
Defines functions .parseNull .parseFalse .parseTrue .parseNumber .parseString .parseArray .parseObj .parseValue .fromJSON_R fromJSON newJSONParser toJSON

Documented in fromJSON newJSONParser toJSON

toJSON <- function( x, indent = 0, method = "C" )
	if( method == "C" ) {
		return( .Call("toJSON", x, as.integer(indent), PACKAGE="rjson")[[ 1 ]] )
	} else if( method != "R" ) {
		stop("bad method - only R or C" )
	#convert factors to characters
	if( is.factor( x ) == TRUE ) {
		tmp_names <- names( x )
		x = as.character( x )
		names( x ) <- tmp_names

	if( !is.vector(x) && !is.null(x) && !is.list(x) ) {
		x <- as.list( x )
		warning("JSON only supports vectors and lists - But I'll try anyways")

	if( is.null(x) )
		return( "null" )

	#treat named vectors as lists
	if( is.null( names( x ) ) == FALSE ) {
		x <- as.list( x )

	#named lists only
	if( is.list(x) && !is.null(names(x)) ) {
		if( any(duplicated(names(x))) )
			stop( "A JSON list must have unique names" );
		str = "{"
		first_elem = TRUE
		for( n in names(x) ) {
			if( first_elem )
				first_elem = FALSE
				str = paste(str, ',', sep="")
			str = paste(str, deparse(n), ":", toJSON(x[[n]], "R"), sep="")
		str = paste( str, "}", sep="" )
		return( str )

	#treat lists without names as JSON array
	if( length(x) != 1 || is.list(x) ) {
		if( !is.null(names(x)) )
			return( toJSON(as.list(x), "R") ) #vector with names - treat as JSON list
		str = "["
		first_elem = TRUE
		for( val in x ) {
			if( first_elem )
				first_elem = FALSE
				str = paste(str, ',', sep="")
			str = paste(str, toJSON(val, "R"), sep="")
		str = paste( str, "]", sep="" )
		return( str )

	if( is.nan(x) )
		return( "\"NaN\"" )

	if( is.na(x) )
		return( "\"NA\"" )

	if( is.infinite(x) )
		return( ifelse( x == Inf, "\"Inf\"", "\"-Inf\"" ) )

	if( is.logical(x) )
		return( ifelse(x, "true", "false") )

	if( is.character(x) )
		return( gsub("\\/", "\\\\/", deparse(x)) )

	if( is.numeric(x) )
		return( as.character(x) )

	stop( "shouldnt make it here - unhandled type not caught" )

#create an object, which can be used to parse JSON data spanning multiple buffers
#it will be able to pull out multiple objects.. e.g: "[5][2,1]" is two different JSON objects - it can be called twice to get both items
newJSONParser <- function( method = "R" )
	if( method == "R" ) {
		buffer <- c()
		return(	list(
			"addData" = function( buf ) {
				chars = strsplit(buf, "")[[1]]
				for( ch in chars )
					buffer[ length(buffer) + 1 ]  <<- ch
			"getObject" = function()
				tmp <- .parseValue( buffer, 1)
				if( is.null( tmp$incomplete ) == FALSE )
					return( NULL )

				if( tmp$size > length(buffer) )
					buffer <<- c()
					buffer <<- buffer[ tmp$size : length(buffer) ]

				return( tmp$val )
		) )
	} else if( method == "C" ) {
		buffer <- ""
		return(	list(
			"addData" = function( buf ) {
				buffer <<- paste( buffer, buf, sep="" )
			"getObject" = function()
				tmp <- .Call("fromJSON", buffer, PACKAGE="rjson")
				if( any( class( tmp[[ 1 ]] ) == "incomplete" ) )
					return( NULL )

				size <- tmp[[ 2 ]] + 1

				buffer <<- substring( buffer, size, nchar( buffer ) )
				return( tmp[[ 1 ]] )
		) )
	stop("bad method - only R or C" )

fromJSON <- function( json_str, file, method = "C", unexpected.escape = "error", simplify = TRUE )
	if( missing( json_str ) ) {
		if( missing( file ) )
			stop( "either json_str or file must be supplied to fromJSON")
		json_str <- paste(readLines( file, warn=FALSE ),collapse="")
	} else {
		if( missing( file ) == FALSE ) {
			stop( "only one of json_str or file must be supplied to fromJSON")

	if( !is.character(json_str) )
		stop( "json_str must be a character string" )

	if( length(json_str) != 1 )
		stop( "json_str can only contain a single element" )

	json_str <- trimws( json_str )

	if( method == "R" )
		return( .fromJSON_R( json_str ) )
	if( method != "C" )
		stop( "only R or C method allowed" )

	tmp <- .Call("fromJSON", json_str, unexpected.escape, simplify, PACKAGE="rjson")
	size <- tmp[[ 2 ]]
	if( size != nchar( json_str, type = "bytes" ) ) {
		stop( sprintf("not all data was parsed (%d chars were parsed out of a total of %d chars)", size, nchar( json_str, type = "bytes" ) ) )
	x <- tmp[[ 1 ]]
	if( any( class(x) == "try-error" ) )
		stop( x )
	return( x )

.fromJSON_R <- function( json_str )
	if( !is.character(json_str) )
		stop( "JSON objects must be a character string" )
	chars = strsplit(json_str, "")[[1]]
	tmp <- .parseValue( chars, 1)
	if( is.null( tmp$incomplete ) )
		return( tmp$val )
		return( NULL )

