
Defines functions parse.varname coda.names

## These two functions are temporarily borrowed from the rjags package (version 4-6)
## Pacakge copyright is:  Martyn Plummer [aut, cre], Alexey Stukalov [ctb], Matt Denwood [ctb] - licensed under GPL-2

## 	This function is Copyright Martyn Plummer, from the source for rjags version 4-6 (licensed under GPL-2)
coda.names <- function(basename, dim)
    ## Utility function used to get the names of the individual elements
    ## of a node array

    if (prod(dim) == 1)

    ##Default lower and upper limits
    ndim <- length(dim)
    lower <- rep(1, ndim)
    upper <- dim

    ##If the node name is a subset, we try to parse it to get the
    ##names of its elements. For example, if basename is "A[2:3]"
    ##we want to return names "A[2]", "A[3]" not "A[2:3][1]", "A[2:3][2]".
    pn <- parse.varname(basename)
    if (!is.null(pn) && !is.null(pn$lower) && !is.null(pn$upper)) {
        if (length(pn$lower) == length(pn$upper)) {
            dim2 <- pn$upper - pn$lower + 1
            if (isTRUE(all.equal(dim[dim!=1], dim2[dim2!=1],
                                 check.attributes=FALSE))) {
                basename <- pn$name
                lower <- pn$lower
                upper <- pn$upper
                ndim <- length(dim2)

    indices <- as.character(lower[1]:upper[1])
    if (ndim > 1) {
        for (i in 2:ndim) {
            indices <- outer(indices, lower[i]:upper[i], FUN=paste, sep=",")

## 	This function is Copyright Martyn Plummer, from the source for rjags version 4-6 (licensed under GPL-2)
parse.varname <- function(varname) {

  ## Try to parse string of form "a" or "a[n,p:q,r]" where "a" is a
  ## variable name and n,p,q,r are integers

  v <- try(parse(text=varname, n=1), silent=TRUE)
  if (!is.expression(v) || length(v) != 1)

  v <- v[[1]]
  if (is.name(v)) {
    ##Full node array requested
  else if (is.call(v) && identical(deparse(v[[1]]), "[") && length(v) > 2) {
    ##Subset requested
    ndim <- length(v) - 2
    lower <- upper <- numeric(ndim)
    if (any(nchar(sapply(v, deparse)) == 0)) {
      ##We have to catch empty indices here or they will cause trouble
    for (i in 1:ndim) {
      index <- v[[i+2]]
      if (is.numeric(index)) {
        ##Single index
        lower[i] <- upper[i] <- index
      else if (is.call(index) && length(index) == 3 &&
               identical(deparse(index[[1]]), ":") &&
               is.numeric(index[[2]]) && is.numeric(index[[3]]))
          ##Index range
          lower[i] <- index[[2]]
          upper[i] <- index[[3]]
      else return(NULL)
    if (any(upper < lower))
      return (NULL)
    return(list(name = deparse(v[[2]]), lower=lower, upper=upper))

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runjags documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:34 a.m.