
Defines functions print.relop format_node.relop_table_source to_sql_relop_table_source tables_used.relop_table_source local_td.name local_td.character local_td.data.frame local_td db_td mk_td

Documented in db_td local_td mk_td

#' Make a table description directly.
#' Build minimal structures (table name and column names) needed to represent data from a remote table.
#' Generate a query that returns contents of a table, we
#' could try to eliminate this (replace the query with the table name),
#' but there are features one can work with with the query in place and
#' SQL optimizers likely make this zero-cost anyway.
#' @param table_name character, name of table
#' @param columns character, column names of table (non-empty and unique values).
#' @param ... not used, force later argument to bind by name
#' @param qualifiers optional named ordered vector of strings carrying additional db hierarchy terms, such as schema.
#' @param q_table_name optional character, qualified table name, note: has to be re-generated for different DB connections.
#' @param head_sample optional, head_sample of table as an example
#' @param limit_was optional, row limit used to produce head_sample.
#' @return a relop representation of the data
#' @seealso \code{\link{db_td}}, \code{\link{local_td}}
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   my_db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
#'   rq_copy_to(my_db,
#'              'd',
#'              data.frame(AUC = 0.6, R2 = 0.2),
#'              overwrite = TRUE,
#'              temporary = TRUE)
#'   d <- mk_td('d',
#'                     columns = c("AUC", "R2"))
#'   print(d)
#'   sql <- to_sql(d, my_db)
#'   cat(sql)
#'   print(DBI::dbGetQuery(my_db, sql))
#'   DBI::dbDisconnect(my_db)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{db_td}}, \code{\link{local_td}}, \code{\link{rq_copy_to}}, \code{\link{materialize}}, \code{\link{execute}}, \code{\link{to_sql}}
#' @export
mk_td <- function(table_name, columns,
                  qualifiers = NULL,
                  q_table_name = NULL,
                  head_sample = NULL,
                  limit_was = NULL) {
  if(is.null(table_name)) {
    stop("rquery::mk_td called with NULL table_name")
  if(is.null(q_table_name)) {
    q_table_name <- table_name
  if((length(columns)<=0) || (!is.character(columns))) {
    stop("rquery::mk_td columns must be a non-empty character vector")
  if(length(columns)!=length(unique(columns))) {
    stop("rquery::mk_td columns must be unique")
  if(!is.null(head_sample)) {
    diff = setdiff(union(columns, colnames(head_sample)), intersect(columns, colnames(head_sample)))
    if(length(diff) > 0) {
      stop(paste("wrapr::mk_td columns and colnames(head_sample) disagree", paste(diff, collapse = ', ')))
  r <- list(source = list(),
            table_name = table_name,
            q_table_name = q_table_name,
            parsed = NULL,
            columns = columns,
            qualifiers = qualifiers,
            head_sample = head_sample,
            limit_was = limit_was)
  r <- relop_decorate("relop_table_source", r)

#' @describeIn mk_td old name for mk_td
#' @export
table_source <- mk_td

#' Construct a table description from a database source.
#' Build structures (table name, column names, and quoting
#' strategy) needed to represent data from a remote table.
#' Note: in examples we use \code{rq_copy_to()} to create data.  This is only for the purpose of having
#' easy portable examples.  With big data the data is usually already in the remote database or
#' Spark system. The task is almost always to connect and work with this pre-existing remote data
#' and the method to do this is \code{db_td}
#' which builds a reference to a remote table given the table name.
#' @param db database connection
#' @param table_name name of table
#' @param ... not used, force later argument to bind by name
#' @param qualifiers optional named ordered vector of strings carrying additional db hierarchy terms, such as schema.
#' @param limit_was optional, row limit used to produce head_sample.  If NULL no head_sample is produced and rq_colnames is used to get column names.
#' @return a relop representation of the data
#' @seealso \code{\link{mk_td}}, \code{\link{local_td}}, \code{\link{rq_copy_to}}, \code{\link{materialize}}, \code{\link{execute}}, \code{\link{to_sql}}
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   my_db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
#'   rq_copy_to(my_db,
#'               'd',
#'               data.frame(AUC = 0.6, R2 = 0.2),
#'               overwrite = TRUE,
#'               temporary = TRUE)
#'   d <- db_td(my_db, 'd')
#'   print(d)
#'   sql <- to_sql(d, my_db)
#'   cat(sql)
#'   print(DBI::dbGetQuery(my_db, sql))
#'   cols <- columns_used(d)
#'   print(cols)
#'   sql2 <- to_sql(d, my_db, using = "AUC")
#'   cat(sql2)
#'   print(DBI::dbGetQuery(my_db, sql2))
#'   DBI::dbDisconnect(my_db)
#' }
#' @export
db_td <- function(db, table_name,
                  qualifiers = NULL,
                  limit_was = 6L) {
  q_table_name <- quote_table_name(db, table_name, qualifiers = qualifiers)
  if((length(limit_was) == 1) && getDBOption(db, "rquery_sample_on_db_td", TRUE)) {
    head_sample = rq_head(db, table_name, qualifiers = qualifiers)
    columns = colnames(head_sample)
  } else {
    head_sample = NULL
    limit_was = NULL
    columns = rq_colnames(db, table_name, qualifiers = qualifiers)
  mk_td(table_name = table_name,
        columns = columns,
        q_table_name = q_table_name,
        qualifiers = qualifiers,
        head_sample = head_sample,
        limit_was = limit_was)

