
Defines functions .onUnload run_biomee_f_bysite

Documented in run_biomee_f_bysite

#' R wrapper for SOFUN biomee
#' Call to the biomee Fortran model
#' @param sitename Site name.
#' @param params_siml Simulation parameters.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{spinup}{A logical value indicating whether this simulation does spin-up.}
#'   \item{spinupyears}{Number of spin-up years.}
#'   \item{recycle}{Length of standard recycling period (days).}
#'   \item{firstyeartrend}{First transient year.}
#'   \item{nyeartrend}{Number of transient years.}
#'   \item{outputhourly}{A logical value indicating whether hourly output is
#'     produced.}
#'   \item{outputdaily}{A logical value indicating whether daily output is produced.}
#'   \item{do_U_shaped_mortality}{A logical value indicating whether U-shaped 
#'     mortality is used.}
#'   \item{update_annualLAImax}{A logical value indicating whether updating 
#'     LAImax according to mineral N in soil.}
#'   \item{do_closedN_run}{A logical value indicating whether doing N closed 
#'     runs to recover N balance.}
#'   \item{code_method_photosynth}{String specifying the method of photosynthesis 
#'     used in the model, either "pmodel" or "gs_leuning".}
#'   \item{code_method_mortality}{String indicating the type of mortality in the 
#'     model. One of the following: "dbh" is size-dependent mortality, "const_selfthin" 
#'     is constant self thinning (in development), "cstarvation" is carbon starvation, and
#'     "growthrate" is growth rate dependent mortality.}
#' }
#' @param site_info Site meta info in a data.frame.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{sitename}{Name of the site.}
#'   \item{lon}{Longitud of the site location.}
#'   \item{lat}{Latitude of the site location.}
#'   \item{elv}{Elevation of the site location, in meters.}
#' }
#' @param forcing Forcing data.frame used as input.
#' @param params_tile Tile-level model parameters, into a single row data.frame
#'   with columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{soiltype}{Integer indicating the type of soil: Sand = 1, LoamySand = 2,
#'     SandyLoam = 3, SiltLoam = 4, FrittedClay = 5, Loam = 6, Clay = 7.}
#'   \item{FLDCAP}{Field capacity (vol/vol). Water remaining in a soil after it 
#'     has been thoroughly saturated and allowed to drain freely.}
#'   \item{WILTPT}{Wilting point (vol/vol). Water content of a soil at which 
#'   plants wilt and fail to recover.}
#'   \item{K1}{Fast soil C decomposition rate (year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{K2}{Slow soil C decomposition rate (year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{K_nitrogen}{Mineral Nitrogen turnover rate (year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{MLmixRatio}{Ratio of C and N returned to litters from microbes.}
#'   \item{etaN}{N loss rate through runoff (organic and mineral) (year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{LMAmin}{Minimum LMA, leaf mass per unit area, kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}.}
#'   \item{fsc_fine}{Fraction of fast turnover carbon in fine biomass.}
#'   \item{fsc_wood}{Fraction of fast turnover carbon in wood biomass.}
#'   \item{GR_factor}{Growth respiration factor.}
#'   \item{l_fract}{Fraction of the carbon retained after leaf drop.}
#'   \item{retransN}{Retranslocation coefficient of nitrogen.}
#'   \item{f_initialBSW}{Coefficient for setting up initial sapwood.}
#'   \item{f_N_add}{Re-fill of N for sapwood.}
#'   \item{tf_base}{Calibratable scalar for respiration, used to increase LUE
#'     levels.}
#'   \item{par_mort}{Canopy mortality parameter.}
#'   \item{par_mort_under}{Parameter for understory mortality.}
#' }
#' @param params_species A data.frame containing species-specific model parameters,
#'   with one species per row. The columns of this data.frame are:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lifeform}{Integer set to 0 for grasses and 1 for trees.}
#'   \item{phenotype}{Integer set to 0 for deciduous and 1 for evergreen.}
#'   \item{pt}{Integer indicating the type of plant according to photosynthesis: 
#'     0 for C3; 1 for C4}
#'   \item{alpha_FR}{Fine root turnonver rate (year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{rho_FR}{Material density of fine roots (kg C m\eqn{^{-3}}).}
#'   \item{root_r}{Radious of the fine roots, in m.}
#'   \item{root_zeta}{e-folding parameter of root vertical distribution, in m.}
#'   \item{Kw_root}{Fine root water conductivity (mol m\eqn{^{-2}}
#'     s\eqn{^{-1}} MPa\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{leaf_size}{Characteristic leaf size.}
#'   \item{Vmax}{Max RuBisCo rate, in mol m\eqn{^{-2}} s\eqn{^{-1}}.}
#'   \item{Vannual}{Annual productivity per unit area at full sun (kg C 
#'     m\eqn{^{-2}} year\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'   \item{wet_leaf_dreg}{Wet leaf photosynthesis down-regulation.}
