
Defines functions renv_migrate_packrat_infrastructure renv_migrate_packrat_cache_impl renv_migrate_packrat_cache renv_migrate_packrat_options renv_migrate_packrat_library renv_migrate_packrat_sources renv_migrate_packrat_lockfile renv_migrate_packrat migrate

Documented in migrate

#' Migrate a project from packrat to renv
#' Migrate a project's infrastructure from packrat to renv.
#' # Migration
#' When migrating Packrat projects to renv, the set of components migrated
#' can be customized using the `packrat` argument. The set of components that
#' can be migrated are as follows:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' **Name** \tab **Description** \cr
#' `lockfile` \tab
#'   Migrate the Packrat lockfile (`packrat/packrat.lock`) to the renv lockfile
#'   (`renv.lock`). \cr
#' `sources` \tab
#'   Migrate package sources from the `packrat/src` folder to the renv
#'   sources folder. Currently, only CRAN packages are migrated to renv --
#'   packages retrieved from other sources (e.g. GitHub) are ignored.
#'   \cr
#' `library` \tab
#'   Migrate installed packages from the Packrat library to the renv project
#'   library.
#'   \cr
#' `options` \tab
#'   Migrate compatible Packrat options to the renv project.
#'   \cr
#' `cache` \tab
#'   Migrate packages from the Packrat cache to the renv cache.
#'   \cr
#' }
#' @inherit renv-params
#' @param packrat Components of the Packrat project to migrate. See the default
#'   argument list for components of the Packrat project that can be migrated.
#'   Select a subset of those components for migration as appropriate.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # migrate Packrat project infrastructure to renv
#' renv::migrate()
#' }
migrate <- function(
  project = NULL,
  packrat = c("lockfile", "sources", "library", "options", "cache"))

  project <- renv_project_resolve(project)
  renv_project_lock(project = project)

  project <- renv_path_normalize(project, mustWork = TRUE)
  if (file.exists(file.path(project, "packrat/packrat.lock"))) {
    packrat <- match.arg(packrat, several.ok = TRUE)
    renv_migrate_packrat(project, packrat)


renv_migrate_packrat <- function(project = NULL, components = NULL) {
  project <- renv_project_resolve(project)

  if (!requireNamespace("packrat", quietly = TRUE))
    stopf("migration requires the 'packrat' package to be installed")

  callbacks <- list(
    lockfile = renv_migrate_packrat_lockfile,
    sources  = renv_migrate_packrat_sources,
    library  = renv_migrate_packrat_library,
    options  = renv_migrate_packrat_options,
    cache    = renv_migrate_packrat_cache

  components <- components %||% names(callbacks)
  callbacks <- callbacks[components]
  for (callback in callbacks)


  fmt <- "- Project '%s' has been migrated from Packrat to renv."
  writef(fmt, renv_path_aliased(project))

  writef("- Consider deleting the project 'packrat' folder if it is no longer needed.")

renv_migrate_packrat_lockfile <- function(project) {

  plock <- file.path(project, "packrat/packrat.lock")
  if (!file.exists(plock))

  # read the lockfile
  contents <- read(plock)
  splat <- strsplit(contents, "\n{2,}")[[1]]
  dcf <- lapply(splat, function(section) {
    renv_dcf_read(text = section)

  # split into header + package fields
  header <- dcf[[1]]
  records <- dcf[-1L]

  # parse the repositories
  repos <- getOption("repos")
  if (!is.null(header$Repos)) {
    parts <- strsplit(header$Repos, "\\s*,\\s*")[[1]]
    repos <- renv_properties_read(text = parts, delimiter = "=")

  # fix-up some record fields for renv
  fields <- c("Package", "Version", "Source")
  records <- lapply(records, function(record) {

    # remove an old packrat hash
    record$Hash <- NULL

    # add RemoteType for GitHub records
    if (any(grepl("^Github", names(record))))
      record$RemoteType <- "github"

    # remap '^Github'-style records to '^Remote'
    map <- c(
      "GithubRepo"     = "RemoteRepo",
      "GithubUsername" = "RemoteUsername",
      "GithubRef"      = "RemoteRef",
      "GithubSha1"     = "RemoteSha",
      "GithubSHA1"     = "RemoteSha",
      "GithubSubdir"   = "RemoteSubdir"
    names(record) <- remap(names(record), map)

    # keep only fields of interest
    keep <- c(fields, grep("^Remote", names(record), value = TRUE))


  # pull out names for records
  names(records) <- extract_chr(records, "Package")

  # ensure renv is added
  records <- renv_snapshot_fixup_renv(records)

  # generate a blank lockfile
  lockfile <- structure(list(), class = "renv_lockfile")
  lockfile$R <- renv_lockfile_init_r(project)

