
Defines functions .is_ensemble_of_crisp_relations .is_ensemble_of_endorelations .relation_join .relation_meet unique.relation_ensemble t.relation_ensemble rep.relation_ensemble print.relation_ensemble c.relation_ensemble as.list.relation_ensemble all.equal.relation_ensemble mean.relation_ensemble Summary.relation_ensemble Ops.relation_ensemble `$<-.relation_ensemble` `[[<-.relation_ensemble` `[<-.relation_ensemble` as.relation_ensemble.default as.relation_ensemble.data.frame as.relation_ensemble is.relation_ensemble .make_ensemble_meta_from_element .make_relation_ensemble_from_list_and_meta relation_ensemble

Documented in as.relation_ensemble is.relation_ensemble relation_ensemble

## Relation ensembls, cf. the cluster ensembles in CLUE.

## Note that ensembles are not implemented as containers.
## Properties are stored as a list of .Meta attributes.
## <NOTE>
## It might be nice to encapsulate this a bit more by providing a
## high-level .Meta() accessor.  For containers, .get_properties() does
## this; we could have a .Meta() generic with corresponding methods, or
## make relation_properties() generic.
## </NOTE>
## <NOTE>
## It is possible to conveniently iterate through containers via
## lapply() [CLUE style] provided there is an as.list() method for the
## container class.  E.g.,
##   as.list.FOO <- function(x, ...) x$ZZZ
##   FOO <- function(...)
##     structure(list(ZZZ = list(...)), class = "FOO")
##   lapply(FOO(1, 2), function(x) x)
## gives list(1, 2).
## We could thus implement ensembles as containers rather than list
## "structures".  But there is little benefit (if at all) in this as
## long as we only have a trivial "list of relations" representation.
## As all relations in an ensemble must have the same domain, we could
## represent ensembles by a single domain and a list of (sparse or
## dense) incidences (again with unclear benefits apart from space
## savings).  If we added alternative representations, realizing
## relation ensembles via containers would be much more attractive.
## </NOTE>
## Note also that (unlike CLUE), we do not allow the creation of empty
## relation ensembles, so that we always have the domain information.
## It is possible, however, to obtain empty ensembles by subscripting,
## see below.

### * relation_ensemble

relation_ensemble <-
function(..., list = NULL)
    relations <- lapply(c(list(...), list), as.relation)
    if(!(len <- length(relations)))
        stop("Cannot create empty relation ensembles.")
    domains <- lapply(relations, .domain)
    if(len > 1L) {
        ## Check whether all domains are the same.
        if(!all(sapply(domains, .domain_is_equal, domains[[1L]]))) {
            ## Only need to test domains[-1L] of course, but it is not
            ## clear whether doing so really saves time.
            stop("All relations must have the same domain.")

.make_relation_ensemble_from_list_and_meta <-
function(x, meta = NULL)
        meta <- .make_ensemble_meta_from_element(x[[1L]])
    .structure(x, .Meta = meta, class = c("relation_ensemble", "tuple"))

.make_ensemble_meta_from_element <-
    list(arity = .arity(x), domain = .domain(x), size = .size(x))

### * is.relation_ensemble

is.relation_ensemble <-
    inherits(x, "relation_ensemble")

### * as.relation_ensemble

as.relation_ensemble <-
as.relation_ensemble.data.frame <-
    nms <- rownames(x)
    relations <- lapply(x,
                        function(u) {
                            names(u) <- nms
as.relation_ensemble.default <-
as.relation_ensemble.relation_ensemble <- identity

### * Methods

"[.relation_ensemble" <-
function(x, i)
    ## Make subscripting empty ensembles a noop.
    if(!length(x)) return(x)
    ## What should we do when subscripting out of bounds?
    ## For lists, this gives NULL elements.  We could convert them to
    ## null relations (all incidences zero).  For now, we remove them.
    y <- NextMethod("[")
    .make_relation_ensemble_from_list_and_meta(y[!vapply(y, is.null, NA)],
                                               attr(x, ".Meta"))

## <NOTE>
## We could have a [[ method which ensures that the ensemble metadata
## (arity, domain and size) get tucked on.  But why should we?
# </NOTE>

`[<-.relation_ensemble` <-
function(x, i, value)
    value <- as.relation_ensemble(value)
    if(!.domain_is_equal(.domain(x), .domain(value)))
        stop("All relations must have the same domain.")
    y <- NextMethod("[<-")
    .make_relation_ensemble_from_list_and_meta(y, attr(x, ".Meta"))

`[[<-.relation_ensemble` <-
function(x, i, value)
    value <- as.relation(value)
    if(!.domain_is_equal(.domain(x), .domain(value)))
        stop("All relations must have the same domain.")
    y <- NextMethod("[[<-")
    .make_relation_ensemble_from_list_and_meta(y, attr(x, ".Meta"))

`$<-.relation_ensemble` <-
function(x, i, value)
    value <- as.relation(value)
    if(!.domain_is_equal(.domain(x), .domain(value)))
        stop("All relations must have the same domain.")
    ## This does not work:
    ##    y <- NextMethod("$<-")
    y <- unclass(x)
    y[[i]] <- value
    .make_relation_ensemble_from_list_and_meta(y, attr(x, ".Meta"))

Ops.relation_ensemble <-
function(e1, e2)
    ## Relation ensembles are of the tuple type, so that comparisons etc
    ## are performed elementwise.  It might be useful to recycle ...
    if(missing(e2)) {
        ## Could have unary '+', '-' and '!'.
        ## Only complement makes sense.  Could make the other a no-op.
        if(!(as.character(.Generic) %in% "!"))
            stop(gettextf("Unary '%s' not defined for \"%s\" objects.",
                          .Generic, .Class),
                 domain = NA)
        ## Could also do relation_ensemble(list = NextMethod()).
    ## Otherwise, keep things simple.  Dispatch to tuple method:
    out <- NextMethod()
    ## And massage the return type:
    if(as.character(.Generic) %in% c("<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!="))
        relation_ensemble(list = out)
    ## (Could make the last more efficient, of course.)