#'   \item{m_cond}{Factor of stomatal conductance.}
#'   \item{alpha_phot}{Photosynthesis efficiency.}
#'   \item{gamma_L}{Leaf respiration coefficient, in year\eqn{^{-1}}.}
#'   \item{gamma_LN}{Leaf respiration coefficient per unit N.}
#'   \item{gamma_SW}{Sapwood respiration rate, in kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} year\eqn{^{-1}}.}
#'   \item{gamma_FR}{Fine root respiration rate, kg C kg C\eqn{^{-1}} 
#'     year\eqn{^{-1}}.}
#'   \item{tc_crit}{Critical temperature triggerng offset of phenology, in Kelvin.}
#'   \item{tc_crit_on}{Critical temperature triggerng onset of phenology, in Kelvin.}
#'   \item{gdd_crit}{Critical value of GDD5 for turning ON growth season.}
#'   \item{betaON}{Critical soil moisture for phenology onset.}
#'   \item{betaOFF}{Critical soil moisture for phenology offset.}
#'   \item{seedlingsize}{Initial size of seedlings, in kg C per individual.}
#'   \item{LNbase}{Basal leaf N per unit area, in kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}.}
#'   \item{lAImax}{Maximum crown LAI (leaf area index).}
#'   \item{Nfixrate0}{Reference N fixation rate (kg N kg C\eqn{^{-1}} root).}
#'   \item{NfixCost0}{Carbon cost of N fixation (kg C kg N\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{phiCSA}{Ratio of sapwood area to leaf area.}
#'   \item{mortrate_d_c}{Canopy tree mortality rate (year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{mortrate_d_u}{Understory tree mortality rate (year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{maturalage}{Age at which trees can reproduce (years).}
#'   \item{v_seed}{Fraction of G_SF to G_F.}
#'   \item{fNSmax}{Multiplier for NSNmax as sum of potential bl and br.}
#'   \item{LMA}{Leaf mass per unit area (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'   \item{rho_wood}{Wood density (kg C m\eqn{^{-3}}).}
#'   \item{alphaBM}{Coefficient for allometry (biomass = alphaBM * DBH ** thetaBM).}
#'   \item{thetaBM}{Coefficient for allometry (biomass = alphaBM * DBH ** thetaBM).}
#'   \item{kphio}{Quantum yield efficiency \eqn{\varphi_0}, 
#'    in mol mol\eqn{^{-1}}.}
#'   \item{phiRL}{Ratio of fine root to leaf area.}
#'   \item{LAI_light}{Maximum LAI limited by light.}
#' }
#' @param params_soil A tibble of soil parameters (one row per soil layer).
#' \describe{
#'   \item{type}{A string indicating the type of soil.}
#'   \item{GMD}{Geometric mean particle diameter (mm).}
#'   \item{GSD}{Geometric standard deviation of particle size.}
#'   \item{vwc_sat}{Saturated volumetric soil water content (vol/vol).}
#'   \item{chb}{Soil texture parameter.}
#'   \item{psi_sat_ref}{Saturation soil water potential (m).}
#'   \item{k_sat_ref}{Hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil (kg m\eqn{^{-2}} 
#'     s\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   \item{alphaSoil}{Vertical changes of soil property, where 1 = no change.}
#'   \item{heat_capacity_dry}{Heat capacity dry air (J m\eqn{^{-3}} K\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#' }
#' @param init_cohort A data.frame of initial cohort specifications.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{init_cohort_species}{Indicates different species.}
#'   \item{init_cohort_nindivs}{Initial individual density, in individuals per 
#'     m\eqn{^{2}}.}
#'   \item{init_cohort_bsw}{Initial biomass of sapwood, in kg C per individual.}
#'   \item{init_cohort_bHW}{Initial biomass of heartwood, in kg C per tree.}
#'   \item{init_cohort_nsc}{Initial non-structural biomass.}
#' }
#' @param init_soil A data.frame of initial soil pools.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{init_fast_soil_C}{Initial fast soil carbon, in kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}.}
#'   \item{init_slow_soil_C}{Initial slow soil carbon, in kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}.}
#'   \item{init_Nmineral}{Mineral nitrogen pool, in kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}.}
#'   \item{N_input}{Annual nitrogen input to soil N pool, in kg N m\eqn{^{-2}} 
#'     year\eqn{^{-1}}.}
#' }
#' @param makecheck A logical specifying whether checks are performed to verify 
#'   forcings.
#' @export
#' @useDynLib rsofun
#' @returns Model output is provided as a list, with elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{output_hourly_tile}}{A data.frame containing hourly predictions
#'     .
#'     \describe{
#'       \item{year}{Year of the simulation.}
#'       \item{doy}{Day of the year.}
#'       \item{hour}{Hour of the day.}
#'       \item{rad}{Radiation, in W m\eqn{^{-2}}.}
#'       \item{Tair}{Air temperature, in Kelvin.}
#'       \item{Prcp}{Precipitation, in mm m\eqn{^{-2}}.}
