
#' @rdname process_folder
#' @useDynLib rplexos
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion unzip
#' @export
process_solution <- function(file, keep.temp = FALSE) {
  # keep the temp db to insert data later if processing is on the fly
    keep.temp <- T
  # Check that inputs are valid
  stopifnot(is.character(file), length(file) == 1L)

  # Check that file exists
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
    warning(file, " does not exist and was ignored.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  # Database name will match that of the zip file
  db.temp <- get_dbtemp_name(file)
  db.name <- get_dbfinal_name(file)

  # Delete old files, if possible
  if (file.exists(db.temp)) {
  if (file.exists(db.name)) {

  # Read list of files in the zip file
  zip.content <- unzip(file, list = TRUE)

  # Check that zip file has valid XML, Log and BIN files
  xml.pos <- grep("^Model.*Solution[.]xml$", zip.content$Name)
  bin.pos <- grep("^t_data_[0-4].BIN$", zip.content$Name)
  log.pos <- grep("^Model.*Log.*.txt$", zip.content$Name)
  if ((length(xml.pos) == 0L) | (length(bin.pos) == 0L) | (length(log.pos) == 0L)) {
    # If in debug mode, give some more explanation
    if (length(xml.pos) == 0L)
      rplexos_message("No XML file found in file ", file)
    if (length(bin.pos) == 0L)
      rplexos_message("No BIN file found in file ", file)
    if (length(log.pos) == 0L)
      rplexos_message("No LOG file found in file ", file)

    warning(file, " is not a PLEXOS solution file and was ignored.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  # Check if the interval binary file is not being read correctly within the zip file
  #   This seems to happen when R is using 32-bit versions of the zip libraries
  #   No clear solution as to how to solve this yet
  bin.int.pos <- grep("^t_data_0", zip.content$Name)
  if (length(bin.int.pos) == 1L) {
    if (zip.content$Length[bin.int.pos] == (2^32 - 1)) {
      warning("Skipped file ", file, "\n",
              "  Interval data is too large and cannot be processed in Mac/Linux.\n",
              "  Reduce number of outputs in PLEXOS or process with the 64-bit Windows version of R.\n",
              "  No need to report this message; we are working on a solution.",
              call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)


  # Read content from the XML file
  xml.content <- try(read_file_in_zip(file, xml.pos), silent = !is_debug_rplexos())
  if (inherits(xml.content, "try-error")) {
    stop("Error reading XML file into memory", call. = FALSE)

  # Check that XML is a valid PLEXOS file
  plexos.check <- grep("SolutionDataset", xml.content[1])
  if (length(plexos.check) == 0L) {
    rplexos_message("Invalid XML content in ", file)
    warning(file, " is not a PLEXOS database and was ignored.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  # Create an empty database and add the XML information
  rplexos_message("  - Solution: '", file, "'", sep = "")

  # Open connection to SQLite for R
  dbt <- src_sqlite(db.temp, create = TRUE)

  # Add basic XML structure and delete cached XML file
  new_database(dbt, xml.content)

  # Add a few tables that will be useful later on

  # Create SQLite database to store final results
  rplexos_message("Creating final database and adding basic data")
  dbf <- src_sqlite(db.name, create = TRUE)

  # Store time stamps
  sql <- "CREATE TABLE data_time (phase_id INT, interval INT, time TEXT)"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, sql)
  sql <- "CREATE VIEW time AS
          SELECT phase_id, interval, datetime(time) time
          FROM data_time"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, sql)

  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF")
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY")
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, "PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY")

  # Attach final database to temporary database
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbt$con, sprintf("ATTACH '%s' AS new", db.name))

  # Add config table
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbt$con, "CREATE TABLE new.config AS SELECT * FROM t_config")
  sql <- sprintf("INSERT INTO new.config VALUES ('rplexos', '%s')", packageVersion("rplexos"))
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbt$con, sql)
  sql <- sprintf("INSERT INTO new.config VALUES ('OTF', '%s')", is_otf_rplexos())
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbt$con, sql)

  # Add time data
  sql <- "INSERT INTO new.data_time
          SELECT phase_id, interval_id, time
          FROM temp_period_0"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbt$con, sql)

