#'User-intended wrapper for single-file replacements
#'@description The function sends the prepared data.tables to [sReplace][sReplace()], receives updated data, displays a
#' list of updated data and of counts of multiple replacements and saves updated data to disk (see Details).
#'@keywords datasets data manip misc
#'@import data.table
#'@template dir-arg
#'@param ... Not used when file names are "data.csv", "lookup.csv". Otherwise, custom names including file extension,
#' within quotation marks, such as "<data_name>.csv", "<lookup_name>.csv", **entered in this order!**.
#'@template save-arg
#'@return A named list containing updated data and multiple replacement counts. Also, a csv file saved in the
#' same directory, under the name updated_<data_name>_using_<lookup_name>.csv.
#'@template details-replaceVals-template
#'@template Note-replaceVals-template
#'@seealso [bReplace][bReplace()], [sReplace][sReplace()]
#' ## Not run: datasets with default names "data.csv", "lookup.csv" located in *dir*
#' if (interactive()) {
#' dir = system.file("extdata", package = "replacer")
#' replaceVals(dir, save = FALSE)
#' ## no messages (not recommended!)
#' suppressMessages(replaceVals(dir, save = FALSE))
#' }
replaceVals = function(dir, ..., save = TRUE) {
id = "id" = NULL # due to NSE in R CMD check
oldwd = getwd(); on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)
if (length(dir) == 1L) {
# to avoid the "cannot change dir" error:
dir = Reduce(
, strsplit(dir, split = '/|\\\\', fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
, right = TRUE
, accumulate = TRUE
if (!getwd() %in% dir) {
message('\nreading data from: ', dir, '...\n')
default = list('data.csv', 'lookup.csv')
input = list(...)
ll = if (length(input)) {
lapply(input, fread, na.strings = c(NA_character_, ""), encoding = 'UTF-8')
} else {
lapply(default, fread, na.strings = c(NA_character_, ""), encoding = 'UTF-8')
# check and enforce "data.table" class if necessary
if (!is.null(ll)) {
noDT = sapply(ll, Negate(
if (any(noDT)) {
cat('coercing to "data.table" class ...\n')
ll[noDT] = lapply(ll[noDT],, na.rm = FALSE)
} else {
cat('data could not be read from source!\n')
x0 = ll[[1L]]
y = ll[[2L]]
message('data reading complete ...\n')
# check lookup for standard column names
stdyNames = c('vars', 'oldVals', 'newVals', 'id')
if (length(setdiff(names(y), stdyNames)) >= 0L) {
message('checking standard columns in lookup ...\n')
y0 = y[, .SD, .SDcols = names(y) %chin% stdyNames]
if (any(!stdyNames[1L:3L] %chin% names(y0))) {
stop('found less than minimum required standard columns in lookup!\n')
if (any($vars))) {
stop('found missing entries in lookup "vars"! ...\n')
} else {y0}
uv = unique(y0$vars)
n.uv = length(uv)
colOrder = copy(names(x0))
stopifnot('found too many involved columns in lookup' = length(x0) >= n.uv)
x0$id =
if (length(x0) > n.uv + 1) {
message('removing uninvolved columns from data ...\n')
x = x0[, .SD, .SDcols = c('id', uv)]
xr = x0[, .SD, .SDcols = !names(x0) %in% uv]
} else {
x <- x0
xr <- NULL
message('starting replacements ...\n')
results = sReplace(x, y0, uv)
rez = results[[1L]]
if (length(xr)) {
message('rejoining uninvolved columns in data ...\n')
xx = rez[xr, on = 'id'][, id := NULL]
} else {
xx = rez[, id := NULL]
setcolorder(xx, neworder = colOrder)
whichFiles = if (length(input)) {input} else {default}
whichNames = lapply(
whichFiles, function(i) gsub('.csv', '', i, fixed = TRUE)
# write updated data to dir
if (save && !identical(xx, x) && nrow(xx)) {
fwrite(xx, paste0('updated_', whichNames[[1L]]
, '_using_', whichNames[[2L]], '.csv'))
message('replacements completed per lookup\n\nupdated data saved to: ', dir, '\n')
} else if (identical(xx, x) && length(xr)) {
cat('please check displayed results, updates may not be complete!\n')
# collect results for console
outList = list(xx[], results[[2L]], results[[3L]])
names(outList) = c(paste0(names(results)[1L], whichNames[[1L]]
, '_using_', whichNames[[2L]])
, names(results)[-1L])
print(outList, class = TRUE)
#' Helper function for value replacement
#' @description
#' The function is not intended for direct use. Once called by [replaceVals][replaceVals()]
#' it firstly checks for index presence in lookup. Upon the result of this check, the
#' function moves along the branches of a decision tree (see Details).