  # update fields
  lockfile$R$Version <- header$RVersion
  lockfile$R$Repositories <- as.list(repos)
  renv_lockfile_records(lockfile) <- records

  # finish
  lockfile <- renv_lockfile_fini(lockfile, project)

  # write the lockfile
  lockpath <- renv_lockfile_path(project = project)
  renv_lockfile_write(lockfile, file = lockpath)


renv_migrate_packrat_sources <- function(project) {

  packrat <- asNamespace("packrat")
  srcdir <- packrat$srcDir(project = project)
  if (!file.exists(srcdir))

  pattern <- paste0(
    "^",                   # start
    "[^_]+",               # package name
    "_",                   # separator
    "\\d+(?:[_.-]\\d+)*",  # version
    "\\.tar\\.gz",         # extension
    "$"                    # end

  suffixes <- list.files(
    pattern = pattern,
    recursive = TRUE

  sources <- file.path(srcdir, suffixes)
  targets <- renv_paths_source("cran", suffixes)

  keep <- !file.exists(targets)
  sources <- sources[keep]; targets <- targets[keep]

  printf("- Migrating package sources from Packrat to renv ... ")
  copy <- renv_progress_callback(renv_file_copy, length(targets))
  mapply(sources, targets, FUN = function(source, target) {
    copy(source, target)



renv_migrate_packrat_library <- function(project) {

  packrat <- asNamespace("packrat")

  libdir <- packrat$libDir(project = project)
  if (!file.exists(libdir))

  sources <- list.files(libdir, full.names = TRUE)
  if (empty(sources))

  targets <- renv_paths_library(basename(sources), project = project)

  names(targets) <- sources
  targets <- targets[!file.exists(targets)]
  if (empty(targets)) {
    writef("- The renv library is already synchronized with the Packrat library.")

  # copy packages from Packrat to renv private library
  printf("- Migrating library from Packrat to renv ... ")
  copy <- renv_progress_callback(renv_file_copy, length(targets))
  enumerate(targets, copy)

  # move packages into the cache
  if (renv_cache_config_enabled(project = project)) {
    printf("- Moving packages into the renv cache ... ")
    records <- lapply(targets, renv_description_read)
    sync <- renv_progress_callback(renv_cache_synchronize, length(targets))
    lapply(records, sync, linkable = TRUE)



renv_migrate_packrat_options <- function(project) {

  packrat <- asNamespace("packrat")
  opts <- packrat$get_opts(project = project)

  settings$ignored.packages(opts$ignored.packages, project = project)


renv_migrate_packrat_cache <- function(project) {

  # find packages in the packrat cache
  packrat <- asNamespace("packrat")
  cache <- packrat$cacheLibDir()
  packages <- list.files(cache, full.names = TRUE)
  hashes <- list.files(packages, full.names = TRUE)
  sources <- list.files(hashes, full.names = TRUE)

  # sanity check: make sure the source folder is an R package
  ok <- file.exists(file.path(sources, "DESCRIPTION"))
  sources <- sources[ok]

  # construct cache target paths
  targets <- map_chr(sources, renv_cache_path)
  names(targets) <- sources

  # only copy to cache target paths that don't exist
  targets <- targets[!file.exists(targets)]
  if (empty(targets)) {
    writef("- The renv cache is already synchronized with the Packrat cache.")

  # cache each installed package
  if (renv_cache_config_enabled(project = project))



renv_migrate_packrat_cache_impl <- function(targets) {

  # attempt to copy packages from Packrat to renv cache
  printf("- Migrating Packrat cache to renv cache ... ")
  copy <- renv_progress_callback(renv_file_copy, length(targets))

  result <- enumerate(targets, function(source, target) {
    status <- catch(copy(source, target))
    broken <- inherits(status, "error")
    reason <- if (broken) conditionMessage(status) else ""
    list(source = source, target = target, broken = broken, reason = reason)


  # report failures
  status <- bind(result)
  bad <- status[status$broken, ]
  if (nrow(bad) == 0)

    "The following packages could not be copied from the Packrat cache:",
    with(bad, sprintf("%s [%s]", format(source), reason)),
    "These packages may need to be reinstalled and re-cached."


renv_migrate_packrat_infrastructure <- function(project) {
  unlink(file.path(project, ".Rprofile"))
  writef("- renv support infrastructure has been written.")

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

renv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:21 a.m.