  # Collate information to key (first period data, then summary data)
  sql <- "CREATE TABLE new.key (key INT PRIMARY KEY,
                                table_name TEXT,
                                collection TEXT,
                                property TEXT,
                                unit TEXT,
                                name TEXT,
                                parent TEXT,
                                category TEXT,
                                region TEXT,
                                zone TEXT,
                                class TEXT,
                                class_group TEXT,
                                phase_id INT,
                                period_type_id INT,
                                timeslice TEXT,
                                band INT,
                                sample TEXT)"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbt$con, sql)

  sql <- "INSERT INTO new.key
          SELECT *
          FROM temp_key"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbt$con, sql)

  # Detach database
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbt$con, "DETACH new");

  # Define columns from the key table that go into the views
  view.k <- paste0("k.", c("key", "collection", "property", "unit", "name", "parent", "category",
                            "region", "zone", "phase_id", "period_type_id", "timeslice",
                            "band", "sample"))
  view.k2 <- paste(view.k, collapse = ", ")

  # For each summary time, create a table and a view
  rplexos_message("Creating data tables and views")
  times <- get_times()
  for (i in times) {
    sql <- sprintf("CREATE TABLE data_%s (key integer, time real, value double)", i);
    DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, sql)

    sql <- sprintf("CREATE VIEW %s AS
                    SELECT %s, datetime(d.time) AS time, d.value
                    FROM data_%s d NATURAL LEFT JOIN key k ", i, view.k2, i);
    DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, sql)

  # Create interval data tables and views
  sql <- "SELECT DISTINCT table_name
          FROM key
          WHERE period_type_id = 0"
  props <- DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, sql)

  for (p in props$table_name) {
    sql <- sprintf("CREATE TABLE '%s' (key INT, time_from INT, time_to INT, value DOUBLE)", p)
    DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, sql)

    view.name <- gsub("data_interval_", "", p)
    sql <- sprintf("CREATE VIEW %s AS
                    SELECT %s, t1.time time_from, t2.time time_to, d.value
                    FROM %s d
                    NATURAL JOIN key k
                    JOIN time t1
                      ON t1.interval = d.time_from
                     AND t1.phase_id = k.phase_id
                    JOIN time t2
                      ON t2.interval = d.time_to
                     AND t2.phase_id = k.phase_id
                    WHERE k.table_name = '%s'", view.name, view.k2, p, p);
    DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, sql)

  # Create table for list of properties
  sql <- "CREATE TABLE property AS
          SELECT DISTINCT class_group,
                          period_type_id AS is_summary,
                          COUNT(DISTINCT band) AS count_band,
                          COUNT(DISTINCT sample) AS count_sample,
                          COUNT(DISTINCT timeslice) AS count_timeslice
          FROM key
          GROUP BY class_group, class, collection, property, unit, phase_id, period_type_id, table_name
          ORDER BY phase_id, period_type_id, class_group, class, collection, property"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(dbf$con, sql)
  # Add on the fly table
                 "CREATE TABLE 'on_the_fly' (key INT, table_name TEXT)")

  # Add the data into the db
  if (is_otf_rplexos()){
    add_data(file, dbt, dbf, add_tables = '')
  } else {
    add_data(file, dbt, dbf, add_tables = 'add_all')

  # Read Log file into memory
  rplexos_message("Reading and processing log file")
  log.content <- try(read_file_in_zip(file, log.pos), silent = !is_debug_rplexos())
  if (inherits(log.content, "try-error")) {
    # Error reading log file, throw a warning
    warning("Could not read Log in solution '", file, "'\n",
            "    Data parsed correctly if no other errors were found.",
            call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    # Success reading file, try to parse it
    log.result <- plexos_log_parser(log.content)

    if (length(log.result) < 2L) {
      warning("Log in solution '", file, "' did not parse correctly.\n",
              "    Data parsed correctly if no other errors were found.",
              call. = FALSE)

    for (i in names(log.result)) {
      DBI::dbWriteTable(dbf$con, i, log.result[[i]] %>% as.data.frame, row.names = FALSE)