.parseValue <- function( chars, i )
	if( i > length( chars ) )
		return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

	#ignore whitespace
	while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
		i = i + 1
		if( i > length( chars ) )
			return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

	ch = chars[i]
	if( ch == "{" ) {
		return( .parseObj( chars, i ) )
	if( ch == "[" ) {
		return( .parseArray( chars, i ) )
	if( ch == "\"" ) {
		return( .parseString( chars, i ) )
	if( any(grep("[0-9\\-]", ch)) ) {
		return( .parseNumber( chars, i ) )
	if( ch == "t" ) {
		return( .parseTrue( chars, i ) )
	if( ch == "f" ) {
		return( .parseFalse( chars, i ) )
	if( ch == "n" ) {
		return( .parseNull( chars, i ) )
	#stop("shouldnt reach end of parseValue")

	err <- paste( "unexpected data:", paste( chars[ i:length(chars)], collapse = "" ) )
	stop( err )

.parseObj <- function( chars, i )
	obj <- list()
	if( chars[i] != "{" ) stop("error - no openning tag")
	i = i + 1
	if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

	first_pass <- TRUE
	while( TRUE ) {

		#ignore whitespace
		while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

		#look out for empty lists
		if( chars[i] == "}" && first_pass == TRUE ) {
			i = i + 1
		first_pass <- FALSE

		#get key
		str = .parseString( chars, i )
		if( is.null( str$incomplete ) == FALSE ) return( str )
		key = str$val
		i = str$size
		if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

		#ignore whitespace
		while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

		#verify seperater
		if( chars[i] != ":" ) stop("error - no seperator")
		i = i + 1
		if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

		#ignore whitespace
		while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) )
				return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

		#get value
		val = .parseValue( chars, i )
		if( is.null( val$incomplete ) == FALSE ) return( val )
		obj[key] <- list(val$val)
		i = val$size

		if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

		#ignore whitespace
		while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) )
				return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

		if( chars[i] == "}" ) {
			i = i + 1
		if( chars[i] != "," ) stop("error - no closing tag")
		i = i + 1
		if( i > length( chars ) )
			return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
	return( list(val=obj, size=i) )

.parseArray <- function( chars, i )
	useVect <- TRUE
    arr <- list()
	if( chars[i] != "[" ) stop("error - no openning tag")

	i = i + 1
	if( i > length( chars ) )
		return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

	while( TRUE ) {
		#ignore whitespace
		while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) )
				return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
		#look out for empty arrays
		if( chars[i] == "]" ) {
			i = i + 1
			useVect <- FALSE #force an empty list instead of NULL (i.e. value = vector("list",0))
		#get value
		val = .parseValue( chars, i )
		if( is.null( val$incomplete ) == FALSE ) return( val )
		arr[length(arr)+1] <- list(val$val)
		if( is.list(val$val) || length(val$val) > 1 || is.null(val$val) )
			useVect <- FALSE

		i = val$size
		if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

		#ignore whitespace
		while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) )
				return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

		if( chars[i] == "]" ) {
			i = i + 1
		if( chars[i] != "," ) stop("error - no closing tag")
		i = i + 1
		if( i > length( chars ) )
			return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
    if( useVect )
    	arr <- unlist(arr)
	return( list(val=arr, size=i) )

.parseString <- function( chars, i )
	str_start = i
	if( chars[i] != "\"") stop("error")
	i = i + 1
	if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

	while( TRUE ) {
		while( chars[i] != "\\" && chars[i] != "\"" ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
		if( chars[i] == "\\" ) {
			i = i + 2 #skip the next char
			if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
	str_end = i
	i = i + 1
		val=eval(parse( text=paste(chars[str_start:str_end], collapse="") )),
		size=i ))

.parseNumber <- function( chars, i )
	str_start = i

	if( chars[i] == "-" )
		i = i + 1

	if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

	if( chars[i] == "0" ) {
		i = i + 1
		if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
		if( any(grep("[1-9]", chars[i])) ) stop("JSON specs don't allow a number like \"012\"")
	} else if( any(grep("[1-9]", chars[i])) ) {
		i = i + 1
		if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
		while( any(grep("[0-9]", chars[i])) ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
	} else {
		stop( "doesn't look like a valid JSON number" )

	if( chars[i] == "." ) {
		i = i + 1
		if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
		while( any(grep("[0-9]", chars[i])) ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )

	if( chars[i] == "e" || chars[i] == "E" ) {
		i = i + 1
		if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
		if( chars[i] == "-" || chars[i] == "+" )
			i = i + 1
		if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
		while( any(grep("[0-9]", chars[i])) ) {
			i = i + 1
			if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
	str_end = i-1

		val=eval(parse( text=paste(chars[str_start:str_end], collapse="") )),
		size=i ))

.parseTrue <- function( chars, i )
	if( paste(chars[i:(i+3)], collapse="") == "true" )
		return( list(val=TRUE,size=i+4) )
	stop("error parsing true value (maybe the word starts with t but isnt true)")

.parseFalse <- function( chars, i )
	if( paste(chars[i:(i+4)], collapse="") == "false" )
		return( list(val=FALSE,size=i+5) )
	stop("error parsing false value (maybe the word starts with f but isnt false)")

.parseNull <- function( chars, i )
	if( paste(chars[i:(i+3)], collapse="") == "null" )
		return( list(val=NULL,size=i+4) )
	stop("error parsing null value (maybe the word starts with n but isnt null)")

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rjson documentation built on Jan. 9, 2022, 9:07 a.m.