
Defines functions verify_pkg_source determine_pkg_source as_pkg_ref.character as_pkg_ref.pkg_ref as_pkg_ref.default as_pkg_ref pkg_library pkg_missing pkg_bioc pkg_cran pkg_source pkg_install get_pkg_ref_classes new_pkg_ref pkg_ref

Documented in as_pkg_ref determine_pkg_source get_pkg_ref_classes pkg_bioc pkg_cran pkg_install pkg_library pkg_missing pkg_ref pkg_source verify_pkg_source

#' Create a package reference
#' Create a package reference from package name or filepath, producing an object
#' in which package metadata will be collected as risk assessments are
#' performed. Depending on where the package was found - whether it is found as
#' source code, in a local library or from a remote host - an S3 subclass is
#' given to allow for source-specific collection of metadata. See 'Details' for
#' a breakdown of subclasses. Different sources can be specified by passing a
#' subclass as an arguemnt named 'source', see details.
#' Package reference objects are used to collect metadata pertaining to a given
#' package. As data is needed for assessing a package's risk, this metadata
#' populates fields within the package reference object.
#' The \code{pkg_ref} S3 subclasses are used extensively for divergent metadata
#' collection behaviors dependent on where the package was discovered. Because
#' of this, there is a rich hierarchy of subclasses to articulate the different
#' ways package information can be found.
#' A source argument can be passed using the `source` argument. This will
#' override the logic that riskmetric does when determining a package source.
#' This can be useful when you are scoring the most recent version present on a
#' repository, or testing a specific library.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{\code{pkg_ref}}}{ A default class for general metadata
#' collection.}
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{\strong{\code{pkg_source}}}{ A reference to a source code directory.}
#'   \item{\strong{\code{pkg_install}}}{ A reference to a package installation
#'   location in a package library. A specific library can be passed by passing
#'   the path to the library as the parameter `lib.loc`}
#'   \item{\strong{\code{pkg_remote}}}{ A reference to package metadata on a
#'   remote server.}
#'     \describe{
#'     \item{\strong{\code{pkg_cran_remote}}}{ A reference to package
#'     information pulled from the CRAN repository.}
#'     \item{\strong{\code{pkg_bioc_remote}}}{ A reference to package
#'     information pulled from the Bioconductor repository.}
#'     \item{\strong{\code{pkg_git_remote}}}{ A reference to a package source
#'     code git repository. (not yet implemented)}
#'     }
#'   }
#'   }
#' @section Package Cohorts:
#' *Experimental!*
#' Package cohorts are structures to determine the risk of a set of packages.
#' `pkg_library()` can be called to create a object containing the pkg_ref
#' objects of all packages in a system library.
#' @rdname pkg_ref
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # riskmetric will check for installed packages by default
#' ref_1 <- pkg_ref("utils")
#' ref_1$source # returns 'pkg_install'
#' # lib.loc can be used to specify a library for pkg_install
#' ref_3 <- pkg_ref("utils", source = "pkg_install", lib.loc = .libPaths()[1])
#' # You can also override this behavior with a source argument
#' ref_2 <- pkg_ref("utils", source = "pkg_cran_remote")
#' ref_2$source  # returns 'pkg_cran_remote'
#' }
pkg_ref <- function(x, ...) {
  if (missing(x)) return(structure(logical(0L), class = "pkg_ref"))
  as_pkg_ref(x, ...)