#' @describeIn db_td old name for db_td
#' @export
dbi_table <- db_td

#' Construct a table description of a local data.frame.
#' @param d data.frame or name of data.frame to use as a data source.
#' @param ... not used, force later arguments to be optional.
#' @param name if not null name to user for table.
#' @param name_source temporary name source.
#' @param env environment to work in.
#' @return a relop representation of the data
#' @seealso \code{\link{db_td}}, \code{\link{mk_td}}
#' @examples
#' d <- data.frame(x = 1)
#' local_td(d)
#' local_td("d")
#' local_td(as.name("d"))
#' local_td(data.frame(x = 1))
#' d %.>% local_td # needs wrapr 1.5.0 or newer to capture name
#' @export
local_td <- function(d,
                     name = NULL,
                     name_source = wrapr::mk_tmp_name_source("rqltd"),
                     env = parent.frame()) {

#' @export
local_td.data.frame <- function(d,
                                name = NULL,
                                name_source = wrapr::mk_tmp_name_source("rqltd"),
                                env = parent.frame()) {
  table_name <- name
  if(is.null(table_name)) {
    table_name <- substitute(d)
    if(is.name(table_name) || is.character(table_name)) {
      table_name <- as.character(table_name)
    } else {
      table_name = name_source()
  d <- as.data.frame(d)
  rownames(d) <- NULL
  row_limit = 6L
  mk_td(table_name = table_name,
        columns = colnames(d),
        head_sample = utils::head(d, n = row_limit),
        limit_was = row_limit)

#' @export
local_td.character <- function(d,
                               name = NULL,
                               name_source = wrapr::mk_tmp_name_source("rqltd"),
                               env = parent.frame()) {
  table_name <- d
  d <- get(table_name, envir = env)
  if(!is.data.frame(d)) {
    stop("rquery::local_td.character: argument d must be a string that resolves to a data.frame")
  row_limit = 6L
  mk_td(table_name = table_name,
        columns = colnames(d),
        head_sample = utils::head(d, n = row_limit),
        limit_was = row_limit)

#' @export
local_td.name <- function(d,
                          name = NULL,
                          name_source = wrapr::mk_tmp_name_source("rqltd"),
                          env = parent.frame()) {
  table_name <- as.character(d)
  d <- get(table_name, envir = env)
  if(!is.data.frame(d)) {
    stop("rquery::local_td.name: argument d must be a name that resolves to a data.frame")
  row_limit = 6L
  mk_td(table_name = table_name,
        columns = colnames(d),
        head_sample = utils::head(d, n = row_limit),
        limit_was = row_limit)

#' @export
tables_used.relop_table_source <- function(node, ...) {

#' @export
column_names.relop_table_source <- function (x, ...) {

columns_used_relop_table_source <- function (x,
                                             using = NULL) {
  cols <- x$columns
  if(length(using)>0) {
    missing <- setdiff(using, x$columns)
    if(length(missing)>0) {
      stop(paste("rquery:columns_used request for unknown columns",
                 paste(missing, collapse = ", ")))
    cols <- intersect(cols, using)

#' @export
columns_used.relop_table_source <- function (x, ...,
                                             using = NULL) {
  cols <- columns_used_relop_table_source(x, using = using)
  r <- list(cols)
  names(r) <- x$table_name

#' @export
to_sql.relop_table_source <- function (x,
                                       limit = NULL,
                                       source_limit = NULL,
                                       indent_level = 0,
                                       tnum = mk_tmp_name_source('tsql'),
                                       append_cr = TRUE,
                                       using = NULL) {
    method_name = "to_sql.relop_table_source",
    x = x,
    db = db,
    limit = limit,
    source_limit = source_limit,
    indent_level = indent_level,
    tnum = tnum,
    append_cr = append_cr,
    using = using)

to_sql_relop_table_source <- function(
  limit = NULL,
  source_limit = NULL,
  indent_level = 0,
  tnum = mk_tmp_name_source('tsql'),
  append_cr = TRUE,
  using = NULL) {
  prefix <- paste(rep(' ', indent_level), collapse = '')
  tabnam <- quote_table_name(db,  x$table_name, qualifiers = x$qualifiers)
  cols <- columns_used_relop_table_source(x, using = using)
  qcols <- vapply(cols,
                  function(ui) {
                    quote_identifier(db, ui)
                  }, character(1))
  qt <- paste(qcols, collapse = paste0(",\n", prefix, " "))
  q <- paste0(prefix,
              prefix, " ", qt, "\n",
              prefix, "FROM\n",
              prefix, " ", tabnam)
  if((!is.null(limit))||(!is.null(source_limit))) {
    limit <- min(limit, source_limit)
    q <- paste(q, "LIMIT",
               format(ceiling(limit), scientific = FALSE))
  if(append_cr) {
    q <- paste0(q, "\n")

#' @export
format_node.relop_table_source <- function(node) {
  max_cols <- 20
  cols <- paste0('"', node$columns, '"')
  if(length(cols)>max_cols) {
    cols <- c(cols[seq_len(max_cols)], "...")
  paste0("mk_td(\"", node$table_name, "\", c(\n  ",
         paste(cols, collapse = ",\n  "),

#' @export
print.relop <- function(x, ...) {
  txt <- format(x)
  txt <- trimws(gsub("[ \t\r\n]+", " ", txt), which = "both")
  print(txt, ...)
  if(!is.null(x$head_sample)) {
    if(nrow(x$head_sample) >= x$limit_was) {
      cat(" ...")

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rquery documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 9:06 a.m.