#'@import data.table
#' @param x,y0 Data.tables
#' @param uv Character vector or list of same length as x, containing unique names of
#' involved columns in data.
#' @return
#' A named list containing updated involved columns in x, count of multiple replacements
#' of duplicated values (if requested), count of multiple replacements of missing values
#' (if requested).
#' @template details-sReplace-template
#' @seealso [dcast][data.table::dcast()], [fcoalesce][data.table::fcoalesce()],
#' [merge][data.table::merge()], [set][data.table::set()]
sReplace = function(x, y0, uv) {
id = "id" = newVals = oldVals = J = NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
GEN = '^MIS|^mis|^PRE|^pre|^UN|^un|^YES|^yes|^NO|^no|^999'
ncolX = copy(names(x))
if (!exists('id', y0)) {
dupsX = whichDups(x[, uv, with = FALSE])
nasX = x[, colSums(]
uNA = names(nasX[nasX == 1]) # unique NA, cross-column split
vdup = y0[which(y0$oldVals %in% dupsX)]
nas = y0[newVals %like% GEN]
unas = intersect(uNA, y0[ & !newVals %like% GEN]$vars)
n.dups = nrow(vdup)
n.nas = nrow(nas)
if (exists('nas') && nrow(nas)) {
vna = dcast(nas, oldVals ~ vars, value.var = 'newVals'
)[, oldVals := NULL
][, type.convert(.SD, = TRUE)]
if (exists('vdup') && n.dups + n.nas < nrow(y0)) {
message('NOTE: found duplicates and simple replacements but no index in lookup,\nwould recommend User-made index\nproceeding any way ... \n')
message('subsetting lookup and creating index ...\n')
y = y0[!nas, on = 'newVals'][!vdup, on = c('oldVals', 'newVals')]
stopifnot("splits on duplicated values not implemented when missing id!"=!y$oldVals %in% vdup$oldVals)
nunas = setdiff(y$vars, unas)
if (length(unas)) {
for (u in c(unas, nunas)) {
y[u, id := unlist(sapply(x[, uv, with = FALSE][, u, with = FALSE]
, function(i) which(i %in% y[u, on = 'vars']$oldVals))), on = 'vars']
} else {
y[, id := unlist(sapply(x[, uv, with = FALSE], function(i) which(i %in% y$oldVals)))]
if (nrow(y)) {
yc = dcast(y, id ~ vars, value.var = 'newVals'
)[, lapply(.SD, function(i) type.convert(as.character(i)
, = TRUE
, numerals = 'no.loss'))]
if (exists('yc') && any($id))) {
vna = yc[][, id := NULL]
} else if (exists('id', y0)) {
message('found index in lookup, proceeding ...\n')
if (any(y0$id == 0L)) {
vdup = y0[J(0L), on = 'id'][, id := NULL]
y = y0[!J(0L), on = 'id']
if (exists('y') && nrow(y)) {
yc = dcast(y, id ~ vars, value.var = 'newVals'
)[, type.convert(.SD, = TRUE, numerals = 'no.loss')]
if (any($id))) {
vna = yc[][, id := NULL]
nvna = names(vna)
# separate columns in xx present in yc that may belong to vdup only
if (exists('yc') && !is.null(yc)) {
nyc = names(yc)
n.yc = length(yc)
uuv = intersect(nyc, uv)
if (length(uuv)) {
uvr = setdiff(names(x), nyc)
xyc = x[, .SD, .SDcols = nyc]
xm = yc[!][xyc, on = 'id']
nxm = names(xm)
xx = xm[, .SD, .SDcols = nyc]
} else {
xx <- x
# process 1:1 replacements
if (exists('uuv') && !is.null(uuv)) {
message('found request for 1:1 replacements: proceeding ...\n')
for (n in seq_along(uuv)) {