#' @importFrom vctrs new_vctr
#' @keywords internal
new_pkg_ref <- function(name, version = NA_character_, source, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (length(dots) && is.null(names(dots)) || any(names(dots) == ""))
    stop("pkg_ref ellipses arguments must be named")

  source <- match.arg(
    c("pkg_git_remote", "pkg_bioc_remote", "pkg_cran_remote", "pkg_remote", "pkg_install", "pkg_source", "pkg_missing"),
    several.ok = TRUE)

  source <- get_pkg_ref_classes(source)

  pkg_data <- as.environment(append(list(
    name = name,
    version = version,
    source = source[[1L]]
  ), dots))

    class = c(source, class(pkg_data)))

#' The `pkg_ref` subclass hierarchy, used for pkg_ref object creation with a
#' specified subclass
pkg_ref_class_hierarchy <- list(
  "pkg_ref" = list(
    "pkg_remote" = list(

#' Walk the pkg_ref class hierarchy to match a single subclass to a class path
#' @param x (`character(1L)`) A subclass, among those known in pkg_ref subclasses
#' @param classes (`list`) A class hierarchy, described using a named list.
#'   Defaults to `pkg_ref_class_hierarchy`.
#' @return A `character(n)` class path from `pkg_ref` down to the specified
#'   subclass, or `FALSE` if no path is found.
#' @keywords internal
get_pkg_ref_classes <- function(x, classes = pkg_ref_class_hierarchy) {
  if (x %in% names(classes) || x %in% classes)

  if (!is.list(classes))

  for (i in seq_along(classes)) {
    subclasses <- get_pkg_ref_classes(x, classes[[i]])
    if (is.character(subclasses)) return(c(subclasses, names(classes[i])))


#' @rdname pkg_ref
#' @param lib.loc The path to the R library directory of the installed package.
pkg_install <- function(x, lib.loc = NULL) {
  if(verify_pkg_source(x, "pkg_install") == "pkg_missing") return(pkg_missing(x))

  path <- find.package(x, lib.loc = lib.loc)
  version <- utils::packageVersion(x, lib.loc = dirname(path))

              version = version,
              path = path,
              source = "pkg_install")

#' @rdname pkg_ref
pkg_source <- function(x) {
  desc <- read.dcf(file.path(x, "DESCRIPTION"))
  name <- unname(desc[,"Package"])

              version = package_version(desc[,"Version"][[1]]),
              path = normalizePath(x),
              source = "pkg_source")

#' @rdname pkg_ref
#' @param repos URL of CRAN repository to pull package metadata.
pkg_cran <- function(x, repos = getOption("repos", "https://cran.rstudio.com")) {
  ap <- memoise_available_packages(repos = repos)
  info <- ap[ap[,"Package"] == x,,drop = FALSE]

              version = info[,"Version"],
              repo = info[,"Repository"],
              source = c("pkg_cran_remote"))

#' @rdname pkg_ref
pkg_bioc <- function(x) {
  bp <- memoise_bioc_available()
  info <- bp[bp[,"Package"] == x,,drop = FALSE]

              version = info[,"Version"],
              repo = "https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc",
              source = c("pkg_bioc_remote"))

#' @rdname pkg_ref
pkg_missing <- function(x) {
              source = c("pkg_missing"))

#' @rdname pkg_ref
pkg_library <- function(lib.loc) {
  # Create pkg_cohort object
  cohort <- pkg_cohort()
  for(pkg in list.files(lib.loc, recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)) {
    cohort[[length(cohort)+1]] <- pkg_install(pkg, lib.loc = lib.loc)

#' Convert into a package object
#' @param x A singular \code{character} value, \code{character vector} or
#'   \code{list} of \code{character} values of package names or source code
#'   directory paths.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @return When a single value is provided, a single \code{pkg_ref} object is
#'   returned, possibly with a subclass based on where the package was found. If
#'   a \code{vector} or \code{list} is provided, a \code{list_of_pkg_ref} object
#'   constructed with \code{\link[vctrs]{list_of}} is returned, which can be
#'   considered analogous to a \code{list}. See 'Details' for further
#'   information about \code{pkg_ref} subclasses.
#' @rdname pkg_ref
#' @importFrom vctrs new_list_of
#' @export
as_pkg_ref <- function(x, ...) {
  if ((is.list(x) || is.atomic(x)) && length(x) > 1) {

    dots <- list(...)