#'       \item{GPP}{Gross primary production (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} hour\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{Resp}{Plant respiration (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} hour\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{Transp}{Transpiration (mm m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{Evap}{Evaporation (mm m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{Runoff}{Water runoff (mm m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{Soilwater}{Soil water content in root zone (kg m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{wcl}{Volumetric soil water content for each layer (vol/vol).}
#'       \item{FLDCAP}{Field capacity (vol/vol).}
#'       \item{WILTPT}{Wilting point (vol/vol).}
#'     }}
#'   \item{\code{output_daily_tile}}{A data.frame with daily outputs at a tile
#'     level.
#'     \describe{
#'       \item{year}{Year of the simulation.}
#'       \item{doy}{Day of the year.}
#'       \item{Tc}{Air temperature (Kelvin).}
#'       \item{Prcp}{Precipitation (mm m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{totWs}{Soil water content in root zone (kg m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{Trsp}{Transpiration (mm m\eqn{^{2-}}).}
#'       \item{Evap}{Evaporation (mm m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{Runoff}{Water runoff (mm m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{ws1}{Volumetric soil water content for layer 1.}
#'       \item{ws2}{Volumetric soil water content for layer 2.}
#'       \item{ws3}{Volumetric soil water content for layer 3.}
#'       \item{LAI}{Leaf area index (m\eqn{^2}/m\eqn{^2}).}
#'       \item{GPP}{Gross primary production (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} day\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{Rauto}{Plant autotrophic respiration (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} day\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{Rh}{Heterotrophic respiration (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} day\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{NSC}{Non-structural carbon (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{seedC}{Biomass of seeds (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{leafC}{Biomass of leaves (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{rootC}{Biomass of fine roots (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{SW_C}{Biomass of sapwood (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{HW_C}{biomass of heartwood (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{NSN}{Non-structural N pool (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{seedN}{Nitrogen of seeds (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{leafN}{Nitrogen of leaves (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{rootN}{Nitrogen of roots (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{SW_N}{Nitrogen of sapwood (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{HW_N}{Nitrogen of heartwood (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{McrbC}{Microbial carbon (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{fastSOM}{Fast soil carbon pool (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{slowSOM}{Slow soil carbon pool (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{McrbN}{Microbial nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{fastSoilN}{Fast soil nitrogen pool (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{slowSoilN}{Slow soil nitrogen pool (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{mineralN}{Mineral nitrogen pool (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'       \item{N_uptk}{Nitrogen uptake (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     }}
#'   \item{\code{output_daily_cohorts}}{A data.frame with daily predictions
#'     for each canopy cohort.
#'     \describe{
#'       \item{year}{Year of the simulation.}
#'       \item{doy}{Day of the year.}
#'       \item{hour}{Hour of the day.}
#'       \item{cID}{An integer indicating the cohort identity.}
#'       \item{PFT}{An integer indicating the Plant Functional Type.}
#'       \item{layer}{An integer indicating the crown layer, numbered from top
#'         to bottom.}
#'       \item{density}{Number of trees per area (trees ha\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{f_layer}{Fraction of layer area occupied by this cohort.}
#'       \item{LAI}{Leaf area index (m\eqn{^2}/m\eqn{^2}).}
#'       \item{gpp}{Gross primary productivity (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}} day\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{resp}{Plant autotrophic respiration (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}} day\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{transp}{Transpiration (mm tree\eqn{^{-1}} day\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{NPPleaf}{Carbon allocated to leaves (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}} day\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{NPProot}{Carbon allocated to fine roots (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}} day\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{NPPwood}{Carbon allocated to wood (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}} day\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{NSC}{Nonstructural carbohydrates of a tree in this cohort (kg C 
