
Defines functions repr_text.matrix repr_markdown.matrix repr_latex.matrix repr_html.matrix repr_matrix_generic ellip_limit_arr arr_parts_combine arr_part_format arr_parts_format arr_part_unpack_tbl arr_partition onload_chars .char_fallback

Documented in repr_html.matrix repr_latex.matrix repr_markdown.matrix repr_text.matrix

#' Tabular data representations
#' HTML, LaTeX, and Markdown representations of Matrix-like objects
#' @param obj      The matrix or data.frame to create a representation for
#' @param ...      ignored
#' @param rows     The maximum number of rows displayed. The default is given by the option \code{repr.matrix.max.rows}
#' @param cols     The maximum number of columns displayed. The default is given by the option \code{repr.matrix.max.cols}
#' @param colspec  The colspec for the LaTeX table. The default is given by the option \code{repr.matrix.latex.colspec}
#' @seealso \link{repr-options} for \code{repr.matrix.latex.colspec}
#' @importFrom pillar type_sum
#' @name repr_*.matrix/data.frame
#' @include utils.r

# There is currently a problem on windows which can't display chars in th
# text/plain output, which are not available in the current locale.
# See https://github.com/IRkernel/repr/issues/28#issuecomment-208574856
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
.char_fallback <- function(char, default) {
	real_len <- nchar(char)
	r_len <- nchar(capture.output(cat(char)))
	if (real_len == r_len) char else default

chars <- new.env()
onload_chars <- function() {
	chars$ellip_h <- .char_fallback('\u22EF', '...')
	chars$ellip_v <- .char_fallback('\u22EE', '...')
	chars$ellip_d <- .char_fallback('\u22F1', '')
	chars$times_s <- .char_fallback('\u00D7', 'x')

arr_partition <- function(a, rows, cols) {
	stopifnot(rows >= 2L, cols >= 2L)
	# create sequences of indices to bisect rows and columns
	part_r <- partition(nrow(a), rows)
	part_c <- partition(ncol(a), cols)
	# assign a list of parts that can be coerced to strings
	if (!is.null(part_r) && !is.null(part_c)) {
			ul = a[part_r$start, part_c$start], ll = a[part_r$end, part_c$start],
			ur = a[part_r$start, part_c$end  ], lr = a[part_r$end, part_c$end  ]),
		omit = 'both')
	} else if (!is.null(part_r)) {
			upper = a[part_r$start, , drop = FALSE],
			lower = a[part_r$end,   , drop = FALSE]),
		omit = 'rows')
	} else if (!is.null(part_c)) {
			left  = a[, part_c$start,  drop = FALSE],
			right = a[, part_c$end,    drop = FALSE]),
		omit = 'cols')
	} else {
		structure(list(full = a), omit = 'none')

# unpack tibble and coerce to data.frame
arr_part_unpack_tbl <- function(tbl) {
  tbl_col_format <- function(col, prefix = '') {
    if (is.data.frame(col)) {
      res <- mapply(tbl_col_format, col, names(col), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      res <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, res)
      names(res) <- paste0(prefix, '$', names(res))
    } else {
      res <- data.frame(col)
      names(res) <- prefix
  res <- mapply(tbl_col_format, tbl, names(tbl), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  do.call(cbind.data.frame, res)

arr_parts_format <- function(parts) structure(lapply(parts, arr_part_format), omit = attr(parts, 'omit'))
arr_part_format <- function(part) {
	if (inherits(part, 'tbl')) {
		part <- arr_part_unpack_tbl(part)
	f_part <- if (is.data.frame(part)) {
		vapply(part, function(col) {
			if (is.matrix(col)) apply(apply(col, 2L, format), 1L, paste, collapse = ', ')
			else format(col)
		}, character(nrow(part)))
	} else {
		# format(part) would work, but e.g. would left-pad *both* rows of matrix(7:10, 2L) instead of one
		apply(part, 2L, format)
	# vapply returns a vector for 1-column dfs
	dim(f_part) <- dim(part)
	dimnames(f_part) <- dimnames(part)