  # Close database connections

  # Message that file processing is done
  rplexos_message("Finished processing file ", file, "\n")

  # Delete temporary database
  if (!keep.temp) {

  # Return the name of the database that was created

add_data <- function(file, dbt=NULL, dbf=NULL, add_tables='add_all', initial = T){
  if(is.null(dbt) | is.null(dbf)){
    # Database name will match that of the zip file
    db.temp <- get_dbtemp_name(file)
    db.name <- get_dbfinal_name(file)
    # Open connection to SQLite for R
    dbt <- src_sqlite(db.temp, create = F)
    dbf <- src_sqlite(db.name, create = F)
  # Read list of files in the zip file
  zip.content <- unzip(file, list = TRUE)
  times <- get_times()
  # Add binary data
  for (period in 0:4) {
    # Check if binary file exists, otherwise, skip this period
    period.name <- ifelse(period == 0, "interval", times[period])
    bin.name <- sprintf("t_data_%s.BIN", period)
    if(!bin.name %in% zip.content$Name)
    bin.con <- unz(file, bin.name, open = "rb")
    # Print debug message
    rplexos_message("Reading ", period.name, " binary data")
    # Check if length in t_key_index is correct
    correct.length <- correct_length(dbt, period)
    # Read time data
    t.time <- tbl(dbt, sprintf("temp_period_%s", period)) %>%
      arrange(phase_id, period_id) %>%
      select(phase_id, period_id, time, interval_id) %>%
    # Read t_key_index entries for period data
    sql <- sprintf("SELECT nk.[key], nk.phase_id, nk.table_name, tki.period_offset, tki.length
                   FROM t_key_index tki
                   JOIN temp_key nk
                   ON tki.key_id = nk.[key]
                   WHERE tki.period_type_id = %s
                   ORDER BY tki.position", period)
    tki <- DBI::dbSendQuery(dbt$con, sql)
    # All the data is inserted in one transaction
    # Read one row from the query
    num.rows <- ifelse(period == 0, 1, 1000)
    trow <- DBI::dbFetch(tki, num.rows)
    num.read <- 0
    # Iterate through the query results
    while (nrow(trow) > 0) {
      # Fix length if necessary
      if (!correct.length)
        trow <- trow %>% mutate(length = length - period_offset)
      # Expand data
      tdata <- trow %>%
        select(key_id = key, phase_id, period_offset, length) %>%
      # Skip table if it is not present in add_tables
      if(period == 0){ # other periods will be loaded anyway
        if(all(add_tables != 'add_all')){ # only true if all the add_tables entries equal 'add_all'
                                          # a table can never be skipped if all tables should be added
          if (all(trow$table_name %out% add_tables)){ # only true if all the table names are outside of add_tables
            # if any table should be added, add all of them
                    n = sum(trow$length), 
                    size = 8L, 
                    endian = "little") # trick to move the pointer, but the data will not be used
            trow <- DBI::dbFetch(tki, num.rows)
      # Query data
      value.data <- readBin(bin.con,
                            n = nrow(tdata),
                            size = 8L,
                            endian = "little")
      num.read <- num.read + length(value.data)
      # Check the size of data (they won't match if there is a problem)
      if (length(value.data) < nrow(tdata)) {
        rplexos_message("   ", num.read, " values read")
        stop("Problem reading ", period.name, " binary data (reached end of file).\n",
             "  ", nrow(tdata), " values requested, ", length(value.data), " returned.\n",
             "  This is likely a bug in rplexos. Please report it.", call. = FALSE)
      # Copy data
      tdata$value <- value.data
      # Join with time
      tdata2 <- tdata %>%
        inner_join(t.time, by = c("phase_id", "period_id"))
      # Add data to SQLite
      if (period > 0) {
        tdata3 <- tdata2 %>% select(key, time, value)
        table_otf <- paste0('data_',times[period],gsub('data_interval','',trow$table_name))
        table_otf <- paste0('data_',times[period])
        # tables_otf_done <- collect(tbl(dbf, 'on_the_fly'), n = Inf)
        # if(!(table_otf %in% tables_otf_done$table_name)){
                         sprintf("INSERT INTO data_%s VALUES($key, $time, $value)", times[period]),
                         tdata3 %>% as.data.frame)
          table_data <- trow %>% select(key, table_name) %>% as.data.frame
          table_data$table_name <- table_otf
                         "INSERT INTO on_the_fly (key, table_name)
                          VALUES($key, $table_name)",
      } else {
        # Eliminate consecutive repeats
        default.interval.to.id <- max(tdata2$interval_id)
        tdata3 <- tdata2 %>%
          arrange(interval_id) %>%
          filter(value != lag(value, default = Inf)) %>%
          mutate(interval_to_id = lead(interval_id - 1, default = default.interval.to.id)) %>%
          select(key, time_from = interval_id, time_to = interval_to_id, value)
                       sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (key, time_from, time_to, value)
                             VALUES($key, $time_from, $time_to, $value)", trow$table_name),
                       tdata3 %>% as.data.frame)
                       "INSERT INTO on_the_fly (key, table_name)
                        VALUES($key, $table_name)",
                       trow %>% select(key, table_name) %>% as.data.frame)
      # Read next row from the query
      trow <- DBI::dbFetch(tki, num.rows)
    # Finish transaction
    rplexos_message("   ", num.read, " values read")
    # Close binary file connection