#'         tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{seedC}{Seed biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{leafC}{Leaf biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{rootC}{Fine root biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{SW_C}{Sapwood biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{HW_C}{Heartwood biomass of a tree in this cohort (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{NSN}{Nonstructural nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{seedN}{Seed nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{leafN}{Leaf nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{rootN}{Fine root nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{SW_N}{Sapwood nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'       \item{HW_N}{Heartwood nitrogen of a tree in this cohort (kg N tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     }}
#'   \item{\code{output_annual_tile}}{A data.frame with annual outputs at tile level.
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{year}{Year of the simulation.}
#'     \item{CAI}{Crown area index (m\eqn{^2}/m\eqn{^2}).}
#'     \item{LAI}{Leaf area index (m\eqn{^2}/m\eqn{^2}).}
#'     \item{Density}{Number of trees per area (trees ha\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{DBH}{Diameter at tile level (cm).}
#'     \item{Density12}{Tree density for trees with DBH > 12 cm (individuals 
#'       ha\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{DBH12}{Diameter at tile level considering trees with DBH > 12 cm
#'       (cm).}
#'     \item{QMD}{Quadratic mean diameter at tile level considering trees with 
#'       DBH > 12 cm (cm).}
#'     \item{NPP}{Net primary productivity (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{GPP}{Gross primary productivity (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{Rauto}{Plant autotrophic respiration (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{Rh}{Heterotrophic respiration (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{rain}{Annual precipitation (mm m\eqn{^{-2}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{SoilWater}{Soil water content in root zone (kg m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{Transp}{Transpiration (mm m\eqn{^{-2}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{Evap}{Evaporation (mm m\eqn{^{-2}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{Runoff}{Water runoff (mm m\eqn{^{-2}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{plantC}{Plant biomass (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{soilC}{Soil carbon (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{plantN}{Plant nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{soilN}{Soil nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{totN}{Total nitrogen in plant and soil (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{NSC}{Nonstructural carbohydrates (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{SeedC}{Seed biomass (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{leafC}{Leaf biomass (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{rootC}{Fine root biomass (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{SapwoodC}{Sapwood biomass (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{WoodC}{Heartwood biomass (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{NSN}{Nonstructural nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{SeedN}{Seed nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{leafN}{Leaf nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{rootN}{Fine root nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{SapwoodN}{Sapwood nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{WoodN}{Heartwood nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{McrbC}{Microbial carbon (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{fastSOM}{Fast soil carbon pool (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{SlowSOM}{Slow soil carbon pool (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{McrbN}{Microbial nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{fastSoilN}{Fast soil nitrogen pool (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{slowsoilN}{Slow soil nitrogen pool (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{mineralN}{Mineral nitrogen pool (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{N_fxed}{Nitrogen fixation (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{N_uptk}{Nitrogen uptake (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{N_yrMin}{Annual available nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{N_P25}{Annual nitrogen from plants to soil (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{N_loss}{Annual nitrogen loss (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{totseedC}{Total seed carbon (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{totseedN}{Total seed nitrogen (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{Seedling_C}{Total carbon from all compartments but seeds 