#' @importFrom utils head tail
arr_parts_combine <- function(parts, rownms, colnms) {
	omit <- attr(parts, 'omit')
	mat <- switch(omit,
		rows = rbind(parts$upper, chars$ellip_v, parts$lower, deparse.level = 0L),
		cols = cbind(parts$left,  chars$ellip_h, parts$right, deparse.level = 0L),
		none = parts$full,
		both = rbind(
			cbind(parts$ul, chars$ellip_h, parts$ur, deparse.level = 0L),
			c(rep(chars$ellip_v, ncol(parts$ul)), chars$ellip_d, rep(chars$ellip_v, ncol(parts$ur))),
			cbind(parts$ll, chars$ellip_h, parts$lr, deparse.level = 0L)))
	# If there were no dimnames before, as is often true for matrices, don't assign them.
	if (omit %in% c('rows', 'both') && !is.null(rownms)) {
		# everything except ellip_v is to fix rownames for tbls, which explicitly set them to 1:n when subsetting
		rownames(mat) <- c(head(rownms, nrow(parts[[1]])), chars$ellip_v, tail(rownms, nrow(parts[[2]])))
	if (omit %in% c('cols', 'both') && !is.null(colnms)) {
		colnames(mat)[[ncol(parts[[1]])  + 1L]] <- chars$ellip_h

# returns a character array with optionally a section of columns and rows in the middle replaced by ellipses
ellip_limit_arr <- function(
	rows = getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows'),
	cols = getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
) {
	parts <- arr_partition(a, rows, cols)
	stopifnot(match('ll', names(parts)) %in% c(NA, 2L))  # lower has to come second if available
	f_parts <- arr_parts_format(parts)
	arr_parts_combine(f_parts, rownames(a), colnames(a))

# HTML --------------------------------------------------------------------

repr_matrix_generic <- function(
	header_wrap, headline_wrap, corner, head,
	body_wrap, row_wrap, row_head,
	escape_fun = identity,
	rows = getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows'),
	cols = getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols'),
	caption_override = NULL
) {
	has_rownames <- has_row_names(x)
	has_colnames <- !is.null(colnames(x)) && ncol(x) > 0
	if (!has_rownames && !has_colnames && 0L %in% dim(x))
	# Get infos for caption and type headers
	is_matrix <- !is.list(x)
	cls <-
		if (!is.null(caption_override)) caption_override
		else if (class(x)[[1]] == 'tbl_df') 'tibble'
		else class(x)[[1]]
	dims <- dim(x)
	types <- if (is_matrix) type_sum(as.vector(x)) else {
		type_vec <- sprintf('<%s>', sapply(x, type_sum))
		# A row limit of 3 is the minimal choice, but we only have 1 anyway
		as.vector(ellip_limit_arr(matrix(type_vec, nrow = 1L), 3L, cols))
	# TODO: ineffective to flatten the whole thing
	# But when are we encountering huge nested arrays?
	x <- ellip_limit_arr(flatten(x), rows, cols)
	header <- ''
	if (has_colnames) {
		headers <- escape_fun(colnames(x))
		typehds <- escape_fun(types)
		header_raw <-
			if (is_matrix || is.null(headline_wrap)) {
				# if we have a data frame but no wrapper for header lines,
				# we just concatenate each column name with its type.
				headers <- sprintf(head, if (is_matrix) headers else paste(headers, typehds))
				if (has_rownames) headers <- c(corner, headers)
				headline <- paste(headers, collapse = '')
				if (is.null(headline_wrap)) headline else sprintf(headline_wrap, headline)
			} else {
				# else we create one line for names and one for types.
				headers <- sprintf(head, headers)
				typehds <- sprintf(head, typehds)
				if (has_rownames) {
					headers <- c(corner, headers)
					typehds <- c(corner, typehds)
				headline <- sprintf(headline_wrap, paste(headers, collapse = ''))
				typeline <- sprintf(headline_wrap, paste(typehds, collapse = ''))
				paste0(headline, typeline)
		header <- sprintf(header_wrap, header_raw)
		stopifnot(length(header) == 1L)
	rows <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(r) {
		row <- escape_fun(slice_row(x, r))
		cells <- sprintf(cell, row)
		if (has_rownames) {
			row_head <- sprintf(row_head, escape_fun(rownames(x)[[r]]))
			cells <- c(row_head, cells)
		sprintf(row_wrap, paste(cells, collapse = ''))
	body <- sprintf(body_wrap, paste(rows, collapse = ''))
	caption <- sprintf('A %s: %s %s %s', escape_fun(cls), dims[[1]], chars$times_s, dims[[2]])
	if (is.null(caption_override) && is_matrix) caption <- sprintf('%s of type %s', caption, escape_fun(types))
	sprintf(wrap, caption, header, body)

