
Defines functions calc.relimp.lm

Documented in calc.relimp.lm

calc.relimp.lm <- function(object, type = "lmg", groups = NULL, groupnames=NULL, always = NULL, ...){
#    ogroups <- groups
#    ngroups <- groups
    if ( missing(lm) ) stop("object missing or incorrect")
    if (is.null(lm$terms)) stop ("object does not contain a terms component")
    ## change UG 1.3: use weights from lm object
    if ("weight" %in% names(list(...)) || "weights" %in% names(list(...)))
    stop(paste("For lm objects," , 
            "\n", "only weights defined within the lm object are accepted.",sep=""))
    weights <- lm$weights
    ## change UG 1.3: weights allowed in general, but must be part of linear model
    ## error message guiding user
    if (is.null(lm$terms)) stop ("object does not contain a terms component")
    ## change UG 1.3: must inherit from lms or glms, not "be" them
    ## now also works on objects of class svyglm

    if (!inherits(lm,"lm")) stop("object is not of class lm")
    if (inherits(lm,"mlm")) stop("relaimpo does not work on multiresponse models")
    if (inherits(lm,"glm")) {
       if (!(lm$family$family=="gaussian" & lm$family$link=="identity")) 
            stop("relaimpo works on linear models only (glms must be gaussian with identity link)")}
    terms <- lm$terms
    resp <- attr(terms,"response")
    if (attr(terms,"intercept") != 1) stop ("model must contain intercept")

    ## interim value of p, since numbers in always and groups would refer to these columns
    ## in case of factors, this is not identical to the later p
    p <- length(labels(terms))
    if (is.null(always)) numalw <- integer(0)
        if (is.character(always)){ 
            if (any(!always %in% labels(terms))) 
                stop(paste("All names in always must refer to terms in the model."))
            else numalw <- which(labels(terms) %in% always) + 1
        if (is.numeric(always)) {
            if(any(!always %in% 2:(p+1))) 
                stop(paste("Numbers in always must refer to terms in model, \n i.e. here: 2 (for first non-intercept term) to ",
                    (p+1), ".",sep=""))
            else {numalw<-always; always <- labels(terms)[always-1]}
        ## now always consists of names of model terms or is NULL

    #### error checks for groups-related things
    #### groups is transferred into a list of vectors
    if (!is.null(groups)) 
      if (any(c("betasq","pratt") %in% type)) 
         stop("Metrics betasq and pratt do not work with groups.") 
      if (!is.list(groups)) {
        if ((is.numeric(groups) || is.integer(groups)) && !all(groups %in% 2:(p+1)))
            stop(paste("Numbers in groups must refer to columns 2 to ", p+1, " in Y,X1,...,Xp.", sep=""))
        if (length(groups) <= 1) 
            stop("groups must list groups of more than one regressor.")
        if (!(is.character(groups) || is.numeric(groups))) stop("groups must be numeric or character")
      else {
        lapply(groups, function(obj){        
                  if (is.numeric(obj) || is.integer(obj)) {
                     if (!all(obj %in% 2:(p+1)))
                     stop(paste("Numbers in elements of groups must refer to columns 2 to ", p+1, " in Y,X1,...,Xp.", sep=""))}
                     else if (!is.character(obj)) stop("groups must be numeric or character") 
                     } )        
           if (!is.null(groupnames)){ 
            if (!length(groups)==length(groupnames)) 
              stop(paste("groupnames must have one entry for each group.", "\n", 
              "There are", length(groups), "groups and", length(groupnames), "group names.")) 
      ## now groups is NULL or a list, numeric or character, names have not been verified
       ogroups <- groups
       ngroups <- groups

