honey: honey compositions

honeyR Documentation

honey compositions


The contents of honey, syrup, and adulteration mineral elements.


A data frame with 429 observations on the following 17 variables.

  • class adulterated honey, Honey or Syrup

  • group group information

  • group3 detailed group information

  • group1 less detailed group information

  • region region

  • Al chemical element

  • B chemical element

  • Ba chemical element

  • Ca chemical element

  • Fe chemical element

  • K chemical element

  • Mg chemical element

  • Mnchemical element

  • Na chemical element

  • P chemical element

  • Sr chemical element

  • Zn chemical element


Discrimination of honey and adulteration by elemental chemometrics profiling.


In the original paper, sparse PLS-DA were applied optimize the classify model and test effectiveness. Classify accuracy were exceed 87.7 percent.


Mendeley Data, contributed by Liping Luo and translated to R by Matthias Templ


Tao Liu, Kang Ming, Wei Wang, Ning Qiao, Shengrong Qiu, Shengxiang Yi, Xueyong Huang, Liping Luo, Discrimination of honey and syrup-based adulteration by mineral element chemometrics profiling,' Food Chemistry, Volume 343, 2021, \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128455")}.



robCompositions documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 5:13 p.m.