
Defines functions parse_extra_args format_var_aliases

Documented in format_var_aliases parse_extra_args

#' Format formula argument list in triplet (type, dimension, position)
#' @keywords internal
#' @description
#' The function `format_var_aliases` formats KeOps formula arguments to be 
#' understood by the C++ code.
#' @details
#' Mathematical formula: `sum_i e^(lambda*||x_i - y_j||^2)` where `x_i`, `y_j` 
#' are 3d vectors, and `lambda` is a scaler parameter.
#' Corresponding KeOps formula and input parameters:
#' ```
#' formula = "Sum_Reduction(Exp(lambda * SqNorm2(x-y)), 0)"
#' args = c("x=Vi(3)", "y=Vj(3)", "lambda=Pm(1)")
#' ```
#' Input arguments can be of different types: 
#' |---------|-------------------------|-----------|
#' | keyword | meaning                 | type      |
#' |---------|-------------------------|-----------|
#' | `Vi`    | variable indexed by `i` | `0`       |
#' | `Vj`    | variable indexed by `j` | `1`       |
#' | `Pm`    | parameter               | `2`       |
#' |---------|-------------------------|-----------|
#' An input parameters should be defined as follows `"x=YY(dim)"` or 
#' `"x=YY(pos, dim)"` where `YY` can be `Vi`, `Vj` or `Pm`:
#' * `dim` is the dimension of the variable or parameter. For `Vi` and `Vj`, 
#' the range of `i` or `j` is not known at compile time, only at runtime.
#' * `pos` is the position of the variable as it will be supplied to the 
#' operator, starting from `0`. This position should be specify for all 
#' variable or none, if not specify the natural order in the vector `args` is 
#' used.
#' For the formula `"Sum_Reduction(Exp(lambda * SqNorm2(x-y)), 0)"`, both
#' `args = c("x=Vi(3)", "y=Vj(3)", "lambda=Pm(1)")` and 
#' `args <- c("x=Vi(0,3)", "y=Vj(1,3)", "beta=Vj(2,3)", "lambda=Pm(3,1)")` are
#' equivalent. When specifying the `pos` parameter, the natural order in the 
#' vector `args` may not correspond to the order of the formula input arguments.
#' **Note:** we recommand to use the `Vi(dim)` notation and let the position be 
#' determined by the argument order.
#' @author Ghislain Durif
#' @param args vector of text string, formula input arguments (see Details).
#' @return a list with different information about formula input arguments:
#' \item{args}{vector of text string, input parameter `args`}
#' \item{var_name}{vector of text string, corresponding name of formula 
#' arguments}
#' \item{var_type}{vector of text string, corresponding type of formula 
#' arguments (among `Vi`, `Vj`, `Pm`).}
#' \item{var_pos}{vector of integer, corresponding arguments positions.}
#' \item{var_aliases}{text string, declaration of formula input arguments for 
#' the C++ KeOps API.}
#' @importFrom stringr str_count str_detect str_extract str_split str_replace_all fixed
#' @export
format_var_aliases <- function(args) {
	if(length(args) == 0) {
		out <- list(
		        args = NULL, 
		        var_name = NULL, 
                var_type = NULL, 
                var_pos = NULL, 
                var_dim = NULL,
                var_aliases = "")
    # check input type
        stop("`args` input argument should be a vector of text strings.")
    # potential values
    possible_var_type <- c("Vi", "Vj", "Pm")
    possible_args <- paste0("[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+=", 
    # check correctness of input args
    args_check <- str_count(string = str_replace_all(args, fixed(" "), ""), 
                            pattern = paste0(possible_args,
                                             collapse = "|")) == 1
    if(!all(args_check)) {
        stop(paste0("Issue with input value(s) '", 
                    paste0(args[!args_check], collapse = "', '"),
    # check consistency of input args
    args_check <- str_detect(string = args, 
                             pattern = "(?<=[0-9]),(?=[0-9])")
    # parse
    split_args <- Reduce("rbind", str_split(string = args, pattern = "="))
        split_args <- matrix(split_args, ncol=2)
    var_name <- split_args[,1]
    var_type <- str_extract(string = split_args[,2],
                            pattern = paste0(possible_var_type,
                            collapse = "|"))
    var_pos <- NULL
    var_dim <- NULL
    if(all(as.integer(args_check))) {
        # syntax 'Xx(pos,dim)'
        var_pos <- as.numeric(str_extract(string = split_args[,2], 
                                          pattern = "[0-9]+(?=,)"))
        var_dim <- as.numeric(str_extract(string = split_args[,2], 
                                          pattern = "(?<=,)[0-9]+"))
    } else if(all(as.integer(1-args_check))) {
        # syntax 'Xx(dim)' (and position is inferred from parameter order)
        var_pos <- seq(0, length(args)-1, by=1)
        var_dim <- as.numeric(str_extract(string = split_args[,2], 
                                          pattern = "[0-9]+"))
    } else {
        stop(paste0("Issue with input argument consistency, use either ", 
                    "'(dim)' or '(pos, dim)' for 'Vi', 'Vj' and 'Pm' ",
                    "(see help page or vignette for more details)."))
    ## format 
    var_aliases <- paste0(c(paste0("decltype(", 
                                   paste0(var_type, "(", 
                                          var_pos, ",", 
                                          var_dim, ")"),
                                   ") ", var_name), ""),
                          collapse = ";")
    ## output
    out <- list(args = args, 
                var_name = unname(var_name), 
                var_type = unname(var_type), 
                var_pos = unname(var_pos), 
                var_dim = unname(var_dim),
                var_aliases = var_aliases)