    WW <- NULL   ## WW defined in case of no WW'en
    # handle linear model with higher order terms
    if (any(type != "lmg") && max(attr(terms,"order")) > 1)
        stop("Higher order terms supported for lmg only!")
#    if (length(attr(terms,"order")[attr(terms,"order") == 2]) > 2)
#        stop("Up to two 2-factor-interactions are supported only!")
    # Behandlung von WW mit max 2 zweifach WW (fast mode)
    if (max(attr(terms,"order")) >= 2) {
      if (!is.null(groups)) stop("Currently, groups and interactions cannot be used at the same time.")
      if (max(attr(terms,"order")) > 2) stop("Currently, only 2-variable interactions are supported.")
      if (sum(attr(lm$terms,"order") > 1) > 1) {
        WW.mat <- attr(lm$terms,"factors")[-1,attr(lm$terms,"order") > 1]
      else {
        WW.mat <- as.matrix(attr(lm$terms,"factors")[-1,attr(lm$terms,"order") > 1])
        colnames(WW.mat) <- colnames(attr(lm$terms,"factors"))[attr(lm$terms,"order") > 1]
      WW.HK <- sum(attr(lm$terms,"order") == 1)
      WW <- cbind("posWW" = col(WW.mat)[WW.mat == 1]+WW.HK,
          "posHK" = row(WW.mat)[WW.mat == 1])
      order <- attr(lm$terms, "order")
      WW <- list("WW" = WW, "Order" = order)
      WW$WW <- WW$WW[,c(1,2,2)]
      DATA = cbind(lm$model[,1], model.matrix(lm)[,-1])  ## is a matrix
      colnames(DATA)[1] <- colnames(lm$model)[1]

      # Positionen der Faktoren
      g_facnames <- character(0)
      factor.var <- which(as.vector(attr(lm$terms, "dataClasses") == "factor"))-1
         ## groups is list or NULL, make it numeric list
        if (!is.null(groups)) {
           groups <- lapply(groups, function(obj){
               if (is.character(obj)) which(labels(terms) %in% obj) + 1 else obj
           ngroups <- groups}