# Read a file in a zip file onto memory
#' @importFrom utils unzip
read_file_in_zip <- function(zip.file, position) {
  zip.content <- unzip(zip.file, list = TRUE)
  read.file <- zip.content[position, ]
  read.con <- unz(zip.file, read.file$Name, "rb")
  .nBytes <- 2^30

  # readChar cannot read files that are very large
  if (read.file$Length > .nBytes) {
    rplexos_message("File '", read.file$Name, "' is large (", read.file$Length, " bytes)")

  nchunks <- ceiling(read.file$Length / .nBytes)
  read.content <- character(nchunks)

  for (i in seq_len(nchunks)) {
    nread <- min(.nBytes, read.file$Length - (i-1) * .nBytes)
    read.content[i] <- readChar(read.con, nread, TRUE)


# Populate new database with XML contents
new_database <- function(db, xml, is.solution = TRUE) {
  rplexos_message("Reading XML file and saving content")

  # Read XML and convert to a list
  xml.list <- process_xml(xml)

  # Print PLEXOS version when debuging
  ver.pos <- grep("Version|version", xml.list$t_config[, 1])
  if (length(ver.pos) == 1L) {
    rplexos_message("   PLEXOS version:  '", xml.list$t_config[ver.pos, 2], "'")
    rplexos_message("   rplexos version: '", packageVersion("rplexos"), "'")
  } else {
    rplexos_message("   PLEXOS version: N/A")
    rplexos_message("   rplexos version: '", packageVersion("rplexos"), "'")

  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF");
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY");
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, "PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY");

  # Do the following for solution files
  if (is.solution) {
    # Create data tables
    for (i in 0:4) {
      sql <- sprintf("CREATE TABLE t_data_%s (key_id integer, period_id integer, value double)", i)
      DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

    # Create phase tables
    for (i in 0:4) {
      sql <- sprintf("CREATE TABLE t_phase_%s (interval_id integer, period_id integer)", i)
      DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

    # Create t_key_index table
    DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, "CREATE TABLE t_key_index (key_id integer, period_type_id integer, position long, length integer, period_offset integer)");

  # Write tables from XML file
  for (t in names(xml.list))
    DBI::dbWriteTable(db$con, t, xml.list[[t]], append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)


# Add a few tables that will be useful later on
add_extra_tables <- function(db) {
  rplexos_message("Adding extra tables to the database")

  # View with class and class_group
  sql <- "CREATE VIEW temp_class AS
          SELECT tc.class_id class_id,
                 tc.name class,
                 tcg.name class_group
          FROM t_class tc
          LEFT JOIN t_class_group tcg
            ON tc.class_group_id = tcg.class_group_id"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

  # View with object, category, class, class_group
  sql <- "CREATE VIEW temp_object AS
          SELECT o.object_id object_id,
                 o.name name,
                 cat.name category,
                 c.class_group class_group,
                 c.class class
          FROM t_object o
          JOIN temp_class c
            ON o.class_id = c.class_id
          JOIN t_category cat
            ON o.category_id = cat.category_id"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

