
Defines functions makedata

Documented in makedata

makedata <- function(seed = 1024, intercept = 1, beta = 1, n = 4, g = 20,
    areaID = NULL, ve = 1, ve.contam = 41, ve.epsilon = 0, vu = 1,
    vu.contam = 41, vu.epsilon = 0)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(beta), n > 0, g > 0, is.numeric(seed), is.numeric(ve),
        is.numeric(ve.contam), is.numeric(ve.epsilon), is.numeric(vu),
        is.numeric(vu.contam), is.numeric(vu.epsilon))
    # prepare the area-size-specific issues
    if (is.null(areaID)) {
        N <- n * g
        areaID <- rep(1:g, each = n)
        n <- rep(n, g)
    } else {
        n <- as.vector(table(areaID))
        g <- length(n)
        N <- length(areaID)
    # generate the fixed effects
    #number of regressonrs, excl. intercept
    p <- length(beta)
    if (is.null(intercept)) {
        x <- matrix(NA_real_, N, p)
        beta.names <- paste0(rep("x", p), 1:p)
        hasintercept <- 0
        for (i in 1:p)
            x[, i] <- rnorm(N)
    } else {
        beta <- c(intercept, beta)
        beta.names <- c("(Intercept)", paste0(rep("x", p), 1:p))
        x <- matrix(NA_real_, N, p + 1)
        x[, 1] <- rep(1, N)
        hasintercept <- 1
        for (i in 2:(p + 1))
            x[, i] <- rnorm(N)
    # get the final p
    p <- NCOL(x)
    # give the columns of x names
    colnames(x) <- beta.names
    # generate y
    y <- as.vector(as.matrix(x) %*% beta)
    # add a random error for the model error from the Huber-Tukey mixture
    if (ve.epsilon == 0)
        y <- y + rnorm(N, 0, sqrt(ve))
    else {
        # contaminated observations
        outliers <- sample(1:N, floor(ve.epsilon * N))
        y[outliers] <- y[outliers] + rnorm(length(outliers), 0, sqrt(ve.contam))
        # un-contaminated observations
        non.outliers <- setdiff(1:N, outliers)
        y[non.outliers] <- y[non.outliers] + rnorm(length(non.outliers), 0,
    # y as list
    y.list <- split(y, areaID)
    # add area-specific variation
    addraneff <- function(u, s) {
        raneff <- rnorm(1, 0, s)
        u <- u + rep(raneff, length(u))
    outlyingAreas <- sample(1:g, floor(g * vu.epsilon))
    if (length(outlyingAreas) == 0) {
        r <- lapply(y.list, addraneff, s=sqrt(vu))
    } else {
        non.outlyingAreas <- setdiff(1:g, outlyingAreas)
        r <- as.list(1:g)
        r[outlyingAreas] <- lapply(y.list[outlyingAreas], addraneff,
            s = sqrt(vu.contam))
        r[non.outlyingAreas] <- lapply(y.list[non.outlyingAreas], addraneff,
            s = sqrt(vu))
    # y as vector (not list) again
    y <- unsplit(r, areaID)
    # prepare return value
    res <- list(y = y, X = x, areaID = areaID, nsize = n, g = g, p = p, n = N,
        intercept = hasintercept)
    attr(res, "areaNames") <- paste0(rep("A", g), 1:g)
    attr(res, "areadef") <- "area-specific ranef"
    attr(res, "yname") <- "y"
    attr(res, "xnames")<- beta.names
    attr(res, "call") <- match.call()
    class(res) <- "saemodel"
    # additional attributes (do not belong to the "saemodel" class)
    skeleton <- list(intercept = intercept, beta = beta, ve = ve, n = n,
        g = g, vu = vu, ve.contam = ve.contam, ve.epsilon = ve.epsilon,
        vu.contam = vu.contam, vu.epsilon = vu.epsilon)
    attr(res, "contam") <- list(skeleton = skeleton,
        outlyingAreas = outlyingAreas)

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rsae documentation built on May 24, 2022, 5:06 p.m.