Running simulations using `retrocombinator`

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Running Simulations

The retrocombinator package provides a method for simulating the molecular evolutionary process of retrotransposon recombination over large scales of time.

To use it, load the library first.


To run a simulation, call the simulateEvolution() function. This runs a simulation with default parameters, and returns a path to a simulation output file.


To overwrite any parameters, first create objects to represent the parameters you wish to overwrite, such as in the example given below. Refer to the section below for what the various parameters are. Whenever a parameter is not specified explicitly, the default will be used.

# --- NOT RUN (this is an alternative) ---
recombParams <- RecombParams(recombMean = 1.0)
activityParams <- ActivityParams(lengthCriticalRegion = 20,
                                 probInactiveWhenMutated = 0.1)
simulateEvolution(recombParams = recombParams, activityParams = activityParams)
# ----------------------------------------

Using custom sequences

By default, simulateEvolution() runs a simulation on randomly generated sequences. To use a custom sequence, specify it in SequenceParams (more details in the section below, that describes all possible parameters to the simulation).

# --- NOT RUN (this is an alternative) ---

# Obtain your sequence in your favourite way
fastaInput <- readDNAStringSet('path/to/your/FASTA/file')
yourSequence <- toString(fastaInput$yourSequence)

# Override the sequence parameters and pass it to the simulation
sequenceParams <- SequenceParams(initialSequence = yourSequence)
simulateEvolution(sequenceParams = sequenceParams)
# ----------------------------------------

Simulation parameters and their defaults


The simulation creates a custom output file and returns a path to it (specified by outputFilename in OutputParams, which by default is 'simulationOutput.out'). This file can be parsed by parseSimulationOutput().

data <- parseSimulationOutput('simulationOutput.out')
# --- NOT RUN (this is an alternative) ---

# Alternatively, using the pipe operator
library(magrittr) # For %>%
data <- simulateEvolution() %>%

# ----------------------------------------

This contains

For pairwise similarity, pairs are not duplicated, and only distinct pairs are given. That is, for any timestep and sequences with sequenceId $a$ and $b$ present at that time, a row is present in the pairwise dataframe if and only if $a < b$ .

# Prints out all the parameters the simulation was run with

# step - timestep in the simulation
# realTime - time since the start of the simulation (in millions of years)
# sequenceId - the unique ID of the sequence (to track it over time); initial
#              sequence has sequenceId 0 to (numInitialCopies-1)
# parentMain - the unique ID of the sequence this burst from; 
#              (-1 if nothing)
# parentOther - the unique ID of the sequence its parent recombined with; 
#               (-1 if nothing)
# distanceToInitial - the distance to the initial sequence
# isActive - whether or not the sequence is capable of transposition

# step - timestep in the simulation
# realTime - time since the start of the simulation (in millions of years)
# sequenceId1 - an ID of a sequence present at the time
# sequenceId2 - an ID of a different sequence present at the time; not all pairs
#               are given - that is, for sequences a and b, either (a, b) or (b, a) 
#               is present as a row but not both
# distancePairwise - the distance between the two sequences

# step - timestep in the simulation
# realTime - time since the start of the simulation (in millions of years)
# familyId - the unique ID of the family representative (to track it over time)
# creationTime - time this family representative was created (in millions of years)
# sequenceId - a sequence belonging to that family (sequences belonging to a
#              family are listed as separate rows, and all sequences belonging
#              to that family are listed)

# step - timestep in the simulation
# realTime - time since the start of the simulation (in millions of years)
# familyId1 - an ID of a family representative present at the time
# familyId2 - an ID of a different family representative present at the time;
#             not all pairs are given - that is, for sequences a and b, either (a, b) or (b,
#             a) is present as a row but not both
# distancePairwise - the distance between the two family representatives


Summary statistics can be obtained from the data as follows.

summariseEvolution(data) # TODO

The data can be visualised using the plotEvolution function

plotEvolution(data, "initial")         # Distance to initial sequence
plotEvolution(data, "pairwise")        # Pairwise distances between sequences
plotEvolution(data, "families")        # Family sizes

Example with all parameters

sequenceParams <- SequenceParams(initialSequence = "TCAGTCAGTCAGTCAGTGTG",
                                 numInitialCopies = 10)
activityParams <- ActivityParams(lengthCriticalRegion = 2,
                                 probInactiveWhenMutated = 0.1)
mutationParams <- MutationParams(model = "F81")
burstParams <- BurstParams(burstProbability = 0.2,
                           burstMean = 2,
                           maxTotalCopies = 40)
recombParams <- RecombParams(recombMean = 2.0,
                             recombSimilarity = 0.85)
selectionParams <- SelectionParams(selectionThreshold = 0.25)
familyParams <- FamilyParams(familyCoherence = 0.65,
                             maxFamilyRepresentatives = 15)
simulationParams <- SimulationParams(numSteps = 35,
                                     timePerStep = 1.5)
outputParams <- OutputParams(outputFilename = 'simulationExampleParameters.out',
                             outputNumInitialDistance = 5,
                             outputNumPairwiseDistance = 5,
                             outputNumFamilyLabels = 5,
                             outputNumFamilyMatrix = 5,
                             outputMinSimilarity = 0.1)
seedParams <- SeedParams(toSeed = TRUE, seedForRNG = 1)
simulateEvolution(sequenceParams = sequenceParams,
                  activityParams = activityParams,
                  mutationParams = mutationParams,
                  burstParams = burstParams,
                  recombParams = recombParams,
                  selectionParams = selectionParams,
                  familyParams = familyParams,
                  simulationParams = simulationParams,
                  outputParams = outputParams)

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retrocombinator documentation built on Nov. 12, 2021, 1:07 a.m.