
Defines functions rd_section_description format_collapse format_first format_rd merge.rd_section format.rd_section print.rd_section rd_section

Documented in rd_section

#' Construct an `rd_section` object
#' An `rd_section` represents an Rd command that can appear at the top-level
#' of an Rd document, like `\name{}`, `\title{}`, `\description{}`, or
#' `\section{}`.
#' @section Methods:
#' If provide your own `rd_section` type, you'll also need to define a
#' `format.rd_section_{type}` method that returns formatted Rd output. You
#' may also need to provide a `merge.rd_section_{type}` method if two
#' sections can not be combined with `rd_section(x$type, c(x$value, y$value))`.
#' See `vignette("extending")` for more details.
#' @param type Section type. Stored in `type` field, and in class
#'   `rd_section_{type}`. To avoid namespace clashes between different
#'   extensions, this should include the package name.
#' @param value Section data. Only used by `format()` and `merge()` methods.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
rd_section <- function(type, value) {
  if (is.null(value) || identical(value, "NULL")) {
    # NULL is special sentinel value that suppresses output of that field

      type = type,
      value = value
    class = c(paste0("rd_section_", type), "rd_section")

#' @export
print.rd_section <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(format(x), "\n")

#' @export
format.rd_section <- function(x, ...) {
  cli::cli_abort("`format.{class(x)[[1]]}` method not found")

#' @export
merge.rd_section <- function(x, y, ...) {
  stopifnot(identical(class(x), class(y)))
  rd_section(x$type, c(x$value, y$value))

format_rd <- function(x, ..., sort = TRUE) {
  # One rd macro for each value
  x$value <- unique(x$value)
  if (sort) {
    x$value <- sort_c(x$value)

  map_chr(x$value, rd_macro, field = x$type)

format_first <- function(x, ...) {
  # Only use the first value
  rd_macro(x$type, x$value[1])

format_collapse <- function(x, ..., indent = 0, exdent = 0) {
  # Collapse all into a single string
  value <- paste0(x$value, collapse = "\n\n")
  rd_macro(x$type, value, space = TRUE)

rd_section_description <- function(name, dt, dd) {
  if (length(dt) == 0) return("")

  items <- paste0("\\item{\\code{", dt, "}}{", dd, "}", collapse = "\n\n")
  paste0("\\section{", name, "}{\n\n",

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