#' Parse formula for extra arguments not encoded in argument aliases
#' @keywords internal
#' @description
#' @details
#' Parse the formula for string such as
#' * `"YY(<pos>,<dim>)"` where `YY` can be a formula input argument type 
#' (`Vi`, `Vj` or `Pm`), `<pos>` is the position of the corresponding input 
#' argument, and `<dim>` its inner dimension.
#' * `"Var(<pos>,<dim>,<type>)"` where `<pos>` and `<dim>` are the position and 
#' inner dimension (c.f. previous point) and `<type>` is an integer encoding 
#' the formula input argument type with the following relation:
#' |---------|-------------------------|-----------|
#' | keyword | meaning                 | type      |
#' |---------|-------------------------|-----------|
#' | `Vi`    | variable indexed by `i` | `0`       |
#' | `Vj`    | variable indexed by `j` | `1`       |
#' | `Pm`    | parameter               | `2`       |
#' |---------|-------------------------|-----------|
#' @author Ghislain Durif
#' @param formula text string, an operator formula (see Details).
#' @param args vector of text string, formula input arguments (see Details).
#' @return a list with different information about formula input arguments:
#' a list with different information about formula input arguments:
#' \item{var_type}{vector of text string, corresponding type of formula 
#' arguments (among `Vi`, `Vj`, `Pm`).}
#' \item{var_pos}{vector of integer, corresponding arguments positions.}
#' \item{var_dim}{vector of integer, corresponding arguments dimensions.}
#' @importFrom stringr str_match_all str_replace
#' @export
parse_extra_args <- function(formula, args) {
    ## remove space
    formula <- str_replace(string = formula, pattern = " ", replacement = "")
    ## empty output
    out <- list(
        var_type = NULL, 
        var_pos = NULL, 
        var_dim = NULL)
    ## parse the formula
    # YY(<dim>) with YY = Vi, Vj or Pm
    pattern1 = "(Vi|Vj|Pm)\\(([0-9]+)\\)"
    parse1 <- str_match_all(formula, pattern1)[[1]]
    # YY(<pos>,<dim>) with YY = Vi, Vj or Pm
    pattern2 = "(Vi|Vj|Pm)\\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)"
    parse2 <- str_match_all(formula, pattern2)[[1]]
    # Var(<pos>,<dim>,<type>)
    pattern3 = "Var\\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)"
    parse3 <- str_match_all(formula, pattern3)[[1]]
    ## nothing to be found
    if(length(parse1) == 0 & length(parse2) == 0 & length(parse3) == 0) {
    ## candidate var_type
    var_types <- c("Vi", "Vj", "Pm")
    ## var aliases
    var_aliases <- format_var_aliases(args)
    ## format results of parsing
    if(length(parse1) > 0) {
        extra_args1 <- list(
            var_type = parse1[,2], 
            var_pos = (1:nrow(parse1)) + max(var_aliases$var_pos), 
            var_dim = as.integer(parse1[,3]))
        if(!all(extra_args1 %in% var_aliases$var_pos))
            out <- as.list(rbind(as.data.frame(out, 
                                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
                                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
    if(length(parse2) > 0) {
        extra_args2 <- list(
            var_type = parse2[,2], 
            var_pos = as.integer(parse2[,3]), 
            var_dim = as.integer(parse2[,4]))
        if(!all(extra_args2 %in% var_aliases$var_pos))
            out <- as.list(rbind(as.data.frame(out, 
                                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
                                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
    if(length(parse3) > 0) {
        extra_args3 <- list(
            var_type = sapply(as.integer(parse3[,4])+1, function(ind) var_types[[ind]]), 
            var_pos = as.integer(parse3[,2]), 
            var_dim = as.integer(parse3[,3]))
        if(!all(extra_args3 %in% var_aliases$var_pos))
            out <- as.list(rbind(as.data.frame(out, 
                                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
                                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
    ## out

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rkeops documentation built on Feb. 17, 2021, 5:08 p.m.