  # Create a new table making long version of property
  sql <- "CREATE TABLE temp_property AS
          SELECT p.property_id property_id,
                 '0' period_type_id,
                 p.name property,
                 c.name collection,
                 u.value unit
          FROM t_property p
          JOIN t_collection c
            ON c.collection_id = p.collection_id
         JOIN t_unit u
           ON u.unit_id = p.unit_id"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)
  sql <- "INSERT INTO temp_property
          SELECT p.property_id property_id,
                 '1' period_type_id,
                 p.summary_name property,
                 c.name collection,
                 u.value unit
          FROM t_property p
          JOIN t_collection c
            ON c.collection_id = p.collection_id
         JOIN t_unit u
           ON u.unit_id = p.summary_unit_id"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

  # View with memberships, collection, parent and child objects
  sql <- "CREATE VIEW temp_membership AS
          SELECT m.membership_id membership_id,
                 m.parent_object_id parent_object_id,
                 m.child_object_id child_object_id,
                 c.name collection,
                 p.name parent_name,
                 p.class parent_class,
                 p.class_group parent_group,
                 p.category parent_category,
                 ch.name child_name,
                 ch.class child_class,
                 ch.class_group child_group,
                 ch.category child_category
          FROM t_membership m
          JOIN t_collection c
            ON c.collection_id = m.collection_id
          JOIN temp_object p
            ON p.object_id = m.parent_object_id
          JOIN temp_object ch
            ON ch.object_id = m.child_object_id"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

  # Views to list zones
  sql <- "CREATE VIEW temp_zones_id AS
          SELECT child_object_id,
                 min(parent_object_id) parent_object_id
          FROM temp_membership
          WHERE collection IN ('Generators','Batteries')
                AND parent_class = 'Region'
          GROUP BY child_object_id"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)
  sql <- "CREATE VIEW temp_zones AS
          SELECT a.child_object_id,
                 b.name region,
                 b.category zone
          FROM temp_zones_id a
          JOIN temp_object b
          WHERE a.parent_object_id = b.object_id"
  DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

  # Read key data and transform it
  sql <- "SELECT k.key_id key,
                 m.child_name child_name,
                 m.parent_name parent_name,
                 m.child_class child_class,
                 m.parent_class parent_class,
                 m.child_group child_group,
                 m.parent_group parent_group,
                 m.child_category child_category,
                 m.parent_category parent_category,
                 m.collection child_collection,
                 p.property property,
                 p.unit unit,
                 ts.name timeslice,
                 k.band_id band,
                 k.sample_id sample,
                 k.period_type_id period_type_id,
                 k.phase_id phase_id,
                 z.region region,
                 z.zone zone
          FROM t_key k
          JOIN temp_membership m
            ON m.membership_id = k.membership_id
          JOIN t_timeslice ts
            ON ts.timeslice_id = k.timeslice_id
          JOIN temp_property p
            ON p.property_id = k.property_id
               p.period_type_id = k.period_type_id
          LEFT OUTER JOIN temp_zones z
               on z.child_object_id = m.child_object_id"
  key <- DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql) %>%
    mutate(zone = ifelse(is.na(zone), "", zone),
           region = ifelse(is.na(region), "", region))

  # Add collection (to match PLEXOS GUI) and table name
  key2 <- key %>%
    mutate(collection = ifelse(parent_class == "System",
                               paste0(parent_class, ".", child_collection)),
           table_name = paste0("data_interval_", clean_string(collection), "_", clean_string(property)))

  # Change sample to identify stats
  key3 <- key2 %>%
    mutate(sample = gsub("^0$",  "Mean",  sample)) %>%
    mutate(sample = gsub("^-1$", "StDev", sample)) %>%
    mutate(sample = gsub("^-2$", "Min",   sample)) %>%
    mutate(sample = gsub("^-3$", "Max",   sample))

  # Write results into a new table
  key3 %>%
    select(key, table_name, collection, property, unit, name = child_name,
           parent = parent_name, category = child_category, region, zone,
           class = child_class, class_group = child_group, phase_id, period_type_id,
           timeslice, band, sample) %>%
    DBI::dbWriteTable(db$con, "temp_key", ., row.names = FALSE)

  # Check that t_key and temp_key have the same number of rows
  t.key.length <- tbl(db, "t_key") %>% summarize(n = n()) %>% collect(n=Inf)
  temp.key.length <- tbl(db, "temp_key") %>% summarize(n = n()) %>% collect(n=Inf)
  rplexos_message("   t_key has    ", t.key.length$n,    " rows")
  rplexos_message("   temp_key has ", temp.key.length$n, " rows")