set(xx, NULL, n + 1L, con2fcoales(xx[[uuv[n]]], xm[[nxm[n.yc + n]]]))
message('completed 1:1 replacements ...\n')
} else {
message('found no request for 1:1 replacements ...\n')
if (exists('xm')) {
# return original columns and restore original column order
if (exists('uvr') && length(uvr)) {
message('rejoining columns uninvolved in simple replacements ...\n')
xrr = x[, .SD, .SDcols = c('id', uvr)]
xx = xx[xrr, on = 'id']
setcolorder(xx, neworder = ncolX)
# check match to original x
if (any(!names(x) %chin% names(xx)))
warning('internal: column names in the restricted data.table "xx" do not match original "x"!\n')
} else if (exists('xx')) {
} else {
xx <- x
# make a copy of the original NA totals
naCount = copy(xx[, colSums(, .SDcols = !'id'])
# process 1:many replacements
message('searching for 1:many replacements ...\n')
# multiple duplicated value replacement per lookup
if (exists('vdup') && nrow(vdup)) {
message('found request for multiple duplicated value replacments: creating index ...\n')
dupuv = unique(vdup$vars)
oldup = vdup$oldVals
# create index for duplicated values
idup = list()
for(m in dupuv) {
for (r in vdup[J(m), on = 'vars']$oldVals) {
idup[[m]][[r]] = which(xx[[m]] %in% r)
message('replacing multiple duplicated values ...\n')
for (m in dupuv) {
for (n in vdup[m, on = 'vars']$oldVals) {
set(xx, idup[[m]][[n]]
, m
, vdup[J(m,n), type.convert(newVals, = TRUE, numeric = 'no.loss')
, on = c('vars', 'oldVals')])
nn.idup = unlist(sapply(idup, lengths))
withCounts = vdup[, 'Counts' := nn.idup]
dupCount = dcast(withCounts, vars + ... ~ vars, value.var = 'Counts')
} else {
message('found no request for multiple duplicated values replacements ...\n')
# multiple NAs replacement as per lookup
if (exists('vna') && nrow(vna)) {
nvna = names(vna)
message('found request for multiple missing value replacements: replacing ...\n')
for (i in nvna) {
set(xx, NULL, i, con2fcoales(xx[[i]], vna[[i]]))
} else {
message('found no request for multiple missing values replacements ...\n')
if (exists('idup')) {
# determine if NAs remain after multiple replacements processed
stillHasNA = xx[, colSums(, .SDcols = !'id']
if (any(stillHasNA != 0L) && !identical(naCount, stillHasNA)) {
message('processed 1:many replacements ...\n')
# collect results related to lookup in a named list
results = list(xx
, if (exists('dupCount')) {
, if (all(stillHasNA == 0L)) {
} else if (any(stillHasNA != 0L) && !identical(naCount, stillHasNA)) {
cat('NOTE: there are still missing values in some involved columns!\n')
} else if (identical(naCount, stillHasNA)) {
if (length(results) == 3L) message('\nhelper function has completed!\n')
names(results) = c(' updated_'
, if (exists('dupCount')) {
' multiple_dups_repl_counts'
} else {
' no_multiple_dups_repl_requested'
, if (all(stillHasNA == 0L)) {
' multiple_NAs_repl_counts'
} else if (any(stillHasNA != 0L) && !identical(naCount, stillHasNA)) {
' NAs_remaining'
} else if (identical(naCount, stillHasNA)) {
' no_multiple_NAs_repl_rquested'
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