
Defines functions mvt_fetch

Documented in mvt_fetch

#' @title Fetch Map Vector Tiles (MVT)
#' @export
#' @description This function is a wrapper for the GBIF mapping api version 2.0.
#' The mapping API is a web map tile service making it straightforward to
#' visualize GBIF content on interactive maps, and overlay content from other
#' sources. It returns maps vector tiles with number of
#' GBIF records per area unit that can be used in a variety of ways, for example
#' in interactive leaflet web maps. Map details are specified by a number of
#' query parameters, some of them optional. Full documentation of the GBIF
#' mapping api can be found at https://www.gbif.org/developer/maps
#' @param source (character) Either `density` for fast, precalculated tiles,
#' or `adhoc` for any search. Default: `density`
#' @param x (integer) the column. Default: 0
#' @param y (integer) the row. Default: 0
#' @param z (integer) the zoom. Default: 0
#' @param srs (character) Spatial reference system for the output (input srs for mvt
#' from GBIF is always `EPSG:3857`). One of:
#' - `EPSG:3857` (Web Mercator)
#' - `EPSG:4326` (WGS84 plate care?)
#' - `EPSG:3575` (Arctic LAEA on 10 degrees E)
#' - `EPSG:3031` (Antarctic stereographic)
#' @param bin (character) `square` or `hex` to aggregate occurrence counts into
#' squares or hexagons. Points by default. optional
#' @param hexPerTile (integer) sets the size of the hexagons
#' (the number horizontally across a tile). optional
#' @param squareSize (integer) sets the size of the squares. Choose a factor
#' of 4096 so they tessalate correctly: probably from 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,
#' 256, 512. optional
#' @param style (character) for raster tiles, choose from the available styles.
#' Defaults to classic.point. optional. THESE DON'T WORK YET.
#' @param taxonKey (integer/numeric/character) search by taxon key, can only
#' supply 1. optional
#' @param datasetKey (character) search by taxon key, can only supply 1.
#' optional
#' @param country (character) search by taxon key, can only supply 1.
#' optional
#' @param publishingOrg (character) search by taxon key, can only supply 1.
#' optional
#' @param publishingCountry (character) search by taxon key, can only
#' supply 1. optional
#' @param year (integer) integer that limits the search to a certain year or,
#' if passing a vector of integers, multiple years, for example
#' `1984` or `c(2016, 2017, 2018)` or `2010:2015` (years 2010 to 2015). optional
#' @param basisOfRecord (character) one or more basis of record states to
#' include records with that basis of record. The full list is: `c("OBSERVATION",
#' "LITERATURE", "UNKNOWN")`. optional
#' @param ... curl options passed on to [crul::HttpClient]
#' @return an sf object
#' @details This function uses the arguments passed on to generate a query
#' to the GBIF web map API. The API returns a web tile object as png that is
#' read and converted into an R raster object. The break values or nbreaks
#' generate a custom colour palette for the web tile, with each bin
#' corresponding to one grey value. After retrieval, the raster is reclassified
#' to the actual break values. This is a somewhat hacky but nonetheless
#' functional solution in the absence of a GBIF raster API implementation.
#' We add extent and set the projection for the output. You can reproject
#' after retrieving the output.
#' @references https://www.gbif.org/developer/maps
#' @seealso [map_fetch()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' if (
#'  requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE) &&
#'  requireNamespace("protolite", quietly = TRUE)
#' ) {
#'   x <- mvt_fetch(taxonKey = 2480498, year = 2007:2011)
#'   x
#'   # gives an sf object
#'   class(x)
#'   # different srs
#'   ## 3857
#'   y <- mvt_fetch(taxonKey = 2480498, year = 2010, srs = "EPSG:3857")
#'   y
#'   ## 3031
#'   z <- mvt_fetch(taxonKey = 2480498, year = 2010, srs = "EPSG:3031", verbose = TRUE)
#'   z
#'   # 3575
#'   z <- mvt_fetch(taxonKey = 2480498, year = 2010, srs = "EPSG:3575")
#'   z
#'   # bin
#'   x <- mvt_fetch(taxonKey = 212, year = 1998, bin = "hex",
#'      hexPerTile = 30, style = "classic-noborder.poly")
#'   x
#'   # query with basisOfRecord
#'   mvt_fetch(taxonKey = 2480498, year = 2010,
#'     basisOfRecord = "HUMAN_OBSERVATION")
#'   mvt_fetch(taxonKey = 2480498, year = 2010,
#'     basisOfRecord = c("HUMAN_OBSERVATION", "LIVING_SPECIMEN"))
#'  }
#' }

mvt_fetch <- function(
  source = 'density',
  x = 0,
  y = 0,
  z = 0,
  srs = 'EPSG:4326',
  bin = NULL,
  hexPerTile = NULL,
  squareSize = NULL,
  style = 'classic.point',
  taxonKey = NULL,
  datasetKey = NULL,
  country = NULL,
  publishingOrg = NULL,
  publishingCountry = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  basisOfRecord = NULL,
  ) {


  assert(source, "character")
  assert(x, c('numeric', 'integer'))
  assert(y, c('numeric', 'integer'))
  assert(z, c('numeric', 'integer'))
  assert(srs, "character")
  assert(bin, "character")
  assert(hexPerTile, c('numeric', 'integer'))
  assert(squareSize, c('numeric', 'integer'))
  assert(style, "character")
  assert(taxonKey, c("numeric", "integer", "character"))
  assert(datasetKey, "character")
  assert(country, "character")
  assert(publishingOrg, "character")
  assert(publishingCountry, "character")
  assert(year, c('numeric', 'integer'))
  assert(basisOfRecord, "character")

  # Check input ---------------------------------------------------------------
  stopifnot(source %in% c('density', 'adhoc'))
  stopifnot(srs %in% c('EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3575', 'EPSG:3031'))

  if (!is.null(squareSize)) {
    squareSize <- match.arg(arg = as.character(squareSize),
      choices = c(8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512), several.ok = FALSE

  if (!is.null(bin)) stopifnot(bin %in% c('square', 'hex'))
  if (!is.null(style)) stopifnot(style %in% map_styles)

  if (length(rgbif_compact(list(taxonKey, datasetKey, country,
    publishingOrg, publishingCountry))) > 1) {
    stop("supply only one of taxonKey, datasetKey, country, publishingOrg, or publishingCountry")

  if (!is.null(year)) {
    year <- match.arg(arg = as.character(year), choices = 0:2200,
      several.ok = TRUE)
    if (length(year) > 1) {
      year <- paste0(c(min(year), max(year)), collapse = ",")
  query <- rgbif_compact(list(srs = "EPSG:3857", taxonKey = taxonKey,
    datasetKey = datasetKey, country, publishingOrg = publishingOrg,
    publishingCountry = publishingCountry, year = year,
    bin = bin, squareSize = squareSize, hexPerTile = hexPerTile,
    style = style))

  if (!is.null(basisOfRecord)) {
    basisOfRecord <- match.arg(
      arg = basisOfRecord,
      choices = basis_of_record_values,
      several.ok = TRUE
    bs <- as.list(unlist(
      lapply(basisOfRecord, function(x) list(basisOfRecord = x))
    query <- c(query, bs)

  path <- file.path('v2/map/occurrence', source, z, x, paste0(y, ".mvt"))
  cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = 'https://api.gbif.org', opts = list(...))
  res <- cli$get(path, query = query)
  crs <- as.integer(gsub('EPSG:', "", srs))
  protolite::read_mvt_sf(res$content, zxy = c(z, x, y), crs = crs)$occurrence

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rgbif documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:22 a.m.