#' @name repr_*.matrix/data.frame
#' @export
repr_html.matrix <- function(
	rows = getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows'),
	cols = getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
) repr_matrix_generic(
	'<table class="dataframe">\n<caption>%s</caption>\n%s%s</table>\n',
	'<thead>\n%s</thead>\n', '\t<tr>%s</tr>\n', '<th></th>',
	'<th scope=col>%s</th>',
	'<tbody>\n%s</tbody>\n', '\t<tr>%s</tr>\n', '<th scope=row>%s</th>',
	escape_fun = html_escape_vec,
	rows = rows, cols = cols,

#' @name repr_*.matrix/data.frame
#' @export
repr_html.data.frame <- repr_html.matrix

# LaTeX -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @name repr_*.matrix/data.frame
#' @export
repr_latex.matrix <- function(
	rows = getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows'),
	cols = getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols'),
	colspec = getOption('repr.matrix.latex.colspec')
) {
	cols_spec <- paste0(paste(rep(colspec$col, min(cols + 1L, ncol(obj))), collapse = ''), colspec$end)
	if (has_row_names(obj)) {
		row_head <- colspec$row_head
		if (is.null(row_head)) row_head <- colspec$row.head  # backwards compat
		cols_spec <- paste0(colspec$row_head, cols_spec)
	r <- repr_matrix_generic(
		# todo: captionof or so
		sprintf('%%s\n\\begin{tabular}{%s}\n%%s%%s\\end{tabular}\n', cols_spec),
		'%s\\hline\n', '%s\\\\\n', '  &', ' %s &',
		'%s', '\t%s\\\\\n', '%s &',
		' %s &',
		escape_fun = latex_escape_vec,
		rows = rows, cols = cols,
	#TODO: remove this quick’n’dirty post processing
	gsub(' &\\', '\\', r, fixed = TRUE)

#' @name repr_*.matrix/data.frame
#' @export
repr_latex.data.frame <- repr_latex.matrix

# Markdown -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @name repr_*.matrix/data.frame
#' @export
repr_markdown.matrix <- function(
	rows = getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows'),
	cols = getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
) {
	obj <- flatten(obj)
	out_cols <- min(ncol(obj), cols + 1L) + as.integer(has_row_names(obj))
	underline <- paste(rep('---', out_cols), collapse = '|')
		sprintf('|%%s\n|%s|\n', underline), NULL, ' <!--/--> |', ' %s |',
		'%s', '|%s\n', ' %s |',
		' %s |',
		escape_fun = markdown_escape,
		rows = rows, cols = cols,

#' @name repr_*.matrix/data.frame
#' @export
repr_markdown.data.frame <- repr_markdown.matrix

# Text -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @name repr_*.matrix/data.frame
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
repr_text.matrix <- function(
	rows = getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows'),
	cols = getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
) {
	if (inherits(obj, c('data.table'))) {
		# Coerce to data.frame to avoid special printing in data.table.
		obj <- as.data.frame(obj)
	limited_obj <- ellip_limit_arr(obj, rows, cols)
	print_output <- capture.output(print(limited_obj, quote = FALSE))
	paste(print_output, collapse = '\n')

#' @name repr_*.matrix/data.frame
#' @export
repr_text.data.frame <- repr_text.matrix

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repr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:16 a.m.