Summary.relation_ensemble <-
function(..., na.rm = FALSE)
    ok <- switch(.Generic, max = , min = , range = TRUE, FALSE)
        stop(gettextf("Generic '%s' not defined for \"%s\" objects.",
                      .Generic, .Class),
             domain = NA)
    args <- list(...)
    ## Combine the given relation ensembles.
    x <- do.call(c, args)
           "min" = .relation_meet(x),
           "max" = .relation_join(x),
           "range" = {
               relation_ensemble(min = .relation_meet(x),
                                 max = .relation_join(x))

mean.relation_ensemble <-
function(x, ...)
    relation(domain = relation_domain(x),
             incidence = .weighted_sum_of_arrays(lapply(x,
             relation_incidence), 1 / length(x)))

all.equal.relation_ensemble <-
function(target, current, check.attributes = TRUE, ...)
    ## For now, try avoiding set comparisons via all.equal (for the
    ## domain information stored in the .Meta attributes).
    attr(target, ".Meta") <- NULL
    attr(current, ".Meta") <- NULL
    ## For now, could also directly call
    ##    all.equal.list(target, current,
    ##                   check.attributes = check.attributs, ...)

as.list.relation_ensemble <-
function(x, ...)
    ## We used to have
    ##   attributes(x) <- NULL
    ##   x
    ## but why should we drop names?
    x <- unclass(x)
    attr(x, ".Meta") <- NULL

c.relation_ensemble <-
function(..., recursive = FALSE)
    relations <- unlist(lapply(list(...), as.relation_ensemble),
                        recursive = FALSE)
    relation_ensemble(list = relations)

print.relation_ensemble <-
function(x, ...)
    len <- length(x)
                                    "An ensemble of %d relation of size %s.",
                                    "An ensemble of %d relations of size %s."),
                           paste(.size(x), collapse = " x ")))
        writeLines(gettext("An empty relation ensemble."))

rep.relation_ensemble <-
function(x, times, ...)
                                               attr(x, ".Meta"))

rev.relation_ensemble <-
t.relation_ensemble <-
    .make_relation_ensemble_from_list_and_meta(lapply(x, t),
                                               attr(x, ".Meta"))

unique.relation_ensemble <-
function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...)
                                               attr(x, ".Meta"))

### * Utilities

### ** Meet and Join.

## <NOTE>
## One might think that one should more generally order relations by
## using the fuzzy intersection and union for the meet and join,
## respectively.  However, to obtain an order this requires (see e.g.
## http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattice_(order)) that the absorption
## laws are satisfied, implying
##   S(x, T(x, y)) = x
##   T(x, S(x, y)) = x
## for all x and y.  Using that T <= min and S >= max one can show
## (e.g., Fodor and Roubens, Section 1.5.2) that the above implies T =
## min and S = max, i.e., the standard Zadeh logic, corresponding to the
## natural point-wise order of the indicences.
## </NOTE>

.relation_meet <-
        stop("Argument 'x' must be a relation ensemble.")
    I <- do.call(pmin, lapply(x, relation_incidence))
    .make_relation_from_domain_and_incidence(.domain(x), I)

.relation_join <-
        stop("Argument 'x' must be a relation ensemble.")
    I <- do.call(pmax, lapply(x, relation_incidence))
    .make_relation_from_domain_and_incidence(.domain(x), I)

### ** .canonicalize_relation_ensemble

## <NOTE>
## This should no longer be needed now that creating relations always
## canonicalizes to the unique set order.
## .canonicalize_relation_ensemble <-
## function(x, D)
## {
##     ## Canonicalize a relation ensemble to have its domain elements use
##     ## the same *internal* order as the elements of D (assuming that the
##     ## domain of the ensemble is known to equal D in the sense that the
##     ## respective elements are the same sets).
##     ##
##     ## Note that relation ensembles are always canonicalized.

##     if(!length(x)) return(x)
##     pos <- .match_domain_components(lapply(D, as.list),
##                                     lapply(.domain(x), as.list))
##     if(!any(sapply(pos, is.unsorted))) return(x)
##     x <- lapply(x, .canonicalize_relation, D, pos)
##     size <- lapply(D, length)
##     meta <- list(arity = length(size), domain = D, size = size)
##     .make_relation_ensemble_from_list_and_meta(x, meta)
## }
## </NOTE>

### ** .is_ensemble_of_endorelations

.is_ensemble_of_endorelations <-
    ## Check whether we have an ensemble of endorelations (assuming that
    ## ensembles are known to have identical identical domains).
        length(unique(.domain(x))) == 1L

### ** .is_ensemble_of_crisp_relations

.is_ensemble_of_crisp_relations <-
    all(vapply(x, relation_is_crisp, NA))

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