
context("model fit: simple mediation, covariates")

## load package
library("robmed", quietly = TRUE)

## control parameters
n <- 250            # number of observations
a <- c <- 0.2       # true effects
b <- 0              # true effect
seed <- 20190201    # seed for the random number generator

## set seed for reproducibility

## generate data
X <- rnorm(n)
M <- a * X + rnorm(n)
Y <- b * M + c * X + rnorm(n)
C1 <- rnorm(n)
C2 <- rnorm(n)
test_data <- data.frame(X, Y, M, C1, C2)

## control parameters for methods
x <- "X"                     # independent variable
y <- "Y"                     # dependent variable
m <- "M"                     # mediator variable
covariates <- c("C1", "C2")  # control variables
max_iterations <- 500        # for MM-regression estimator

## fit mediation models
fit_list <- list(
  robust = {
    fit_mediation(test_data, x = x, y = y, m = m, covariates = covariates,
                  method = "regression", robust = TRUE,
                  max_iterations = max_iterations)
  median = {
    fit_mediation(test_data, x = x, y = y, m = m, covariates = covariates,
                  method = "regression", robust = "median")
  skewnormal = {
    fit_mediation(test_data, x = x, y = y, m = m, covariates = covariates,
                  method = "regression", robust = FALSE, family = "skewnormal")
  select = {
    fit_mediation(test_data, x = x, y = y, m = m, covariates = covariates,
                  method = "regression", robust = FALSE, family = "select")
  OLS = {
    fit_mediation(test_data, x = x, y = y, m = m, covariates = covariates,
                  method = "regression", robust = FALSE, family = "gaussian")

## compute summaries
summary_list <- lapply(fit_list, summary)

## correct values
effect_names <- c("a", "b", "Total", "Direct", "Indirect")
classes <- c(robust = "lmrob", median = "rq", skewnormal = "lmse",
             select = "lm", OLS = "lm")

## run tests

# loop over methods
methods <- names(fit_list)
for (method in methods) {

  # extract information for current method
  fit <- fit_list[[method]]
  summary <- summary_list[[method]]

  # correct values
  class <- classes[method]
  family <- if (method %in% c("skewnormal", "select")) method else "gaussian"

  # run tests

  test_that("output has correct structure", {

    # regression fit
    expect_s3_class(fit, "reg_fit_mediation")
    expect_s3_class(fit, "fit_mediation")
    # regressions m ~ x and y ~ m + x
    expect_s3_class(fit$fit_mx, class)
    expect_s3_class(fit$fit_ymx, class)
    # regression y ~ x is only computed for nonrobust methods
    if (method %in% c("robust", "median")) {
    } else {
      expect_s3_class(fit$fit_yx, class)


  test_that("arguments are correctly passed", {

    # variable names
    expect_identical(fit$x, x)
    expect_identical(fit$y, y)
    expect_identical(fit$m, m)
    expect_identical(fit$covariates, covariates)
    # robust or nonrobust fit
    if (method == "robust") {
      expect_identical(fit$robust, "MM")
      expect_equal(fit$control, reg_control(max_iterations = max_iterations))
    } else if (method == "median") {
      expect_identical(fit$robust, "median")
    } else {
    # assumed error distribution
    expect_identical(fit$family, family)
    # mediation model
    expect_identical(fit$model, "simple")
    # no contrasts


  test_that("dimensions are correct", {

    # effects are scalars
    expect_length(fit$a, 1L)
    expect_named(fit$a, NULL)
    expect_length(fit$b, 1L)
    expect_named(fit$b, NULL)
    expect_length(fit$total, 1L)
    expect_named(fit$total, NULL)
    expect_length(fit$direct, 1L)
    expect_named(fit$direct, NULL)
    expect_length(fit$indirect, 1L)
    expect_named(fit$indirect, NULL)
    # individual regressions
    expect_length(coef(fit$fit_mx), 4L)
    expect_length(coef(fit$fit_ymx), 5L)
    if (!(method %in% c("robust", "median"))) {
      expect_length(coef(fit$fit_yx), 4L)
    # dimensions of data
    expect_identical(dim(fit$data), c(as.integer(n), 5L))


  test_that("values of coefficients are correct", {

    expect_equivalent(fit$a, coef(fit$fit_mx)[x])
    expect_equivalent(fit$b, coef(fit$fit_ymx)[m])
    expect_equivalent(fit$direct, coef(fit$fit_ymx)[x])
    expect_equivalent(fit$indirect, fit$a * fit$b)
    # total effect
    if (method %in% c("robust", "median")) {
      expect_equivalent(fit$total, fit$indirect + fit$direct)
    } else if (method == "OLS") {
      expect_equivalent(fit$total, coef(fit$fit_yx)[x])
      expect_equivalent(fit$total, fit$indirect + fit$direct)
    } else {
      expect_equivalent(fit$total, coef(fit$fit_yx)[x])


  test_that("output of coef() method has correct attributes", {

    coefficients <- coef(fit)
    expect_length(coefficients, 5L)
    expect_named(coefficients, effect_names)


  test_that("coef() method returns correct values of coefficients", {

    expect_equivalent(coef(fit, parm = "a"), fit$a)
    expect_equivalent(coef(fit, parm = "b"), fit$b)
    expect_null(coef(fit, parm = "d"))
    expect_equivalent(coef(fit, parm = "total"), fit$total)
    expect_equivalent(coef(fit, parm = "direct"), fit$direct)
    expect_equivalent(coef(fit, parm = "indirect"), fit$indirect)


  test_that("summary returns original object", {
    expect_identical(fit, summary)

