scale dictated by pos
sigma.cov <- (A.svd[1:k, 1:k] * 2)
## Last Step: June 17th 2005
## Convert the estimates for the variance parameters, their standard
## errors etc to the usual scale
FI <- A/2
## convert FI using pos
FI.c <- matrix(0,dim(FI)[1],dim(FI)[2])
FI.c <- FI / tcrossprod((sigma-1)*pos+1)
##for(i in 1:dim(FI)[1])
## for(j in 1:dim(FI)[2])
## FI.c[i,j] <- FI[i,j]/(((sigma[i]-1)*pos[i]+1)*((sigma[j]-1)*pos[j]+1))
names(sigma) <- Vcoef.names
sigma.cov <- try(ginv(FI.c),silent=TRUE)
error1 <- (inherits(sigma.cov, "try-error"))
if(error1) {
cat("Warning: solution lies on the boundary; check sigma & pos\nNo standard errors for variance components returned\n")
sigma.cov <- matrix(NA,k,k)
rownames(sigma.cov) <- colnames(sigma.cov) <- Vcoef.names
## Additional warning if any pos entries are TRUE and the corresponding term is close to zero
## Only give this warning it I haven't given the previous one.
if(!error1) {
if(any(sigma[pos]^2 < 1e-4)) cat("Warning: solution lies close to zero for some positive variance components, their standard errors may not be valid\n")
result <- list(trace=stats, llik=llik, cycle=cycle, rdf=rankQ,
beta=beta, beta.cov=beta.cov,,
sigma=sigma[1:k], sigma.cov=sigma.cov[1:k,1:k], W=W,
Q=Q, fitted=fitted.values, predicted=predicted,
Vnames=Vcoef.names, formula=formula,
Vformula=Vformula, Kcolnames=Kcolnames,
model=model,Z=Z, X=X, Sigma=Sigma)
class(result) <- "regress"
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