      # Wenn Faktor als Hauptwirkung auftritt 
      # oder bei WWen irgendwelche Faktoren mit mehr als 2 Stufen auftreten, 
      # bearbeiten...
        if (any(factor.var %in% WW$WW[,2]) || length(lm$assign) > length(WW[[2]])+1) {
        if (length(lm$assign) > length(WW[[2]])+1){
          hilf <- matrix(0,0,3)
          for (we in unique(WW$WW[,1])){
                hes <- which(lm$assign %in% WW$WW[WW$WW[,1]==we,2]) - 1
                hess <- lm$assign[hes+1]
                hilf <- rbind(hilf,matrix(c(rep(we,length(hes)),hes,hess),length(hes),3,byrow=FALSE))
             WW$WW <- hilf
        y.modelm <- model.matrix(lm)
        # Gruppenvariablen hinzufugen, wenn noetig
        g_names <- attr(y.modelm, "dimnames")[[2]]
        g_assign <- attr(y.modelm, "assign")
        g_facpos <- as.data.frame(table(g_assign))
        ## make ogroups contain the correct column numbers
        ## allowing also to group factors
        if (!is.null(groups)) {
           ogroups <- lapply(groups, function(obj){
               c(which(g_assign %in% (obj-1)))
           groups <- lapply(ogroups, function(obj){
        for (k in 2:length(g_facpos[,1])) {
          ##k=1 is intercept
          fac.name <- labels(terms)[as.numeric(g_facpos[k,1])-1]
          fac.varn <- g_names[g_assign == g_facpos[k,1]]
          if (g_facpos[k,2]==1) {
              colnames(DATA)[g_assign == g_facpos[k,1]]<-fac.name
              ## make groups findable in case of two levels only
              if (!is.null(groups)) groups <- lapply(groups, function(obj){
                    if (fac.varn %in% obj) obj[obj==fac.varn]<-fac.name
          if (any(always %in% fac.name)) {
            always <- c(always[always != fac.name], fac.varn)
                 ## darf nachher nicht mehr als Faktor auftauchen
          ## take care of the case with groups including a factor with more than two levels
           if (!is.null(groups)) {
                   schonda <- FALSE
                   for (obj in groups) {
                        if (all(fac.varn %in% obj)) schonda <- TRUE
                   if (schonda) next
          g_facnames <- c(g_facnames,fac.name)
           ## groups ist NULL oder character-liste
          if (is.null(groups)) {
              groups <- list(fac.varn)
              ngroups <- list(which(labels(terms) %in% fac.name)+1)
              else {groups[[length(groups)+1]] <- fac.varn
              ngroups[[length(ngroups)+1]] <- which(labels(terms) %in% fac.name)+1
            }       ## end of for loop
          if (!is.null(groups)) groups <- lapply(groups, function(obj){which(colnames(DATA) %in% obj)})
         # if (!is.null(ngroups)) ngroups <- lapply(ngroups, function(obj){labels(terms)[obj-1]})
          # groups could be NULL if only two-level-factors
          # now character variables
            if (is.null(ogroups)) groupnames <- g_facnames
            else {if(is.null(groupnames)) 
                   groupnames <- c(paste("G", 1:length(ogroups), sep=""), g_facnames)
                 else groupnames <- c(groupnames, g_facnames)}
      hilf <- which(colnames(DATA) %in% always)-1 
           ## numeric version of always compatible with second column of WW
      ## remove all lower order effects from WW that are in always
      if (any(hilf %in% WW$WW[,2])) {
         for (we in intersect(hilf,unique(WW$WW[,2]))){
            if (!(is.matrix(WW$WW))) WW$WW <- matrix(WW$WW,1,3)  
            WW$WW <- WW$WW[which(!WW$WW[,2]==we),]     }
            if (!(is.matrix(WW$WW))) WW$WW <- matrix(WW$WW,1,3)  
                 ## einzeilig ist es keine Matrix,
                 ## nullzeilig schon
            if (nrow(WW$WW)==0) WW <- NULL
      ## give error if remaining interactions in WW that are in always
         if (!is.null(WW)){
         if (any(hilf %in% which(lm$assign %in% WW$WW[,1])))
             stop("Interaction must not be in always, \n 
                 if not all corresponding lower level effects are also in always.")
      ## Einzeleffekte wieder aus WW$WW entfernen
      WW$WW <- WW$WW[,c(1,3)]
      if (!(is.matrix(WW$WW))) WW$WW <- matrix(WW$WW,1,2)  
      ## make repeated rows unique
      for (we in sort(unique(WW$WW[,1]))){
         hilf <- unique(WW$WW[which(WW$WW[,1]==we),2])
         WW$WW <- rbind(WW$WW[which(WW$WW[,1]<we),],
    if (!is.null(ngroups)) {
       ngroups <- append(ngroups, as.list(setdiff(2:(p+1),c(list2vec(ngroups),numalw))))
      ## groups is made longer elsewhere
       ngroups <- lapply(ngroups, function(obj){
           if (length(obj)>1) {
             if (any ((obj-1) %in% WW$WW)) 
               stop ("Groups must not contain effects involved in interactions.")
             else obj <- obj[1] ## replace multi-effect group with one of the effects
                                ## for enabling correct count in factorWW

# remove blank positions between effect numbers in case of always
       if (length(numalw)>0 && !is.null(ngroups))
       ngroups <- lapply(ngroups, function(obj){
           obj - rowSums(matrix(obj,length(obj),length(numalw),byrow=F) >  

    # make 0 length ngroups NULL
    if (!is.null(ngroups)) 
    {if (length(ngroups)==0) ngroups <- NULL}

      y <- do.call("calc.relimp_default.intern", list(DATA, weights=weights, 
                groups = groups, groupnames = groupnames, WW = WW, always = always, ngroups=ngroups, ...))
      else {
        # Berechnung ohne WW
        ## selection of columns from model needed because of e.g. lm(y~x1+x2+x3-x2)
        ## selection of columns from model based on formula below 
        ##               works even in case of multi-column terms such as poly(x2,3)
        ## as.data.frame makes sure that factors and numerics can be mixed
        ##      and that things work correctly even for multi-column effects like polynomials
        ##      (however, polynomials cannot be grouped as far as I see (would have to be done manually))

        DATA <- as.data.frame(lm$model[,c(resp,which(rowSums(attr(terms,"factors"))>0))])

        ## change UG 1.3: weights transmitted to function call
        y <- do.call("calc.relimp", list(DATA, weights=weights, type=type, 
                groups=groups, groupnames = groupnames, always=always, ...))

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