  # Create tables to hold interval, day, week, month, and yearly timestamps
  for (i in 0:4) {
    sql <- sprintf("CREATE TABLE temp_period_%s (phase_id INT, period_id INT, interval_id INT, time real)", i)
    DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

  # For each phase add corresponding values to the time tables
  column.times <- c("day_id", "week_id", "month_id", "fiscal_year_id")
  for (phase in 1:4) {
    # Join t_period_0 and t_phase
    sql <- sprintf("CREATE VIEW temp_phase_%s AS
                    SELECT p.*, ph.period_id, julianday(p.year || '-' || substr(0 || p.month_of_year, -2)
                    || '-' || substr(0 || p.day_of_month, -2) || 'T' || substr(p.datetime, -8)) AS correct_time
                    FROM t_period_0 p
                    INNER JOIN t_phase_%s ph
                    ON p.interval_id = ph.interval_id", phase, phase)
    DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

    # Fix time stamps in t_period_0 (interval)
    sql <- sprintf("INSERT INTO temp_period_0
                    SELECT %s, period_id, interval_id, correct_time time
                    FROM temp_phase_%s", phase, phase)
    DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)

    # Fix time stamps in t_period_X (summary data)
    for (i in seq_along(column.times)) {
      sql <- sprintf("INSERT INTO temp_period_%s
                      SELECT %s, %s, min(interval_id), min(correct_time) time
                      FROM temp_phase_%s
                      GROUP BY %s", i, phase, column.times[i], phase, column.times[i])
      DBI::dbGetQuery(db$con, sql)


# Does t_key_index have the correct length?
correct_length <- function(db, p) {
  res <- tbl(db, "t_key_index") %>%
    filter(period_type_id == p) %>%
    summarize(JustLength            = max(position / 8 + length),
              JustLengthMinusOffset = max(position / 8 + length - period_offset),
              SumLength             = sum(length),
              SumLengthMinusOffset  = sum(length - period_offset)) %>%

  # Debug output
  rplexos_message("   Max position:           ", res$JustLength)
  rplexos_message("   Adjusted max position:  ", res$JustLengthMinusOffset)
  rplexos_message("   Sum of length:          ", res$SumLength)
  rplexos_message("   Sum of adjusted length: ", res$SumLengthMinusOffset)

  if (res$JustLength == res$SumLength) {
    rplexos_message("   ", res$JustLength, " entries expected in t_data_", p, ".BIN")
  } else if (res$JustLengthMinusOffset == res$SumLengthMinusOffset) {
    rplexos_message("   Length correction is needed")
    rplexos_message("   ", res$JustLengthMinusOffset, " entries expected in t_data_", p, ".BIN")

  # This case is
  warning("Problem with length of 't_key_index' for period ", p, "\n",
          "in file '", db$path, "'",
          call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)


is_process_on_the_fly <- function(){

#' Enable or disable on-the-fly mode
#' The on-the-fly mode will only generate the sql db after a specific query. This mode is very
#' useful for a Plexos db with many report items while only a handful are required for the post-
#' processing. The initial generation of the db will be very quick. The first queries will be slower
#' but subsequent queries will be at normal speeds again.
#' @export
is_otf_rplexos <- function(){
  getOption("rplexos.process_on_the_fly", F)

#' @param msg When true it prints a message
#' @rdname is_otf_rplexos
#' @export
enable_otf_rplexos <- function(msg = T){
  options(rplexos.process_on_the_fly = T)
  if(msg) check_otf_rplexos()

#' @inheritParams enable_otf_rplexos
#' @rdname is_otf_rplexos
#' @export
disable_otf_rplexos <- function(msg = T){
  options(rplexos.process_on_the_fly = F)
  if(msg) check_otf_rplexos()

#' @rdname is_otf_rplexos
#' @export
check_otf_rplexos <- function(){
  out <- is_otf_rplexos()
  if (out) {
    cat("rplexos on-the-fly mode is enabled\n")
  } else {
    cat("rplexos on-the-fly mode is disabled\n")

Try the rplexos package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rplexos documentation built on Jan. 15, 2017, 11:37 a.m.