Man pages for rehh
Searching for Footprints of Selection using 'Extended Haplotype Homozygosity' Based Tests

allelefurcation-classAn S4 class containing furcation trees for one allele of a...
as.newickConvert a furcation tree into Newick format
calc_candidate_regionsDetermine candidate regions of selection
calc_ehhEHH and iHH computation for a given focal marker
calc_ehhsEHHS and iES computation for a given focal marker
calc_furcationcalculate furcation trees around a focal marker
calc_haplenCalculate length of longest shared haplotypes around a focal...
calc_pairwise_haplenCalculate pairwise shared haplotype length between all...
calc_region_statsCalculate score statistics for given regions
calc_sfs_testsCalculate site frequency spectrum test statistics
data2haplohhConvert data from input file to an object of class haplohh
distribplotPlot distribution of standardized iHS, Rsb or XP-EHH values
extract_regionsExtract regions from a scan
freqbinplotPlot of unstandardized iHS within frequency bins
ftree-classAn S4 class to represent a furcation tree on one side of one...
furcation-classAn S4 class representing the complete furcation pattern...
haplen-classclass for haplotype length
haplohh2sweepfinderTranslate object of 'haplohh-class' into SweepFinder format
haplohh_cgu_bta12Example of an 'haplohh' object
haplohh-classClass "haplohh"
ies2xpehhCompute XP-EHH
ihh2ihsCompute iHS
ines2rsbCompute Rsb
make.example.filesCopy example input files into current working directory
manhattanplotManhattan plot of iHS, XP-EHH or Rsb over a genome.
plot.ehhPlot EHH around a focal marker
plot.ehhsPlot EHHS around a focal marker
plot.furcationPlots furcation trees around a focal marker
plot.haplenPlot the length of extended haplotypes around a focal marker
plot.haplohhPlot the variants of a haplohh object
rehh-packagerehh: Searching for Footprints of Selection using 'Extended...
remove.example.filesRemove example files from current working directory.
scan_hhCompute iHH, iES and inES over a whole chromosome
scan_hh_fullCompute iHH, iES and inES over a whole chromosome without...
subset.haplohhSubsets object of 'haplohh-class'
update_haplohhUpdate object of class haplohh
rehh documentation built on Sept. 15, 2021, 5:06 p.m.