#'       (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{Seeling_N}{Total nitrogen from all compartments but seeds
#'       (kg N m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{MaxAge}{Age of the oldest tree in the tile (years).}
#'     \item{MaxVolume}{Maximum volumne of a tree in the tile (m\eqn{^3}).}
#'     \item{MaxDBH}{Maximum DBH of a tree in the tile (m).}
#'     \item{NPPL}{Growth of a tree, including carbon allocated to leaves
#'       (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{NPPW}{Growth of a tree, including carbon allocated to sapwood
#'       (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{n_deadtrees}{Number of trees that died (trees m\eqn{^{-2}} year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{c_deadtrees}{Carbon biomass of trees that died (kg C 
#'       m\eqn{^{-2}} year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{m_turnover}{Continuous biomass turnover (kg C m\eqn{^{-2}} year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{c_turnover_time}{Carbon turnover rate, calculated as the ratio
#'       between plant biomass and NPP (year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   }}
#'   \item{\code{output_annual_cohorts}}{A data.frame of annual outputs at the
#'     cohort level.
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{year}{Year of the simulation.}
#'     \item{cID}{An integer indicating the cohort identity.}
#'     \item{PFT}{An integer indicating the Plant Functional Type.}
#'     \item{layer}{An integer indicating the crown layer, numbered from top to 
#'       bottom.}
#'     \item{density}{Number of trees per area (trees ha\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{f_layer}{Fraction of layer area occupied by this cohort.}
#'     \item{dDBH}{Diameter growth of a tree in this cohort (cm year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{dbh}{Tree diameter (cm).}
#'     \item{height}{Tree height (m).}
#'     \item{age}{Age of the cohort (years).}
#'     \item{Acrow}{Crown area of a tree in this cohort (m\eqn{^2}).}
#'     \item{wood}{Sum of sapwood and heartwood biomass of a tree in this cohort
#'      (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{nsc}{Nonstructural carbohydrates in a tree (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{NSN}{Nonstructural nitrogen of a tree (kg N tree\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{NPPtr}{Total growth of a tree, including carbon allocated to seeds, 
#'       leaves, fine roots, and sapwood (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}} year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{seed}{Fraction of carbon allocated to seeds to total growth.}
#'     \item{NPPL}{Fraction of carbon allocated to leaves to total growth.}
#'     \item{NPPR}{Fraction of carbon allocated to fine roots to total growth.}
#'     \item{NPPW}{Fraction of carbon allocated to sapwood to total growth.}
#'     \item{GPP_yr}{Gross primary productivity of a tree (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}} 
#'       year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{NPP_yr}{Net primary productivity of a tree (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}} 
#'       year\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{Rauto}{Plant autotrophic respiration (kg C tree\eqn{^{-1}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{N_uptk}{Nitrogen uptake (kg N tree\eqn{^{-1}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{N_fix}{Nitrogen fixation (kg N tree\eqn{^{-1}} yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{maxLAI}{Maximum leaf area index for a tree (m\eqn{^2} m\eqn{^{-2}}).}
#'     \item{Volume}{Tree volume (m\eqn{^3}).}
#'     \item{n_deadtrees}{Number of trees that died (trees yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{c_deadtrees}{Carbon biomass of trees that died (kg C yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'     \item{deathrate}{Mortality rate of this cohort (yr\eqn{^{-1}}).}
#'   }}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Example BiomeE model run
#' # Use example drivers data
#' drivers <- biomee_gs_leuning_drivers
#' # Run BiomeE for the first site
#' mod_output <- run_biomee_f_bysite(
#'  sitename = drivers$sitename[1],
#'  params_siml = drivers$params_siml[[1]],
#'  site_info = drivers$site_info[[1]],
#'  forcing = drivers$forcing[[1]],
#'  params_tile = drivers$params_tile[[1]],
#'  params_species = drivers$params_species[[1]],
#'  params_soil = drivers$params_soil[[1]],
#'  init_cohort = drivers$init_cohort[[1]],
#'  init_soil = drivers$init_soil[[1]]
#' )
#' }