    # iterate over the list of packages and add sources and versions
    pkg_ref_list <- list()
    for(i in seq_along(x)) {
        source <- ifelse(length(dots$source) > 1, dots$source[i], dots$source)
      else source <- NULL

      pkg_ref_list[[i]] <- as_pkg_ref(x[i], source=source)

    return(vctrs::new_list_of(pkg_ref_list, ptype = pkg_ref(), class = "list_of_pkg_ref"))
  } else {

#' @export
as_pkg_ref.default <- function(x, ...) {
    "Don't know how to convert object class '%s' to class 'pkg_ref'",
    paste(class(x), collapse = ", ")))

#' @export
as_pkg_ref.pkg_ref <- function(x, ...) {

#' @importFrom utils available.packages packageVersion
#' @export
as_pkg_ref.character <- function(x, repos = getOption("repos", "https://cran.rstudio.com"),
                                 source = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, ...) {

  dots <- list(...)

  pkg_source_ <- ifelse(is.null(source),
                        determine_pkg_source(x, source, repos),
                        verify_pkg_source(x, source, repos))

  stopifnot(pkg_source_ %in% c("pkg_install", "pkg_source", "pkg_cran_remote",
                               "pkg_bioc_remote", "pkg_missing"))

         pkg_install = pkg_install(x, lib.loc = lib.loc),
         pkg_source = pkg_source(x),
         pkg_cran_remote = pkg_cran(x, repos = repos),
         pkg_bioc_remote = pkg_bioc(x),
         pkg_missing = pkg_missing(x)

#' Determine the intended source of a new package
#' @param x Package name or path to package
#' @param source type of source passed in `pkg_ref`
#' @return one of c('pkg_install', 'pkg_install', 'pkg_cran_remote',
#'   'pkg_bioc_remote', 'pkg_missing')
#' @keywords internal
determine_pkg_source <- function(x, source, repos) {
  if (dir.exists(x) && file.exists(file.path(x, "DESCRIPTION"))) {

  # non-source package
  } else if (grepl("^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:].]*[[:alnum:]]$", x)) {

    if (length(find.package(x, quiet = TRUE)) != 0) {

    # if its not installed, pull the package to check it
    } else {
      ap <- memoise_available_packages(repos = repos)
      info <- ap[ap[, "Package"] == x, , drop = FALSE]

      p <- new_pkg_ref(x,
        version = info[, "Version"],
        repo = info[, "Repository"],
        source = c("pkg_remote")

    if (is_available_cran(x, repos, p)) {
    } else if (is_available_bioc(x, p)) {
    } else {

  } else {
    stop(sprintf("can't interpret character '%s' as a package reference", x))

#' Verify a pkg_source when one is manually specified by the user
#' @return a string of package source
#' @keywords internal
verify_pkg_source <- function(x, source, repos) {
    pkg_install = "pkg_install",
    pkg_source = {
      # check source pakcage is present if source is "pkg_source"
      if (source == "pkg_source" && !dir.exists(x)) {
        warning(paste0(c("Package source: `", x, "` does not exist, source is now 'pkg_missing'")))
    pkg_cran_remote = {
      ap <- memoise_available_packages(repos = repos)
      info <- ap[ap[, "Package"] == x, , drop = FALSE]
      p <- new_pkg_ref(x,
        version = info[, "Version"],
        repo = info[, "Repository"],
        source = c("pkg_remote")
      if(!is_available_cran(x, repos, p)) {
        warning(paste0(c("Package: `", x, "` not found on CRAN, source is now 'pkg_missing'")))
    pkg_bioc_remote = {
      ap <- memoise_available_packages(repos = repos)
      info <- ap[ap[, "Package"] == x, , drop = FALSE]
      p <- new_pkg_ref(x,
        version = info[, "Version"],
        repo = info[, "Repository"],
        source = c("pkg_remote")
      if (!is_available_bioc(x, p)) {
        warning(paste0(c("Package: `", x, "` not found on bioconductor, source is now 'pkg_missing'")))


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riskmetric documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:13 a.m.