  # tests for weight_plot(), which is only implemented for ROBMED
  if (method == "robust") {

    # loop over settings for weight plot
    for (setting in c("default", m, y)) {

      # obtain setup object for weight plot
      if (setting == "default") weight <- setup_weight_plot(fit)
      else weight <- setup_weight_plot(fit, outcome = setting)

      # run tests
      test_that("object returned by setup_weight_plot() has correct structure", {

        # check data frame for weight percentages to be plotted
        expect_s3_class(weight$data, "data.frame")

        # additional checks
        names <- c("Outcome", "Tail", "Weights", "Threshold", "Percentage")
        if (setting == "default") {
          # check dimensions and column names
          expect_identical(ncol(weight$data), 5L)
          expect_named(weight$data, names)
          # check if variables are passed correctly
          expect_identical(weight$outcome, c(m, y))
        } else {
          # check dimensions and column names
          expect_identical(ncol(weight$data), 4L)
          expect_named(weight$data, names[-1])
          # check if variables are passed correctly
          expect_identical(weight$outcome, setting)



  } else {

    # run tests
    test_that("setup_weight_plot() gives error", {

      # not implemented



  # tests for setup_ellipse_plot(), which is only implemented for some methods
  if (method %in% c("robust", "OLS", "winsorized", "ML")) {

    # loop over settings for ellipse plot
    for (setting in c("mx", "ym", "partial")) {

      # obtain setup object for ellipse plot
      if (setting == "mx") ellipse <- setup_ellipse_plot(fit)
      else if (setting == "ym") {
        ellipse <- setup_ellipse_plot(fit, horizontal = m, vertical = y,
                                      partial = FALSE)
      } else {
        ellipse <- setup_ellipse_plot(fit, horizontal = m, vertical = y,
                                      partial = TRUE)

      # run tests
      test_that("object returned by setup_ellipse_plot() has correct structure", {

        # check data frame for data to be plotted
        expect_s3_class(ellipse$data, "data.frame")
        # check dimensions and column names
        if (method %in% c("robust", "winsorized")) {
          expect_identical(dim(ellipse$data), c(as.integer(n), 3L))
          expect_named(ellipse$data, c("x", "y", "Weight"))
        } else {
          expect_identical(dim(ellipse$data), c(as.integer(n), 2L))
          expect_named(ellipse$data, c("x", "y"))

        # check data frame for ellipse
        expect_s3_class(ellipse$ellipse, "data.frame")
        # check dimensions
        expect_identical(ncol(ellipse$ellipse), 2L)
        expect_gt(nrow(ellipse$ellipse), 0L)
        # check column names
        expect_named(ellipse$ellipse, c("x", "y"))

        # check line to be plotted
        if (setting == "partial") {
          # check data frame for line representing the coefficient
          expect_s3_class(ellipse$line, "data.frame")
          # check dimensions
          expect_identical(dim(ellipse$line), c(1L, 2L))
          # check column names
          expect_named(ellipse$line, c("intercept", "slope"))
          # check if intercept is 0 for partial residuals
          expect_identical(ellipse$line$intercept, 0)
        } else {
          # no line to be plotted

        # check if variables are passed correctly
        if (setting == "mx") {
          expect_identical(ellipse$horizontal, x)
          expect_identical(ellipse$vertical, m)
        } else {
          expect_identical(ellipse$horizontal, m)
          expect_identical(ellipse$vertical, y)

        # check logical for partial residuals on the vertical axis
        if (setting == "partial") {
        } else {

        # check logical for robust method
        if (method %in% c("robust", "winsorized")) {
        } else {

        # check logical for multiple methods



  } else {

    # run tests
    test_that("setup_ellipse_plot() gives error", {

      # not implemented



  # tests for ci_plot() and density_plot()
  test_that("setup_ci_plot()  and setup_density_plot() give error", {

    # not meaningful



## covariance fits only implemented for simple mediation without covariates

# argument values
cov_args <- list(winsorized = list(robust = TRUE),
                 ML = list(robust = FALSE))

# loop over methods
cov_methods <- names(cov_args)
for (method in cov_methods) {

  # argument values
  robust <- cov_args[[method]]$robust

  # run tests

  test_that("covariates not implemented", {

    # run regression fit
    reg_fit <- fit_mediation(test_data, x = x, y = y, m = m,
                             covariates = covariates,
                             method = "regression",
                             robust = robust)

    # try to run covariance fit (should give warning)
      cov_fit <- fit_mediation(test_data, x = x, y = y, m = m,
                               covariates = covariates,
                               method = "covariance",
                               robust = robust)

    # hack in case ATLAS is used as BLAS: signs of eigenvectors may be arbitrary
    if (robust) {
      attr(reg_fit$fit_mx$cov, "eigen") <- NULL
      attr(reg_fit$fit_ymx$cov, "eigen") <- NULL
      attr(cov_fit$fit_mx$cov, "eigen") <- NULL
      attr(cov_fit$fit_ymx$cov, "eigen") <- NULL

    # these should be the same
    expect_equal(cov_fit, reg_fit)



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