run_biomee_f_bysite <- function(
  makecheck = TRUE
  # predefine variables for CRAN check compliance
  type <- NULL
  # select relevant columns of the forcing data
  forcing <- forcing %>%
  params_soil <- params_soil %>%

  runyears <- ifelse(
    (params_siml$spinupyears + params_siml$nyeartrend),
  n_daily  <- params_siml$nyeartrend * 365

  # Types of photosynthesis model
    if (params_siml$method_photosynth == "gs_leuning"){
    code_method_photosynth <- 1
  } else if (params_siml$method_photosynth == "pmodel"){
    code_method_photosynth <- 2
    dt_days <- forcing$doy[2] - forcing$doy[1]
    dt_hours <- forcing$hour[2] - forcing$hour[1]
    if (dt_days!=1 && dt_hours != 0){
        "run_biomee_f_bysite: time step must be daily 
         for P-model photosynthesis setup."
  } else {
            params_siml$method_photosynth not recognised:",

# Types of mortality formulations
    if (params_siml$method_mortality == "cstarvation"){
    code_method_mortality <- 1
  } else if (params_siml$method_mortality == "growthrate"){
    code_method_mortality <- 2
  } else if (params_siml$method_mortality == "dbh"){
    code_method_mortality <- 3
  } else if (params_siml$method_mortality == "const_selfthin"){
    code_method_mortality <- 4
  } else if (params_siml$method_mortality == "bal"){
    code_method_mortality <- 5
  } else {
      paste("run_biomee_f_bysite: params_siml$method_mortality not recognised:",

  # base state, always execute the call
  continue <- TRUE
  # validate input
  if (makecheck){
    # create a loop to loop over a list of variables
    # to check validity
    check_vars <- c(
    data_integrity <- lapply(
        if (any(is.nanull(forcing[check_var]))){
            sprintf("Error: Missing value in %s for %s",
                    check_var, sitename))
        } else {
    # only return true if all checked variables are TRUE 
    # suppress warning on coercion of list to single logical
    continue <- suppressWarnings(all(as.vector(data_integrity)))

  if (continue) {

    ## C wrapper call
    lm3out <- .Call(


      ## Simulation parameters
      spinup                = as.logical(params_siml$spinup),
      spinupyears           = as.integer(params_siml$spinupyears),
      recycle               = as.integer(params_siml$recycle),
      firstyeartrend        = as.integer(params_siml$firstyeartrend),
      nyeartrend            = as.integer(params_siml$nyeartrend),
      outputhourly          = as.logical(params_siml$outputhourly),
      outputdaily           = as.logical(params_siml$outputdaily),
      do_U_shaped_mortality = as.logical(params_siml$do_U_shaped_mortality),
      update_annualLAImax   = as.logical(params_siml$update_annualLAImax),
      do_closedN_run        = as.logical(params_siml$do_closedN_run),
      code_method_photosynth= as.integer(code_method_photosynth),
      code_method_mortality = as.integer(code_method_mortality),
      ## site meta info
      longitude             = as.numeric(site_info$lon),
      latitude              = as.numeric(site_info$lat),
      altitude              = as.numeric(site_info$elv),

      ## Tile-level parameters
      soiltype     = as.integer(params_tile$soiltype),
      FLDCAP       = as.numeric(params_tile$FLDCAP),
      WILTPT       = as.numeric(params_tile$WILTPT),
      K1           = as.numeric(params_tile$K1),
      K2           = as.numeric(params_tile$K2),
      K_nitrogen   = as.numeric(params_tile$K_nitrogen),
      MLmixRatio   = as.numeric(params_tile$MLmixRatio),
      etaN         = as.numeric(params_tile$etaN),
      LMAmin       = as.numeric(params_tile$LMAmin),
      fsc_fine     = as.numeric(params_tile$fsc_fine),
      fsc_wood     = as.numeric(params_tile$fsc_wood),
      GR_factor    = as.numeric(params_tile$GR_factor),
      l_fract      = as.numeric(params_tile$l_fract),
      retransN     = as.numeric(params_tile$retransN),
      f_initialBSW = as.numeric(params_tile$f_initialBSW),
      f_N_add      = as.numeric(params_tile$f_N_add),
      tf_base      = as.numeric(params_tile$tf_base),
      par_mort     = as.numeric(params_tile$par_mort),
      par_mort_under = as.numeric(params_tile$par_mort_under),

      ## Species-specific parameters
      params_species = as.matrix(params_species),
      ## soil parameters
      params_soil = as.matrix(params_soil),
      ## initial cohort sizes
      init_cohort = as.matrix(init_cohort),

      ## initial soil pools
      init_fast_soil_C = as.numeric(init_soil$init_fast_soil_C),
      init_slow_soil_C = as.numeric(init_soil$init_slow_soil_C),
      init_Nmineral    = as.numeric(init_soil$init_Nmineral),
      N_input          = as.numeric(init_soil$N_input),
      n                = as.integer(nrow(forcing)), # n here is for hourly (forcing is hourly), add n for daily and annual outputs
      n_daily          = as.integer(n_daily), # n here is for hourly (forcing is hourly), add n for daily and annual outputs
      n_annual         = as.integer(runyears), # n here is for hourly (forcing is hourly), add n for daily and annual outputs
      n_annual_cohorts = as.integer(params_siml$nyeartrend), # n here is for hourly (forcing is hourly), add n for daily and annual outputs
      forcing          = as.matrix(forcing)
    # If simulation is very long, output gets massive.
    # E.g., In a 3000 years-simulation 'lm3out' is 11.5 GB.
    # In such cases (here, more than 5 GB), ignore hourly and daily outputs at tile and cohort levels
    size_of_object_gb <- as.numeric(
        pattern = " Gb",
        replacement = "",
          units = "GB"
    if (size_of_object_gb >= 5){
        sprintf("Warning: Excessive size of output object (%s) for %s. 
                Hourly and daily outputs at tile and cohort levels are not returned.",
                  units = "GB"
    #---- Single level output, one matrix ----
    # hourly
    if (size_of_object_gb < 5){
      output_hourly_tile <- as.data.frame(lm3out[[1]], stringAsFactor = FALSE)
      colnames(output_hourly_tile) <- c("year", "doy", "hour",
                                        "rad", "Tair", "Prcp",
                                        "GPP", "Resp", "Transp",
                                        "Evap", "Runoff", "Soilwater",
                                        "wcl", "FLDCAP", "WILTPT")
    } else {
      output_hourly_tile <- NA
    # daily_tile
    if (size_of_object_gb < 5){
      output_daily_tile <- as.data.frame(lm3out[[2]], stringAsFactor = FALSE)
      colnames(output_daily_tile) <- c(
        "year", "doy", "Tc",
        "Prcp", "totWs", "Trsp",
        "Evap", "Runoff", "ws1",
        "ws2", "ws3", "LAI",
        "GPP", "Rauto", "Rh",
        "NSC", "seedC", "leafC",
        "rootC", "SW_C", "HW_C",
        "NSN", "seedN", "leafN",
        "rootN", "SW_N", "HW_N",
        "McrbC", "fastSOM", "slowSOM",
        "McrbN", "fastSoilN", "slowSoilN",
        "mineralN", "N_uptk")
    } else {
      output_daily_tile <- NA
    # annual tile
    output_annual_tile <- as.data.frame(lm3out[[30]], stringAsFactor = FALSE)
    colnames(output_annual_tile) <- c("year", "CAI", "LAI",
          "Density", "DBH", "Density12",
          "DBH12", "QMD", "NPP",
          "GPP", "Rauto", "Rh",
          "rain", "SoilWater","Transp",
          "Evap", "Runoff", "plantC",
          "soilC", "plantN", "soilN",
          "totN", "NSC", "SeedC", "leafC",
          "rootC", "SapwoodC", "WoodC",
          "NSN", "SeedN", "leafN",
          "rootN", "SapwoodN", "WoodN",
          "McrbC", "fastSOM", "SlowSOM",
          "McrbN", "fastSoilN", "slowSoilN",
          "mineralN", "N_fxed", "N_uptk",
          "N_yrMin", "N_P2S", "N_loss",
          "totseedC", "totseedN", "Seedling_C",
          "Seedling_N", "MaxAge", "MaxVolume",
          "MaxDBH", "NPPL", "NPPW",
          "n_deadtrees", "c_deadtrees", "m_turnover", 
    #---- Multi-level output, multiple matrices to be combined ----
    # Convert to non dplyr routine, just a lapply looping over
    # matrices converting to vector, this is a fixed format
    # with preset conditions so no additional tidyverse logic
    # is required for the conversion
    # Cohort indices can be formatted using a matrix of the same
    # dimension as the data, enumerated by column and unraveled
    # as vector()

    #---- daily cohorts ----
    if (size_of_object_gb < 5){
      daily_values <- c(
        "cID", "PFT", "layer",
        "density","f_layer", "LAI",
        "NPPleaf","NPProot", "NPPwood", "NSC",
        "seedC", "leafC", "rootC",
        "SW_C", "HW_C", "NSN",
        "seedN", "leafN", "rootN",
        "SW_N", "HW_N"
      output_daily_cohorts <- lapply(1:length(daily_values), function(x){
        loc <- 2 + x
        v <- data.frame(
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        names(v) <- daily_values[x]
      output_daily_cohorts <- do.call("cbind", output_daily_cohorts)
      cohort <- sort(rep(1:ncol(lm3out[[3]]),nrow(lm3out[[3]])))
      output_daily_cohorts <- cbind(cohort, output_daily_cohorts)
      # drop rows (cohorts) with no values
      output_daily_cohorts$year[output_daily_cohorts$year == -9999 |
                                  output_daily_cohorts$year == 0] <- NA
      output_daily_cohorts <- 
    } else {
      output_daily_cohorts <- NA
    #--- annual cohorts ----
    annual_values <- c(
    output_annual_cohorts <- lapply(1:length(annual_values), function(x){
      loc <- 30 + x
      v <- data.frame(
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(v) <- annual_values[x]
    # bind columns
    output_annual_cohorts <- do.call("cbind", output_annual_cohorts)
    cohort <- as.character(1:nrow(output_annual_cohorts))
    output_annual_cohorts <- cbind(cohort,
    # drop rows (cohorts) with no values
    output_annual_cohorts$year[output_annual_cohorts$year == -9999 | 
                           output_annual_cohorts$year == 0] <- NA
    output_annual_cohorts <- 
    # format the output in a structured list
    out <- list(
      output_hourly_tile = output_hourly_tile,
      output_daily_tile = output_daily_tile,
      output_daily_cohorts = output_daily_cohorts,
      output_annual_tile = output_annual_tile,
      output_annual_cohorts = output_annual_cohorts)
  } else {
    out <- NA


.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
  library.dynam.unload("rsofun", libpath)

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rsofun documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:02 p.m.